private IEnumerable <fees_payment> GetFeesPaymentByReg(int reg_num) { List <fees_payment> payment = new List <fees_payment>(); out_standingMain outstd = new out_standingMain(); IEnumerable <out_standing> std = new List <out_standing>(); std = outstd.AllOutStandingByReg(reg_num); foreach (out_standing val in std) { payment.Add(new fees_payment { acc_id = val.acc_id, Fees_type = val.acc_name, amount_to_be_paid = val.outstd_amount, due_amount = val.outstd_amount, serial = val.serial, reg_num = val.reg_num, reg_date = val.dt_date, session = val.session }); } return(payment); }
private IEnumerable <fees_payment> GetFeesPayment(int sr_num, string session) { using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString())) { List <fees_payment> payment = new List <fees_payment>(); out_standingMain outstd = new out_standingMain(); std_discount discount = new std_discount(); std_discountMain discountMain = new std_discountMain(); IEnumerable <out_standing> std = new List <out_standing>(); std = outstd.AllOutStanding(sr_num, session); string query = @"SELECT fine, start_date, upper_limit FROM mst_fine_rule WHERE session = @session AND acc_id = @acc_id and enable = 1"; string start_yr = @"SELECT YEAR(session_start_date) FROM mst_session WHERE session = @session"; string end_yr = @"SELECT YEAR(session_end_date) FROM mst_session WHERE session = @session"; foreach (out_standing val in std) { decimal amt_fine = 0; int year = 0; mst_fine_rule result = con.Query <mst_fine_rule>(query, new { acc_id = val.acc_id, session = val.session }).FirstOrDefault(); if (val.month_no >= 4 && val.month_no <= 12) { year = con.Query <int>(start_yr, new { session = val.session }).FirstOrDefault(); } else { year = con.Query <int>(end_yr, new { session = val.session }).FirstOrDefault(); } if (result != null) { DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, val.month_no, result.start_date); if (dt < System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(dateTimeOffSet)) { amt_fine = (decimal)((System.DateTime.Now.Date - dt).TotalDays) * result.fine; if (amt_fine >= result.upper_limit) { amt_fine = result.upper_limit; } } } payment.Add(new fees_payment { fine = amt_fine, acc_id = val.acc_id, Fees_type = val.acc_name, amount_to_be_paid = val.outstd_amount, due_amount = val.outstd_amount, serial = val.serial, sr_num = val.sr_number, session = val.session }); } return(payment); } }
public ActionResult submit_fees(List <fees_payment> fees) { List <fees_receipt> rec = new List <fees_receipt>(); fees_receiptMain main = new fees_receiptMain(); foreach (fees_payment fee in fees) { if (fee.check) { if (fee.serial == 0) { out_standing out_std = new out_standing(); out_standingMain out_stdMain = new out_standingMain(); out_std.outstd_amount = fee.due_amount; out_std.rmt_amount = fee.due_amount; out_std.sr_number = fee.sr_num; out_std.acc_id = fee.acc_id; out_std.month_no = fee.month_no; out_std.month_name = fee.month_name; out_std.clear_flag = fee.clear_flag; out_std.session = fee.session; out_stdMain.AddOutStanding(out_std); rec.Add(new fees_receipt { acc_id = fee.acc_id, amount = fee.amount_to_be_paid, fees_name = fee.Fees_type, sr_number = fee.sr_num, dc_fine = fee.fine, dc_discount =, narration = fee.Narration, serial = out_std.serial, clear_flag = fee.clear_flag, bnk_name = fee.Bank_name, chq_no = fee.cheque_no, chq_date = fee.cheque_date, mode_flag = fee.mode_flag, month_no = fee.month_no, session = fee.session, due_amount = fee.due_amount, user_id = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["loginUserId"].Value.ToString()) }); } else { rec.Add(new fees_receipt { acc_id = fee.acc_id, amount = fee.amount_to_be_paid, fees_name = fee.Fees_type, sr_number = fee.sr_num, dc_fine = fee.fine, dc_discount =, narration = fee.Narration, serial = fee.serial, dt_date = fee.dt_date, reg_no = fee.reg_num, reg_date = fee.reg_date, clear_flag = fee.clear_flag, bnk_name = fee.Bank_name, chq_no = fee.cheque_no, chq_date = fee.cheque_date, mode_flag = fee.mode_flag, session = fee.session, due_amount = fee.due_amount, user_id = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["loginUserId"].Value.ToString()) }); } } } int rcpt_no = main.AddReceipt(rec); return(RedirectToAction("fees_collect", new { rcpt_no = rcpt_no })); }