예제 #1
         * Add tags to the database.
         * @param entity context
        protected static void ProcessTags(kenticofreeEntities context)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding tags to database.");

            CMS_TagGroup tg   = GetTagGroup(context);
            var          tags = (from t in wpxml.Descendants(wpns + "tag")
                                 select new CMS_Tag {
                TagName = t.Element(wpns + "tag_slug").Value,
                TagGroupID = tg.TagGroupID,
                TagCount = 0

            foreach (CMS_Tag tag in tags)
                // Don't add an existing tag
                var exists = (from t in context.CMS_Tag
                              where t.TagName == tag.TagName && t.TagGroupID == tag.TagGroupID
                              select t
                if (!exists.Any())

예제 #2
         * Import Comments
         * Comments aren't as involved as Posts, so the loop to import can be self-contained. This function
         * imports the comments associated with the given post.
         * The Wordpress export doesn't distinguish between spam comments and comments that simply haven't yet
         * been approved, so we can't explicitly mark them as spam in Kentico. We can, though, retain Wordpress'
         * behavior and just not approve them, thus retaining the same look on the Kentico blog as we had in WP.
         * Wordpress also tracks ping/trackbacks differently than Kentico. Kentico just keeps a simple boolean value
         * for "IsTrackBack" and doesn't appear to distinguish between trackback and pingback, while Wordpress uses a
         * string value with null, Comment, Pingback, and Trackback as potential values
         * @param entity context
         * @param CMS_Document postDoc
        protected static void ImportComments(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Document postDoc)
            // Get the comments from the XML
            var comments = (from c in wpxml.Descendants("item").Where(x => x.Element(wpns + "post_id").Value == postDoc.DocumentForeignKeyValue.ToString()).Descendants(wpns + "comment")
                            select new Blog_Comment {
                CommentID = Int32.Parse(c.Element(wpns + "comment_id").Value),
                CommentUserName = c.Element(wpns + "comment_author").Value,
                CommentEmail = c.Element(wpns + "comment_author_email").Value,
                CommentUrl = c.Element(wpns + "comment_author_url").Value,
                CommentApproved = (c.Element(wpns + "comment_approved").Value != "0"),                                                 // Convert "0"/"1" to false/true
                CommentDate = DateTime.Parse(c.Element(wpns + "comment_date").Value),
                CommentText = c.Element(wpns + "comment_content").Value,
                CommentIsTrackBack = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Element(wpns + "comment_type").Value) && c.Element(wpns + "comment_type").Value != "Comment"),                                                 // if comment_type has a value (not NullOrEmpty), AND that value is not "Comment", then it's a ping/trackback; otherwise it's just a comment
                CommentPostDocumentID = postDoc.DocumentID

            // Insert them into the database
            foreach (Blog_Comment comment in comments)

예제 #3
         * Get the tag group.
         * Kentico encourages grouping tags. Additionally, tags aren't just used for blog posts.
         * Therefore, we're going to use or create a tag group specifically for our blog import.
         * This group name is set in the config, so it can be an existing one. It doesn't have to
         * exist, though, and if it doesn't, this script will create it.
         * @param entity context
         * @return CMS_TagGroup
        protected static CMS_TagGroup GetTagGroup(kenticofreeEntities context)
            string groupName = config.Get("tagGroupName");
            var    tg        = (from t in context.CMS_TagGroup
                                where t.TagGroupName == groupName
                                select t

            if (tg.Any())
                Regex        forbidden = new Regex(forbiddenChars);
                CMS_TagGroup group     = new CMS_TagGroup()
                    TagGroupName         = forbidden.Replace(groupName, ""),
                    TagGroupDisplayName  = groupName,
                    TagGroupDescription  = groupName,
                    TagGroupGUID         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    TagGroupSiteID       = Int32.Parse(config.Get("siteId")),
                    TagGroupIsAdHoc      = false,
                    TagGroupLastModified = DateTime.Now

예제 #4
         * Link categories and tags to a post.
         * This is combined into one function, because the Wordpress XML uses the same "category" tag
         * for both categories and tags for a post, and just uses the "domain" attribute to distinguish
         * between them.
         * @param entity context
         * @param CMS_Document postDoc
         * @param CONTENT_BlogPost post
        protected static void LinkCategoriesAndTags(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Document postDoc, CONTENT_BlogPost post)
            var xml = (from c in wpxml.Descendants("item")
                       where Int32.Parse(c.Element(wpns + "post_id").Value) == post.BlogPostID
                       select c
            var categories = (from c in xml.Descendants("category")
                              select new {
                Domain = c.Attribute("domain").Value,
                Nicename = c.Attribute("nicename").Value

            foreach (var cat in categories)
                if (cat.Domain == "post_tag")
                    CMS_TagGroup tg  = GetTagGroup(context);
                    CMS_Tag      tag = (from t in context.CMS_Tag
                                        where t.TagName == cat.Nicename && t.TagGroupID == tg.TagGroupID
                                        select t
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postDoc.DocumentTags))
                        postDoc.DocumentTags = tag.TagName;
                        postDoc.DocumentTags = postDoc.DocumentTags + ", " + tag.TagName;
                else if (cat.Domain == "category")
                    CMS_Category category = (from c in context.CMS_Category
                                             where c.CategoryName == cat.Nicename
                                             select c
예제 #5
         * Add a document based on the given treeNode and related item
         * @param entity context
         * @param CMS_Tree treeNode
         * @param int itemId
         * @param bool hasTags
         * @return CMS_Document
        protected static CMS_Document AddDocument(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Tree treeNode, int itemId, int tagGroupId = 0)
            // Create the document and add it into the database
            CMS_Document doc = new CMS_Document()
                DocumentName                     = treeNode.NodeName,
                DocumentNamePath                 = treeNode.NodeAliasPath,
                DocumentForeignKeyValue          = itemId,
                DocumentCulture                  = "en-US",
                DocumentShowInSiteMap            = true,
                DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation = false,
                DocumentUseNamePathForUrlPath    = false,
                DocumentStylesheetID             = -1,
                DocumentNodeID                   = treeNode.NodeID,
                DocumentGUID                     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DocumentCreatedByUserID          = treeNode.NodeOwner,
                DocumentCreatedWhen              = DateTime.Now,
                DocumentModifiedWhen             = DateTime.Now,
                DocumentModifiedByUserID         = treeNode.NodeOwner,
                DocumentUrlPath                  = "",
                DocumentContent                  = "",
                DocumentIsArchived               = false

            // Include the TagGroupID that the documents belong to. Used largely for blog entries.
            if (tagGroupId > 0)
                doc.DocumentTagGroupID = tagGroupId;


예제 #6
         * Add categories into the database.
         * @param entity context
        protected static void ProcessCategories(kenticofreeEntities context)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding categories to database.");
            var categories = (from c in wpxml.Descendants(wpns + "category")
                              select new CMS_Category {
                CategoryCount = 0,
                CategoryDisplayName = c.Element(wpns + "cat_name").Value,
                CategoryName = c.Element(wpns + "category_nicename").Value,
                CategoryDescription = c.Element(wpns + "cat_name").Value,
                CategoryEnabled = true,
                CategoryGUID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                CategoryLastModified = DateTime.Now,
                CategorySiteID = Int32.Parse(config.Get("siteId")),
                CategoryNamePath = "/" + c.Element(wpns + "category_nicename").Value,
                CategoryLevel = 0,
                CategoryParentID = null

            CMS_Category lastCat = null;

            // TODO: Add category nesting (not doing it right now, because our export doesn't nest categories)
            foreach (CMS_Category cat in categories)
                // Make sure we don't add a category that already exists
                var exists = (from c in context.CMS_Category
                              where c.CategoryName == cat.CategoryName
                              select c

                if (!exists.Any())
                    if (lastCat == null)
                        lastCat = (from o in context.CMS_Category
                                   where o.CategorySiteID == cat.CategorySiteID && o.CategoryLevel == cat.CategoryLevel
                                   orderby o.CategoryOrder descending
                                   select o
                        if (lastCat == null)
                            lastCat = new CMS_Category()
                                CategoryOrder = 0

                    cat.CategoryOrder = lastCat.CategoryOrder + 1;

                    /* We can't make the IDPath until we get an ID, and I can't find how Kentico does this,
                     * so we have to do it the long way. */
                    context.SaveChanges();                     // Add the category
                    // Bulid the path and update our category
                    cat.CategoryIDPath = "/" + cat.CategoryID.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');

                    // Let's save the last inserted category, so we don't have to access the database so much
                    lastCat = cat;
예제 #7
         * Find or create the "BlogMonth" entry for the month a given post is in.
         * Returns a TreeNode of the requested month, either by finding an existing one or creating a new one.
         * @param entity context
         * @param CONTNET_BlogPost post
         * @param CMS_Tree blog
         * @return CMS_Tree
        protected static CMS_Tree GetBlogMonth(kenticofreeEntities context, CONTENT_BlogPost post, CMS_Tree blog)
            Regex forbidden = new Regex(forbiddenChars);

            // Does one exist?
            var monthQuery = (from m in context.CONTENT_BlogMonth
                              where m.BlogMonthStartingDate.Year == post.BlogPostDate.Year && m.BlogMonthStartingDate.Month == post.BlogPostDate.Month
                              select m);

            CMS_Tree treeNode = null;
            // Find out the classID of the CMS.BlogMonth document type
            CMS_Class monthClass = context.CMS_Class.Where(x => x.ClassName == "CMS.BlogMonth").First();

            // If not, make a new one
            if (monthQuery.Any() == false)
                CONTENT_BlogMonth month = new CONTENT_BlogMonth()
                    BlogMonthName         = post.BlogPostDate.ToString("MMMM yyyy"),
                    BlogMonthStartingDate = new DateTime(post.BlogPostDate.Year, post.BlogPostDate.Month, 01)


                // Add the corresponding tree node
                treeNode = new CMS_Tree()
                    NodeAliasPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", config.Get("kenticoBlogPath"), forbidden.Replace(blog.NodeName, "-"), forbidden.Replace(month.BlogMonthName, "-")),
                    NodeTemplateForAllCultures = true,
                    NodeName              = month.BlogMonthName,
                    NodeAlias             = forbidden.Replace(month.BlogMonthName, "-"),
                    NodeClassID           = monthClass.ClassID,
                    NodeParentID          = blog.NodeID,
                    NodeLevel             = Int32.Parse(config.Get("kenticoBlogLevel")) + 1,
                    NodeACLID             = 1,         // Default ACL ID
                    NodeSiteID            = Int32.Parse(config.Get("siteId")),
                    NodeGUID              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    NodeOwner             = Int32.Parse(config.Get("nodeOwnerId")),
                    NodeInheritPageLevels = "",
                    NodeChildNodesCount   = 0                   // Start out with a number, instead of NULL, so we can easily increment it

                treeNode.NodeOrder = GetNodeOrder(context, treeNode);


                AddDocument(context, treeNode, month.BlogMonthID);
            // If so, use it
                CONTENT_BlogMonth month = monthQuery.First();
                treeNode = (from t in context.CMS_Tree
                            join d in context.CMS_Document on t.NodeID equals d.DocumentNodeID
                            join b in context.CONTENT_BlogMonth on d.DocumentForeignKeyValue equals b.BlogMonthID
                            where b.BlogMonthID == month.BlogMonthID && t.NodeClassID == monthClass.ClassID
                            select t).Single();

예제 #8
         * Import Post
         * Imports a given post into the database, creating the necessary dependencies,
         * including BlogMonth (if it doesn't already exist), TreeNode, and Document.
         * Returns the newly-created document that represents the post.
         * @param entities context
         * @param CMS_Tree blog
         * @param CONTENT_BlogPost post
         * @return CMS_Document
        protected static CMS_Document ImportPost(kenticofreeEntities context, CMS_Tree blog, CONTENT_BlogPost post)
            Regex forbidden         = new Regex(forbiddenChars);
            Regex consolidateDashes = new Regex("[-]{2}");

            /* We want to preserve the IDs of the Posts for linking, but EF won't let us turn on IDENTITY_INSERT
             * with its available methods (ExecuteStoreCommand and SaveChanges are different connections, it seems).
             * So we have to do it the old fashioned way.
            object[] values = new object[] {
                     post.BlogPostDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),

            /* We'll use MERGE here, so that we can handle existing entries.
             * The "xmlTrumpsDb" config switch will allow a choice between nuking what's in the DB
             * or preserving it.
            string cmd = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT CONTENT_BlogPost ON; ";

            cmd += "MERGE CONTENT_BlogPost ";
            cmd += "USING (VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6})) as temp(BlogPostID, BlogPostTitle, BlogPostDate, BlogPostSummary, BlogPostAllowComments, BlogPostBody, BlogLogActivity) ";
            cmd += "ON CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostID = temp.BlogPostID ";
            // To nuke or not to nuke, that is the question...
            if (config.Get("xmlTrumpsDb") == "true")
                cmd += "WHEN MATCHED THEN ";
                cmd += "UPDATE SET CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostTitle = temp.BlogPostTitle, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostDate = temp.BlogPostDate, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostSummary = temp.BlogPostSummary, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostAllowComments = temp.BlogPostAllowComments, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogPostBody = temp.BlogPostBody, CONTENT_BlogPost.BlogLogActivity = temp.BlogLogActivity ";
            cmd += "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN ";
            cmd += "INSERT (BlogPostId, BlogPostTitle, BlogPostDate, BlogPostSummary, BlogPostAllowComments, BlogPostBody, BlogLogActivity) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}); ";
            cmd += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT CONTENT_BlogPost OFF;";
            context.ExecuteStoreCommand(cmd, values);

            // See if there's a BlogMonth entry for the month this post is for
            CMS_Tree month = GetBlogMonth(context, post, blog);

            CMS_Class blogClass = context.CMS_Class.Where(x => x.ClassName == "CMS.BlogPost").First();

            CMS_Tree treeNode = (from t in context.CMS_Tree
                                 join d in context.CMS_Document on t.NodeID equals d.DocumentNodeID
                                 where d.DocumentForeignKeyValue == post.BlogPostID && t.NodeClassID == 3423
                                 select t).FirstOrDefault();

            // Add a new node only if one doesn't already exist
            if (treeNode == null)
                string nodeAlias = consolidateDashes.Replace(forbidden.Replace(post.BlogPostTitle, "-"), "-");
                nodeAlias = (nodeAlias.Length > 50 ? nodeAlias.Substring(0, 50) : nodeAlias);                 // Truncate the alias to avoid SQL Server errors

                // Create the Tree Node for the post and add it in
                treeNode = new CMS_Tree()
                    NodeAliasPath              = string.Format("{0}/{1}", month.NodeAliasPath, forbidden.Replace(post.BlogPostTitle, "-")),
                    NodeName                   = post.BlogPostTitle,
                    NodeAlias                  = nodeAlias,
                    NodeClassID                = blogClass.ClassID,
                    NodeParentID               = month.NodeID,
                    NodeLevel                  = Int32.Parse(config.Get("kenticoBlogLevel")) + 2,
                    NodeACLID                  = 1,    // Default ACL ID
                    NodeSiteID                 = siteId,
                    NodeGUID                   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    NodeInheritPageLevels      = "",
                    NodeTemplateForAllCultures = true,
                    NodeChildNodesCount        = 0

                CMS_User author = GetAuthor(context, post);
                treeNode.NodeOwner = author.UserID;

                treeNode.NodeOrder = GetNodeOrder(context, treeNode);
                month.NodeChildNodesCount++;                // Increment the child nodes count, so the new post will display in the CMS
                blog.NodeChildNodesCount++;                 // Increment the blog's child nodes count, too.

            CMS_TagGroup tagGroup = GetTagGroup(context);

            // Create the document and add it into the database
            CMS_Document postDoc = AddDocument(context, treeNode, post.BlogPostID, tagGroup.TagGroupID);

예제 #9
         * The main function for importing the posts.
         * @param entity context
        protected static void ProcessPosts(kenticofreeEntities context)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding posts to database.");
            // Gather list of Posts and make them each Entities
            var posts = (from i in wpxml.Descendants("item")
                         where i.Element(wpns + "post_type").Value == "post" && i.Element(wpns + "status").Value == "publish"
                         select new CONTENT_BlogPost {
                BlogPostID = Int32.Parse(i.Element(wpns + "post_id").Value),
                BlogPostTitle = i.Element("title").Value,
                BlogPostDate = DateTime.Parse(i.Element(wpns + "post_date").Value),
                BlogPostSummary = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Element("description").Value) ? i.Element("title").Value : i.Element("description").Value),
                BlogPostAllowComments = true,
                BlogPostBody = i.Element(encoded + "encoded").Value.Replace("\n", "<br/>"),                                                 // CDATA element
                BlogLogActivity = true

            // Get the blog by the ID set in the settings
            CMS_Tree blog = (from b in context.CONTENT_Blog
                             join d in context.CMS_Document on b.BlogID equals d.DocumentForeignKeyValue
                             join t in context.CMS_Tree on d.DocumentNodeID equals t.NodeID
                             where b.BlogID == blogId && t.NodeClassID == 3423                                    //Blog class ID, otherwise we end up with a bunch of stuff that aren't blogs
                             select t).FirstOrDefault();

            if (blog == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No blog with the ID of " + blogId + " detected. Adding new blog.");
                CONTENT_Blog b = new CONTENT_Blog()
                    BlogName             = "BlogImport",
                    BlogDescription      = "The Imported Blog",
                    BlogOpenCommentsFor  = "-1",
                    BlogEnableTrackbacks = true

                CMS_Class blogClass = context.CMS_Class.Where(x => x.ClassName == "CMS.BlogPost").First();
                CMS_Tree  root      = context.CMS_Tree.Where(x => x.NodeClassID == 1095).Where(x => x.NodeSiteID == siteId).First();

                blog = new CMS_Tree()
                    NodeAliasPath              = "/" + b.BlogName,
                    NodeName                   = b.BlogName,
                    NodeAlias                  = b.BlogName,
                    NodeClassID                = blogClass.ClassID,
                    NodeLevel                  = Int32.Parse(config.Get("kenticoBlogLevel")),
                    NodeACLID                  = 1,    // Default ACL ID
                    NodeSiteID                 = siteId,
                    NodeOwner                  = nodeOwnerId,
                    NodeOrder                  = 100,
                    NodeGUID                   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    NodeInheritPageLevels      = "",
                    NodeTemplateForAllCultures = true,
                    NodeChildNodesCount        = 0,
                    NodeParentID               = (root != null ? root.NodeID : 0)


                AddDocument(context, blog, b.BlogID);

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting categories, tags, and comments to posts. This may take a while.");
            foreach (CONTENT_BlogPost post in posts)
                CMS_Document postDoc = ImportPost(context, blog, post);
                LinkCategoriesAndTags(context, postDoc, post);
                ImportComments(context, postDoc);

            OrderPosts(context, blog);
예제 #10
         * Create users based on the authors listed in the XML.
         * Users are required to retain the "multiple authors" capability, otherwise we lose the
         * ability to discern who wrote what. Additionally, it allows us to create user accounts for
         * everyone enmasse. The new accounts are given a dummy password, since not all accounts are
         * active anymore, and therefore would never have a password set if we didn't do it.
         * This function currently assumes that users have not yet been added.
         * @param entity context
        protected static void ProcessAuthors(kenticofreeEntities context)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding authors to database.");
            var authors = (from a in wpxml.Descendants(wpns + "author")
                           where a.Element(wpns + "author_login").Value != "admin"                         // Ignore the "admin" user, since we already have an admin in Kentico (and "admin" is a restricted username)
                           select new CMS_User {
                UserName = a.Element(wpns + "author_login").Value,
                FirstName = a.Element(wpns + "author_first_name").Value,            // CDATA element
                MiddleName = "",                                                    // Prevent entry as "NULL"
                LastName = a.Element(wpns + "author_last_name").Value,              // CDATA element
                FullName = a.Element(wpns + "author_display_name").Value,           // CDATA element
                Email = a.Element(wpns + "author_email").Value,
                UserGUID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                PreferredCultureCode = "en-US",
                PreferredUICultureCode = "en-US",
                UserEnabled = true,
                //UserIsEditor = true,
                UserIsEditor = false,
                UserIsGlobalAdministrator = false,
                UserIsDomain = false,
                UserIsExternal = false,
                UserIsHidden = false,
                UserPasswordFormat = "SHA2SALT",
                UserCreated = DateTime.Now,
                UserLastModified = DateTime.Now

            foreach (CMS_User author in authors)
                var exists = (from a in context.CMS_User
                              where a.UserName == author.UserName
                              select a

                // Don't add ones that already exist
                if (!exists.Any())
                    // I don't like blank passwords for so many users, especially since most won't ever sign in. So let's add a fairly simple password to keep the accounts from just being accessed with zero effort
                    author.UserPassword = GetHash("addedByWP2k2013" + author.UserGUID);

                    // Add and save to get the UserID

                    // Create a user profile
                    CMS_UserSettings settings = new CMS_UserSettings()
                        UserActivationDate         = DateTime.Now,
                        UserShowSplashScreen       = true,
                        UserSettingsUserGUID       = author.UserGUID,
                        UserSettingsUserID         = author.UserID,
                        UserBlogPosts              = 0,            // Initialize to 0 so we can increment easily
                        UserWaitingForApproval     = false,
                        UserWebPartToolbarEnabled  = true,
                        UserWebPartToolbarPosition = "right",
                        UserBadgeID = 43

                    // Connect the user with a role
                    CMS_UserRole role = new CMS_UserRole()
                        UserID = author.UserID,
                        //RoleID = 6 // CMS Editors
                        RoleID = 2                         // CMS Basic User (using this for testing, because the free version doesn't allow for more editors and will completely explode if we add more)

                    // Connect the user with the site
                    CMS_UserSite site = new CMS_UserSite()
                        UserID = author.UserID,
                        SiteID = siteId
