public string getScheduledPostInfo() { string post_id = ""; ScheduledPost s_post = new ScheduledPost(); if (Request.QueryString["post_id"] != null) { post_id = Request.QueryString["post_id"]; newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); s_post = newsManager.GetSchedulePostByID(Convert.ToInt32(post_id)); } else { return("non"); } if (s_post.scheduled_date > DateTime.Now) { DateTime datetime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Parse(s_post.scheduled_date.ToString())); return(datetime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm tt") + ", " + s_post.activated); } else { return("non"); } }
// Compare 2 attribute strings, attributes (new attributes) and old_attr (old attributes). public void manageAttributes(Hypster_Entities hyDB, newsManagement_Admin newsManager, int id, string attributes, string old_attr) { if (attributes != old_attr) { string[] attr = attributes.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < attr.Length; i++) { if (!old_attr.Contains(attr[i])) { postNewsletter pNewsletter = new postNewsletter(); pNewsletter.post_id = id; pNewsletter.attribute = attr[i]; hyDB.postNewsletters.AddObject(pNewsletter); hyDB.SaveChanges(); } } string[] o_attr = old_attr.Split(';'); for (int j = 0; j < o_attr.Length; j++) { if (!attributes.Contains(o_attr[j])) { newsManager.DeletePostAttribute(id, o_attr[j]); hyDB.SaveChanges(); } } } }
public string getPostNewsletters() { int id = 0; string attributes = ""; newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); List <sp_postNewsletter_GetPostAttributes_Result> attrs = new List <sp_postNewsletter_GetPostAttributes_Result>(); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); attrs = newsManager.GetPostAttributes_Result(id); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) { if (attributes != "") { attributes += ";"; } attributes += attrs[i].attribute; } } else { return("Error: The Post ID is null."); } return(attributes); }
// GET: Editors/managePost public ActionResult Index() { newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); List <newsPost> newsPost_list = new List <newsPost>(); newsPost_list = newsManager.GetLatestNews(); return(View(newsPost_list)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { newsPost newsPost = new newsPost(); newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); newsPost = newsManager.GetPostByID(id); ViewBag.ID = id; return(View(newsPost)); }
public void UploadImage(HttpPostedFileBase file, int id) { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { newsPost p_Post = new newsPost(); newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); Image_Resize_Manager image_resizer = new Image_Resize_Manager(); p_Post = newsManager.GetPostByID(id); var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); if (file.FileName != "") { var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/uploads"), "new_post" + extension); file.SaveAs(path); //save post image System.IO.FileInfo fileInf = new System.IO.FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/uploads") + "\\" + "new_post" + extension); fileInf.CopyTo(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["newsImageStorage_Path"] + "\\" + p_Post.post_guid + fileInf.Extension, true); // // resize image old int video_width = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["postImage_maxWidth"]); image_resizer.Resize_Image(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["newsImageStorage_Path"] + "\\" + p_Post.post_guid + fileInf.Extension, video_width, -1, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //save thumbnail System.IO.FileInfo thumb_file = new System.IO.FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/uploads") + "\\" + "new_post" + extension); string new_thumb_path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["newsImageStorage_Path"] + "\\thumb_" + p_Post.post_guid + thumb_file.Extension; thumb_file.CopyTo(new_thumb_path, true); int thumb_width = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["postThumb_maxWidth"]); image_resizer.Resize_Image(new_thumb_path, thumb_width, -1, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //save new image System.IO.FileInfo newim_file = new System.IO.FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/uploads") + "\\" + "new_post" + extension); string newim_path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["newsImageStorage_Path"] + "\\img_" + p_Post.post_guid + newim_file.Extension; newim_file.CopyTo(newim_path, true); int newim_width = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["newPostImage_maxWidth"]); image_resizer.Resize_Image(newim_path, newim_width, -1, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //delete file System.IO.FileInfo del_file = new System.IO.FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/uploads") + "\\" + "new_post" + extension); del_file.Delete(); p_Post.post_image = p_Post.post_guid + fileInf.Extension; // // save post after image is done newsManager.EditPost(p_Post); } } }
public string getAttrs(int id) { string attributes = ""; newsManagement_Admin newsManager = new newsManagement_Admin(); List <sp_postNewsletter_GetPostAttributes_Result> attrs = new List <sp_postNewsletter_GetPostAttributes_Result>(); attrs = newsManager.GetPostAttributes_Result(id); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) { if (attributes != "") { attributes += ";"; } attributes += attrs[i].attribute; } return(attributes); }
public ActionResult AddNewPost(newsPost p_newPost, HttpPostedFileBase file, string scheduled, string datetimepicker, string postgenres, string attributes) { Hypster_Entities hyDB = new Hypster_Entities(); newsManagement_Admin newsManager_admin = new newsManagement_Admin(); newsManagement newsManager = new newsManagement(); if (p_newPost.post_title != null && p_newPost.post_title != "") { if (p_newPost.post_content == null || p_newPost.post_content == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Enter the Post Content; it is REQUIRED!!"); } if (p_newPost.post_short_content == null || p_newPost.post_short_content == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Enter the Short Post Content; it is REQUIRED!!"); } p_newPost.post_date = DateTime.Now; p_newPost.post_guid = p_newPost.post_title.Replace("/", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("&", "").Replace("+", "").Replace(" ", "-").Replace("?", "").Replace("!", "").Replace("*", "").Replace("$", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("(", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("|", "").Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(";", ""); p_newPost.post_status = (int)postStatus.NoActive; // //check if post guid is exist in database newsPost post_check = newsManager_admin.GetPostByGUID(p_newPost.post_guid); if (post_check.post_id != 0 && newsManager_admin.GetPostByGUID(post_check.post_guid).post_guid != "") { ModelState.AddModelError("", "NOT ABLE TO GENERATE POST GUID.Please choose modify title. Post with following title already exist."); } else //if post guid is unique then procceed to finish { hyDB.newsPosts.AddObject(p_newPost); hyDB.SaveChanges(); int id = p_newPost.post_id; UploadImage(file, id); if (scheduled == "Yes") { ScheduledPost sPost = new ScheduledPost(); sPost.post_id = id; sPost.scheduled_date = convertDateTime(datetimepicker); sPost.activated = 0; hyDB.ScheduledPost.AddObject(sPost); hyDB.SaveChanges(); } if (attributes != "") { string[] attribute = attributes.Split(';'); foreach (string attr in attribute) { postNewsletter pNewsletter = new postNewsletter(); pNewsletter.post_id = id; pNewsletter.attribute = attr; hyDB.postNewsletters.AddObject(pNewsletter); hyDB.SaveChanges(); } } if (postgenres.Length != 0) { string[] postgenre = postgenres.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < postgenre.Length; i++) { Post_Genre postGenre = new Post_Genre(); postGenre.post_id = id; postGenre.genre_id = Convert.ToInt32(postgenre[i]); hyDB.Post_Genre.AddObject(postGenre); hyDB.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "managePost")); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please enter post title. It must be unique from previous posts!!!"); } // if no success return(View(new newsPost())); }
public ActionResult Edit(newsPost p_Post, HttpPostedFileBase file, string scheduled, string datetimepicker, string postgenres, string attributes) { newsManagement_Admin newsManager_admin = new newsManagement_Admin(); newsManagement newsManager = new newsManagement(); Hypster_Entities hyDB = new Hypster_Entities(); ScheduledPost sPost = new ScheduledPost(); if (p_Post.post_status == 0 && scheduled == "Yes") { try { // newsManager.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id) may throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException error sPost = newsManager_admin.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id); sPost.scheduled_date = convertDateTime(datetimepicker); sPost.activated = 0; newsManager_admin.EditSPost(sPost); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { // newsManager.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id) throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException error which was occurred because the post is not having any records in the schedule post table. // Therefore, one must be created. Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Scheduled Post does not exist previously for this post. Therefore, one must be created.\n\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString()); sPost.post_id = p_Post.post_id; sPost.scheduled_date = convertDateTime(datetimepicker); sPost.activated = 0; hyDB.ScheduledPost.AddObject(sPost); } } else { try { // newsManager.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id) may throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException error sPost = newsManager_admin.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id); sPost.activated = 1; newsManager_admin.EditSPost(sPost); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { // newsManager.GetSchedulePostByID(p_Post.post_id) throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException error which was occurred because the post is not having any records in the schedule post table. // Therefore, one must be created. Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " Scheduled Post does not exist previously for this post. Therefore, one must be created.\n\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString()); sPost.post_id = p_Post.post_id; sPost.scheduled_date = DateTime.Now; sPost.activated = 1; hyDB.ScheduledPost.AddObject(sPost); } } manageGenres(hyDB, newsManager, p_Post.post_id, postgenres, getAssociatedGenreIds(p_Post.post_id)); manageAttributes(hyDB, newsManager_admin, p_Post.post_id, attributes, getAttrs(p_Post.post_id)); newsManager_admin.EditPost(p_Post); UploadImage(file, p_Post.post_id); hyDB.SaveChanges(); //update sitemaps date and ping google and bing // int sitemapNewsID = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sitemap_newsID"]); SitemapManagement sitemapManager = new SitemapManagement(); sitemapManager.UpdateDateChanged(sitemapNewsID, DateTime.Now); HttpWebRequest ping_google_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); HttpWebResponse ping_google_response = (HttpWebResponse)ping_google_request.GetResponse(); Stream google_resStream = ping_google_response.GetResponseStream(); String google_responseString = ""; using (google_resStream) { StreamReader google_reader = new StreamReader(google_resStream, Encoding.UTF8); google_responseString = google_reader.ReadToEnd(); } HttpWebRequest ping_bing_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); HttpWebResponse ping_bing_response = (HttpWebResponse)ping_bing_request.GetResponse(); Stream bing_resStream = ping_bing_response.GetResponseStream(); String bing_responseString = ""; using (bing_resStream) { StreamReader bing_reader = new StreamReader(bing_resStream, Encoding.UTF8); bing_responseString = bing_reader.ReadToEnd(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }