예제 #1
        }     // END METHOD

        /// <summary>
        /// ECGridOSDownload - Downloads Files using ECGridOS ParcelInBox() or ParcelInBoxEx()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APIKey">string GUID</param>
        /// <param name="FileDir">string</param>
        /// <param name="ECGridIDFrom">integer</param>
        /// <param name="ECGridIDTo">integer</param>
        private static void ECGridOSDownload(string APIKey, string FileDir, int ECGridIDFrom, int ECGridIDTo)
            // ECGRIDOS: Set up an reference for the Web Service this requires a Web Reference to https://ecgridos.net/v3.2/prod/ecgridos.asmx
            net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3 ecgridos = new net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3();
            ecgridos.EnableDecompression = true;
            long ParcelID;

            // The FileInfo object holds all the info and payload of the downloaded file
            ECGridOS_API.FileInfo FileInfo = new ECGridOS_API.FileInfo();
            ECGridOS_API.ParcelIDInfoCollection Parcels = new ECGridOS_API.ParcelIDInfoCollection();

            // Add trailing slash onto directory
            if (!FileDir.Right(1).Equals(@"\"))
                FileDir += "\\";

            ECGridOSConsole("WhoAmI(\"{0}\")", APIKey);
            ECGridOS_API.SessionInfo whoami = ecgridos.WhoAmI(APIKey);

            if (ECGridIDFrom > 0)
                ECGridOSConsole("ParcelInBoxEx(\"{0}\",{1},{2},{3},{4})", APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                Parcels = ecgridos.ParcelInBoxEx(APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                ECGridOSConsole("ParcelInBox(\"{0}\")", APIKey);
                Parcels = ecgridos.ParcelInBox(APIKey);
            } // END IF/ELSE

            // Try to download each Parcel from the Inbox
            foreach (ECGridOS_API.ParcelIDInfo Parcel in Parcels.ParcelIDInfoList)
                Console.WriteLine("Downloading: {0}  ParcelID: {1}  Bytes: {2}", Parcel.FileName, Parcel.ParcelID, Parcel.ParcelBytes);
                ParcelID = Parcel.ParcelID;

                // Check the Size of this file and use GZip decompression if it is 100 KB or over
                if (Parcel.ParcelBytes <= 100000)
                    // ECGRIDOS: ParcelDownloadGZip() is used to download the File info & content, it returns the FileInfo object
                    ECGridOSConsole("ParcelDownload(\"{0}\",{1})", APIKey, ParcelID);
                    FileInfo = ecgridos.ParcelDownload(APIKey, ParcelID);
                    // ECGRIDOS: ParcelDownloadGZip() is used to download the File info & content, it returns the FileInfo object
                    ECGridOSConsole("ParcelDownloadGZip(\"{0}\",{1})", APIKey, ParcelID);
                    FileInfo = ecgridos.ParcelDownloadGZip(APIKey, ParcelID);

                string errorMessage = "";
                    if (IsGzipCompressed(FileInfo.Content))
                        byte[] decompressedContent = GzipDecompress(FileInfo.Content);

                        // Write to File to Drive
                        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(FileDir, FileInfo.FileName), decompressedContent);
                        // Write to File to Drive
                        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(FileDir, FileInfo.FileName), FileInfo.Content);

                    ECGridOSConsole("ParcelDownloadConfirm(\"{0}\",{1})", APIKey, ParcelID);
                    ecgridos.ParcelDownloadConfirm(APIKey, ParcelID);

                    if (targetAnalytics && whoami.NetworkID == 506)
                        TargetConfirm(APIKey, Parcel);
                catch (SoapException SoapEx)
                    // There is good data in the InnerXML which can be parsed and used to processes specific exceptions
                    errorMessage = ShowSoapError(SoapEx);
                    returnValue  = 5;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorMessage = "ERROR: " + ex.ToString();
                    returnValue = 2;

                // Chck if there are any error messsages
                if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                    SendError(ErrorContact, errorMessage);
                    ECGridOSConsole("ParcelDownloadReset(\"{0}\",{1})", APIKey, ParcelID);

                        // Reset the Download if error
                        ecgridos.ParcelDownloadReset(APIKey, ParcelID);
                        Console.WriteLine("error: download reset.");
                    catch (SoapException SoapEx)
                        errorMessage = ShowSoapError(SoapEx);
                } // END IF
            }     // END FOREACH
        }         // END METHOD
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main - Calling Method for the CommandLine to Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">string[]</param>
        /// <returns>integer</returns>
        static int Main(string[] args)
            #region Setup Console Window

            Console.Title        = "ECGridOS Mailbox IO";
            Console.WindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight = 60;
            Console.WindowWidth  = Console.WindowWidth = 100;


            // Write to Console Window Product Name, Company, and Copyright
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1:g}", assemblyProduct, DateTime.Now);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", assemblyCompany, assemblyCopyright);

            // Check for valid argument counts
            if (args.Count() < 3 || args.Count() > 4)
                #region SMTP Arguments

                if (args.Count() == 1)
                    if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpfromname"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpfromname = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPFromName", smtpfromname);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP From Name: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPFromName"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpfrom"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpfrom = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPFrom", smtpfrom);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP From: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPFrom"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtphost"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtphost = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPHost", smtphost);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP Host: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPHost"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpport"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpport = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPPort", smtpport);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP Port: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPPort"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpuser"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpuser = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPUserName", smtpuser);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP User: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPUserName"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtppassword"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtppassword = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPPassword", smtppassword);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP Password: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPPassword"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpssl"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtppassword = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPSSL", smtppassword);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP SSL: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPSSL"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpauth"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpauth = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("SMTPAuth", smtpauth);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set SMTP Auth: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPAuth"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-timeout"))
                        if (args[0].Contains(":"))
                            string smtpauth = (args[0].Split(':'))[1];
                            SetAppSetting("TimeOut", smtpauth);
                            Console.WriteLine("Set Time Out: {0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TimeOut"].ToString());
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtpconfig"))
                        // Display the current -smtp configuration
                        returnValue = 1;
                    else if (args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-smtphelp"))
                        // Display the smtp syntax usage
                        returnValue = 1;
                    // Invalid argument count displays argument definition and returns true/1
                    returnValue = 1;

                // Parse arguments into variables
                string APIKey = args[0];
                if (!IsValidGUID(APIKey))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid GUID Format.");

                string FileDir      = args[1];
                bool   Upload       = false;
                int    ECGridIDFrom = -1;
                int    ECGridIDTo   = -1;
                string errorMessage = "";

                #region Arguments

                // Check the Arguments for options
                for (int i = 2; i <= args.Count() - 1; i++)
                    string argument = args[i];
                    argument = argument.Replace("–", "-"); // Replace em-dash

                    if (argument.ToLower().StartsWith("-upload"))
                        // Get the optional ECGridIDs for an upload
                        Upload = true;
                        if (argument.Contains(":"))
                            if (argument.Contains(","))
                                string ids = (argument.Split(':'))[1];
                                ECGridIDFrom = Convert.ToInt32((ids.Split(','))[0]);
                                ECGridIDTo   = Convert.ToInt32((ids.Split(','))[1]);
                                // This is a fix for old code format - allows old : separator
                                ECGridIDFrom = Convert.ToInt32((argument.Split(':'))[1]);
                                ECGridIDTo   = Convert.ToInt32((argument.Split(':'))[2]);
                    else if (argument.ToLower().StartsWith("-download"))
                        // Get the optional ECGridIDs for a download
                        if (argument.Contains(":"))
                            if (argument.Contains(","))
                                string ids = (argument.Split(':'))[1];
                                ECGridIDFrom = Convert.ToInt32((ids.Split(','))[0]);
                                ECGridIDTo   = Convert.ToInt32((ids.Split(','))[1]);
                                // This is a fix for old code format - allows old : separator
                                ECGridIDFrom = Convert.ToInt32((argument.Split(':'))[1]);
                                ECGridIDTo   = Convert.ToInt32((argument.Split(':'))[2]);
                    else if (argument.ToLower().StartsWith("-e:"))
                        // Get the Error Contact Email
                        ErrorContact = argument.Substring(3).Trim();
                } // END FOR


                // Try the API Calls and catch and exceptions
                    using (net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3 ecgridos = new net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3())
                        Console.WriteLine("ECGridOS {0}{1}", ecgridos.Version(), Environment.NewLine);

                    if (Upload)
                        ECGridOSUpload(APIKey, FileDir, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                        ECGridOSDownload(APIKey, FileDir, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                catch (SoapException SoapEx)
                    //There is good data in the InnerXML which can be parsed and used to processes specific exceptions
                    errorMessage = ShowSoapError(SoapEx);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (returnValue == 0)
                        returnValue = 2;
                    errorMessage = String.Format("ERROR: {0} {1}{1} {2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);

                // Send the Email to the Error contact if there are Errors and a Error Contact Set
                if (errorMessage.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorContact))
                    SendError(ErrorContact, errorMessage);
            } // END IF/ELSE

        } // END MAIN
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ECGridOSUpload - Uploads a File using ECGridOS ParcelUpload()/ParcelUploadGZip() or ParcelUploadDirected()/ParcelUploadDirectedGZip()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APIKey">string GUID</param>
        /// <param name="FileDir">string</param>
        /// <param name="ECGridIDFrom">integer</param>
        /// <param name="ECGridIDTo">integer</param>
        private static void ECGridOSUpload(string APIKey, string FileDir, int ECGridIDFrom, int ECGridIDTo)
            // Declare variables
            IReadOnlyCollection <string> files;
            int ParcelID;

            // Check if this File or Directory Exists
            if (File.Exists(FileDir) || Directory.Exists(FileDir))
                // Find out if this is a file or directory
                FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(FileDir);
                if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                    // This is a directory
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(FileDir, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                    // This is a single file
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileDir), Path.GetFileName(FileDir), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                returnValue = 2;
                throw new IOException("File/Path not found");

            // Check if there are ECGridIDs and Get the SessionInfo if True
            bool isDirected = false;

            ECGridOS_API.SessionInfo whoami = new ECGridOS_API.SessionInfo();
            if (ECGridIDFrom > 0)
                // ECGRIDOS: Set up an reference for the Web Service this requires a Web Reference to https://ecgridos.net/v3.2/prod/ecgridos.asmx
                using (net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3 ecgridos = new net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3())
                    ecgridos.Timeout = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TimeOut"].ToString());

                    // ECGRIDOS: ParcelUploadDirected() posts a file to ECGrid wrapped with specified From and To IDs.
                    // The ParcelID can be used as a handle later to get more information about the specific files as it transits the system.
                    ECGridOSConsole("WhoAmI(\"{0}\")", APIKey);
                    whoami     = ecgridos.WhoAmI(APIKey);
                    isDirected = true;

            // Upload File(s)
            foreach (string fileName in files)
                //Load the entire file into a string buffer
                byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);

                // Check that the file is not empty
                if (buffer.Length <= 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Deleting Empty File: {0} ....", fileName);

                Console.WriteLine("Uploading: {0} ....", fileName);

                if (isDirected)
                    // ECGRIDOS: Set up an reference for the Web Service this requires a Web Reference to https://ecgridos.net/v3.2/prod/ecgridos.asmx
                    using (net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3 ecgridos = new net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3())
                        ecgridos.Timeout             = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TimeOut"].ToString());
                        ecgridos.EnableDecompression = true;

                        // Check the Size of this file and use GZip compression if it is 1 MB or over

                         * if (buffer.Length >= 100000)
                         * {
                         *  buffer = GzipCompress(buffer);
                         *  Console.WriteLine("GZip Compressing File: {0} ....", fileName);
                         *  // ECGRIDOS: ParcelUploadDirectedGZip() posts a GZip file to ECGrid
                         *  // The ParcelID can be used as a handle later to get more information about the specific files as it transits the system.
                         *  ECGridOSConsole("ParcelUploadDirectedGZip(\"{0}\",{1},{2},\"{3}\",{4},{5},{6},{7})", APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, "byte[]", ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                         *  ParcelID = ecgridos.ParcelUploadDirectedGZip(APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, buffer, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                        // ECGRIDOS: ParcelUploadDirected() posts a GZip file to ECGrid
                        // The ParcelID can be used as a handle later to get more information about the specific files as it transits the system.
                        ECGridOSConsole("ParcelUploadDirected(\"{0}\",{1},{2},\"{3}\",{4},{5},{6},{7})", APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, "byte[]", ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                        ParcelID = ecgridos.ParcelUploadDirected(APIKey, whoami.NetworkID, whoami.MailboxID, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, buffer, ECGridIDFrom, ECGridIDTo);
                    // ECGRIDOS: Set up an reference for the Web Service this requires a Web Reference to https://ecgridos.net/v3.2/prod/ecgridos.asmx
                    using (net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3 ecgridos = new net.ecgridos.ECGridOSAPIv3())
                        ecgridos.Timeout             = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TimeOut"].ToString());
                        ecgridos.EnableDecompression = true;

                        // Check the Size of this file and use GZip compression if it is 1 MB or over
                        if (buffer.Length >= 1000000)
                            buffer = GzipCompress(buffer);
                            Console.WriteLine("GZip Compressing File: {0} ....", fileName);

                            // ECGRIDOS: ParcelUploadGZip() posts a GZip EDI file to ECGrid
                            // The ParcelID can be used as a handle later to get more information about the specific files as it transits the system.
                            ECGridOSConsole("ParcelUploadGZip(\"{0}\",\"{1}\",{2},{3})", APIKey, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, "byte[]");
                            ParcelID = ecgridos.ParcelUploadGZip(APIKey, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, buffer);
                            // ECGRIDOS: ParcelUpload() posts a EDI file to ECGrid
                            // The ParcelID can be used as a handle later to get more information about the specific files as it transits the system.
                            ECGridOSConsole("ParcelUpload(\"{0}\",\"{1}\",{2},{3})", APIKey, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, "byte[]");
                            ParcelID = ecgridos.ParcelUpload(APIKey, Path.GetFileName(fileName), buffer.Length, buffer);
                } // END IF/ELSE

                Console.WriteLine("ParcelID = {0}", ParcelID);

                // Delete the file after a successful upload.
                // Note that the Try/Catch from the calling routine will handle any errors and not delete the file if it doesn't upload
            } // END FOREACH(File)
        }     // END METHOD