public string projeDuzenle(string url, int firma_id, HttpRequestBase Request) { try { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); proje_surec dbPrj = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.url.Equals(url) && e.flag != durumlar.silindi).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbPrj == null || url == null || url.Equals("")) { return(yeniProje(firma_id, Request)); } else if (!(dbPrj.flag != durumlar.silindi)) { return(""); } string urlTemp = dbPrj.url; foreach (var property in dbPrj.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { var response = Request[property.Name]; if (response == null) { if (response == null) { continue; } } else { PropertyInfo propertyS = dbPrj.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name); if (property.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { propertyS.SetValue(dbPrj, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } else { propertyS.SetValue(dbPrj, Convert.ChangeType(response, property.PropertyType), null); } } } catch (Exception) { } } dbPrj.url = urlTemp; string isimControl = "select * from proje_surec where id != " + + " and tur = " + ProjeSurecTur.proje + " and flag != " + durumlar.silindi.ToString() + " and isim = '" + dbPrj.isim + "' and firma_id = " + dbPrj.firma_id; ProjeSurecModel isimKontrolPs = db.Database.SqlQuery <ProjeSurecModel>(isimControl).FirstOrDefault(); if (isimKontrolPs != null) { return("proje_isim_hatasi"); } bool kullaniciKontrol = firmaProjeKontrol(dbPrj.firma_id,; if (!kullaniciKontrol) { return("proje_sayisi_hatasi"); } db.Entry(dbPrj).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); /*#region proje_musteri * int musteri_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["musteri_id"].ToString()); * if (musteri_id != 0) * { * proje_surec dbPs = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.vid == dbPrj.vid).FirstOrDefault(); * proje_musteri pm = db.proje_musteri.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.proje_id ==; * if (pm == null) * { * pm = new proje_musteri(); * = DateTime.Now; * pm.flag = durumlar.aktif; * pm.musteri_id = musteri_id; * pm.proje_id =; * int vidPm = 1; * if (db.proje_musteri.Count() != 0) * { * vidPm = db.proje_musteri.Max(e => e.vid) + 1; * } * int sortPm = 1; * if (db.proje_musteri.Count() != 0) * { * sortPm = db.proje_musteri.Max(e => e.sort) + 1; * } * pm.sort = sortPm; * pm.vid = vidPm; * db.proje_musteri.Add(pm); * db.SaveChanges(); * } * else if (pm != null && pm.musteri_id != musteri_id) * { * pm.musteri_id = musteri_id; * db.Entry(pm).State = EntityState.Modified; * db.SaveChanges(); * } * } * else if (musteri_id == 0) * { * proje_surec dbPs = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.vid == dbPrj.vid).FirstOrDefault(); * proje_musteri pm = db.proje_musteri.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.proje_id ==; * if (pm != null) * { * pm.flag = durumlar.silindi; * db.Entry(pm).State = EntityState.Modified; * db.SaveChanges(); * } * } #endregion proje_musteri*/ return(dbPrj.url); } catch (Exception e) { return(""); } }
public string yeniProje(int firma_id, HttpRequestBase Request) { try { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); int vid = 1; if (db.proje_surec.Count() != 0) { vid = db.proje_surec.Max(e => e.vid) + 1; } int sort = 1; if (db.proje_surec.Count() != 0) { sort = db.proje_surec.Max(e => e.sort) + 1; } proje_surec prj = new proje_surec(); foreach (var property in prj.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { var response = Request[property.Name]; if (response == null && property.PropertyType != typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { continue; } } else { PropertyInfo propertyS = prj.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name); if (property.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { propertyS.SetValue(prj, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { propertyS.SetValue(prj, Convert.ChangeType(0, property.PropertyType), null); } else { propertyS.SetValue(prj, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } } else { propertyS.SetValue(prj, Convert.ChangeType(response, property.PropertyType), null); } } } catch (Exception) { } } string strImageName = StringFormatter.OnlyEnglishChar(prj.isim); string createdUrl = strImageName; string tempUrl = createdUrl; bool bulundu = false; int i = 0; proje_surec pg = new proje_surec(); do { pg = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.url.Equals(tempUrl)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pg != null) { tempUrl = tempUrl + i.ToString(); } else { createdUrl = tempUrl; bulundu = true; } i++; } while (!bulundu); prj.url = createdUrl; prj.firma_id = firma_id; prj.flag = durumlar.aktif; = DateTime.Now; prj.vid = vid; prj.ekleyen = GetCurrentUser.GetUser().id; prj.sort = sort; //prj.donem_sayisi = 0; prj.parent_vid = 0; prj.durum = TamamlamaDurumlari.bekliyor; //prj.periyot_suresi = 0; prj.periyot_turu = 0; prj.mevcut_donem = 0; prj.tur = ProjeSurecTur.proje; prj.tamamlanma_tarihi = DateTime.Now; string isimControl = "select * from proje_surec where tur = " + ProjeSurecTur.proje + " and flag != " + durumlar.silindi.ToString() + " and isim = '" + prj.isim + "' and firma_id = " + prj.firma_id; ProjeSurecModel isimKontrolPs = db.Database.SqlQuery <ProjeSurecModel>(isimControl).FirstOrDefault(); if (isimKontrolPs != null) { return("proje_isim_hatasi"); } bool kullaniciKontrol = firmaProjeKontrol(prj.firma_id,; if (!kullaniciKontrol) { return("proje_sayisi_hatasi"); } db.proje_surec.Add(prj); db.SaveChanges(); /*int musteri_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["musteri_id"].ToString()); * if (musteri_id != 0) * { * proje_surec dbPs = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.vid == prj.vid).FirstOrDefault(); * proje_musteri pm = db.proje_musteri.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.proje_id ==; * if (pm == null) * { * pm = new proje_musteri(); * = DateTime.Now; * pm.flag = durumlar.aktif; * pm.musteri_id = musteri_id; * pm.proje_id =; * int vidPm = 1; * if (db.proje_musteri.Count() != 0) * { * vidPm = db.proje_musteri.Max(e => e.vid) + 1; * } * int sortPm = 1; * if (db.proje_musteri.Count() != 0) * { * sortPm = db.proje_musteri.Max(e => e.sort) + 1; * } * pm.sort = sortPm; * pm.vid = vidPm; * db.proje_musteri.Add(pm); * db.SaveChanges(); * } * else if (pm != null && pm.musteri_id != musteri_id) * { * pm.musteri_id = musteri_id; * db.Entry(pm).State = EntityState.Modified; * db.SaveChanges(); * } * } * else if (musteri_id == 0) * { * proje_surec dbPs = db.proje_surec.Where(e => e.vid == prj.vid).FirstOrDefault(); * proje_musteri pm = db.proje_musteri.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.proje_id ==; if (pm != null && pm.musteri_id != musteri_id) * if (pm != null) * { * pm.flag = durumlar.silindi; * db.Entry(pm).State = EntityState.Modified; * db.SaveChanges(); * } * }*/ return(prj.url); } catch (Exception e) { return(""); } }