protected virtual void CloneTree( adlComplexObject, C_COMPLEX_OBJECT parentComplexObject, int depth) { CloneConstraintVisitor nodeVisitor = NewInstance(); adlAttribute; parentComplexObject.attributes = new C_ATTRIBUTE[adlComplexObject.attributes().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= adlComplexObject.attributes().count(); i++) { adlAttribute = adlComplexObject.attributes().i_th(i) as; C_ATTRIBUTE attributeNode = nodeVisitor.CloneAttribute(adlAttribute); attributeNode.children = new C_OBJECT[adlAttribute.children().count()]; parentComplexObject.attributes[i - 1] = attributeNode; for (int j = 1; j <= adlAttribute.children().count(); j++) { child = adlAttribute.children().i_th(j) as; object childNode = nodeVisitor.Visit(child, depth); attributeNode.children[j - 1] = childNode as C_OBJECT; if (child is CloneTree(child as, childNode as C_COMPLEX_OBJECT, ++depth); } } }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { if (o == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("CObject parameter must not be null. depth = " + depth); try { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = this.GetType().GetMethod("Visit", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.ExactBinding | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, Type.DefaultBinder, new Type[] { o.GetType(), depth.GetType() }, new System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[0]); if (method != null) // Avoid StackOverflow exceptions by executing only if the method and visitable // are different from the last parameters used. if (method != lastMethod || o != lastObject) { lastMethod = method; lastObject = o; object itemObject = method.Invoke(this, new object[] { o, depth }); return itemObject; } } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) { if (ex.InnerException.InnerException != null) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.InnerException.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); //throw ex.InnerException; throw new InvalidOperationException("Visit Exeception. depth = " + depth, ex.InnerException.InnerException); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); //throw ex.InnerException; throw new InvalidOperationException("Visit Exeception", ex.InnerException); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + depth); //throw; throw new InvalidOperationException("Visit Exeception", ex); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); //throw ex.InnerException; throw new InvalidOperationException("Visit Exeception", ex.InnerException); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + depth); //throw; throw new InvalidOperationException("Visit Exeception", ex); } throw new NotImplementedException("The Visitor method 'Visit' with parameter type '" + o.GetType().ToString() + "' is not implemented."); }
/// <summary> /// Clone an Eiffel ADL archetype as an OpenEhr.V1.Its.Xml.AM.ARCHETYPE. /// </summary> public ARCHETYPE CloneArchetype( adlArchetype) { ARCHETYPE result = CloneArchetypeDetails(adlArchetype); object rootNode = Visit(adlArchetype.definition(), 0); C_COMPLEX_OBJECT rootComplexObject = rootNode as C_COMPLEX_OBJECT; result.definition = rootComplexObject; CloneTree(adlArchetype.definition(), rootComplexObject, 0); return result; }
public static ARCHETYPE Build( archetype, CloneConstraintVisitor visitor) { if (archetype == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("archetype must not be null"); if (visitor == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("visitor must not be null"); ARCHETYPE result = visitor.CloneArchetype(archetype); #if XMLParser AmSerializer.ValidateArchetype(result); #endif return result; }
public static ARCHETYPE BuildFromAdlParser([email protected]_INTERFACE adlParser, CloneConstraintVisitor visitor) { if (adlParser == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("adlParser must not be null"); adlParser.parse_archetype(); if (!adlParser.parse_succeeded()) throw new ApplicationException("ADL parsing failed\n" + adlParser.status().to_cil()); if (!adlParser.archetype_available()) throw new ApplicationException("ADL archetype unavailable after parsing\n" + adlParser.status().to_cil()); return Build(adlParser.adl_engine().archetype(), visitor); }
protected virtual void CloneC_Object(C_OBJECT cloneObject, o) { if (!o.node_id().to_cil().StartsWith("unknown")) //hack for xml conversion cloneObject.node_id = o.node_id().to_cil(); else cloneObject.node_id = ""; cloneObject.rm_type_name = o.rm_type_name().to_cil(); cloneObject.occurrences = CloneIntervalOfInteger(o.occurrences()); }
protected virtual IntervalOfInteger CloneIntervalOfInteger(openehr.common_libs.basic.INTERVAL_INTEGER_32 o) { IntervalOfInteger result = null; result = new IntervalOfInteger(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!result.lower_includedSpecified, "lower included specified must be false!"); result.lower_unbounded = o.lower_unbounded(); if (!o.lower_unbounded()) { result.lower = o.lower(); result.lowerSpecified = true; result.lower_included = o.lower_included(); result.lower_includedSpecified = true; } result.upper_unbounded = o.upper_unbounded(); if (!o.upper_unbounded()) { result.upper = o.upper(); result.upperSpecified = true; result.upper_included = o.upper_included(); result.upper_includedSpecified = true; } return result; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { C_DV_ORDINAL result = new C_DV_ORDINAL(); CloneC_Object(result, o); if (o.assumed_value() != null) result.assumed_value = CloneDvOrdinal((; if (!o.any_allowed()) { EiffelStructures.list.LINKED_LIST_REFERENCE adlOrdinals = o.items(); result.list = new DV_ORDINAL[adlOrdinals.count()]; adlOrdinals.start(); for (int i = 0; i < result.list.Length; i++) { result.list[i] = CloneDvOrdinal((; adlOrdinals.forth(); } } return result; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { C_CODE_PHRASE result = new C_CODE_PHRASE(); CloneC_Object(result, o); if (o.terminology_id() != null) { TERMINOLOGY_ID terminologyId = new TERMINOLOGY_ID(); terminologyId.value = o.terminology_id().value().ToString(); result.terminology_id = terminologyId; } if (o.code_list() != null) { result.code_list = new string[o.code_list().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= result.code_list.Length; i++) result.code_list[i - 1] = o.code_list().i_th(i).ToString(); } if (o.has_assumed_value()) result.assumed_value = CloneCodePhrase((openehr.openehr.rm.data_types.text.Impl.CODE_PHRASE)o.assumed_value()); return result; }
protected virtual ARCHETYPE_ONTOLOGY CloneOntology( o) { ARCHETYPE_ONTOLOGY result = new ARCHETYPE_ONTOLOGY(); result.term_definitions = CloneCodeDefinitions(o.term_definitions()); result.term_bindings = CloneTermBindingSet(o.term_bindings()); result.constraint_definitions = CloneCodeDefinitions(o.constraint_definitions()); result.constraint_bindings = CloneConstraintBindingSet(o.constraint_bindings()); return result; }
protected virtual C_DURATION CloneDuration( o) { C_DURATION result = new C_DURATION(); if (o.has_assumed_value()) result.assumed_value = o.assumed_value().ToString(); if (o.pattern() != null) result.pattern = o.pattern().ToString(); result.range = cloneDurationRange(o.interval()); return result; }
protected virtual EXPR_ITEM CloneExprItem( o) { EXPR_LEAF result = new EXPR_LEAF(); result.type = o.type().ToString(); if (result.type.StartsWith("OE_")) result.type = result.type.Substring(3); if (o.reference_type() != null) result.reference_type = o.reference_type().ToString(); switch (result.type) { case "C_STRING": result.item = CloneString(o.item() as; break; case "String": result.item = o.item().ToString(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(result.type); } return result; }
protected virtual C_STRING CloneString( o) { C_STRING result = new C_STRING(); if (o.regexp() != null) result.pattern = o.regexp().to_cil(); if (o.has_assumed_value()) result.assumed_value = o.assumed_value().ToString(); if (o.strings() != null && o.strings().count() > 0) { result.list = new string[o.strings().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= result.list.Length; i++) result.list[i - 1] = o.strings().i_th(i).ToString(); } if (o.is_open()) { result.list_open = true; result.list_openSpecified = true; } return result; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { ARCHETYPE_INTERNAL_REF result = new ARCHETYPE_INTERNAL_REF(); CloneC_Object(result, o); result.target_path = o.target_path().to_cil(); return result; }
protected virtual IntervalOfTime CloneIntervalOfTime(openehr.common_libs.basic.INTERVAL_REFERENCE o) { IntervalOfTime result = null; if (o != null) { result = new IntervalOfTime(); result.lower_unbounded = o.lower_unbounded(); if (!o.lower_unbounded()) { result.lower = o.lower().ToString(); result.lower_included = o.lower_included(); result.lower_includedSpecified = true; } result.upper_unbounded = o.upper_unbounded(); if (!o.upper_unbounded()) { result.upper = o.upper().ToString(); result.upper_included = o.upper_included(); result.upper_includedSpecified = true; } } return result; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { CONSTRAINT_REF result = new CONSTRAINT_REF(); CloneC_Object(result, o); result.reference =; return result; }
protected virtual C_REAL CloneReal( o) { C_REAL result = new C_REAL(); if (o.interval() != null) result.range = CloneIntervalOfReal(o.interval()); if (o.has_assumed_value()) { result.assumed_valueSpecified = true; result.assumed_value = ((EiffelKernel.dotnet.REAL_32_REF)o.assumed_value()).item(); } if (o.list() != null && o.list().count() > 0) { result.list = new float[o.list().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= result.list.Length; i++) result.list[i - 1] = (float)o.list().i_th(i); } return result; }
protected virtual C_INTEGER CloneInteger( o) { C_INTEGER result = new C_INTEGER(); if (o.interval() != null) result.range = CloneIntervalOfInteger(o.interval()); if (o.has_assumed_value()) { result.assumed_valueSpecified = true; result.assumed_value = ((EiffelKernel.INTEGER_32_REF)o.assumed_value()).item(); } if (o.list() != null && o.list().count() > 0) { result.list = new int[o.list().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= o.list().count(); i++) result.list[i - 1] = o.list().i_th(i); } return result; }
protected virtual C_PRIMITIVE CloneC_Primitive( o) { string typeName = o.GetType().Name; typeName = typeName.ToUpper(); switch (typeName) { case "C_REAL": return CloneReal(o as; case "C_INTEGER": return CloneInteger(o as; case "C_STRING": return CloneString(o as; case "C_BOOLEAN": return CloneBoolean(o as; case "C_DURATION": return CloneDuration(o as; case "C_DATE_TIME": return CloneDateTime(o as; case "C_DATE": return CloneDate(o as; case "C_TIME": return CloneTime(o as; default: throw new NotImplementedException("The Visitor method 'Visit' with parameter type '" + o.GetType().ToString() + "' is not implemented."); } }
protected virtual CODE_PHRASE CloneCodePhrase(openehr.openehr.rm.data_types.text.CODE_PHRASE o) { CODE_PHRASE result = null; if (o != null) { result = new CODE_PHRASE(); if (o.code_string() != null) result.code_string = o.code_string().ToString(); else result.code_string = ""; if (o.terminology_id() != null) { TERMINOLOGY_ID terminologyId = new TERMINOLOGY_ID(); terminologyId.value = o.terminology_id().value().ToString(); result.terminology_id = terminologyId; } } return result; }
protected virtual C_QUANTITY_ITEM CloneQuantityItem( o) { C_QUANTITY_ITEM result = new C_QUANTITY_ITEM(); result.units = o.units().to_cil(); if (o.magnitude() != null) result.magnitude = CloneIntervalOfReal(o.magnitude()); if (!o.any_precision_allowed()) result.precision = CloneIntervalOfInteger(o.precision()); return result; }
protected virtual C_BOOLEAN CloneBoolean( o) { C_BOOLEAN result = new C_BOOLEAN(); result.true_valid = o.true_valid(); result.false_valid = o.false_valid(); if (o.has_assumed_value()) { result.assumed_valueSpecified = true; result.assumed_value = ((EiffelKernel.BOOLEAN_REF)o.assumed_value()).item(); } return result; }
protected virtual EXPR_ITEM CloneExprItem( o) { if (o is return CloneExprItem(o as; else if (o is return CloneExprItem(o as; else if (o is return CloneExprItem(o as; else return null; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { ARCHETYPE_SLOT result = new ARCHETYPE_SLOT(); CloneC_Object(result, o); if (o.has_includes()) result.includes = CloneAssertion(o.includes()); if (o.has_excludes()) result.excludes = CloneAssertion(o.excludes()); return result; }
protected virtual EXPR_ITEM CloneExprItem( o) { EXPR_UNARY_OPERATOR result = new EXPR_UNARY_OPERATOR(); if (o.type() != null) result.type = o.type().ToString(); if (o.@operator().value() >= 2001 && o.@operator().value() <= 2020) result.@operator = ((OPERATOR_KIND)o.@operator().value()) - 2001; result.precedence_overridden = o.precedence_overridden(); if (o.operand() != null) result.operand = CloneExprItem(o.operand()); return result; }
protected virtual object Visit( o, int depth) { C_DV_QUANTITY result = new C_DV_QUANTITY(); CloneC_Object(result, o); if (o.assumed_value() != null) result.assumed_value = CloneDvQuantity((; if ( != null) { = CloneCodePhrase(; if (o.list() != null && o.list().count() > 0) { result.list = new C_QUANTITY_ITEM[o.list().count()]; for (int i = 1; i <= result.list.Length; i++) result.list[i - 1] = CloneQuantityItem(o.list().i_th(i) as; } } return result; }
protected virtual ARCHETYPE CloneArchetypeDetails( archetype) { ARCHETYPE result = new ARCHETYPE(); if (archetype.uid() != null) { HIER_OBJECT_ID uid = new HIER_OBJECT_ID(); uid.value = archetype.uid().value().ToString(); result.uid = uid; } if (archetype.archetype_id() != null) { ARCHETYPE_ID archetypeId = new ARCHETYPE_ID(); archetypeId.value = archetype.archetype_id().value().ToString(); result.archetype_id = archetypeId; } if (archetype.version() != null) result.adl_version = archetype.adl_version().ToString(); if (archetype.concept() != null) result.concept = archetype.concept().ToString(); result.original_language = CloneCodePhrase(archetype.original_language()); result.is_controlled = archetype.is_controlled(); if (archetype.parent_archetype_id() != null) { ARCHETYPE_ID parentId = new ARCHETYPE_ID(); parentId.value = archetype.parent_archetype_id().value().ToString(); result.parent_archetype_id = parentId; } result.description = CloneDescription(archetype.description()); result.ontology = CloneOntology(archetype.ontology()); // 0..1 revision_history REVISION_HISTORY (does not occur in NHS archetypes, do later) //if (archetype.revision_history() != null) // result.revision_history = CloneAuthoredResource(archetype.revision_history()); if (archetype.translations() != null && archetype.translations().count() >= 0) { TRANSLATION_DETAILS[] translations = new TRANSLATION_DETAILS[archetype.translations().count()]; archetype.translations().start(); for (int i = 1; i <= archetype.translations().count(); i++) { TRANSLATION_DETAILS translation = new TRANSLATION_DETAILS(); openehr.openehr.rm.common.resource.TRANSLATION_DETAILS td = archetype.translations().item_for_iteration() as openehr.openehr.rm.common.resource.TRANSLATION_DETAILS; if (td.accreditation() != null) translation.accreditation = td.accreditation().ToString(); = CloneHashTableAny(; translation.language = CloneCodePhrase(td.language()); translation.other_details = CloneHashTableAny(td.other_details()); translations[i - 1] = translation; archetype.translations().forth(); } result.translations = translations; } result.invariants = CloneAssertion(archetype.invariants()); return result; }
protected virtual DV_ORDINAL CloneDvOrdinal( o) { DV_ORDINAL result = new DV_ORDINAL(); // Inherits DV_ORDERED (only in Reference Model) // 0..1 normal_range DV_INTERVAL // 0..* other_reference_ranges REFERENCE_RANGE // 0..1 normal_status CODE_PHRASE result.value = o.value(); result.symbol = new DV_CODED_TEXT(); result.symbol.defining_code = CloneCodePhrase(o.symbol()); result.symbol.value = ""; // what should this be? return result; }
protected override C_ATTRIBUTE CloneAttribute( currentObject) { C_ATTRIBUTE result = base.CloneAttribute(currentObject); parent = currentObject.parent() as; if (parent != null) { string parentTypeName = parent.rm_type_name().to_cil(); string attrName = result.rm_attribute_name; if ((parentTypeName == "COMPOSITION" && attrName == "context") || (parentTypeName == "COMPOSITION" && attrName == "content") || (parentTypeName == "EVENT_CONTEXT" && attrName == "other_context") || (parentTypeName == "EVENT_CONTEXT" && attrName == "heath_care_facility") || (parentTypeName == "EVENT_CONTEXT" && attrName == "end_time") || (parentTypeName == "EVENT_CONTEXT" && attrName == "participations") || (parentTypeName == "EVENT_CONTEXT" && attrName == "location") || (parentTypeName == "SECTION" && attrName == "items") || (entries.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "other_participations") || (entries.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "provider") || (entries.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "workflow_id") || (careEntries.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "protocol") || (careEntries.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "guideline_id") || (parentTypeName == "OBSERVATION" && attrName == "state") || (parentTypeName == "INSTRUCTION" && attrName == "activities") || (parentTypeName == "INSTRUCTION" && attrName == "expiry_time") || (parentTypeName == "INSTRUCTION" && attrName == "wf_definition") || (parentTypeName == "ACTION" && attrName == "instruction_details") || (parentTypeName == "INSTRUCTION_DETAILS" && attrName == "wf_details") || (parentTypeName == "ISM_TRANSITION" && attrName == "careflow_step") || (parentTypeName == "ITEM_TREE" && attrName == "items") || (parentTypeName == "ITEM_TABLE" && attrName == "rows") || (parentTypeName == "ITEM_LIST" && attrName == "items") || (parentTypeName == "HISTORY" && attrName == "events") || (parentTypeName == "HISTORY" && attrName == "period") || (events.Contains(parentTypeName) && attrName == "state") || (parentTypeName == "ELEMENT" && attrName == "value") || (parentTypeName == "ELEMENT" && attrName == "null_flavour") || (regexDvInterval.IsMatch(parentTypeName) && (attrName == "lower" || attrName == "upper")) ) { result.existence = new IntervalOfInteger(); result.existence.lower = 0; result.existence.upper = 1; result.existence.lowerSpecified = true; result.existence.upperSpecified = true; result.existence.lower_included = true; result.existence.upper_included = true; result.existence.lower_includedSpecified = true; result.existence.upper_includedSpecified = true; } } return result; }
protected virtual DV_QUANTITY CloneDvQuantity( o) { DV_QUANTITY result = new DV_QUANTITY(); // Inherits DV_AMOUNT (only in Reference Model) // 0..1 normal_range DV_INTERVAL // 0..* other_reference_ranges REFERENCE_RANGE // 0..1 normal_status CODE_PHRASE // 0..1 magnitude_status string // 0..1 accuracy float // 0..1 accuracy_is_percent boolean result.magnitude = o.magnitude(); result.precision = o.precision(); if (o.units() != null) result.units = o.units().ToString(); return result; }