예제 #1
 internal static extern int timerfd_settime(int fd, int flags, itimerspec new_value, itimerspec old_value);
예제 #2
        public void sleep(std::chrono.nanoseconds duration)
            Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null);
            Debug.Assert(context == null);
            if (dispatcher.interrupted())
                throw InterruptedException();

            if (duration.count() == 0)
                timer = dispatcher.getTimer();

                var        seconds = std::chrono.duration_cast <std::chrono.seconds>(duration);
                itimerspec expires = new itimerspec();
                expires.it_interval.tv_nsec = expires.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
                expires.it_value.tv_sec     = seconds.count();
                expires.it_value.tv_nsec    = std::chrono.duration_cast <std::chrono.nanoseconds>(duration - seconds).count();
                timerfd_settime(timer, 0, expires, null);

                ContextPair      contextPair  = new ContextPair();
                OperationContext timerContext = new OperationContext();
                timerContext.interrupted = false;
                timerContext.context     = dispatcher.getCurrentContext();
                contextPair.writeContext = null;
                contextPair.readContext  = timerContext;

                epoll_event timerEvent = new epoll_event();
                timerEvent.events   = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT;
                timerEvent.data.ptr = contextPair;

                if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher.getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, timer, timerEvent) == -1)
                    throw new System.Exception("Timer::sleep, epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage());
                dispatcher.getCurrentContext().interruptProcedure = () =>
                    Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null);
                    Debug.Assert(context != null);
                    OperationContext timerContext = (OperationContext)context;
                    if (!timerContext.interrupted)
                        uint64_t value = 0;
                        if (global::read(timer, value, sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1)
                            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                            //#pragma GCC diagnostic push
                            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                            //#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlogical-op"
                            if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
                                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                                //#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
                                timerContext.interrupted = true;
                                throw new System.Exception("Timer::sleep, interrupt procedure, read failed, " + lastErrorMessage());
                            Debug.Assert(value > 0);

                        epoll_event timerEvent = new epoll_event();
                        timerEvent.events   = EPOLLONESHOT;
                        timerEvent.data.ptr = null;

                        if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher.getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, timer, timerEvent) == -1)
                            throw new System.Exception("Timer::sleep, interrupt procedure, epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage());

                context = timerContext;
                dispatcher.getCurrentContext().interruptProcedure = null;
                Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null);
                Debug.Assert(timerContext.context == dispatcher.getCurrentContext());
                Debug.Assert(contextPair.writeContext == null);
                Debug.Assert(context == &timerContext);
                context = null;
                timerContext.context = null;
                if (timerContext.interrupted)
                    throw InterruptedException();