private void btnconf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check for nom textbox if empty or not if (NomTxt.Text == "" || NomTxt.Text == "Votre nom") { wrongnom.Visible = true; } else { wrongnom.Visible = false; } //check for user textbox if empty or not if (usertxt.Text == "" || usertxt.Text == "Nom utilisateur") { wronguser.Visible = true; } else { wronguser.Visible = false; } //check for password textbox if empty or not if (PassTxt.Text == "" || PassTxt.Text == "Votre mot clé") { motclereg.Visible = true; } else { motclereg.Visible = false; } //check for password second time textbox if empty or not if (Confpass.Text == "" || Confpass.Text == "Confirmer Votre mot") { conf.Visible = true; } else { conf.Visible = false; } // check for type de l'utilisateur if ((radioBtnEleve.Checked == false) && (radioBtnProf.Checked == false)) { typeq.Visible = true; } else { typeq.Visible = false; if (radioBtnEleve.Checked == true) { Variables.Type = false; } else { Variables.Type = true; } } //check for genre if ((male.Checked == false) && (femelle.Checked == false)) { genreq.Visible = true; } else { genreq.Visible = false; } // il faut l'eleve de 5 ans et plus if (((2021 - Datepicker.Value.Year) < 5) && radioBtnEleve.Checked == true) { dateq.Visible = true; } else { if ((radioBtnEleve.Checked == false) || (radioBtnProf.Checked == false) || (male.Checked == false) || (femelle.Checked == false)) { dateq.Visible = false; if ((usertxt.Text.Length > 0) && (PassTxt.Text.Length > 0) && (usertxt.Text != "Nom utilisateur") && (PassTxt.Text != "Votre mot clé")) { DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("(([user] = '" + usertxt.Text + "') AND ([pass] = '" + PassTxt.Text + "'))"); DataRow[] deja = dt.Select("(([user] = '" + CryptageEtHachage.HashPasswordsAndScores(usertxt.Text) + "') AND ([nom] = '" + CryptageEtHachage.HashPasswordsAndScores(NomTxt.Text) + "'))"); if (deja.Length == 1) { utilisateurDeja.Visible = true; } else { utilisateurDeja.Visible = false; dateq.Visible = false; DataRow dr2 = dt.NewRow(); dr2[0] = usertxt.Text; dr2[1] = PassTxt.Text; dr2[2] = NomTxt.Text; dr2[3] = 2021 - Datepicker.Value.Year; if (Variables.Type == false) { dr2[5] = "Eleve"; } else { dr2[5] = "Prof"; } if (male.Checked == true) { dr2[4] = "mâle"; } else { dr2[4] = "femelle"; } // set les scores = 0 for (int i = 6; i < 39; i++) { dr2[i] = 0; } dr2[23] = "1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"; dr2[38] = 60; //metre la meilleur score 60 s dans la jeux de suites de nbss dt.Rows.Add(dr2); ds.WriteXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\users.xml"); CryptageEtHachage.HashXmlUsers(usertxt.Text, PassTxt.Text, Application.StartupPath + "\\users.xml"); this.ShowInTaskbar = false; Variables.intro = new Introduction(); intro_video intro_Video = new intro_video(); intro_Video.Show(); if ((dr2[4].ToString() == "mâle") && (Variables.Type = false)) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\boy.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((dr2[4].ToString() == "femelle") && (Variables.Type = false)) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\girl.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((dr2[4].ToString() == "mâle") && (Variables.Type = true)) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\administrator_male.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((dr2[4].ToString() == "femelle") && (Variables.Type = true)) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\woman_profile.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } Variables.exSup = dr2[23].ToString().Split(','); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; Variables.UserNom = usertxt.Text; Variables.UserPass = PassTxt.Text; Variables.intro.username.Text = Variables.UserNom; this.Hide(); } } else if ((usertxt.Text.Length > 0) && (((PassTxt.Text.Length == 0) || (PassTxt.Text == "Votre mot clé")) || ((Confpass.Text.Length == 0) || (Confpass.Text == "Confirmer Votre mot")))) { motclereg.Visible = true; conf.Visible = true; if ((PassTxt.Text != Confpass.Text)) { wrongpass.Visible = true; conf.Visible = false; } else { wrongpass.Visible = false; } } } } }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //zmouseClickButton.Play(); if ((UserTxt.Text.Length > 0) && UserTxt.Text != "Votre nom d'utilisateur") { if (PassTxt.Text.Length > 0) { dr = dt.Select("(([user] = '" + CryptageEtHachage.HashPasswordsAndScores(UserTxt.Text) + "') AND ([pass] = '" + CryptageEtHachage.HashPasswordsAndScores(PassTxt.Text) + "'))"); } if (panel1.Visible == true) { dr = dt.Select("(([user] = '" + CryptageEtHachage.HashPasswordsAndScores(UserTxt.Text) + "'))"); if (dr.Length == 1) { if (nomText.Text != dr[0]["nom"].ToString()) { InfoFlse.Visible = true; return; } else { panel1.Visible = false; PassTxt.Text = dr[0]["pass"].ToString(); } } else { InfoFlse.Visible = true; return; } } if (PassTxt.Text.Length < 0) { motcle.Visible = true; return; } if (dr.Length == 1) { Variables.intro = new Introduction(); Variables.matiere = new MatiereStart(); intro_video intro_ = new intro_video(); intro_.Show(); if ((CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["genre"].ToString()) == "mâle") && (CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["Type"].ToString()) == "Eleve")) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\boy.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["genre"].ToString()) == "femelle") && (CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["Type"].ToString()) == "Eleve")) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\girl.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["genre"].ToString()) == "mâle") && (CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["Type"].ToString()) == "Prof")) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\administrator_male.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } else if ((CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["genre"].ToString()) == "femelle") && (CryptageEtHachage.Combine(dr[0]["Type"].ToString()) == "Prof")) { Variables.B = new Bitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\Pics\\woman_profile.png"); Variables.intro.userphoto.Image = Variables.B; } this.ShowInTaskbar = false; Variables.exSup = dr[0]["exSupp"].ToString().Split(','); Variables.UserNom = UserTxt.Text; Variables.UserPass = PassTxt.Text; Variables.intro.username.Text = Variables.UserNom; this.Hide(); } else { wrongData.Visible = true; } } if (PassTxt.Text == "") { motcle.Visible = true; } }