예제 #1
        public IEnumerable <object> Read(FileContentRequest fcr, PullConfig pullConfig)
            List <object> output = new List <object>();

            string fileFullPath = fcr.File.IFullPath();

            oM.Adapters.File.FSFile readFile = ReadFile(fileFullPath, true, pullConfig.IncludeHiddenFiles, pullConfig.IncludeSystemFiles);

            if (readFile == null)

            output = readFile.Content ?? new List <object>();

            if (!output.Any())
                BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"No content could be pulled for {fileFullPath}. Make sure it's not protected or empty.");

                   .Where(o => fcr.Types.Count > 0 ? fcr.Types.Any(t => t == o.GetType()) : true)
                   .Where(o => fcr.FragmentTypes.Count > 0 ? (o as BHoMObject)?.Fragments.Select(f => f.GetType()).Intersect(fcr.FragmentTypes).Any() ?? false : true)
                   .Where(o => fcr.CustomDataKeys.Count > 0 ? (o as BHoMObject)?.CustomData.Keys.Intersect(fcr.CustomDataKeys).Any() ?? false : true));
예제 #2

        private static void ReadAndAddContent(oM.Adapters.File.FSFile retrievedFile)
            string fullPath = retrievedFile.IFullPath();

            var content = ReadContent(fullPath);

예제 #3
파일: FSFile.cs 프로젝트: BHoM/File_Toolkit
        public static oM.Adapters.File.FSFile ToFiling(this FileInfo fi)
            if (fi == null)

            oM.Adapters.File.FSFile bf = new oM.Adapters.File.FSFile();

            bf.ParentDirectory = fi.Directory.ToFiling();
            bf.Name            = fi.Name;
            bf.Exists          = fi.Exists;
            bf.IsReadOnly      = fi.IsReadOnly;
            bf.Size            = (int)(fi.Length & 0xFFFFFFFF);
            bf.Attributes      = fi.Attributes;
            bf.CreationTimeUtc = fi.CreationTimeUtc;
            bf.ModifiedTimeUtc = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;

예제 #4

        public static oM.Adapters.File.FSFile ReadFile(string fullPath, bool inclFileContent = false, bool inclHidFiles = false, bool inclSysFiles = false)
            // Perform the "Read" = get the System.FileInfo, which will be the basis for our oM.Adapters.Filing.File
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fullPath);

            // Checks on config
            if (!inclHidFiles && (fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) > 0)

            if (!inclSysFiles && (fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.System) > 0)

            // Checks on FileInfo
            if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) <= 0 && !fi.Exists)

            // Convert the FileInfo to our oM.Adapters.Filing.File
            oM.Adapters.File.FSFile file = fi.ToFiling();

            // Add author data if possible

            // Add content data if requested and possible
            if (inclFileContent)

예제 #5
 public static FileInfo FromFiling(this oM.Adapters.File.FSFile file)
     return(new FileInfo(file.IFullPath()));
예제 #6
        private void WalkDirectories(List <FSFile> files, List <FSDirectory> dirs, FileDirRequest fdr,
                                     ref int filesCount, ref int dirsCount,
                                     bool inclHidFiles = false, bool inclSysFiles = false, WildcardPattern wildcardPattern = null)
            // Recursion stop condition.
            if (fdr.MaxNesting == 0)

            // Look in directory and, if requested, recursively in subdirectories.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fdr.Location))
                BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError($"Missing parameter {nameof(fdr.Location)} from the request.");

            System.IO.DirectoryInfo   selectedDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(fdr.Location.IFullPath());
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] dirArray    = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] { };

            // Check if the location points to a single file.
            // To point to a single file, the location must not be a wildcard (therefore wildcardPattern must be null)
            // and it must have an extension.
            bool isSingleFile = Path.HasExtension(selectedDir.FullName) && wildcardPattern == null;

            if (!isSingleFile) // If the location points to a directory, populate the list of folders there.
                dirArray = selectedDir.GetDirectories();
            else // if the location points to a single file, the selected directory is its parent.
                selectedDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(selectedDir.FullName));

            foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo di in dirArray)
                oM.Adapters.File.FSDirectory bhomDir = ReadDirectory(di.FullName, inclHidFiles, inclSysFiles);
                if (bhomDir == null)

                bhomDir.ParentDirectory = di.Parent.ToFiling();

                if (fdr.Exclusions != null && fdr.Exclusions.Contains(bhomDir))

                if (fdr.IncludeDirectories && wildcardPattern == null)
                    if (fdr.SortOrder != SortOrder.Default || !MaxItemsReached(fdr.MaxDirectories, dirsCount))
                        // The limit in number of item retrieved in WalkDirectories applies only if there is no sortOrder applied.
                        // If a sortOrder is applied, the maxItems must be applied after the sorting is done (outside of WalkDirectories)

                        // Check exclusions
                        if (fdr.Exclusions != null && fdr.Exclusions.Contains(bhomDir))

                        // Check Wildcard matches - DISABLED: only allow wildcards in filename. Too complicated otherwise.
                        //if (!wildcardPattern?.IsMatch(bhomDir.Name) ?? false)
                        //    continue;

                        dirsCount += 1;

                // Recurse if requested, and if the limits are not exceeded.
                if (fdr.SearchSubdirectories == true && !MaxItemsReached(fdr.MaxFiles, filesCount, fdr.MaxDirectories, dirsCount))
                    FileDirRequest fdrRecurse = BH.Engine.Base.Query.ShallowClone(fdr);
                    fdrRecurse.Location    = bhomDir.IFullPath();
                    fdrRecurse.MaxNesting -= 1;

                    WalkDirectories(files, dirs, fdrRecurse, ref filesCount, ref dirsCount, inclHidFiles, inclSysFiles, wildcardPattern);

            if (fdr.IncludeFiles)
                System.IO.FileInfo[] fileInfos = new System.IO.FileInfo[1];

                    if (isSingleFile)
                        fileInfos[0] = new FileInfo(fdr.Location.IFullPath());
                        fileInfos = selectedDir.GetFiles("*.*");
                // This is thrown if one of the files requires permissions greater than the application provides.
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    // Write out the message and continue.

                foreach (var fi in fileInfos)
                    if (fdr.SortOrder != SortOrder.Default || !MaxItemsReached(fdr.MaxFiles, filesCount))
                        // The limit in number of item retrieved in WalkDirectories applies only if there is no sortOrder applied.
                        // If a sortOrder is applied, the maxItems must be applied after the sorting is done (outside of WalkDirectories)

                        // Check exclusions
                        if (fdr.Exclusions != null && fdr.Exclusions.Contains(fi.ToFiling()))

                        // Check Wildcard matches
                        if (!wildcardPattern?.IsMatch(fi.Name) ?? false)

                        // When reading the file, do not retrieve content.
                        // Content must be retrieved after WalkDirectories has run.
                        // This is because additional filtering might be done later.
                        oM.Adapters.File.FSFile omFile = ReadFile(fi.FullName, false, inclHidFiles, inclSysFiles);

                        if (omFile != null)
                            filesCount += 1;
예제 #7
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public FSFile CreateJson(FSFile file, PushType pushType, PushConfig pushConfig)
            string fullPath    = file.IFullPath();
            bool   fileExisted = System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath);

            // Put together all of the file content.
            List <string> allLines = new List <string>();
            string        json     = "";

            // Process file content, only if there is any.
            if (file.Content != null && file.Content.Count != 0)
                if (file.Content.All(o => o is Dataset))
                    pushConfig.UseDatasetSerialization = true;

                if (!pushConfig.UseDatasetSerialization)
                    allLines.AddRange(file.Content.Where(c => c != null).Select(obj => obj.ToJson() + ","));

                    // Remove the trailing comma if there is only one element.
                    allLines[allLines.Count - 1] = allLines[allLines.Count - 1].Remove(allLines[allLines.Count - 1].Length - 1);

                    // Join all between square brackets to make a valid JSON array.
                    json = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, allLines);
                    json = "[" + json + "]";
                    // Use the non-JSON compliant "Dataset" serialization style.
                    // This is a newline-separated concatenation of individual JSON-serialized objects.
                    allLines.AddRange(file.Content.Where(c => c != null).Select(obj => obj.ToJson()));
                    json = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, allLines);

                if (pushConfig.BeautifyJson)
                        json = BeautifyJson(json);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"Beautify json failed. File will be created with non-beautified json. Error:\n{e.Message}");

            bool filecreated = true;

                // Clarify if we are considering the Push in terms of content or of Files.
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_defaultFilePath)) // We are talking about Files/Directories.
                    if (pushType == PushType.DeleteThenCreate)
                        if (fileExisted)

                        WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, true);
                    else if (pushType == PushType.UpdateOnly)
                        // Overwrite existing file.
                        if (fileExisted)
                            WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, true);
                            BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote($"File {fullPath} was not updated as no file existed at that location.");
                    else if (pushType == PushType.UpdateOrCreateOnly)
                        // Overwrite existing file. If it doesn't exist, create it.
                        WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, true);
                    else if (pushType == PushType.CreateOnly || pushType == PushType.CreateNonExisting)
                        // Create only if file didn't exist. Do not touch existing ones.
                        if (!fileExisted)
                            WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, true);
                            BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote($"File {fullPath} was not created as it existed already (Pushtype {pushType.ToString()} was specified).");
                        BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"The specified Pushtype of {pushType.ToString()} is not supported for .json files.");
                        filecreated = false;
                else // We are talking about File content.
                    if (pushType == PushType.DeleteThenCreate)
                        BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote($"Replacing entire content of file `{fullPath}`.");

                        // Replace all content.
                        WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, true);
                    else if (pushType == PushType.CreateOnly || pushType == PushType.CreateNonExisting || pushType == PushType.UpdateOnly || pushType == PushType.UpdateOrCreateOnly)
                        // Should be refactored to cover distinct use cases for CreateNonExisting, UpdateOnly, UpdateOrCreateOnly
                        if (fileExisted)
                            BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote($"Appending content to file `{fullPath}`.");

                        WriteJsonFile(fullPath, json, false);
                    else if (pushType == PushType.CreateNonExisting)
                        // Currently captured by CreateOnly.

                        // The following ideally should be the default behaviour of the IDiffing method.

                        //IEnumerable<object> allReadContent = ReadContent(fullPath);
                        //IEnumerable<IBHoMObject> bHoMObjects_read = allReadContent.OfType<IBHoMObject>();
                        //IEnumerable<object> genericObjs_read = allReadContent.Except(bHoMObjects_read);

                        //IEnumerable<IBHoMObject> readBhomObjects_hashAssigned = BH.Engine.Diffing.Modify.SetHashFragment(bHoMObjects_read);

                        //IEnumerable<IBHoMObject> bHoMObjects_create = file.Content.OfType<IBHoMObject>();
                        //IEnumerable<object> genericObjs_create = file.Content.Except(bHoMObjects_create);

                        //Diff diffGeneric = BH.Engine.Diffing.Compute.DiffGenericObjects(genericObjs_read, genericObjs_create, null, true);

                        // Then combine the two diffs in one.
                        // For old objects (= already in file) do not create.
                        // Create only those that are "new".
                    else if (pushType == PushType.UpdateOnly || pushType == PushType.UpdateOrCreateOnly)
                        // Currently captured by CreateOnly. See above.

                        // For old objects (= already in file) Update Them.
                        // For those who are "new": create them only if `UpdateOrCreateOnly` is used.
                        BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"The specified Pushtype of {pushType.ToString()} is not supported for .json files.");
                        filecreated = false;
            catch (Exception e)

            if (filecreated)
                System.IO.FileInfo      fileinfo    = new System.IO.FileInfo(fullPath);
                oM.Adapters.File.FSFile createdFile = fileinfo.ToFiling();
                createdFile.Content = file.Content;


            BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError($"Could not create {file.ToString()}");