/// <summary> It prints the segment position information to the console.</summary> public virtual void printPosition() { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("positionEnd: " + positionEnd); for (int i = 0; i < positionEnd; i++) { Trace.WriteLine( string.Format("position[{0}].key={1} nextPosition={2}", i, Code.toCompatibilityJamo(position[i].key), position[i].nextPosition)); } }
/// <summary> It prints the trie structure by recursive call.</summary> /// <param name="pw">- for printing the trie structure /// </param> /// <param name="idx">- the index of trie node /// </param> /// <param name="depth">- the depth of current node /// </param> /// <param name="tagSet">- the morpheme tag set used in the trie structure /// </param> public virtual void print_trie(System.IO.StreamWriter pw, int idx, int depth, TagSet tagSet) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { pw.Write("\t"); } pw.Write(idx + ":" + Code.toCompatibilityJamo(trie_buf[idx].key) + " "); if (trie_buf[idx].info_list != null) { for (int k = 0; k < trie_buf[idx].info_list.Count; k++) { pw.Write("t:" + tagSet.getTagName(trie_buf[idx].info_list.Get_Renamed(k).tag) + " "); } } pw.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < trie_buf[idx].child_size; i++) { print_trie(pw, trie_buf[idx].child_idx + i, depth + 1, tagSet); } }
/// <summary> It prints the all data in the chart to the console.</summary> public virtual void printMorphemeAll() { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("chartEnd: " + chartEnd); for (int i = 0; i < chartEnd; i++) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("chartID: " + i); Trace.Write( string.Format("{0}/{1}.{2} nextPosition={3} nextTagType={4} state={5} ", Code.toString(chart[i].str.ToCharArray()), tagSet.getTagName(chart[i].tag), tagSet.getIrregularName(chart[i].phoneme), Code.toCompatibilityJamo(sp.getPosition(chart[i].nextPosition).key), tagSet.getTagName(chart[i].nextTagType), chart[i].state)); System.Console.Error.Write("connection="); for (int j = 0; j < chart[i].connectionCount; j++) { Trace.Write(chart[i].connection[j] + ", "); } Trace.Write(Environment.NewLine); } }