예제 #1
        public void UT_CheckModelIntegrity()
            model = model.sr.SetModel(boot);

            // test 1: текущий режим TSmatch, 2017/12/1 проверял с Tekla

            bool ok = model.sr.CheckModelIntegrity(model);

            Assert.IsTrue(model.dir.Length > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.date > Decl.OLD && model.date <= DateTime.Now);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.pricingDate > Decl.OLD && model.pricingDate <= DateTime.Now);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, model.MD5.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, model.pricingMD5.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.elements.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.elmGroups.Count > 0);

            // test 2: no Tekla active
            //boot.isTeklaActive = false;
            //boot.ModelDir = @"C:\TeklaStructuresModels\2017\Медиа-центр футбольного стадиона";
            //!! отложил на потом

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// CheckModelIntegrity(model) - Check if model data are consistant
        /// </summary>
        public bool CheckModelIntegrity(Mod mod)
            if (!FileOp.isDirExist(mod.dir)) return false;
            if (mod.date < Decl.OLD || mod.date > DateTime.Now) return false;
            if (mod.pricingDate < Decl.OLD || mod.pricingDate > DateTime.Now) return false;
            if (mod.MD5 == null || mod.MD5.Length != 32) return false;
            if (mod.pricingMD5 == null || mod.pricingMD5.Length != 32) return false;
            if (mod.elements.Count <= 0 || mod.elmGroups.Count <= 0) return false;

            if (FileOp.isFileExist(Path.Combine(mod.dir, Decl.F_TSMATCHINFO)))
                dINFO = Docs.getDoc(sINFO, create_if_notexist: false, fatal: false);
                if (dINFO == null || dINFO.il < 10) return false;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mod.name)) return false;
                if (isChangedStr(ref mod.name, dINFO, Decl.MODINFO_NAME_R, 2)) return false;
                //20/8/2017                if (isChangedStr(ref mod.dir, dINFO, Decl.MODINFO_DIR_R, 2)) return false;
                if (isChangedStr(ref mod.MD5, dINFO, Decl.MODINFO_MD5_R, 2)) return false;
                if (isChangedStr(ref mod.pricingMD5, dINFO, Decl.MODINFO_PRCMD5_R, 2)) return false;
                if (mod.elements.Count != dINFO.Body.Int(Decl.MODINFO_ELMCNT_R, 2)) return false;
                dRul = Docs.getDoc(sRul, create_if_notexist: false, fatal: false);
                if (dRul == null || dRul.il < dRul.i0 || dRul.il <= 2) return false;
                dRep = Docs.getDoc(sRep, create_if_notexist: false, fatal: false);
                if (dRep == null || dRep.il < dRep.i0 || dRul.il <= 2) return false;
                if (dRep.il - dRep.i0 != mod.elmGroups.Count) return false;
                if (mod.Rules.Count == 0) return false;
            return true;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Raw() - read elements from Raw.xml or re-write it, if necessary 
 ///re-write reasons could be: Raw.xml not exists, or error found in ModelINFO
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>updated list of elements in file and in memory</returns>
 public List<Elm> Raw(Mod mod)
     const string me = "SavedReport__Raw_";
     Log.set("SR.Raw(" + mod.name + ")");
     model = mod;
     List<Elm> elms = new List<Elm>();
     if (!FileOp.isDirExist(model.dir)) Msg.F(me + "No model dir", model.dir);
     string file = Path.Combine(model.dir, Decl.RAWXML);
     {                               // Read Raw.xml
         elms = rwXML.XML.ReadFromXmlFile<List<Elm>>(file);
         model.date = File.GetLastWriteTime(file);
     {                               // get from CAD and Write or re-Write Raw.xml 
         Msg.AskFOK(me + "CAD Read");
         rwXML.XML.WriteToXmlFile(file, model.elements);
         elms = model.elements;
     model.MD5 = model.getMD5(elms);
     log.Info("Raw.xml: { elmCount, MD5} ==" + elms.Count + ", " + model.MD5);
     return elms;
예제 #4
        public void UT_CheckModelIntegrity_native()
            boot  = new Boot(); boot.Init();
            model = new Mod();
            model = model.sr.SetModel(boot);

            bool ok = model.sr.CheckModelIntegrity(model);

            Assert.IsTrue(model.dir.Length > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.date > Decl.OLD && model.date <= DateTime.Now);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.pricingDate > Decl.OLD && model.pricingDate <= DateTime.Now);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, model.MD5.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(32, model.pricingMD5.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.elements.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(model.elmGroups.Count > 0);

예제 #5
 protected void SetModDir(Boot boot)
     const string me = "SavedReport__SetModelDir_";
     Msg = boot.Msg;
     if (boot.isTeklaActive)
     {   // if Tekla is active - get Path of TSmatch
         model.name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TS.ModInfo.ModelName);
         model.dir = TS.GetTeklaDir(TS.ModelDir.model);
         model.phase = TS.ModInfo.CurrentPhase.ToString();
         //6/4/17                        macroDir = TS.GetTeklaDir(TS.ModelDir.macro);
     {   // if Tekla not active - get model attributes from TSmatchINFO.xlsx in ModelDir
         model.dir = boot.ModelDir;
         if (!FileOp.isDirExist(model.dir)) Msg.F(me + "No Model Directory", model.dir);
         if (!Docs.IsDocExist(Decl.TSMATCHINFO_MODELINFO)) Msg.F(me + "No_TSmatchINFO", model.dir);
         dINFO = Docs.getDoc(sINFO, fatal: false);
         if (dINFO == null || dINFO.il < 10 || !FileOp.isDirExist(model.dir)) error();
         model.name = dINFO.Body.Strng(Decl.MODINFO_NAME_R, 2);
         model.phase = dINFO.Body.Strng(Decl.MODINFO_PHASE_R, 2);