예제 #1
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: zeta1999/Vrmac
        public static void initState(iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory, iShaderFactory shaderFactory, iStorageFolder assets, IShader vs, string ps, string name)
            stateFactory.setName(name + " PSO");

            // VS input layout
            LayoutElement elt = new LayoutElement(false)
                InputIndex    = 0,
                BufferSlot    = 0,
                NumComponents = 2,
                ValueType     = GpuValueType.Float32,
                IsNormalized  = false


            // Shaders
            using (var shader = shaderFactory.compileHlslFile(assets, ps, ShaderType.Pixel, name + " PS"))

            // Mutable texture variable
            stateFactory.layoutVariable(ShaderType.Pixel, ShaderResourceVariableType.Mutable, "g_Texture");
            // Static sampler
            SamplerDesc samplerDesc = new SamplerDesc(false)
                MinFilter = FilterType.Point,
                MagFilter = FilterType.Point,
                MipFilter = FilterType.Point,

            stateFactory.layoutStaticSampler(ShaderType.Pixel, ref samplerDesc, "g_Texture");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>Construct the object and create the required GPU resources</summary>
        public CursorRenderer(Context context, IRenderDevice device)
            this.context = context;
            vertexBuffer = createVertexBuffer(device);

            iShaderFactory shaderFactory = device.GetShaderFactory();
            iStorageFolder assets        = StorageFolder.embeddedResources(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourceFolder);
            IShader        vs            = shaderFactory.compileHlslFile(assets, "CursorVS.hlsl", ShaderType.Vertex);

            using (iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                staticCursor     = new StaticCursor(context, device, stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, vs);
                animatedCursor   = new AnimatedCursor(context, device, stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets);
                monochromeCursor = new MonoCursor(context, device, stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, vs);


            // Subscribe to the resized event
            context.swapChainResized.add(this, onSwapChainResized);
예제 #3
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: zeta1999/Vrmac
 public static void initState(iPipelineStateFactory stateFactory, iShaderFactory shaderFactory, iStorageFolder assets, string vs, string ps, string name)
     using (var shader = shaderFactory.compileHlslFile(assets, vs, ShaderType.Vertex, name + " VS"))
         initState(stateFactory, shaderFactory, assets, shader, ps, name);