public void DrawBorder(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte contentByte, iTextSharp.text.Rectangle rectangle, ICSharpCode.Reports.Core.Exporter.IBaseStyleDecorator style) { if (contentByte == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentByte"); } contentByte.SetColorStroke(style.PdfFrameColor); contentByte.SetLineWidth(UnitConverter.FromPixel(baseline.Thickness).Point); contentByte.MoveTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - rectangle.Height); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Top - rectangle.Height); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Top); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top); contentByte.FillStroke(); contentByte.ResetRGBColorFill(); }
public override void CreatePath(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte contentByte, BaseLine line, IBaseStyleDecorator style, Point from, Point to) { if (contentByte == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentByte"); } BaseShape.SetupShape(contentByte, style); contentByte.SetLineWidth(UnitConverter.FromPixel(line.Thickness).Point); contentByte.MoveTo(from.X, from.Y); contentByte.LineTo(to.X, to.Y); BaseShape.FinishShape(contentByte); }
public override void CreatePath(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte contentByte, BaseLine line, IBaseStyleDecorator style, iTextSharp.text.Rectangle rectangle) { if (contentByte == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentByte"); } if (style == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("style"); } if (rectangle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rectangle"); } if ((line == null) || (line.Thickness < 1)) { BaseShape.FillBackGround(contentByte, style, rectangle); } else if ((style.BackColor == GlobalValues.DefaultBackColor)) { BaseShape.SetupShape(contentByte, style); contentByte.SetLineWidth(UnitConverter.FromPixel(line.Thickness).Point); contentByte.MoveTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - rectangle.Height); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Top - rectangle.Height); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Top); contentByte.LineTo(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top); BaseShape.FinishShape(contentByte); } else { BaseShape.FillBackGround(contentByte, style, rectangle); } }
private void MultiplePages(string aSourceFile, string aDestFile, int aPages, bool aLandscape) { iTextSharp.text.Document document = null; try { if (aPages < kMultiplePagesMin || aPages > kMultiplePagesMax) { throw new Exception("Multiple Pages only supports " + kMultiplePagesMin + " to " + kMultiplePagesMin + " pages per sheet (Invalid value: " + aPages.ToString() + ")"); } iProgressChanged(0, "Generating Multiple Pages Per Sheet: Initialising Document", Progress.State.eInProgress); iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader reader = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader(aSourceFile); int n = reader.NumberOfPages; // step 1: creation of a document-object if (aLandscape && aPages != 2 && aPages != 8 && aPages != 32) // pages = 2,8,32: print landscape pages onto portrait document in landscape orientation { document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Rotate()); // landscape } else { document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4); // portrait } // step 2: we create a writer that listens to the document iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(aDestFile, FileMode.Create)); writer.ViewerPreferences = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.PageLayoutSinglePage; // step 3: we open the document document.Open(); iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage page = null; float[] xPoints = new float[7] { -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f }; float[] yPoints = new float[9] { -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f, -1f }; int[] xFactors = new int[37] { 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6 }; int[] yFactors = new int[37] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 6 }; int xFactor = xFactors[aPages]; int yFactor = yFactors[aPages]; float xScaler = 1f / xFactor; float yScaler = 1f / yFactor; float docWidth = document.PageSize.Width; float docHeight = document.PageSize.Height; float specialScaler = (docWidth / docHeight) / xFactor; int pyBase = yFactor; if (!aLandscape) { pyBase--; } for (uint i = 0; i <= xFactor; i++) { xPoints[i] = (docWidth / xFactor) * i; } for (uint i = 0; i <= yFactor; i++) { yPoints[i] = (docHeight / yFactor) * i; } int px = 0; int py = pyBase; int pxSpecial = xFactor - 1; int pySpecial = yFactor; int j = 0; int p = 0; // step 4: we add content int finalTotal = n / aPages; if (n % aPages != 0) { finalTotal++; } int forward = 1; int backwardBase = (finalTotal * aPages) - (aPages / 2) + 1; int backward = backwardBase; int getPage = 0; bool flip = !aLandscape; int forward2 = 0; int backward2 = 0; bool booklet = iPrintOrderBooklet.Enabled && iPrintOrderBooklet.Checked; bool upsideDown = ((aPages == 4 || aPages == 16 || aPages == 36) && !aLandscape && booklet); bool upsideDownSpecial = ((aPages == 2 || aPages == 8 || aPages == 32) && aLandscape && booklet); if (upsideDownSpecial) { upsideDown = true; flip = true; } while (j < n) { j++; iProgressChanged((((j / aPages) + 1) * 100 / finalTotal), "Generating Multiple Pages Per Sheet: Page " + ((j / aPages) + 1) + " of " + finalTotal, Progress.State.eInProgress); if (booklet) { bool test = false; if ((aPages == 2 || aPages == 8 || aPages == 32) && !aLandscape) { test = (pySpecial <= (yFactor / 2)); } else { if (upsideDownSpecial) { test = (py <= (yFactor / 2)); } else if (upsideDown) { test = (py < (yFactor / 2)); } else { test = (px < (xFactor / 2)); } } if (test) { if (!flip) { getPage = backward++; backwardBase--; if (upsideDown) { getPage = forward2--; } } else { getPage = forward++; } } else { if (!flip) { getPage = forward++; if (upsideDown) { getPage = backward2--; } } else { getPage = backward++; backwardBase--; } } } else { getPage = j; } if (getPage <= n) { page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, getPage); } else { j--; } if (p == 0) { // draw layout lines (once per destination document page) cb.SetRGBColorStroke(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0); foreach (float xPoint in xPoints) { if (xPoint >= 0) { cb.MoveTo(xPoint, 0); cb.LineTo(xPoint, docHeight); if (docWidth > docHeight && booklet) { if (xPoint == (docWidth / 2)) { cb.SetLineDash(2f, 4f, 0); } } cb.Stroke(); cb.SetLineDash(0); } } foreach (float yPoint in yPoints) { if (yPoint >= 0) { cb.MoveTo(0, yPoint); cb.LineTo(docWidth, yPoint); if (docHeight > docWidth && booklet) { if (yPoint == (docHeight / 2)) { cb.SetLineDash(2f, 4f, 0); } } cb.Stroke(); cb.SetLineDash(0); } } } if (getPage <= n) { if (aPages == 2 || aPages == 8 || aPages == 32) { if (aLandscape) { if (upsideDown && !flip) { cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, specialScaler, -specialScaler, 0, xPoints[px + 1], yPoints[py - 1]); } else { cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -specialScaler, specialScaler, 0, xPoints[px], yPoints[py]); } } else { cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -specialScaler, specialScaler, 0, xPoints[pxSpecial], yPoints[pySpecial]); } } else { if (aLandscape) { cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -xScaler, yScaler, 0, xPoints[px], yPoints[py]); } else { if (upsideDown && !flip) { cb.AddTemplate(page, -xScaler, 0, 0, -yScaler, xPoints[px + 1], yPoints[py + 1]); } else { cb.AddTemplate(page, xScaler, 0, 0, yScaler, xPoints[px], yPoints[py]); } } } } cb.Stroke(); p++; if ((p % xFactor) == 0) { px = 0; py--; } else { px++; } if ((p % yFactor) == 0) { pxSpecial--; pySpecial = yFactor; } else { pySpecial--; } if (p == aPages) { p = 0; px = 0; py = pyBase; pxSpecial = xFactor - 1; pySpecial = yFactor; backward = backwardBase; forward2 = (forward - 1) + (aPages / 2); backward2 = (backward - 1) + (aPages / 2); flip = !flip; document.NewPage(); } } iProgressChanged(100, "Generating Multiple Pages Per Sheet: Finalising Document", Progress.State.eInProgress); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { try { // step 5: we close the document if (document != null) { document.Close(); } } catch (System.IO.IOException) { // document has no pages } } }
void CreateFromRawdataFile(string sourceTxtPath, string destinationPDFPath) { pdfdoc = new iTextSharp.text.Document(); pdfdoc.SetPageSize(currentPageSize); gridCountInBlockRowHorizontal = (int)(currentPageSize.Width / gridSideLength); blockRowHeight = gridSideLength * gridCountInBlockRowVertical; blockRowCount = (int)(currentPageSize.Height / (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval)); rawDataCountInBlockRow = (int)(gridCountInBlockRowHorizontal * 40 * 512 / 1000); rawDataInterval = currentPageSize.Width / rawDataCountInBlockRow; Debug.Log("gridCountInBlockRowHorizontal:" + gridCountInBlockRowHorizontal); Debug.Log("rawDataCountInBlockRow" + rawDataCountInBlockRow); if (File.Exists(destinationPDFPath)) { File.Delete(destinationPDFPath); } pdfwriter = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfdoc, new FileStream(destinationPDFPath, FileMode.CreateNew)); pdfdoc.Open(); iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte cb = pdfwriter.DirectContent; pdfdoc.NewPage(); blockRowIndex = 0; rawDataIndex = 0; iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont font = iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.CreateFont(); cb.SetFontAndSize(font, 60); cb.BeginText(); cb.SetTextMatrix(100, currentPageSize.Height - 50); cb.ShowText("Test String ......."); cb.EndText(); System.IO.StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(sourceTxtPath); string theLine; int rawData; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { theLine = reader.ReadLine(); try{ rawData = int.Parse(theLine); }catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Exception"); continue; } rawData = rawData > maxRawData ? maxRawData : rawData; rawData = rawData < -maxRawData ? -maxRawData : rawData; scaledRawData = (rawData * (blockRowHeight / 2)) / maxRawData; if (rawDataIndex == 0) { currentBaseLine = currentPageSize.Height - (firstBlockRowOffsetInVertical + blockRowIndex * (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval) + (blockRowHeight / 2)); cb.SetColorStroke(iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.RED); //draw horizontal lines for (int i = 0; i <= gridCountInBlockRowVertical; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { cb.SetLineWidth(2.5f); } else { cb.SetLineWidth(0.5f); } cb.MoveTo(0, currentPageSize.Height - (firstBlockRowOffsetInVertical + blockRowIndex * (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval) + i * gridSideLength)); cb.LineTo(currentPageSize.Width, currentPageSize.Height - (firstBlockRowOffsetInVertical + blockRowIndex * (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval) + i * gridSideLength)); cb.Stroke(); } //draw vertical lines for (int j = 0; j <= gridCountInBlockRowHorizontal; j++) { if (j % 5 == 0) { cb.SetLineWidth(2.5f); } else { cb.SetLineWidth(0.5f); } cb.MoveTo(j * gridSideLength, currentPageSize.Height - (firstBlockRowOffsetInVertical + blockRowIndex * (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval))); cb.LineTo(j * gridSideLength, currentPageSize.Height - (firstBlockRowOffsetInVertical + blockRowIndex * (blockRowHeight + blockRowInterval) + blockRowHeight)); cb.Stroke(); } //prepare to draw ECG cb.SetLineWidth(1.5f); cb.SetColorStroke(iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK); cb.MoveTo(0, currentBaseLine); } cb.LineTo(rawDataIndex * rawDataInterval, currentBaseLine + scaledRawData); rawDataIndex++; if (rawDataIndex >= rawDataCountInBlockRow) { cb.Stroke(); rawDataIndex = 0; blockRowIndex++; } } cb.Stroke(); reader.Close(); pdfdoc.Dispose(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(destinationPDFPath); }