예제 #1
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     mlpparallelizationcv _result = new mlpparallelizationcv();
     _result.network = (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron)network.make_copy();
     _result.rep = (mlpreport)rep.make_copy();
     _result.subset = (int[])subset.Clone();
     _result.subsetsize = subsetsize;
     _result.xyrow = (double[])xyrow.Clone();
     _result.y = (double[])y.Clone();
     _result.ngrad = ngrad;
     _result.trnpool = (alglib.smp.shared_pool)trnpool.make_copy();
     return _result;
예제 #2
        This function estimates generalization error using cross-validation on the
        current dataset with current training settings.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support (C++ computational core)
          ! Second improvement gives constant  speedup (2-3X).  First  improvement
          ! gives  close-to-linear  speedup  on   multicore   systems.   Following
          ! operations can be executed in parallel:
          ! * FoldsCount cross-validation rounds (always)
          ! * NRestarts training sessions performed within each of
          !   cross-validation rounds (if NRestarts>1)
          ! * gradient calculation over large dataset (if dataset is large enough)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural network. It must have same number of inputs and
                            output/classes as was specified during creation of the
                            trainer object. Network is not changed  during  cross-
                            validation and is not trained - it  is  used  only  as
                            representative of its architecture. I.e., we  estimate
                            generalization properties of  ARCHITECTURE,  not  some
                            specific network.
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0  means  that  for  each cross-validation
                              round   specified  number   of  random  restarts  is
                              performed,  with  best  network  being  chosen after
                            * NRestarts=0 is same as NRestarts=1
            FoldsCount  -   number of folds in k-fold cross-validation:
                            * 2<=FoldsCount<=size of dataset
                            * recommended value: 10.
                            * values larger than dataset size will be silently
                              truncated down to dataset size

            Rep         -   structure which contains cross-validation estimates:
                            * Rep.RelCLSError - fraction of misclassified cases.
                            * Rep.AvgCE - acerage cross-entropy
                            * Rep.RMSError - root-mean-square error
                            * Rep.AvgError - average error
                            * Rep.AvgRelError - average relative error
        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              or subset with only one point  was  given,  zeros  are  returned  as

        NOTE: this method performs FoldsCount cross-validation  rounds,  each  one
              with NRestarts random starts.  Thus,  FoldsCount*NRestarts  networks
              are trained in total.

        NOTE: Rep.RelCLSError/Rep.AvgCE are zero on regression problems.

        NOTE: on classification problems Rep.RMSError/Rep.AvgError/Rep.AvgRelError
              contain errors in prediction of posterior probabilities.
          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpkfoldcv(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            int nrestarts,
            int foldscount,
            mlpreport rep)
            alglib.smp.shared_pool pooldatacv = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
            mlpparallelizationcv datacv = new mlpparallelizationcv();
            mlpparallelizationcv sdatacv = null;
            double[,] cvy = new double[0,0];
            int[] folds = new int[0];
            double[] buf = new double[0];
            double[] dy = new double[0];
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int rowsize = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            hqrnd.hqrndstate rs = new hqrnd.hqrndstate();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPKFoldCV: type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPKFoldCV: possible trainer S is not initialized(S.NPoints<0)");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPKFoldCV:  number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPKFoldCV:  number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPKFoldCV: NRestarts<0");
            alglib.ap.assert(foldscount>=2, "MLPKFoldCV: FoldsCount<2");
            if( foldscount>s.npoints )
                foldscount = s.npoints;
            rep.relclserror = 0;
            rep.avgce = 0;
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            if( s.npoints==0 || s.npoints==1 )
            // Read network geometry, test parameters
            if( s.rcpar )
                rowsize = nin+nout;
                dy = new double[nout];
                bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref buf);
                rowsize = nin+1;
                dy = new double[1];
                bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref buf);
            // Folds
            folds = new int[s.npoints];
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                folds[i] = i*foldscount/s.npoints;
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-2; i++)
                j = i+hqrnd.hqrnduniformi(rs, s.npoints-i);
                if( j!=i )
                    k = folds[i];
                    folds[i] = folds[j];
                    folds[j] = k;
            cvy = new double[s.npoints, nout];
            // Initialize SEED-value for shared pool
            datacv.ngrad = 0;
            mlpbase.mlpcopy(network, datacv.network);
            datacv.subset = new int[s.npoints];
            datacv.xyrow = new double[rowsize];
            datacv.y = new double[nout];
            // Create shared pool
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(pooldatacv, datacv);
            // Parallelization
            mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, 0, foldscount, cvy, pooldatacv);
            // Calculate value for NGrad
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(pooldatacv, ref sdatacv);
            while( sdatacv!=null )
                rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+sdatacv.ngrad;
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(pooldatacv, ref sdatacv);
            // Connect of results and calculate cross-validation error
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                if( s.datatype==0 )
                    for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                        datacv.xyrow[i_] = s.densexy[i,i_];
                if( s.datatype==1 )
                    sparse.sparsegetrow(s.sparsexy, i, ref datacv.xyrow);
                for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                    datacv.y[i_] = cvy[i,i_];
                if( s.rcpar )
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        dy[i_] = datacv.xyrow[i_+i1_];
                    dy[0] = datacv.xyrow[nin];
                bdss.dserraccumulate(ref buf, datacv.y, dy);
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref buf);
            rep.relclserror = buf[0];
            rep.avgce = buf[1];
            rep.rmserror = buf[2];
            rep.avgerror = buf[3];
            rep.avgrelerror = buf[4];
예제 #3
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     mlpparallelizationcv _result = new mlpparallelizationcv();
     _result.network = (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron)network.make_copy();
     _result.tnetwork = (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron)tnetwork.make_copy();
     _result.state = (minlbfgs.minlbfgsstate)state.make_copy();
     _result.rep = (mlpreport)rep.make_copy();
     _result.subset = (int[])subset.Clone();
     _result.subsetsize = subsetsize;
     _result.xyrow = (double[])xyrow.Clone();
     _result.y = (double[])y.Clone();
     _result.ngrad = ngrad;
     _result.bufwbest = (double[])bufwbest.Clone();
     _result.bufwfinal = (double[])bufwfinal.Clone();
     return _result;