public static int isSubmitedQuest(string quete, Actor pi) { // verifie si une quette a été faite // return = -3 quand le joueur n'est pas dans la map de pnj // return = -2 quand la quete demandé par le client n'est pas répértorié sur le serveur se qui est impossible // return = -1 quand la quete n'est pas associé au joueur, il la pas encore commencé // return = 0 la quete a été commencé par le joueur mais pas encore achevé // return = 1 la quete a été validé par le joueur if (quete == "FirstFight") { // on vérifie si le joueur a préalablement fait la quête FirstFight Pnj Iruka // on check si le joueur est dans une autre map if ( != "Start") { return(-3); } mysql.quete q = (DataBase.DataTables.quete as List <mysql.quete>).Find(f => f.pseudo == pi.Pseudo && f.nom_quete == quete); if (q != null) { return(q.submited); } return(-1); } return(-2); }
public static void GetData(string[] cmd, NetIncomingMessage im) { Actor actor = (Actor)im.SenderConnection.Tag; if (cmd.Length == 5 && cmd[1] == "spellTuiles") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 0) { Security.User_banne("spellTuiles", im.SenderConnection); return; } int pointX, pointY; if (!int.TryParse(cmd[3], out pointX)) { return; } if (!int.TryParse(cmd[4], out pointY)) { return; } int spellId; if (!int.TryParse(cmd[2], out spellId)) { return; } Point spellPoint = new Point(pointX, pointY); // cmd•spellTuiles•sortID•MousePosX•MousePosY // check si le joueur est en combat, si le combat est en mode Started if (actor.inBattle == 0 && Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == actor.idBattle).State != battleState.state.started) { return; } // check si le client est autorisé a avoir ce sort mysql.players player = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); if (player == null) { return; } if (!actor.sorts.Exists(f => f.SpellId == spellId)) { // le client tente de lancer un sort qu'il na pas // bannissement peux etre Console.WriteLine("client qui cheat en lançons un sort qui n'est pas le sien"); return; } // common check if (!Fight.spellsChecker.spells(spellId, spellPoint, im)) { return; } Battle battle = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == actor.idBattle); Actor spellCaster = battle.AllPlayersByOrder.Find(f => f.Pseudo == actor.Pseudo); Fight.Effect_Dispatcher.Apply(spellCaster, battle, spellPoint, spellId); #endregion } else if (cmd[1] == "InteractWithPNJ") { #region // interaction avec pnj cmd.InteractWithPNJ.nom pnj.parametre if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("InteractWithPNJ", im.SenderConnection); return; } string pnj = cmd[2]; if (pnj == "iruka") { // 1er PNJ Créée if (cmd.Length > 2 && cmd[3] == "acceptFirstFight") { // "cmd•InteractWithPNJ•iruka•acceptFirstFight" // on vérifie si le joueur a préalablement fait la quête acceptFirstFight int quete = CheckQuete.isSubmitedQuest("FirstFight", actor); if (quete == 1) { //commun.SendMessage("cmd•checkQuete•FirstFight•" + quete, im, true); Console.WriteLine("client a déja la quete, et il essai de la refaire alors que ce n'est pas possible sans avoir modifier le code ou les paquets !!!"); return; } // on vérifie si la quete est déja presente et si elle est en mode submited List <mysql.quete> quetes = ((List <mysql.quete>)DataBase.DataTables.quete).FindAll(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); if (quetes.Count == 0) { // création de la quete chez le client mysql.quete quete2 = new mysql.quete() { pseudo = actor.Pseudo, nom_quete = "FirstFight", currentStep = 1 }; ((List <mysql.quete>)DataBase.DataTables.quete).Add(quete2); } // envoyer au client que la quete FirstFight a été débuté CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•beganQuete•FirstFight", im, true); // ce code dois ressembler au code de la cmd AcceptChallenge sur la class Network.cs a part quelque modification comme les position qui ne sont pas enregistrés sur un fichier // on vérifie si le joueur n'est pas en combat se qui est impossible vus que dans cette map il est seul normalement if (actor.inBattle == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Player " + actor.Pseudo + " is in battle, can't interact with pnj iruka"); return; } // preparation du combat Console.WriteLine("combat commancé avec PNJ Iruka"); // création d'une session de combat // ATTENTION, ce code a été copié depuis la methode Network.cs GetData() cmd AcceptChallenge, Alors si un changement est fait sur cette methode, il faut l'appliquer sur celle la aussi Battle battle = new Battle(); // 2eme joueur Actor actor1SideB = (Actor)actor.Clone(); actor1SideB.directionLook = 0; actor1SideB.teamSide = Team.Side.B; actor1SideB.idBattle = battle.IdBattle; battle.SideB.Add(actor1SideB); // 1er player Actor actor1SideA = new Actor { currentHealth = 1000, maxHealth = 1000, classeName = ActorClass.ClassName.iruka, classeId = 8, initiative = 1000, summons = 5, species = Species.Name.Pnj, Pseudo = ActorClass.ClassName.iruka.ToString(), maskColorString = "null/null/null", directionLook = 2, teamSide = Team.Side.A, idBattle = battle.IdBattle, originalPc = 10, originalPm = 10, doton = 500 }; // pour jouer au premier // ajout des sorts Actor.SpellsInformations infosSorts = new Actor.SpellsInformations { SpellId = 4, SpellColor = 0, Level = 1 }; actor1SideA.sorts.Add(infosSorts); battle.SideA.Add(actor1SideA); battle.Owner = actor1SideB.Pseudo; battle.Map =; battle.BattleType = BattleType.Type.VsPnj; battle.BattleFlags[0] = "iruka"; battle.BattleFlags[1] = "FirstFight"; battle.Timestamp = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp(); battle.IsFreeCellToSpell = CommonCode.ReturnFreeCellToSpellFunc(battle.Map); battle.IsFreeCellToWalk = CommonCode.ReturnFreeCellToWalkFunc(battle.Map); Battle.Battles.Add(battle); // sauveguard de l'id dans la tables des joueurs foreach (mysql.players player in ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).FindAll(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo || f.pseudo == actor.PlayerChallengeYou)) { player.inBattle = 1; player.inBattleType = battle.BattleType.ToString(); player.inBattleID = battle.IdBattle; } actor.inBattle = 1; actor.idBattle = battle.IdBattle; actor.teamSide = Team.Side.B; // collecte des données des 2 joueurs string playersData = ""; playersData += actor1SideA.Pseudo + "#" + actor1SideA.classeName + "#" + actor1SideA.level + "#" + actor1SideA.hiddenVillage + "#" + actor1SideA.maskColorString + "#" + actor1SideA.maxHealth + "#" + actor1SideA.currentHealth + "#" + actor1SideA.officialRang + "#" + actor1SideA.initiative + "#" + actor1SideA.doton + "#" + actor1SideA.katon + "#" + actor1SideA.futon + "#" + actor1SideA.raiton + "#" + actor1SideA.suiton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingDoton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingKaton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingFuton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingRaiton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingSuiton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedDoton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedKaton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedFuton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedRaiton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedSuiton + "#" + actor1SideA.originalPc + "#" + actor1SideA.originalPm + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + actor1SideA.summons + "#" + actor1SideA.resiDotonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiKatonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiFutonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePC + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePM + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePE + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgeCD + "#" + actor1SideA.removePC + "#" + actor1SideA.removePM + "#" + actor1SideA.removePE + "#" + actor1SideA.removeCD + "#" + actor1SideA.escape + "#" + actor1SideA.blocage + "#" + actor1SideA.species.ToString() + "#" + actor1SideA.directionLook + "|"; playersData += actor1SideB.Pseudo + "#" + actor1SideB.classeName + "#" + actor1SideB.level + "#" + actor1SideB.hiddenVillage + "#" + actor1SideB.maskColorString + "#" + actor1SideB.maxHealth + "#" + actor1SideB.currentHealth + "#" + actor1SideB.officialRang + "#" + actor1SideB.initiative + "#" + actor1SideB.doton + "#" + actor1SideB.katon + "#" + actor1SideB.futon + "#" + actor1SideB.raiton + "#" + actor1SideB.suiton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingDoton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingKaton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingFuton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingRaiton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingSuiton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedDoton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedKaton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedFuton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedRaiton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedSuiton + "#" + actor1SideB.originalPc + "#" + actor1SideB.originalPm + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + actor1SideB.summons + "#" + actor1SideB.resiDotonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiKatonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiFutonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePC + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePM + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePE + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgeCD + "#" + actor1SideB.removePC + "#" + actor1SideB.removePM + "#" + actor1SideB.removePE + "#" + actor1SideB.removeCD + "#" + actor1SideB.escape + "#" + actor1SideB.blocage + "#" + actor1SideB.species.ToString() + "#" + actor1SideB.directionLook; // modification des position des joueurs selon les position valide du map aléatoirement string[] sideAValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[0].Split('#'); string[] team2ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[1].Split('#'); battle.SideAValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[0]; battle.SideBValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[1]; Random random = new Random(); int rand = random.Next(sideAValidePos.Length); actor1SideB.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1])); rand = random.Next(sideAValidePos.Length); actor1SideA.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(sideAValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(sideAValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1])); //////////////////////////////////// string team1 = battle.SideA.Aggregate("", (current, piib) => current + (piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#")); team1 = team1.Substring(0, team1.Length - 1); string team2 = battle.SideB.Aggregate("", (current, piib) => current + (piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#")); team2 = team2.Substring(0, team2.Length - 1); //////////////////////////////////// //pseudo#classe#level#village#MaskColors#TotalPdv#CurrentPdv#rang#initiative#doton#katon#futon#raiton#siuton#usingDoton#usingKaton#usingFuton#usingRaiton#usingSuiton#dotonEquiped#katonEquiped#futonEquiped#raitonEquiped#suitonEquiped#pc#pm#pe#cd#invoc#resiDoton#resiKaton#resiFuton#resiRaiton#resiSuiton#esquivePC#esquivePM#esquivePE#esquiveCD#retraitPC#retraitPM#retraitPE#retraitCD#evasion#blocage // envoie au client la confirmation du challenge CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battle.SideAValidePos + "|" + battle.SideBValidePos + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + battle.State + "•" + "14/5#16/5#18/5" + "•" + "14/10#16/10#18/10", im, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battle.SideAValidePos + "|" + battle.SideBValidePos + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + battle.State + "•" + "14/5#16/5#18/5" + "•" + "14/10#16/10#18/10" + " to " + actor.Pseudo); // lock position bool launchBattle = false; battle.LockedPosInIniTime.Add(actor1SideA.Pseudo); foreach (Actor t in battle.SideB) { NetConnection nc = MainClass.netServer.Connections.Find(f => ((Actor)f.Tag).Pseudo == t.Pseudo); if (nc != null) { CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•BattlePosLocked•" + actor1SideA.Pseudo + "•" + launchBattle, nc, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•BattlePosLocked•" + actor1SideA.Pseudo + "•" + launchBattle + " to " + ((Actor)nc.Tag).Pseudo); } } } else if (cmd.Length > 4 && cmd[3] == "tp") { // cmd[4] = le tp apres la quette FirtFight switch (cmd[4]) { case "1": // tp au village du joueur // pour le moment je vais tp vers une seul map vus qu'au début il n'aura pas bc de monde if ( == "start" && actor.Quests.Exists(f => f.QuestName == "FirstFight" && f.Submited)) { // l'utilisateur a déja fait la quete FirstFight, on le tp a son statue = "_0_0_0"; // changement du map du jour sur la table players ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).map = "_0_0_0"; // changement du map du jour sur la table connected ((List <mysql.connected>)DataBase.DataTables.connected).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).map = "_0_0_0"; CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•change map•_0_0_0", im, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•change map•_0_0_0 to " + actor.Pseudo); } else { // quete pas encore faite Console.WriteLine("Error, quete FirstFight na pas été faite, et le joueur " + actor.Pseudo + " essai de se TP, se qui n'est pas possible"); Console.WriteLine("Le client et le serveurs doivent etre synchronisé, si on arrive la c que le joueur a modifier le client"); } break; /*if(pi.village == "konoha") * { * // tp vers map konoha * } * else if(pi.village == "iwa") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "kiri") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "kumo") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "suna") * { * * }*/ } } } #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "checkQuete") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("checkQuete", im.SenderConnection); return; } Actor pi = (Actor)im.SenderConnection.Tag; CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•checkQuete•" + cmd[2] + "•" + CheckQuete.isSubmitedQuest(cmd[2], pi), im, true); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "requireBattleData") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("requireBattleData", im.SenderConnection); return; } CommonCode.RequireBattleData(im); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "getMyPlayerPos") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 1) { Security.User_banne("getMyPlayerPos", im.SenderConnection); return; } if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("getMyPlayerPos", im.SenderConnection); return; } CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•getMyPlayerPos•" + actor.map_position.X + "/" + actor.map_position.Y, im, true); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "upgradeSpell") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 1) { Security.User_banne("upgradeSpell", im.SenderConnection); return; } // joueur qui veux augementer le lvl d'un sort int spellId; if (int.TryParse(cmd[2], out spellId) && actor.inBattle == 0) { if (actor.sorts.Exists(f => f.SpellId == spellId)) { Actor.SpellsInformations infoSort = actor.sorts.Find(f => f.SpellId == spellId); // on check si le sort na pas atteint sa limite qui est de 5 if (infoSort.Level < 5 && actor.spellPointLeft >= infoSort.Level) { actor.spellPointLeft -= infoSort.Level; infoSort.Level++; // augmentation du level su sort string[] spells = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find( f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).sorts.Split('/'); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < spells.Length; cnt++) { bool found = false; string[] spellsData = spells[cnt].Split(':'); if (spellsData[0] == spellId.ToString()) { found = true; } if (found) { string newSpellData = ""; for (int cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < spellsData.Length; cnt2++) { if (cnt2 == 2) { newSpellData += (Convert.ToInt16(spellsData[cnt2]) + 1) + ":"; } else { newSpellData += spellsData[cnt2] + ":"; } } newSpellData = newSpellData.Substring(0, newSpellData.Length - 1); spells[cnt] = newSpellData; } } // reconstruction des states des sorts apres augementation du lvl string newData = spells.Aggregate("", (current, t) => current + t + "/"); newData = newData.Substring(0, newData.Length - 1); // mise à jours des données mysql.players player = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find( f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); player.sorts = newData; player.spellPointLeft = actor.spellPointLeft; CommonCode.SendMessage( "cmd•upgradedSpell•" + spellId + "•" + infoSort.Level + "•" + actor.spellPointLeft, im, true); } } } #endregion } }