예제 #1
        protected void signin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if we have an ID for editing
            Int32 camperID = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["camperID"]))
                camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

            //connect to db
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //use camper class to create a new camper object
            registrationDate render = (from r in conn.registrationDates
                                       join cR in conn.camperRegistrations on r.ID equals cR.registrationDateID into rID
                                       from cR in rID
                                       join c in conn.camperProfiles on cR.camperID equals c.ID
                                       where c.ID == camperID && r.date == currentDate2.Text
                                       select r).FirstOrDefault();

            //fill the properties of the camper time
            render.signedInBy = signedInBy.Text;
            render.signInTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");

            conn.Entry(render).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

예제 #2
        protected void grdRegistration_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //function to delete a camper from the list of profiles
            // 1. determine row in the grid
            Int32 gridIndex = e.RowIndex;

            // 2. find the camper id value in the selected row
            Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(grdRegistration.DataKeys[gridIndex].Values["camperID"]);
            var   date     = datebox1.Text;

            // 3. connect to db
            using (muskokaEntites db = new muskokaEntites())
                registrationDate camp = (from r in db.registrationDates
                                         join cR in db.camperRegistrations on r.ID equals cR.registrationDateID into rID
                                         from cR in rID
                                         join c in db.camperProfiles on cR.camperID equals c.ID
                                         where c.ID == camperID && r.date == date
                                         select r).FirstOrDefault();

                // 4. delete the selected camper

                // 5. referesh the grid
예제 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Show current Date
            currentDate.Text  = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString();
            currentDate2.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd yyyy");

            if (IsPostBack == false)
                //check the url for an ID for editing
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["camperID"]))
                    // get the ID from url
                    Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

                    // connect to db
                    var conn = new muskokaEntites();

                    // look up the selected camper
                    var objCamper = (from r in conn.registrationDates
                                     join cR in conn.camperRegistrations on r.ID equals cR.registrationDateID into rID
                                     from cR in rID
                                     join c in conn.camperProfiles on cR.camperID equals c.ID
                                     where c.ID == camperID && r.date == currentDate2.Text
                                     select r).FirstOrDefault();

                    // populate the form
                    signedInBy.Text = objCamper.signedInBy;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack == false)
                //check the url for an ID for editing
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["camperID"]))
                    // get the ID from url
                    Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

                    // connect to db
                    var conn = new muskokaEntites();

                    // look up the selected camper
                    var objCamper = (from c in conn.camperProfiles
                                     where c.ID == camperID
                                     select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    // populate the form
                    firstName.Text       = objCamper.firstName;
                    lastName.Text        = objCamper.lastName;
                    familyName.Text      = objCamper.familyName;
                    rate.Text            = objCamper.rate;
                    age.Text             = Convert.ToString(objCamper.age);
                    address.Text         = objCamper.address;
                    contactName.Text     = objCamper.contactName;
                    contactRelation.Text = objCamper.contactRelation;
                    contactNumber.Text   = objCamper.contactNumber;
                    impNotes.Text        = objCamper.importantNotes;
예제 #5
        protected void submitPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // connect
            using (muskokaEntites db = new muskokaEntites())
                // create new payment
                payment pay = new payment();

                Int32 camperID = 0;

                // check for ID in url
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["camperID"]))
                    //get the id from the url
                    camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

                    // get the payment
                    pay = (from p in db.payments
                           where p.camperID == camperID
                           select p).FirstOrDefault();

                //fill properties to make a payment
                pay.date        = payCalendar.Text;
                pay.amount      = "$" + makePayment.Text;
                pay.paymentType = payType.SelectedItem.Text;
                pay.camperID    = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);


                // redirect
예제 #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack == false)
                // get the id from the url
                Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

                // connect
                var conn = new muskokaEntites();

                // look up the camper
                var objCamper = (from c in conn.camperProfiles
                                 where c.ID == camperID
                                 select c).FirstOrDefault();

                var objPayment = (from p in conn.payments
                                  where p.camperID == camperID
                                  select p).FirstOrDefault();

                // run the query using LINQ
                var payment = (from p in conn.payments
                               where p.camperID == camperID
                               select p);

                // display the query results in grid view
                grdPayment.DataSource = payment.ToList();

                // populate the camper form
                familyName.Text = objCamper.familyName;
                firstName.Text  = objCamper.firstName;
                rate.Text       = "$" + objCamper.rate;
예제 #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //connect to database
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //table query
            var Campers = from c in conn.camperProfiles
                          select c;

            //show the values
            totalCamper.Text = Convert.ToString(Campers.Count());
예제 #8
        protected void getCampers()
            //connect to db
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //run the query using LINQ
            var Campers = from c in conn.camperProfiles
                          select c;

            //display the query results in grid view
            grdCampers.DataSource = Campers.ToList();
예제 #9
        protected void GetCampers()
            using (muskokaEntites conn = new muskokaEntites())
                var camperDates = (from cp in conn.camperProfiles
                                   join cr in conn.camperRegistrations on cp.ID equals cr.camperID into c
                                   from cr in c
                                   join rD in conn.registrationDates on cr.registrationDateID equals rD.ID
                                   where rD.date == datebox1.Text
                                   select new { cp.ID, cp.familyName, cp.firstName, rD.signInTime, rD.signOutTime, rD.signedInBy, rD.signedOutBy, rD.date });

                grdParents.DataSource = camperDates.ToList();

        protected void getCampers()
            //connect to db
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //run the query using LINQ
            var camperDates = (from cp in conn.camperProfiles
                               join cr in conn.camperRegistrations on cp.ID equals cr.camperID into c
                               from cr in c
                               join rD in conn.registrationDates on cr.registrationDateID equals rD.ID
                               where rD.date == datebox1.Text
                               select new { cp.ID, cp.familyName, cp.firstName, rD.signInTime, rD.signOutTime, rD.signedInBy, rD.signedOutBy });

            //display the query results in grid view
            grdRegistration.DataSource = camperDates.ToList();
        protected void Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if we have an ID for editing
            Int32 camperID = 0;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["camperID"]))
                camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

            //connect to db
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //use camper class to create a new camper object
            camperProfile c = new camperProfile();

            //fill the properties of the new camper
            c.firstName       = firstName.Text;
            c.lastName        = lastName.Text;
            c.familyName      = familyName.Text;
            c.rate            = rate.Text;
            c.age             = Convert.ToInt32(age.Text);
            c.address         = address.Text;
            c.contactName     = contactName.Text;
            c.contactRelation = contactRelation.Text;
            c.contactNumber   = contactNumber.Text;
            c.importantNotes  = impNotes.Text;

            //save the new object to the database
            if (camperID == 0)
                c.ID = camperID;
                conn.Entry(c).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;


            //redirect to the Index page
        protected void getCampers()
            using (muskokaEntites conn = new muskokaEntites())
                Int32 guardianID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["guardianID"]);

                // run query to match get all campers related to the logged in guardian
                var campers = from c in conn.camperProfiles
                              join cG in conn.camperGuardians on c.ID equals cG.camperID into match
                              from cG in match
                              join g in conn.guardians on cG.guardianID equals g.ID
                              where g.ID == guardianID
                              select c;

                grdCampers.DataSource = campers.ToList();

        protected void getCampers()
            //connect to db
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["camperID"]);

            //run the query using LINQ
            var dates = from r in conn.registrationDates
                        join cR in conn.camperRegistrations on r.ID equals cR.registrationDateID into rID
                        from cR in rID
                        join c in conn.camperProfiles on cR.camperID equals c.ID
                        select r;

            //display the query results in grid view
            grdRegistration.DataSource = dates.ToList();
예제 #14
        protected void Calculate2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //connect to database
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //table query
            var startdate = from r in conn.registrationDates
                            where r.date == datebox3.Text
                            select r;

            var enddate = from r in conn.registrationDates
                          where r.date == datebox4.Text
                          select r;

            var count3 = Convert.ToInt32(startdate.Count());
            var count4 = Convert.ToInt32(enddate.Count());
            var total  = (count3 + count4) / 2;

            result2.Text = Convert.ToString(total);
예제 #15
        protected void Calculate1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //connect to database
            var conn = new muskokaEntites();

            //table query
            var startdate = from r in conn.registrationDates
                            where r.date == datebox1.Text && r.signInTime != null
                            select r;

            var enddate = from r in conn.registrationDates
                          where r.date == datebox2.Text && r.signInTime != null
                          select r;

            var count1 = Convert.ToInt32(startdate.Count());
            var count2 = Convert.ToInt32(enddate.Count());
            var total  = (count1 + count2) / 2;

            result1.Text = Convert.ToString(total);
예제 #16
        protected void grdCampers_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //function to delete a camper from the list of profiles
            // 1. determine row in the grid
            Int32 gridIndex = e.RowIndex;

            // 2. find the camper id value in the selected row
            Int32 camperID = Convert.ToInt32(grdCampers.DataKeys[gridIndex].Values["camperID"]);

            // 3. connect to db
            using (muskokaEntites db = new muskokaEntites())
                camperProfile camp = (from c in db.camperProfiles
                                      where c.ID == camperID
                                      select c).FirstOrDefault();

                // 4. delete the selected camper

                // 5. referesh the grid