void Start() { shardReached = false; canTeleport = true; targetscript = FindObjectOfType <navmesh>(); //player.transform.position = start.transform.position; arraylength = destinations.Length - 1; // cameras.Add(new GameObject.Find("Camera_Shard"))); //Turn all cameras off, except the first default one foreach (GameObject cam in cameras) { cam.gameObject.SetActive(false); } targetchange = false; //change destination to shard string s = string.Format("This is a half-guided tour of Nirgendheim. Scroll through the text and press <color=#00ff00ff>{0}</color> to investigate", GamepadController.instance.controlList.submitName); targetInst.text = s; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { targetscript = FindObjectOfType <navmesh>(); }