예제 #1
    void Update()
        //if (Input.touchCount == 0)
        //    return;

        //Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);

        ////if(touch.phase != TouchPhase.Began)
        ////    return;

        //ray = touch.position;

        isTouched = manager_cs.GetTouch();

        ray.origin    = Controller.transform.position;
        ray.direction = Controller.transform.forward;

        // ray.direction = Controller.transform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0, -90, 0);
        // foward를 사용해 봐야 할듯?

        raycast = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitob, 10, layerMask);

        arraycast = arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds) ||
                    arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinInfinity);

        //if (raycast && !arraycast) //객체 위치조정 X, 자세조정 O

        //if(raycast && arraycast) //객체 위치조정 O, 자세조정 O

        //else if(!raycast && arraycast) // 새 객체 생성


        if (arraycast)
            var hit  = arraycastHits[0];
            var pose = hit.pose;

            crosshair.transform.position = pose.position;
            crosshair.transform.up       = pose.up;

            if (crosshairRenderer != null)
                var color = hit.hitType == TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds
                    ? crosshairInsidePlaneColor
                    : crosshairOutsidePlaneColor;
                crosshairRenderer.material.SetColor(shaderColorId, color);

            //객체 조작시
            if (raycast)
                if (isTouched == true)
                    hitob.transform.position = pose.position;
                    hitob.transform.up       = Controller.transform.forward;
                //새 객체 생성
                if (isTouched == true)
                    pose = arraycastHits[0].pose;
                    var spawnedObject = Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, pose.position, pose.rotation);

                    // Adjust the spawned object to look towards the camera (while staying
                    // perpendicular to the plane of a general orientation).
                    // Project the camera position to the tracked plane:
                    Vector3 distance       = mainCamera.transform.position - spawnedObject.transform.position;
                    Vector3 normal         = spawnedObject.transform.up.normalized;
                    Vector3 projectedPoint = mainCamera.transform.position
                                             - (normal * Vector3.Dot(normal, distance));

                    // Rotate the spawned object towards the projected position:
                    Vector3 newForward = projectedPoint - spawnedObject.transform.position;
                    float   angle      = Vector3.Angle(spawnedObject.transform.forward, newForward);
                    spawnedObject.transform.Rotate(spawnedObject.transform.up, angle, Space.World);

                    //var randomScale = UnityEngine.Random.Range(scaleMinimum, scaleMaximum);
                    //spawnedObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * randomScale;

            //isTouched가 True일때
            //hit.transform으로 물체의 위치, 자세 조작하기
            //hit.point 와hit.transform.position로 지면으로의 벡터를 이용해
            //isTouched True 되면 객체의 position을 가르키도록 하고 터치를 떼면돌아오거나
            //터치하면 객체의 position을 가르키는 가상의 ray를 만들고 원래 controller와 같이 움직이도록
            //아두이노 Y축 회전값이 객체의 회전을 구현하도록

        //if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 10))
        //    if(isTouched = True)
        //    {
        //        //hit.transform.position = ;
        //    }

        //    //isTouched가 True일때
        //    //hit.transform으로 물체의 위치, 자세 조작하기
        //    //hit.point 와hit.transform.position로 지면으로의 벡터를 이용해
        //    //hit.transform.up
        //    //isTouched True 되면 객체의 position을 가르키도록 하고 터치를 떼면돌아오거나
        //    //터치하면 객체의 position을 가르키는 가상의 ray를 만들고 원래 controller와 같이 움직이도록
        //    //아두이노 Y축 회전값이 객체의 회전을 구현하도록


        //if (arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds) ||
        //        arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinInfinity))
        //    var hit = arraycastHits[0];
        //    var pose = hit.pose;

        //    crosshair.SetActive(true);
        //    crosshair.transform.position = pose.position;
        //    crosshair.transform.up = pose.up;

        //    if (crosshairRenderer != null)
        //    {
        //        var color = hit.hitType == TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds
        //            ? crosshairInsidePlaneColor
        //            : crosshairOutsidePlaneColor;
        //        crosshairRenderer.material.SetColor(shaderColorId, color);
        //    }

        //    if (isTouched == true)
        //    {
        //        pose = arraycastHits[0].pose;
        //        var spawnedObject = Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, pose.position, pose.rotation);

        //        // Adjust the spawned object to look towards the camera (while staying
        //        // perpendicular to the plane of a general orientation).
        //        // Project the camera position to the tracked plane:
        //        Vector3 distance = mainCamera.transform.position - spawnedObject.transform.position;
        //        Vector3 normal = spawnedObject.transform.up.normalized;
        //        Vector3 projectedPoint = mainCamera.transform.position
        //            - (normal * Vector3.Dot(normal, distance));

        //        // Rotate the spawned object towards the projected position:
        //        Vector3 newForward = projectedPoint - spawnedObject.transform.position;
        //        float angle = Vector3.Angle(spawnedObject.transform.forward, newForward);
        //        spawnedObject.transform.Rotate(spawnedObject.transform.up, angle, Space.World);

        //        var randomScale = UnityEngine.Random.Range(scaleMinimum, scaleMaximum);
        //        spawnedObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * randomScale;
        //    }

        //    crosshair.SetActive(false);

        // Raycasting with only PlaneWithinInfinity always sets hitType to PlaneWithinInfinity, so
        // we need to potentially do two raycasts in order to color the crosshair properly.
        //if (arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds) ||
        //    arraycastManager.Raycast(ray, arraycastHits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinInfinity)) {
        //    var hit = arraycastHits[0];
        //    var pose = hit.pose;

        //    crosshair.SetActive(true);
        //    crosshair.transform.position = pose.position;
        //    crosshair.transform.up = pose.up;

        //    if (crosshairRenderer != null) {
        //        var color = hit.hitType == TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds
        //            ? crosshairInsidePlaneColor
        //            : crosshairOutsidePlaneColor;
        //        crosshairRenderer.material.SetColor(shaderColorId, color);
        //    }

        //    if (isTouched == true)
        //    {
        //        pose = arraycastHits[0].pose;
        //        var spawnedObject = Instantiate(prefabToSpawn, pose.position, pose.rotation);

        //        // Adjust the spawned object to look towards the camera (while staying
        //        // perpendicular to the plane of a general orientation).
        //        // Project the camera position to the tracked plane:
        //        Vector3 distance = mainCamera.transform.position - spawnedObject.transform.position;
        //        Vector3 normal = spawnedObject.transform.up.normalized;
        //        Vector3 projectedPoint = mainCamera.transform.position
        //            - (normal * Vector3.Dot(normal, distance));

        //        // Rotate the spawned object towards the projected position:
        //        Vector3 newForward = projectedPoint - spawnedObject.transform.position;
        //        float angle = Vector3.Angle(spawnedObject.transform.forward, newForward);
        //        spawnedObject.transform.Rotate(spawnedObject.transform.up, angle, Space.World);

        //        var randomScale = UnityEngine.Random.Range(scaleMinimum, scaleMaximum);
        //        spawnedObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * randomScale;
        //    }

        //} else {
        //    crosshair.SetActive(false);