예제 #1
        public blacky()
            score    = 0;
            pac_move = new pac_direction();
            pac_move = pac_direction.right1;


예제 #2
        public blacky2(int no_of_carbon)
            score         = 0;
            pac_move      = new pac_direction();
            pac_move      = pac_direction.right1;
            no_of_carbons = no_of_carbon;

            bulb_changed = 0;


예제 #3
        public void Update(GameTime gametime, out bool exit)
            exit = false;
            if (timecounter > timelimit)
                exit = true;
            if (randomSeed > 2147483)
                randomSeed = 0;

            if (firstCheck == false)
                firstCheck = true;
                firstRun   = gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            KeyboardState currentstate = Keyboard.GetState();

            Keys[] currentkey = currentstate.GetPressedKeys();

            shutDoor = false;

            if (forced == true)
                shutDoor = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < no_of_carbons; i++)
                    if (forceCarbons[i] == true)
                        shutDoor = false;

                if (shutDoor == true)
                    rect[42] = new Rectangle(458, 276, 42, 9);

            if (!endGame)
                if (forced == false)
                    if (storedSecs == 0)
                        storedSecs = gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;

                    if (gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds < storedSecs + 2)
                        if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 250 == 0)
                            if (OpenDoor)
                                OpenDoor = false;
                                OpenDoor = true;
                        rect[42] = new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < no_of_carbons; i++)
                            forceCarbons[i] = true;
                        forced = true;


            int startsecs = 100;

            int[] moveSecs = new int[no_of_carbons];

            for (int i = 0; i < no_of_carbons; i++)
                moveSecs[i] = startsecs + i * 50;

            for (int i = 0; i < no_of_carbons; i++)
                if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % moveSecs[i] == 0)
                    gtChange[i] = true;

            foreach (Keys keys in currentkey)
                if (keys == Keys.Up)
                    pac_move = pac_direction.up;
                    movy     = -5;
                    movx     = 0;
                    if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Up, true, 0))
                        pac_Y += movy;

                if (keys == Keys.Down)
                    pac_move = pac_direction.down;
                    movy     = 5;
                    movx     = 0;
                    if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Down, true, 0))
                        pac_Y += movy;
                if (keys == Keys.Left)
                    movy = 0;
                    movx = -5;
                    if (walk_first_left)
                        pac_move        = pac_direction.left1;
                        walk_first_left = false;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Left, true, 0))
                            pac_X += movx;
                        pac_move        = pac_direction.left2;
                        walk_first_left = true;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Left2, true, 0))
                            pac_X += movx;
                if (keys == Keys.Right)
                    movy = 0;
                    movx = 5;
                    if (walk_first_right)
                        pac_move         = pac_direction.right1;
                        walk_first_right = false;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Right, true, 0))
                            pac_X += movx;
                        pac_move         = pac_direction.right2;
                        walk_first_right = true;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_X, pac_Y, movx, movy, pac_Right, true, 0))
                            pac_X += movx;

            if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 1000 == 0)
                if (edibleCarbons)
                    if (secondsPassed == 5) // number of seconds that Carbons are edible!
                        secondsPassed = 0;
                        edibleCarbons = false;

            //check the boundry of the screen
            if (pac_X < 0)
                pac_X = 0;
            if (pac_Y < 0)
                pac_Y = 0;
            if (pac_X + movx > 760)
                pac_X = 760;
            if (pac_Y + movy > 560)
                pac_Y = 560;
예제 #4
        public void Update(GameTime gametime, out bool exit)
            exit = false;
            if (timecounter > timelimit)
                exit = true;

            KeyboardState currentstate = Keyboard.GetState();

            Keys[] currentkey = currentstate.GetPressedKeys();

            foreach (Keys keys in currentkey)
                if (keys == Keys.Up)
                    pac_move = pac_direction.up;
                    movy     = -5;
                    movx     = 0;
                    if (CheckWalls(pac_Up, true))
                        pac_Y += movy;

                if (keys == Keys.Down)
                    pac_move = pac_direction.down;
                    movy     = 5;
                    movx     = 0;
                    if (CheckWalls(pac_Down, true))
                        pac_Y += movy;
                if (keys == Keys.Left)
                    movy = 0;
                    movx = -5;
                    if (walk_first_left)
                        pac_move        = pac_direction.left1;
                        walk_first_left = false;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_Left, true))
                            pac_X += movx;
                        pac_move        = pac_direction.left2;
                        walk_first_left = true;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_Left2, true))
                            pac_X += movx;
                if (keys == Keys.Right)
                    movy = 0;
                    movx = 5;
                    if (walk_first_right)
                        pac_move         = pac_direction.right1;
                        walk_first_right = false;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_Right, true))
                            pac_X += movx;
                        pac_move         = pac_direction.right2;
                        walk_first_right = true;
                        if (CheckWalls(pac_Right, true))
                            pac_X += movx;

            //check the boundry of the screen
            if (pac_X < 0)
                pac_X = 0;
            if (pac_Y < 0)
                pac_Y = 0;
            if (pac_X + movx > 760)
                pac_X = 760;
            if (pac_Y + movy > 560)
                pac_Y = 560;

            exit = false;