private void MergeExecute(object parameter)
            var fi = new io::FileInfo(Model.OutputFile);

            if (fi.Exists)
                if (MessageBox.Show("File already exists. Overwrite?", "Overwrite?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)

            using (var outputFile = new StreamWriter(fi.FullName, false, Encoding.UTF8))
                if (Model.AddLicense)


                foreach (var file in Model.Files)
                    if (!file.IsSelected)


            MessageBox.Show("File's done");
        public override void Run(
            ActionEnum action = PromptAction();

            // Opening the PDF file...
            string mainFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Please select a PDF file");

            using (File mainFile = new File(mainFilePath))
                Document mainDocument   = mainFile.Document;
                Pages    mainPages      = mainDocument.Pages;
                int      mainPagesCount = mainPages.Count;

                switch (action)
                case ActionEnum.PageDataSizeCalculation:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThis algorithm calculates the data size (expressed in bytes) of the selected document's pages.");
                    Console.WriteLine(" * full: page data size encompassing all its dependencies (like shared resources) -- this is the size of the page when extracted as a single-page document;");
                    Console.WriteLine(" * differential: additional page data size -- this is the extra-content that's not shared with previous pages;");
                    Console.WriteLine(" * incremental: data size of the page sublist encompassing all the previous pages and the current one.\n");

                    // Calculating the page data sizes...
                    HashSet <PdfReference> visitedReferences = new HashSet <PdfReference>();
                    long incrementalDataSize = 0;
                    foreach (Page page in mainPages)
                        long pageFullDataSize         = PageManager.GetSize(page);
                        long pageDifferentialDataSize = PageManager.GetSize(page, visitedReferences);
                        incrementalDataSize += pageDifferentialDataSize;

                            "Page " + (page.Index + 1) + ": "
                            + pageFullDataSize + " (full); "
                            + pageDifferentialDataSize + " (differential); "
                            + incrementalDataSize + " (incremental)"
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.PageAddition:
                    // Opening the source file...
                    string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
                    using (File sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
                        // Source page collection.
                        Pages sourcePages = sourceFile.Document.Pages;
                        // Source page count.
                        int sourcePagesCount = sourcePages.Count;

                        // First page to add.
                        int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start source page to add", sourcePagesCount);
                        // Last page to add.
                        int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end source page to add", fromSourcePageIndex, sourcePagesCount) + 1;
                        // Target position.
                        int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the source pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

                        // Add the chosen page range to the main document!
                        new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(
                    // Serialize the main file!
                    Serialize(mainFile, action);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.PageMovement:
                    // First page to move.
                    int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to move", mainPagesCount);
                    // Last page to move.
                    int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to move", fromSourcePageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;
                    // Target position.
                    int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

                    // Move the chosen page range!
                    new PageManager(mainDocument).Move(

                    // Serialize the main file!
                    Serialize(mainFile, action);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.PageRemoval:
                    // First page to remove.
                    int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to remove", mainPagesCount);
                    // Last page to remove.
                    int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to remove", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

                    // Remove the chosen page range!
                    new PageManager(mainDocument).Remove(

                    // Serialize the main file!
                    Serialize(mainFile, action);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.PageExtraction:
                    // First page to extract.
                    int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page", mainPagesCount);
                    // Last page to extract.
                    int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

                    // Extract the chosen page range!
                    Document targetDocument = new PageManager(mainDocument).Extract(

                    // Serialize the target file!
                    Serialize(targetDocument.File, action);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.DocumentMerge:
                    // Opening the source file...
                    string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
                    using (File sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
                        // Append the chosen source document to the main document!
                        new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(sourceFile.Document);
                    // Serialize the main file!
                    Serialize(mainFile, action);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.DocumentBurst:
                    // Split the document into single-page documents!
                    IList <Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split();

                    // Serialize the split files!
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                        Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitByPageIndex:
                    // Number of splits to apply to the source document.
                    int splitCount;
                    { splitCount = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Number of split positions: ")); }
                    { splitCount = 0; }

                    // Split positions within the source document.
                    int[] splitIndexes = new int[splitCount];
                        int prevSplitIndex = 0;
                        for (int index = 0; index < splitCount; index++)
                            int splitIndex = PromptPageChoice("Position " + (index + 1) + " of " + splitCount, prevSplitIndex + 1, mainPagesCount);
                            splitIndexes[index] = splitIndex;
                            prevSplitIndex      = splitIndex;

                    // Split the document at the chosen positions!
                    IList <Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(splitIndexes);

                    // Serialize the split files!
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                            Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);
                } break;

                case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitOnMaximumFileSize:
                    // Maximum file size.
                    long maxDataSize;
                        long mainFileSize = new io::FileInfo(mainFilePath).Length;
                        int  kbMaxDataSize;
                            { kbMaxDataSize = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Max file size (KB): ")); }
                            { kbMaxDataSize = 0; }
                        } while(kbMaxDataSize == 0);
                        maxDataSize = kbMaxDataSize << 10;
                        if (maxDataSize > mainFileSize)
                            maxDataSize = mainFileSize;

                    // Split the document on maximum file size!
                    IList <Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(maxDataSize);

                    // Serialize the split files!
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                            Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);
                } break;
예제 #3
        private void MergeExecute(object parameter)
            var fi = new io::FileInfo(Model.OutputFile);
            if (fi.Exists)
                if (MessageBox.Show("File already exists. Overwrite?", "Overwrite?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)

            using (var outputFile = new StreamWriter(fi.FullName, false, Encoding.UTF8))
                if (Model.AddLicense)


                foreach (var file in Model.Files)
                    if (!file.IsSelected)


            MessageBox.Show("File's done");
예제 #4
        public override void Run(
            ActionEnum action = PromptAction();

            // Opening the PDF file...
            string mainFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Please select a PDF file");
            using (var mainFile = new File(mainFilePath))
                Document mainDocument = mainFile.Document;
                Pages mainPages = mainDocument.Pages;
                int mainPagesCount = mainPages.Count;

                switch (action)
                    case ActionEnum.PageDataSizeCalculation:
                            Console.WriteLine("\nThis algorithm calculates the data size (expressed in bytes) of the selected document's pages.");
                            Console.WriteLine(" * full: page data size encompassing all its dependencies (like shared resources) -- this is the size of the page when extracted as a single-page document;");
                            Console.WriteLine(" * differential: additional page data size -- this is the extra-content that's not shared with previous pages;");
                            Console.WriteLine(" * incremental: data size of the page sublist encompassing all the previous pages and the current one.\n");

                            // Calculating the page data sizes...
                            HashSet<PdfReference> visitedReferences = new HashSet<PdfReference>();
                            long incrementalDataSize = 0;
                            foreach (Page page in mainPages)
                                long pageFullDataSize = PageManager.GetSize(page);
                                long pageDifferentialDataSize = PageManager.GetSize(page, visitedReferences);
                                incrementalDataSize += pageDifferentialDataSize;

                                  "Page " + page.Number + ": "
                                    + pageFullDataSize + " (full); "
                                    + pageDifferentialDataSize + " (differential); "
                                    + incrementalDataSize + " (incremental)"
                    case ActionEnum.BlankPageDetection:
                              "\nThis algorithm makes a simple guess about whether a page should be considered empty:"
                              + "\nit evaluates the middle portion (70%) of a page assuming that possible contents"
                              + "\noutside this area would NOT qualify as actual (informative) content (such as"
                              + "\nredundant patterns like footers and headers). Obviously, this assumption may need"
                              + "\nsome fine-tuning as each document features its own layout ratios. Alternatively,"
                              + "\nan adaptive algorithm should automatically evaluate the content role based on its"
                              + "\ntypographic attributes in relation to the other contents existing in the same page"
                              + "\nor document.\n");
                            int blankPageCount = 0;
                            foreach (Page page in mainPages)
                                SKRect pageBox = page.Box;
                                SKSize margin = new SKSize(pageBox.Width * .15f, pageBox.Height * .15f);
                                SKRect contentBox = SKRect.Create(margin.Width, margin.Height, pageBox.Width - margin.Width * 2, pageBox.Height - margin.Height * 2);
                                if (PageManager.IsBlank(page, contentBox))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Page " + page.Number + " is blank");
                            Console.WriteLine(blankPageCount > 0 ? "Blank pages detected: " + blankPageCount + " of " + mainPages.Count : "No blank pages detected.");
                    case ActionEnum.PageAddition:
                            // Opening the source file...
                            string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
                            using (var sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
                                // Source page collection.
                                Pages sourcePages = sourceFile.Document.Pages;
                                // Source page count.
                                int sourcePagesCount = sourcePages.Count;

                                // First page to add.
                                int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start source page to add", sourcePagesCount);
                                // Last page to add.
                                int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end source page to add", fromSourcePageIndex, sourcePagesCount) + 1;
                                // Target position.
                                int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the source pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

                                // Add the chosen page range to the main document!
                                new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(
                            // Serialize the main file!
                            Serialize(mainFile, action);
                    case ActionEnum.PageMovement:
                            // First page to move.
                            int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to move", mainPagesCount);
                            // Last page to move.
                            int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to move", fromSourcePageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;
                            // Target position.
                            int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

                            // Move the chosen page range!
                            new PageManager(mainDocument).Move(

                            // Serialize the main file!
                            Serialize(mainFile, action);
                    case ActionEnum.PageRemoval:
                            // First page to remove.
                            int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to remove", mainPagesCount);
                            // Last page to remove.
                            int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to remove", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

                            // Remove the chosen page range!
                            new PageManager(mainDocument).Remove(

                            // Serialize the main file!
                            Serialize(mainFile, action);
                    case ActionEnum.PageExtraction:
                            // First page to extract.
                            int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page", mainPagesCount);
                            // Last page to extract.
                            int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

                            // Extract the chosen page range!
                            Document targetDocument = new PageManager(mainDocument).Extract(

                            // Serialize the target file!
                            Serialize(targetDocument.File, action);
                    case ActionEnum.DocumentMerge:
                            // Opening the source file...
                            string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
                            using (var sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
                                // Append the chosen source document to the main document!
                                new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(sourceFile.Document);
                            // Serialize the main file!
                            Serialize(mainFile, action);
                    case ActionEnum.DocumentBurst:
                            // Split the document into single-page documents!
                            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split();

                            // Serialize the split files!
                            int index = 0;
                            foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                            { Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index); }
                    case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitByPageIndex:
                            // Number of splits to apply to the source document.
                            int splitCount;
                            { splitCount = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Number of split positions: ")); }
                            { splitCount = 0; }

                            // Split positions within the source document.
                            int[] splitIndexes = new int[splitCount];
                                int prevSplitIndex = 0;
                                for (int index = 0; index < splitCount; index++)
                                    int splitIndex = PromptPageChoice("Position " + (index + 1) + " of " + splitCount, prevSplitIndex + 1, mainPagesCount);
                                    splitIndexes[index] = splitIndex;
                                    prevSplitIndex = splitIndex;

                            // Split the document at the chosen positions!
                            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(splitIndexes);

                            // Serialize the split files!
                                int index = 0;
                                foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                                { Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index); }
                    case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitOnMaximumFileSize:
                            // Maximum file size.
                            long maxDataSize;
                                long mainFileSize = new io::FileInfo(mainFilePath).Length;
                                int kbMaxDataSize;
                                    { kbMaxDataSize = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Max file size (KB): ")); }
                                    { kbMaxDataSize = 0; }
                                } while (kbMaxDataSize == 0);
                                maxDataSize = kbMaxDataSize << 10;
                                if (maxDataSize > mainFileSize)
                                { maxDataSize = mainFileSize; }

                            // Split the document on maximum file size!
                            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(maxDataSize);

                            // Serialize the split files!
                                int index = 0;
                                foreach (Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
                                { Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index); }
예제 #5
        public override void Run(
            ActionEnum action = PromptAction();

              // Opening the PDF file...
              string mainFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Please select a PDF file");
              using(File mainFile = new File(mainFilePath))
            Document mainDocument = mainFile.Document;
            Pages mainPages = mainDocument.Pages;
            int mainPagesCount = mainPages.Count;

              case ActionEnum.PageDataSizeCalculation:
            Console.WriteLine("\nThis algorithm calculates the data size (expressed in bytes) of the selected document's pages.");
            Console.WriteLine(" * full: page data size encompassing all its dependencies (like shared resources) -- this is the size of the page when extracted as a single-page document;");
            Console.WriteLine(" * differential: additional page data size -- this is the extra-content that's not shared with previous pages;");
            Console.WriteLine(" * incremental: data size of the page sublist encompassing all the previous pages and the current one.\n");

            // Calculating the page data sizes...
            HashSet<PdfReference> visitedReferences = new HashSet<PdfReference>();
            long incrementalDataSize = 0;
            foreach(Page page in mainPages)
              long pageFullDataSize = PageManager.GetSize(page);
              long pageDifferentialDataSize = PageManager.GetSize(page, visitedReferences);
              incrementalDataSize += pageDifferentialDataSize;

                "Page " + (page.Index+1) + ": "
                  + pageFullDataSize + " (full); "
                  + pageDifferentialDataSize + " (differential); "
                  + incrementalDataSize + " (incremental)"
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.PageAddition:
            // Opening the source file...
            string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
            using(File sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
              // Source page collection.
              Pages sourcePages = sourceFile.Document.Pages;
              // Source page count.
              int sourcePagesCount = sourcePages.Count;

              // First page to add.
              int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start source page to add", sourcePagesCount);
              // Last page to add.
              int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end source page to add", fromSourcePageIndex, sourcePagesCount) + 1;
              // Target position.
              int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the source pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

              // Add the chosen page range to the main document!
              new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(
            // Serialize the main file!
            Serialize(mainFile, action);
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.PageMovement:
            // First page to move.
            int fromSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to move", mainPagesCount);
            // Last page to move.
            int toSourcePageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to move", fromSourcePageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;
            // Target position.
            int targetPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the pages", mainPagesCount + 1);

            // Move the chosen page range!
            new PageManager(mainDocument).Move(

            // Serialize the main file!
            Serialize(mainFile, action);
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.PageRemoval:
            // First page to remove.
            int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page to remove", mainPagesCount);
            // Last page to remove.
            int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page to remove", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

            // Remove the chosen page range!
            new PageManager(mainDocument).Remove(

            // Serialize the main file!
            Serialize(mainFile, action);
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.PageExtraction:
            // First page to extract.
            int fromPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the start page", mainPagesCount);
            // Last page to extract.
            int toPageIndex = PromptPageChoice("Select the end page", fromPageIndex, mainPagesCount) + 1;

            // Extract the chosen page range!
            Document targetDocument = new PageManager(mainDocument).Extract(

            // Serialize the target file!
            Serialize(targetDocument.File, action);
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.DocumentMerge:
            // Opening the source file...
            string sourceFilePath = PromptFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
            using(File sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath))
              // Append the chosen source document to the main document!
              new PageManager(mainDocument).Add(sourceFile.Document);
            // Serialize the main file!
            Serialize(mainFile, action);
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.DocumentBurst:
            // Split the document into single-page documents!
            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split();

            // Serialize the split files!
            int index = 0;
            foreach(Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
            {Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);}
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitByPageIndex:
            // Number of splits to apply to the source document.
            int splitCount;
            {splitCount = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Number of split positions: "));}
            {splitCount = 0;}

            // Split positions within the source document.
            int[] splitIndexes = new int[splitCount];
              int prevSplitIndex = 0;
              for(int index = 0; index < splitCount; index++)
                int splitIndex = PromptPageChoice("Position " + (index + 1) + " of " + splitCount, prevSplitIndex + 1, mainPagesCount);
                splitIndexes[index] = splitIndex;
                prevSplitIndex = splitIndex;

            // Split the document at the chosen positions!
            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(splitIndexes);

            // Serialize the split files!
              int index = 0;
              foreach(Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
              {Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);}
              } break;
              case ActionEnum.DocumentSplitOnMaximumFileSize:
            // Maximum file size.
            long maxDataSize;
              long mainFileSize = new io::FileInfo(mainFilePath).Length;
              int kbMaxDataSize;
                {kbMaxDataSize = Int32.Parse(PromptChoice("Max file size (KB): "));}
                {kbMaxDataSize = 0;}
              } while(kbMaxDataSize == 0);
              maxDataSize = kbMaxDataSize << 10;
              if(maxDataSize > mainFileSize)
              {maxDataSize = mainFileSize;}

            // Split the document on maximum file size!
            IList<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).Split(maxDataSize);

            // Serialize the split files!
              int index = 0;
              foreach(Document splitDocument in splitDocuments)
              {Serialize(splitDocument.File, action, ++index);}
              } break;