public void GenerateLevel(Transform StaticParent, level_specification LevelSpecification)
        float centerX = LevelSpecification.sizeX / 2f;
        float centerZ = LevelSpecification.sizeZ / 2f;

        //fill in the prefab arrays for the level spec info
        //this allows us to set the prefab arrays IN ONE PLACE, ONCE, and create new level specs quickly
        int pfIndex = 0;

        LevelSpecification.Prefab_Spaces = new GameObject[levelSpecSpacePrefabs.Length];
        foreach (GameObject spacePF in levelSpecSpacePrefabs)
            LevelSpecification.Prefab_Spaces[pfIndex] = levelSpecSpacePrefabs[pfIndex];
            pfIndex += 1;
        pfIndex = 0;
        LevelSpecification.Prefab_Pickups = new GameObject[levelSpecPickupPrefabs.Length];
        foreach (GameObject spacePF in levelSpecPickupPrefabs)
            LevelSpecification.Prefab_Pickups[pfIndex] = levelSpecPickupPrefabs[pfIndex];
            pfIndex += 1;

        int pStartX = 0, pStartY = 0;
        PlayerController pcon = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameLoopManager>().m_playerController;

        pcon.levelObject = StaticParent;
        pcon.levelSize   = LevelSpecification.sizeX;
        GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelViewController>().levelTransform = StaticParent;
        CardControl cardControl = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CardControl>();

        cardControl.levelObject = StaticParent;
        cardControl.player      = pcon;
        cardControl.levelSize   = LevelSpecification.sizeX;
        //populate available ability buttons for the level

        foreach (Button b in cardControl.m_button)
        cardControl.m_button = new Button[LevelSpecification.available_abilities.Length];
        string buttonName = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < cardControl.m_button.Length; i++)
            buttonName = LevelSpecification.available_abilities[i];
            GameObject butt = allAbilityButtons.Find(x => == buttonName);
            cardControl.m_button[i] = butt.GetComponent <Button>();

        pcon.grapeHealAmount = LevelSpecification.grapeHealAmount;
        pcon.wineHealAmount  = LevelSpecification.wineHealAmount;
        pcon.backtrackDamage = LevelSpecification.backtrackDamage;
        pcon.hazardDamage    = LevelSpecification.hazardDamage;
        pcon.walkDamage      = LevelSpecification.walkDamage;
        pcon.playerStartWine = LevelSpecification.playerStartWine;
        pcon.playerMaxWine   = LevelSpecification.playerMaxWine;            = pcon.playerStartWine;

        CardControl abilityController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CardControl>();

        abilityController.dashLoss = LevelSpecification.dashDamage;
        abilityController.diagLoss = LevelSpecification.diagDamage;

        GameObject layoutObj = LevelSpecification.LevelLayoutPrefab;

        GameObject[,] spacesArray = CreateSpacesArray(layoutObj.transform.Find("LevelSpaces"),
        GameObject[,] pickupsArray = CreatePickupsArray(layoutObj.transform.Find("LevelPickups"),
        for (int i = 0; i < LevelSpecification.sizeX; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < LevelSpecification.sizeZ; j++)
                //Instantiate Spaces

                //int to enum type conversion?
                //SpaceType typeOfSpace =[i, j];
                RowData rowData   =[i];
                int     spacetype = (int)(rowData.row[j]);
                //GameObject spaceprefab = LevelSpecification.Prefab_Spaces[spacetype];
                GameObject space = null;
                if (spacesArray[i, j] != null)
                    GameObject spaceprefab = spacesArray[i, j];
                    //if(spacetype == 3)
                    if ("ares"))
                        pcon.posX = i;
                        pcon.posY = j;
                        pStartX   = i;
                        pStartY   = j;
                    space = (GameObject)Instantiate(spaceprefab, StaticParent);
                    space.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((1f * i) - centerX, space.transform.localPosition.y, (1f * j) - centerZ);
                    //if its a moveable space, give it xy coords
                    if (space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>() != null)
                        space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posX          = i;
                        space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posY          = j;
                        space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().moveSpaceType = (SpaceType)spacetype;

                //Instantiate Pickups

                RowData pickupsData = LevelSpecification.pickups.rows[i];
                int     pickuptype  = pickupsData.row[j];

                //0 type is  "no pickup"
                if (pickupsArray[i, j] != null)
                    //GameObject pickupPrefab = LevelSpecification.Prefab_Pickups[pickuptype-1];
                    GameObject pickupPrefab = pickupsArray[i, j];
                    GameObject pickup       = (GameObject)Instantiate(pickupPrefab, space.transform);
                    pickup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1.1f, 0f);
                    if (!"dionysus"))
                        pickup.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.5f, .5f / pickup.transform.parent.localScale.y, .5f);
                        pickup.transform.localScale = new Vector3(20f, 20f / pickup.transform.parent.localScale.y, 20f);
                    space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().hasPickup = true;
                if (pickuptype == 5)
                    pStartX = space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posX;
                    pStartY = space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posY;
        //pcon.levelObject = GameObject.Find("LevelObject").transform;
        pcon.MoveToSpace(pStartX, pStartY);
        pcon.spacesArray  = spacesArray;
        pcon.pickupsArray = pickupsArray;
예제 #2
    public void GenerateLevel(Transform StaticParent, level_specification LevelSpecification)
        float centerX = LevelSpecification.sizeX / 2f;
        float centerZ = LevelSpecification.sizeZ / 2f;

        int pStartX = 0, pStartY = 0;

        GameObject player = Instantiate(m_playerPrefab) as GameObject;

        //PlayerController pcon = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerController>();
        Debug.Log( + " was instantiated.");
        PlayerController pcon = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>();

        pcon.grapeHealAmount = LevelSpecification.grapeHealAmount;
        pcon.wineHealAmount  = LevelSpecification.wineHealAmount;
        pcon.backtrackDamage = LevelSpecification.backtrackDamage;
        pcon.hazardDamage    = LevelSpecification.hazardDamage;
        pcon.walkDamage      = LevelSpecification.walkDamage;
        pcon.playerStartWine = LevelSpecification.playerStartWine;
        pcon.playerMaxWine   = LevelSpecification.playerMaxWine;            = pcon.playerStartWine;
        for (int i = 0; i < LevelSpecification.sizeX; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < LevelSpecification.sizeZ; j++)
                //int to enum type conversion?
                //SpaceType typeOfSpace =[i, j];
                RowData    rowData     =[i];
                int        spacetype   = rowData.row[j];
                GameObject spaceprefab = LevelSpecification.Prefab_Spaces[spacetype];
                if (spacetype == 3)
                    pcon.posX = i;
                    pcon.posY = j;
                    pStartX   = i;
                    pStartY   = j;
                GameObject space = (GameObject)Instantiate(spaceprefab, StaticParent);
                space.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((1f * i) - centerX, space.transform.localPosition.y, (1f * j) - centerZ);
                //if its a moveable space, give it xy coords
                if (space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>() != null)
                    space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posX          = i;
                    space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posY          = j;
                    space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().moveSpaceType = (SpaceType)spacetype;

                RowData pickupsData = LevelSpecification.pickups.rows[i];
                int     pickuptype  = pickupsData.row[j];
                //0 type is  "no pickup"
                if (pickuptype != 0)
                    GameObject pickupPrefab = LevelSpecification.Prefab_Pickups[pickuptype - 1];
                    GameObject pickup       = (GameObject)Instantiate(pickupPrefab, space.transform);
                    pickup.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1.1f, 0f);
                    if (!"dionysus"))
                        pickup.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.5f, .5f / pickup.transform.parent.localScale.y, .5f);
                        pickup.transform.localScale = new Vector3(20f, 20f / pickup.transform.parent.localScale.y, 20f);
                    space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().hasPickup = true;
                if (pickuptype == 5)
                    pStartX = space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posX;
                    pStartY = space.GetComponent <MoveSpace>().posY;
        //GameObject player = Instantiate(m_playerPrefab);
        //pcon = player.GetComponent<PlayerController>();

        pcon.MoveToSpace(pStartX, pStartY);