private void Of_bind_Goods() { int li_PageIndex = 1; try { li_PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Lbl_PageIndex.Text); } catch { } string ls_SQL = @"select isnull((select ThumbnaiIimg from Goodsno_picture where Goo_code=goodsno.goo_code),'img/error.png')as ThumbnaiIimg, goodsno.goo_code,goodsno.goo_no,goodsno.specnum,goodsno.Goo_Type,goodsno.Goo_Mate,goodsno.goo_name,0.00 as UserPrice,goodsno.Spec, goodsno.Content,goodsno.Goo_unit,goodsno.getdetail_memo,0 as num,0 as piece from goodsno,goodmate,goodtype where 1=1 and goo_type=typeno and goo_mate*=matecode and goodsno.isweb='Y' and goodtype.isweb='Y' and goodmate.isweb='Y'"; ls_SQL += WebSet.GetShowGood_SQL("all"); n_findby_dw lnv_find = new n_findby_dw(); lnv_find.of_setSQL(ls_SQL); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "goo_no", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "GyNo", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "goo_name", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "barcode", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "content", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "CAST(saleprice as varchar(50))", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetCol("goo_mate", "goodsno.goo_mate", "=", DDL_GooMate.SelectedValue.Trim()); lnv_find.of_SetCol("goo_type", "goodsno.goo_type", "=", DDL_GooType.SelectedValue.Trim()); int count = 0; DataTable ldt_Goods = lnv_find.Of_GetPageDataTable("goodsno.goo_code", gi_PageSize, li_PageIndex, ref count);//PageDAL.Page(Page, baseclass.GysoftParameter.ChangeParameter(ll_Pa), out count); Log.WriteTextLog("Dw_OrderCarSql", "Log", lnv_find.AllSQL + " sql=" + ls_SQL, 9); if (li_PageIndex == 1) { if (count % gi_PageSize != 0) { Lbl_PageCount.Text = ((count / gi_PageSize) + 1).ToString(); } else { Lbl_PageCount.Text = (count / gi_PageSize).ToString(); } } #region 添加价格和采购量 Hashtable Hash = Shoping.GetHash(); for (int li_Rows = 0; li_Rows < ldt_Goods.Rows.Count; li_Rows++) { string ls_Price = UserInfo.ShowGoo_price(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"], ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["getdetail_memo"]); Decimal lde_Price = 0; try { lde_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(ls_Price); } catch { ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["UserPrice"] = 0.00; continue; } ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["UserPrice"] = lde_Price; if (Hash.ContainsKey(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim())) { try { Decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(Hash[ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim()]); int li_num = Convert.ToInt32(Decimal.Round(num, 0)); ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["num"] = li_num; ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["piece"] = li_num / Convert.ToDecimal(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["specnum"]); } catch { ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["num"] = 0; ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["piece"] = 0; } } } #endregion if (Convert.ToInt32(Lbl_PageCount.Text) > 1) { Pages.Visible = true; } else { Pages.Visible = false; } Rep_GoodsNo.DataSource = ldt_Goods; Rep_GoodsNo.DataBind(); }
private void Of_bind_Goods() { int li_PageIndex = 1; try { li_PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Lbl_PageIndex.Text); } catch { } //isnull((select memo from Goodsno_picture where Goo_code=goodsno.goo_code),'')as memo, string ls_SQL = @"select isnull((select ThumbnaiIimg from Goodsno_picture where Goo_code=goodsno.goo_code),'img/error.png')as ThumbnaiIimg, goo_code,goo_no,specnum,Goo_Type,Goo_Mate,goo_name,0.00 as UserPrice,Spec, Content,Goo_unit,getdetail_memo,0 as num,0 as piece,'' as lasttime,saleprice,'' as discount from goodsno where 1=1 and isnull(goo_mate,'')<>'PR' and goo_code in ( select goods_code from outone,outmany where outone.out_no=outmany.out_no and outone.cus_code ='#cus_code' and outone.out_date >='#out_date' group by goods_code ) order by goo_name"; //GysoftParameter[] Pa ={new GysoftParameter("@cus_code",SysVisitor.Current.UserCode), // new GysoftParameter("@out_date",DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString())}; ls_SQL = ls_SQL.Replace("#cus_code", SysVisitor.Current.UserCode); ls_SQL = ls_SQL.Replace("#out_date", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString()); n_findby_dw lnv_find = new n_findby_dw(); lnv_find.of_setSQL(ls_SQL); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "goo_no", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "GyNo", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "goo_name", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "barcode", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "content", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetOr("Txt_GoodNo", "CAST(saleprice as varchar(50))", "like", Txt_GoodNo.Text); lnv_find.of_SetCol("DDL_GooMate", "goo_mate", "=", DDL_GooMate.SelectedValue.ToString()); lnv_find.of_SetCol("DDL_GooType", "goo_type", "=", DDL_GooMate.SelectedValue.ToString()); int count = 0; DataTable ldt_Goods = new DataTable(); ldt_Goods = lnv_find.Of_GetPageDataTable("goodsno.goo_code", gi_PageSize, li_PageIndex, ref count); if (li_PageIndex == 1) { if (count % gi_PageSize != 0) { Lbl_PageCount.Text = ((count / gi_PageSize) + 1).ToString(); } else { Lbl_PageCount.Text = (count / gi_PageSize).ToString(); } } #region 添加价格和采购量 Hashtable Hash = Shoping.GetHash(); for (int li_Rows = 0; li_Rows < ldt_Goods.Rows.Count; li_Rows++)//discount { string ls_goodcode; ls_goodcode = ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim(); string ls_getdetail_memo; ls_getdetail_memo = ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["getdetail_memo"].ToString(); string ls_key_goodcode; ls_key_goodcode = SysVisitor.Current.UserCode + "." + ls_goodcode + ".price"; string ls_Price; ls_Price = GyRedis.GyRedis.Get(ls_key_goodcode, ""); if (ls_Price == "") { ls_Price = UserInfo.ShowGoo_price(ls_goodcode, ls_getdetail_memo); GyRedis.GyRedis.Set(ls_key_goodcode, ls_Price); } Decimal lde_Price = 0; try { lde_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(ls_Price); } catch { ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["UserPrice"] = 0.00; continue; } ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["UserPrice"] = lde_Price; if (Hash.ContainsKey(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim())) { try { Decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(Hash[ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim()]); int li_num = Convert.ToInt32(Decimal.Round(num, 0)); ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["num"] = li_num; ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["piece"] = li_num / Convert.ToDecimal(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["specnum"]); } catch { ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["num"] = 0; ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["piece"] = 0; } } //获取折扣率 //string ls_Discount = UserInfo.ShowGoo_price(ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"], // ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["getdetail_memo"], "discount"); //ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["discount"] = ls_Discount.Substring(0,3); //string ls_SalePrice = ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["saleprice"].ToString(); //Decimal lde_SalePrice = 0; //try { lde_SalePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ls_SalePrice); } //catch { } //ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["saleprice"] = lde_SalePrice.ToString("f2"); } #endregion #region 取得最后订货时间 for (int li_Rows = 0; li_Rows < ldt_Goods.Rows.Count; li_Rows++) { string ls_goodcode; ls_goodcode = ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["goo_code"].ToString().Trim(); string ls_key_goodcode; ls_key_goodcode = SysVisitor.Current.UserCode + "." + ls_goodcode; string ls_LastTime; ls_LastTime = GyRedis.GyRedis.Get(ls_key_goodcode, ""); if (ls_LastTime == "") { ls_LastTime = UserInfo.ShowLastTime(ls_goodcode); GyRedis.GyRedis.Set(ls_key_goodcode, ls_LastTime); } try { DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(ls_LastTime); ls_LastTime = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } catch { ls_LastTime = ""; } ldt_Goods.Rows[li_Rows]["lasttime"] = ls_LastTime; } if (Convert.ToInt32(Lbl_PageCount.Text) > 1) { Pages.Visible = true; } else { Pages.Visible = false; } #endregion //#region 对图文信息进行转义 //for (int i = 0; i < ldt_Goods.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // ldt_Goods.Rows[i]["memo"] = SysVisitor.GetFormatHtmlStr(ldt_Goods.Rows[i]["memo"].ToString()); //} //#endregion Rep_GoodsNo.DataSource = ldt_Goods; Rep_GoodsNo.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Encoding gb2312 = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"); Response.ContentEncoding = gb2312; #region 处理Post请求 if (Request.RequestType == "POST") { GyShop_Page.SetSession(); string Edit = Request.Form["Edit"].ToString(); string scr = Request.Form["imgscr"].ToString();//缩略图路径 string user = Request.Form["username"].ToString(); string passwd = Request.Form["password"].ToString(); string goods_no = Request.Form["goods_no"].ToString(); string text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form["text"].ToString()); text = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(text, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")); string str = SureSaleInfo(user, passwd, as_Code);//SaleInfo.SureSaleInfo(user, passwd); #region 保存产品图文详情 if (str == "OK" && Edit == "false" || Edit == "true") { int count = 0; count = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalarNum("select count(*) from Goodsno_picture where Goo_code=@Goo_code", "@Goo_code=" + goods_no); n_create_sql lnv_sql = new n_create_sql(); lnv_sql.of_SetTable("Goodsno_picture"); if (count <= 0) { lnv_sql.of_AddCol("Goo_code", goods_no); } lnv_sql.of_AddCol("Memo", text); lnv_sql.of_AddCol("Human", user); lnv_sql.of_AddCol("Insdate", DateTime.Now.ToString()); lnv_sql.of_AddCol("Same_code", ""); if (scr != "") { lnv_sql.of_AddCol("ThumbnaiIimg", scr); } int li_count = 0; if (count <= 0) { li_count = lnv_sql.of_execute();//insert } else { li_count = lnv_sql.of_execute("Goo_code=@Goo_code", "@Goo_code=" + goods_no);//update } if (li_count > 0) { Response.Write("OK"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } return; } #endregion if (str == "OK" && Edit == "DefaulePictrueAdd")//增加首页轮播图 { string strSql = "insert into mysysset(itemType,itemName,itemvalue,memo) values('微信商城焦点图',@itemName,@itemvalue,@memo)"; GysoftParameter[] Pa = { new GysoftParameter("@itemName", goods_no), //title new GysoftParameter("@itemvalue", scr), //Pictrue new GysoftParameter("@memo", text) }; //href int li_Rel = 0; li_Rel = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, Pa); if (li_Rel > 0) { Response.Write("OK"); } else { Response.Write("Error;可能标题重复"); } return; } if (str == "OK" && Edit == "DefaulePictrueDel")//删除首页轮播图 { string StrSql = "DELETE from mysysset WHERE itemType='微信商城焦点图' AND itemvalue=@itemvalue"; GysoftParameter[] Pa = { new GysoftParameter("@itemvalue", scr) }; int li_Rel = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(StrSql, Pa); if (li_Rel > 0) { Response.Write("OK"); } else { Response.Write("Error"); } return; } else { str = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")); Response.Write(str); return; } } #endregion #region 处理Get请求 GyShop_Page.SetSession(); url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Query; string username = Request["username"]; string password = Request["password"]; string code1 = Request["code"]; string askey = Request["askey"]; string ls_Rel = "Error"; if (Request["askey"] == null) { if (url == "" || Request["username"] == null || Request["password"] == null) { Response.Write("Error"); return; } ls_Rel = SureSaleInfo(username, password, code1);//SaleInfo.SureSaleInfo(username, password); if (ls_Rel == "OK" && askey == null) { string ls_isdebug = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["debug"].ToString(); if (ls_isdebug == "Y") { Response.Write("软件正在维护中,请稍后再试"); return; } Response.Write("OK"); return; } else { Response.Write(ls_Rel); } } else if (askey != null) { try { askey = baseclass.DES.of_DecryStrVc(askey, Key); } catch { Response.Write("参数不能被识别"); return; } askey = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(askey, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")); if (askey == "menu")//拉取商品种类列表 { string sql = "Select typeNo,typeName From goodtype Where isWeb='Y' And isnull(visible,'Y')='Y' order by seq"; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql); string str = Json.DataTableToJson(dt); Response.Write(str); return; } if (askey == "DefaultPicture")//拉取首页图片 { string strSql = "select itemName,itemvalue,memo from mysysset where itemType='微信商城焦点图' order by itemName desc"; DataTable ldt_PPTBox = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql); string str = Json.DataTableToJson(ldt_PPTBox); Response.Write(str); return; } else { string[] str = askey.Split('|'); #region 拉取产品信息列表 if (str.Length == 3) { string row = str[0].Trim(); string menu = str[1].Trim(); string name = str[2].Trim(); int li_PageIndex = 1; string ls_sql = @"select goodsno.goo_name,goodsno.goo_code,goodsno.goo_no from goodsno,goodmate,goodtype where 1=1 and goo_type=typeno and goo_mate*=matecode and goodsno.Goodfunc in ('C','X') and goodtype.isweb='Y' and goodmate.isweb='Y' and goodsno.isweb='Y'"; n_findby_dw lnv_sql = new n_findby_dw(); lnv_sql.of_setSQL(ls_sql); lnv_sql.of_SetOr("goo_no", "goodsno.goo_no", "like", name); lnv_sql.of_SetOr("goo_no", "goodsno.goo_name", "like", name); lnv_sql.of_SetCol("goo_type", "goodsno.goo_type", "=", menu); int count = 0; DataTable ldt_Goods = new DataTable(); ldt_Goods = lnv_sql.Of_GetPageDataTable("goodsno.goo_code", Convert.ToInt32(row), li_PageIndex, ref count); string str_dt = Json.DataTableToJson(ldt_Goods); Response.Write(str_dt); return; } #endregion #region 为经销商微信生成初始密码,获取初始密码 if (str.Length == 4) { string generate = str[0].Trim(); string value = str[1].Trim(); string user = str[2].Trim(); string passwd = str[3].Trim(); string code = as_Code; ls_Rel = SureSaleInfo(user, passwd, code); if (ls_Rel == "OK") { return; //此接口不再使用 if (generate == "generate" && value == "set") //校验值set为生成密码操作 get为获取密码操作 { string ls_sql = "select count(*) WeixinPwd from customer where WeixinPwd is null"; string ls_Temp = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ls_sql); int ls_count = 0; try { ls_count = Convert.ToInt32(ls_Temp); } catch { ls_count = 0; } if (ls_count == 0)//不存在值为空的密码列 { Response.Write("1"); return; } try { int RandKey = 0; Random ran = new Random();//Random对象放在循环外面,否则大概率重复 for (int i = 0; i < ls_count; i++) { RandKey = ran.Next(1000, 9999); string WeixinPwd = baseclass.DES.of_EncryStrVc(RandKey.ToString(), ls_DESKey); string ls_Sql = "set rowcount 1 update customer set WeixinPwd=@WeixinPwd where WeixinPwd is null"; GysoftParameter[] Pa = { new GysoftParameter("@WeixinPwd", WeixinPwd) }; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ls_Sql, Pa); } Response.Write("0"); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } } if (generate == "generate" && value == "get")//获取经销商初始密码 { string ls_Sql = "select mobile,WeixinPwd from customer"; DataTable ldt_pwd = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(ls_Sql); string ls_pwd = Json.DataTableToJson(ldt_pwd); Response.Write(ls_pwd); return; } } } #endregion #region 获取产品图文详情 string[] str1 = askey.Split('!'); if (str1.Length == 3) { string goocode = str1[0].Trim(); string user = str1[1].Trim(); string passwd = str1[2].Trim(); string code = as_Code; ls_Rel = SureSaleInfo(user, passwd, code); if (ls_Rel == "OK") { string ls_Sql = "select Memo from Goodsno_picture where Goo_code=@Goo_code"; GysoftParameter[] Pa = { new GysoftParameter("@Goo_code", goocode) }; //DataTable ldt_user = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, ls_Sql, Pa); //string ls_json = Json.DataTableToJson(ldt_user); //if (ls_json == "[]") //{ Response.Write(""); } //else //Response.Write(ls_json); string ldt_user = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ls_Sql, Pa); Response.Write(ldt_user); return; } } #endregion else { Response.Write("error" + "key:" + Key + " askey:" + askey); return; } } } #endregion }