static void Main() { math m=new math(); mathdelegate d=new mathdelegate(m.addition); Console.WriteLine(d(10,20)); d+=m.subtraction; d+=m.multiplication; Console.WriteLine(d(10,20)); }
static void Main() { math m=new math(); mathdelegate d=new mathdelegate(m.addition); d(10,20); d+=m.subtraction; d+=m.multiplication; d(100,200); }
static void Main() { math m = new math(); mathdelegate d = new mathdelegate(m.addition); Console.WriteLine(d(10, 20)); d += m.subtraction; d += m.multiplication; Console.WriteLine(d(10, 20)); }
static void Main() { math m = new math(); mathdelegate d = new mathdelegate(m.addition); d(10, 20); d += m.subtraction; d += m.multiplication; d(100, 200); }
static void Main(string[] args) { mathdelegate mathdeleg = new mathdelegate(add); mathdeleg += sub; mathdeleg += multi; mathdeleg += div; mathdeleg.Invoke(1000, 10); Program objp = new Program(); objp.print += new printhandler(objp.onprint);//registering onprint event handler with print event objp.Show(); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { mathdelegate mathdeleg = new mathdelegate(addition); mathdeleg += subtraction; mathdeleg += multiplication; mathdeleg += division; mathdeleg.Invoke(10, 20); Program objp = new Program(); objp.print += new printhandler(objp.onprint); //registering onprint event handler with print event; Console.ReadKey(); }