//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-EVENTOS-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { M = mast.M; L = mast.L; S = mast.S; F = mast.F; U = mast.U; P = mast.P; dic = new Diccionario(L, S); P = (String)Session["P"]; mst = (mast)Master; APD = new BDAPAD(); mst.contentCallEvent += new EventHandler(accionar); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(P)) { string notiene; if (L == "es") { notiene = "No has seleccionado ningún padrino"; } else { notiene = "You have not selected any sponsors"; } numAccion = 1; mst.mostrarMsjOpcionMdl(notiene); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { try { BDM = new BDMiembro(); APD = new BDAPAD(); traducir(); llenarhistorial(); apadrinado(); } catch (Exception ex) { mst.mostrarMsjAdvNtf("Error: " + ex.Message); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { M = mast.M; L = mast.L; S = mast.S; F = mast.F; U = mast.U; P = mast.P; mst = (mast)Master; BDM = new BDMiembro(); APD = new BDAPAD(); dic = new Diccionario(L, S); P = (String)Session["P"]; mst.contentCallEvent += new EventHandler(accionar); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(P)) { string mensaje; if (L == "es") { mensaje = "No has seleccionado ningún padrino"; } else { mensaje = "You have not selected any sponsors"; } mst.mostrarMsjOpcionMdl(mensaje); } if (!IsPostBack) { try { LlenarInformacion(); Apadrinados(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { M = mast.M; L = mast.L; S = mast.S; F = mast.F; U = mast.U; P = mast.P; P = (String)Session["P"]; mst = (mast)Master; BDM = new BDMiembro(); APD = new BDAPAD(); dic = new Diccionario(L, S); mst.contentCallEvent += new EventHandler(accionar); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(P)) { string notiene; if (L == "es") { notiene = "No has seleccionado ningún padrino"; } else { notiene = "You have not selected any sponsors"; } numAccion = 1; mst.mostrarMsjOpcionMdl(notiene); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { try { valoresiniciales(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////--FUNCIONES Y PROCEDIMIENTOS--////////////////////////////////////////// protected void btnbuscar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtedad.Text) && ddlgrado.SelectedIndex == 0 && ddlnivel.SelectedIndex == 0 && ddlpueblo.SelectedIndex == 0) { Ingreso.Visible = false; historial.Visible = true; string sql = "SELECT MSI.MemberId,M.FirstNames +' '+M.LastNames Nombre, dbo.fn_GEN_edad(M.BirthDate, 'es') Edad, F.Address Vivienda, M.LastFamilyId, dbo.fn_BECA_InfoEducUltimo(MSI.Project,MSI.MemberId) Grado , F.Pueblo, CASE WHEN ''='' THEN L.DescSpanish ELSE L.DescEnglish END Tipo,CASE WHEN ''='' THEN SR.DescSpanish ELSE SR.DescEnglish END Restriccion, CONVERT(VARCHAR,MSI.RestrictionDate,101) Tiempo FROM dbo.MiscMemberSponsorInfo MSI INNER JOIN dbo.Member M ON MSI.MemberId=M.MemberId AND MSI.Project=M.Project AND MSI.RecordStatus=M.RecordStatus LEFT JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipRestriction SR ON MSI.Restriction = SR.Code LEFT JOIN dbo.CdGrade G ON M.LastGradePassed = G.Code INNER JOIN dbo.Family F ON M.LastFamilyId = F.FamilyId INNER JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipLevel L ON MSI.SponsorShipLevel = L.Code AND MSI.RecordStatus=F.RecordStatus AND MSI.Project=F.Project WHERE M.RecordStatus = ' ' AND M.Project = '" + S + "' AND M.AffiliationStatus = 'AFIL' AND (MSI.SponsorshipLevel NOT IN ('COMP', 'OLD') AND (MSI.SponsorshipLevel IN ('NING','PARC')))ORDER BY MSI.MemberId ASC"; DataTable tabledata = new DataTable(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter adaptador = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet setDatos = new DataSet(); adaptador.Fill(setDatos, "listado"); tabledata = setDatos.Tables["listado"]; con.Close(); gvhistorial.DataSource = tabledata; gvhistorial.DataBind(); gvhistorial.Visible = true; // // LLenarhistorial(sql); } else { string edad, pueblo, nivel, grado; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtedad.Text)) { edad = "AND M.BirthDate=M.BirthDate "; } else { edad = "AND dbo.fn_GEN_edad(M.BirthDate, 'es') LIKE('" + txtedad.Text + "%') "; } if (ddlgrado.SelectedIndex == 0) { grado = " "; } else { grado = " AND dbo.fn_BECA_InfoEducUltimo(MSI.Project,MSI.MemberId) LIKE('%" + ddlgrado.SelectedItem.Text + "%') "; } if (ddlnivel.SelectedIndex == 0) { nivel = " AND MSI.SponsorshipLevel=MSI.SponsorshipLevel "; } else { nivel = " AND (MSI.SponsorshipLevel = '" + ddlnivel.SelectedValue + "') "; } if (ddlpueblo.SelectedIndex == 0) { pueblo = "AND F.Pueblo=F.Pueblo"; } else { pueblo = "AND F.Pueblo = '" + ddlpueblo.SelectedItem.Text + "' "; } try { string sql = "SELECT MSI.MemberId,M.FirstNames +' '+M.LastNames Nombre,dbo.fn_GEN_edad(M.BirthDate, 'es') Edad, F.Address Vivienda, M.LastFamilyId,dbo.fn_BECA_InfoEducUltimo(MSI.Project,MSI.MemberId) Grado , F.Pueblo, CASE WHEN ''='' THEN L.DescSpanish ELSE L.DescEnglish END Tipo, CASE WHEN ''='' THEN SR.DescSpanish ELSE SR.DescEnglish END Restriccion, CONVERT(VARCHAR,MSI.RestrictionDate,101) Tiempo FROM dbo.MiscMemberSponsorInfo MSI INNER JOIN dbo.Member M ON MSI.MemberId=M.MemberId AND MSI.Project=M.Project AND MSI.RecordStatus=M.RecordStatus LEFT JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipRestriction SR ON MSI.Restriction = SR.Code LEFT JOIN dbo.CdGrade G ON M.LastGradePassed = G.Code INNER JOIN dbo.Family F ON M.LastFamilyId = F.FamilyId INNER JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipLevel L ON MSI.SponsorShipLevel = L.Code AND MSI.RecordStatus=F.RecordStatus AND MSI.Project=F.Project WHERE M.RecordStatus = ' ' AND M.Project = '" + S + "' AND M.AffiliationStatus = 'AFIL' AND (MSI.SponsorshipLevel NOT IN ('COMP', 'OLD')) " + nivel + " " + edad + " " + pueblo + " " + grado + " ORDER BY MSI.MemberId ASC"; DataTable tabledata = new DataTable(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter adaptador = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DataSet setDatos = new DataSet(); adaptador.Fill(setDatos, "listado"); tabledata = setDatos.Tables["listado"]; con.Close(); gvhistorial.DataSource = tabledata; gvhistorial.DataBind(); gvhistorial.Visible = true; if (tabledata.Rows.Count == 0) { eleccion = 1; mst.mostrarMsjOpcionMdl(dic.msjNoEncontroResultados); } else { Ingreso.Visible = false; historial.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { string sql = "SELECT MSI.MemberId,M.FirstNames +' '+M.LastNames Nombre,dbo.fn_GEN_edad(M.BirthDate, 'es') Edad, F.Address Vivienda, M.LastFamilyId,dbo.fn_BECA_InfoEducUltimo(MSI.Project,MSI.MemberId) Grado , F.Pueblo, CASE WHEN ''='' THEN L.DescSpanish ELSE L.DescEnglish END Tipo, CASE WHEN ''='' THEN SR.DescSpanish ELSE SR.DescEnglish END Restriccion, CONVERT(VARCHAR,MSI.RestrictionDate,101) Tiempo FROM dbo.MiscMemberSponsorInfo MSI INNER JOIN dbo.Member M ON MSI.MemberId=M.MemberId AND MSI.Project=M.Project AND MSI.RecordStatus=M.RecordStatus LEFT JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipRestriction SR ON MSI.Restriction = SR.Code LEFT JOIN dbo.CdGrade G ON M.LastGradePassed = G.Code INNER JOIN dbo.Family F ON M.LastFamilyId = F.FamilyId INNER JOIN dbo.CdSponsorShipLevel L ON MSI.SponsorShipLevel = L.Code AND MSI.RecordStatus=F.RecordStatus AND MSI.Project=F.Project WHERE M.RecordStatus = ' ' AND M.Project = '" + S + "' AND M.AffiliationStatus = 'AFIL' AND (MSI.SponsorshipLevel NOT IN ('COMP', 'OLD') " + nivel + " " + edad + " " + pueblo + " ORDER BY MSI.MemberId ASC"; mst.mostrarMsjAdvNtf(dic.msjNoSeRealizoExcp + ex.Message + sql + "."); } } }