예제 #1
파일: XPath.cs 프로젝트: fidothe/saxon-he
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <c>IEnumerator</c> (that is,
        /// an enumerator over a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An enumerator over the sequence that represents the results of the expression.
        /// Each object in this sequence will be an instance of <c>XdmItem</c>. Note
        /// that the expression may be evaluated lazily, which means that a successful response
        /// from this method does not imply that the expression has executed successfully: failures
        /// may be reported later while retrieving items from the iterator.
        /// </returns>

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);

            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            return(new SequenceEnumerator(exp.iterate(context)));
예제 #2
파일: XPath.cs 프로젝트: fidothe/saxon-he
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <c>XdmValue</c> (that is,
        /// a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Although a singleton result <i>may</i> be represented as an <c>XdmItem</c>, there is
        /// no guarantee that this will always be the case. If you know that the expression will return at
        /// most one node or atomic value, it is best to use the <c>EvaluateSingle</c> method, which
        /// does guarantee that an <c>XdmItem</c> (or null) will be returned.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <c>XdmValue</c> representing the results of the expression.
        /// </returns>

        public XdmValue Evaluate()
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);

            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            JValueRepresentation value = JSequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(exp.iterate(context));

예제 #3
파일: XPath.cs 프로젝트: fidothe/saxon-he
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the result as an <c>XdmItem</c> (that is,
        /// a single node or atomic value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <c>XdmItem</c> representing the result of the expression, or null if the expression
        /// returns an empty sequence. If the expression returns a sequence of more than one item,
        /// any items after the first are ignored.
        /// </returns>

        public XdmItem EvaluateSingle()
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);

            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            net.sf.saxon.om.Item i = exp.iterate(context).next();
            if (i == null)
예제 #4
        private bool testAssertion2(XdmNode assertion, Outcome outcome, XPathCompiler assertXpc, XPathCompiler catalogXpc, bool debug)
            string tag = assertion.NodeName.LocalName;

            if (tag.Equals("assert-eq"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XPathSelector s = assertXpc.Compile("$result eq " + assertion.StringValue).Load();
                    s.SetVariable(new QName("result"), outcome.getResult());
                    XdmAtomicValue item = (XdmAtomicValue)s.EvaluateSingle();
                    if (s == null)
                        return false;
                    return (bool)item.Value;
            if (tag.Equals("assert-deep-eq"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XPathSelector s = assertXpc.Compile("deep-equal($result , (" + assertion.StringValue + "))").Load();
                    s.SetVariable(new QName("result"), outcome.getResult());
                    return (bool)((XdmAtomicValue)s.Evaluate()).Value;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-permutation"))
                // TODO: extend this to handle nodes (if required)
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                        int expectedItems = 0;
                        Hashtable expected = new Hashtable();
                        XPathSelector s = assertXpc.Compile("(" + assertion.StringValue + ")").Load();
                        s.SetVariable(new QName("result"), outcome.getResult()); // not used, but we declared it
                        net.sf.saxon.lib.StringCollator collator = net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator.getInstance();
                        net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext context = new net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMajor(net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue.EMPTY_STRING, assertXpc.Processor.Implementation);
                    /*    foreach (XdmItem item in s) {
                            XdmValue value = (XdmValue) item;
                            Object comparable = value.isNaN() ?
                                    AtomicSortComparer.COLLATION_KEY_NaN :
                                    value.getXPathComparable(false, collator, context);
                        } */
                        int actualItems = 0;
                        /*foreach (XdmItem item in outcome.getResult()) {
                            AtomicValue value = (AtomicValue) item.getUnderlyingValue();
                            Object comparable = value.isNaN() ?
                                    AtomicSortComparer.COLLATION_KEY_NaN :
                                    value.getXPathComparable(false, collator, context);
                            if (!expected.Contains(comparable)) {
                                return false;
                        return actualItems == expectedItems;
                    catch (DynamicError e)
                        return false;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-serialization"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    string normalizeAtt = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("normalize-space"));
                    bool normalize = normalizeAtt != null && ("true".Equals(normalizeAtt.Trim()) || "1".Equals(normalizeAtt.Trim()));
                    string ignoreAtt = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("ignore-prefixes"));
                    bool ignorePrefixes = ignoreAtt != null && ("true".Equals(ignoreAtt.Trim()) || "1".Equals(ignoreAtt.Trim()));
                    catalogXpc.BaseUri = "";
                    string comparand = catalogXpc.Evaluate("if (@file) then unparsed-text(resolve-uri(@file, base-uri(.))) else string(.)", assertion).ToString();
                    if (normalize)
                        comparand = net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace.collapseWhitespace(comparand).ToString();
                    StringWriter tw = new StringWriter();
                    Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
                    serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
                    serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "no");
                    serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
                    assertXpc.Processor.WriteXdmValue(outcome.getResult(), serializer);
                    if (comparand.Equals(tw.ToString())) {
                        return true;
                    DocumentBuilder builder = assertXpc.Processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
                    StringReader reader = new StringReader("<z>" + comparand + "</z>");
                    builder.BaseUri = assertion.BaseUri;
                    XdmNode expected = builder.Build(reader);
                    int flag = 0;

                    flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.INCLUDE_COMMENTS;
                    flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.INCLUDE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS;
                    if (!ignorePrefixes)
                        flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.INCLUDE_NAMESPACES;
                        flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.INCLUDE_PREFIXES;
                    flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.COMPARE_STRING_VALUES;
                    flag |= net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.WARNING_IF_FALSE;
                       net.sf.saxon.om.SequenceIterator iter0;
                       XdmValue v = outcome.getResult();
                       if (v.Count == 1 && v is XdmNode && ((XdmNode)v).NodeKind == XmlNodeType.Document)
                             iter0 = ((XdmNode)v).Implementation.iterateAxis(net.sf.saxon.om.Axis.CHILD);
                         } else {
                             iter0 = net.sf.saxon.value.Value.asIterator(outcome.getResult().Unwrap());
                         net.sf.saxon.om.SequenceIterator iter1 = (expected.Implementation.iterateAxis(net.sf.saxon.om.Axis.CHILD).next()).iterateAxis(net.sf.saxon.om.Axis.CHILD);
                         return net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual.deepEquals(
                                 iter0, iter1,
                                 new net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GenericAtomicComparer(net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator.getInstance(), null),
                                 assertXpc.Processor.Implementation, flag);
                    catch (DynamicError e)
                        // e.printStackTrace();
                        return false;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-serialization-error"))
                  if (outcome.isException()) {
                      return false;
                  } else {
                      string expectedError = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("code"));
                      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                      Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
                      serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
                      serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "no");
                      serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
                      try {
                          assertXpc.Processor.WriteXdmValue(outcome.getResult(), serializer);
                          return false;
                      } catch (DynamicError err) {
                          bool b = expectedError.Equals(err.ErrorCode.LocalName);
                          if (!b)
                            feedback.Message("Expected " + expectedError + ", got " + err.ErrorCode.LocalName, false);
                          return true;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-empty"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XdmValue result = outcome.getResult();
                    return result.Count == 0;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-count"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XdmValue result = outcome.getResult();
                    return result.Count == int.Parse(assertion.StringValue);
            else if (tag.Equals("assert"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XPathSelector s = assertXpc.Compile(assertion.StringValue).Load();
                    s.SetVariable(new QName("result"), outcome.getResult());
                    return (bool)((XdmAtomicValue)s.EvaluateSingle()).Value;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-string-value"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XdmValue resultValue = outcome.getResult();
                    string resultstring;
                    string assertionstring = assertion.StringValue;
                    if (resultValue is XdmNode)
                        resultstring = ((XdmNode)resultValue).StringValue;
                    }else if(resultValue is XdmAtomicValue){
                        resultstring = ((XdmAtomicValue)resultValue).ToString();
                        bool first = true;
                        StringBuilder fsb = new StringBuilder(256);
                        foreach (XdmItem item in resultValue)
                            if (first)
                                first = false;
                                fsb.Append(' ');
                        resultstring = fsb.ToString();
                    string normalizeAtt = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("normalize-space"));
                    if (normalizeAtt != null && (normalizeAtt.Trim().Equals("true") || normalizeAtt.Trim().Equals("1")))
                        assertionstring = net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace.collapseWhitespace(assertionstring).ToString();
                        resultstring = net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace.collapseWhitespace(resultstring).ToString();
                    if (resultstring.Equals(assertionstring))
                        return true;
                        if (debug)
                            if (resultstring.Length != assertionstring.Length)
                                Console.WriteLine("Result length " + resultstring.Length + "; expected length " + assertionstring.Length);
                            int len = Math.Min(resultstring.Length, assertionstring.Length);
                            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                                if (resultstring[i] != assertionstring[i])
                                    feedback.Message("Results differ at index " + i +
                                            "(\"" + resultstring.Substring(i, (i + 10 > len ? len : i + 10)) + "\") vs (\"" +
                                            assertionstring.Substring(i, (i + 10 > len ? len : i + 10)) + "\")", false);
                        return false;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-type"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XPathSelector s = assertXpc.Compile("$result instance of " + assertion.StringValue).Load();
                    s.SetVariable(new QName("result"), outcome.getResult());
                    return (bool)((XdmAtomicValue)s.EvaluateSingle()).Value;
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-true"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XdmValue result = outcome.getResult();
                    return result.Count == 1  && ((XdmItem)result).IsAtomic() &&
                        ((XdmAtomicValue)result).GetPrimitiveTypeName().Equals(QName.XS_BOOLEAN) &&
            else if (tag.Equals("assert-false"))
                if (outcome.isException())
                    return false;
                    XdmValue result = outcome.getResult();
                    return result.Count == 1 &&
                           ((XdmItem)result.Simplify).IsAtomic() &&
                            ((XdmAtomicValue)result.Simplify).GetPrimitiveTypeName().Equals(QName.XS_BOOLEAN) &&
            else if (tag.Equals("error"))
                string expectedError = assertion.GetAttributeValue(new QName("code"));
                //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
                Exception err = outcome.getException();
                QName errorCode = null;
                if (err is DynamicError)
                    errorCode = ((DynamicError)outcome.getException()).ErrorCode;
                else {
                    errorCode = ((StaticError)outcome.getException()).ErrorCode;
                 return outcome.isException() &&
                            (expectedError.Equals("*") ||
                                    (errorCode != null &&
                                            errorCode.LocalName.Equals(expectedError)) ||
            else if (tag.Equals("all-of"))
                XdmValue children = catalogXpc.Evaluate("*", assertion);
                foreach (XdmItem child in children)
                    if (!testAssertion((XdmNode)child, outcome, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug))
                        return false;
                return true;
            else if (tag.Equals("any-of"))
                XdmValue children = catalogXpc.Evaluate("*", assertion);
                foreach (XdmItem child in children)
                    if (testAssertion((XdmNode)child, outcome, assertXpc, catalogXpc, debug))
                        return true;
                return false;
            throw new Exception("Unknown assertion element " + tag);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <c>IEnumerator</c> (that is,
        /// an enumerator over a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An enumerator over the sequence that represents the results of the expression.
        /// Each object in this sequence will be an instance of <c>XdmItem</c>. Note
        /// that the expression may be evaluated lazily, which means that a successful response
        /// from this method does not imply that the expression has executed successfully: failures
        /// may be reported later while retrieving items from the iterator. 
        /// </returns>

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);
            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            return new SequenceEnumerator(exp.iterate(context));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the result as an <c>XdmItem</c> (that is,
        /// a single node or atomic value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <c>XdmItem</c> representing the result of the expression, or null if the expression
        /// returns an empty sequence. If the expression returns a sequence of more than one item,
        /// any items after the first are ignored.
        /// </returns>

        public XdmItem EvaluateSingle() {
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);
            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            net.sf.saxon.om.Item i = exp.iterate(context).next();
            if (i == null) {
                return null;
            return (XdmItem)XdmValue.Wrap(i);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <c>XdmValue</c> (that is,
        /// a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Although a singleton result <i>may</i> be represented as an <c>XdmItem</c>, there is
        /// no guarantee that this will always be the case. If you know that the expression will return at
        /// most one node or atomic value, it is best to use the <c>EvaluateSingle</c> method, which 
        /// does guarantee that an <c>XdmItem</c> (or null) will be returned.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <c>XdmValue</c> representing the results of the expression. 
        /// </returns>

        public XdmValue Evaluate() {
            JXPathContextMajor context = new JXPathContextMajor(contextItem, config);
            context.setStackFrame(env.getStackFrameMap(), variableValues);
            JValueRepresentation value = JSequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(exp.iterate(context));
            return XdmValue.Wrap(value);