//Called after each round; returns IEnumerator for timer use IEnumerator RoundFinished(PlayerRPS p1) { //Disables buttons for set time to prevent player from continuing round p1.buttonRock.interactable = false; p1.buttonPaper.interactable = false; p1.buttonScissors.interactable = false; //Timer to between rounds to display results yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2)); //Resets buttons to working game state p1.ResetButtons(); //Resets text to starting state resultGT.text = " "; p1TextGO.SetActive(false); p2TextGO.SetActive(false); vsGT.text = "Select Option"; //Destroy images p1.DestroyP1IM(); Destroy(p2IM); //Updates round number if game not finished if (roundNum <= totalRounds) { roundsGT.text = "Round: " + roundNum.ToString(); p2Choice = GetComputerChoice(); } else { GameFinished(p1); } }
void Start() { dateTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); //All text initialized to starting state GameObject roundsGO = GameObject.Find("Rounds"); roundsGT = roundsGO.GetComponent <Text>(); roundsGT.text = "Round: " + roundNum.ToString(); GameObject p2ScoreGO = GameObject.Find("ComputerScore"); p2ScoreGT = p2ScoreGO.GetComponent <Text>(); p2ScoreGT.text = "Computer Score: " + p2Score.ToString(); GameObject resultGO = GameObject.Find("Result"); resultGT = resultGO.GetComponent <Text>(); resultGT.text = " "; p2TextGO = GameObject.Find("ComputerText"); p2TextGO.SetActive(false); gameOverGO = GameObject.Find("GameOver"); gameOverGO.SetActive(false); p1TextGO = GameObject.Find("PlayerText"); p1TextGO.SetActive(false); vsGO = GameObject.Find("VS"); vsGT = vsGO.GetComponent <Text>(); vsGT.text = "Select Option"; playAgain.gameObject.SetActive(false); quitGame.gameObject.SetActive(false); //Gets computers choice p2Choice = GetComputerChoice(); }