예제 #1
        public IQueryable <iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Authorize.Dto.UserRoleDto> GetUserRoleDtoList()
            var res = (from userRole in userRoleRepository.GetList()
                       join user in adminUserRepository.GetList() on userRole.UserID equals user.id
                       join role in rolesRepository.GetList() on userRole.RoleID equals role.RoleID
                       select new iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Authorize.Dto.UserRoleDto
                Id = userRole.Id,
                RoleID = userRole.RoleID,
                RoleName = role.Description,
                UserID = userRole.UserID,
                UserName = user.username

            //userRoleRepository.GetList().Select(e => new iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Authorize.Dto.UserRoleDto()
            //    Id = e.Id,
            //    RoleID = e.RoleID,
            //    UserID = e.UserID,
            //    UserName = adminUserRepository.GetList().Where(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault() != null ?
            //    adminUserRepository.GetList().Where(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault().username : "******",
            //    //adminUserRepository.GetList(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault() != null ?
            //    //adminUserRepository.GetList(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault().username : "******",
            //    RoleName = rolesRepository.GetList().Where(r => r.RoleID == e.RoleID).FirstOrDefault() != null ?
            //    rolesRepository.GetList().Where(r => r.RoleID == e.RoleID).FirstOrDefault().Description : "暂无角色"
예제 #2
        public bool DeleteTrue(IList <int> idList, iPow.Infrastructure.Data.DataSys.Sys_AdminUser operUser)
            var res = false;

            if (idList != null && idList.Count > 0)
                var delete = adminUserRepository.GetList(e => idList.Contains(e.id)).ToList();
                if (delete != null && delete.Count > 0)
                    res = DeleteTrue(delete, operUser);
예제 #3
        public IQueryable <iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Authorize.Dto.UserRoleDto> GetUserRoleDtoList()
            var res = userRoleRepository.GetList().Select(e => new iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Authorize.Dto.UserRoleDto()
                Id       = e.Id,
                RoleID   = e.RoleID,
                UserID   = e.UserID,
                UserName = adminUserRepository.GetList(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault() != null ?
                           adminUserRepository.GetList(d => d.id == e.UserID).FirstOrDefault().username : "******",
                RoleName = rolesRepository.GetList(r => r.RoleID == e.RoleID).FirstOrDefault() != null ?
                           rolesRepository.GetList(r => r.RoleID == e.RoleID).FirstOrDefault().Description : "暂无角色"

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Exists the user by name PWD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="pwd">The PWD.</param>
        /// <param name="login">if set to <c>true</c> [login].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExistUserByNamePwd(string name, string pwd, bool login)
            bool b = false;

            pwd = iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.StringHelper.Tomd5(pwd);
            var user = adminUserRepository.GetList(e => e.username == name)
                       .Where(e => e.password == pwd)
                       .Where(d => d.Activity == true)

            if (user != null)
                b = true;
                var log = new Sys_AdminUserLog();
                log.AddTime      = System.DateTime.Now;
                log.IpAddress    = iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.StringHelper.GetRealIP();
                log.PageUrl      = iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.StringHelper.GetCurrentUrl();
                log.ReferrerUrl  = iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.StringHelper.GetReferrerUrl();
                log.State        = true;
                log.TypeId       = 1;
                log.UserId       = 0;
                log.UserId       = 0;
                log.FullMessage  = "ExistUserByNamePwd 用户Id号:" + user.id.ToString();
                log.ShortMessage = "查找用户名:" + name + " 密码:" + pwd + "成功";
                if (login)
                    user.lastloginip   = iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.StringHelper.GetRealIP();
                    user.lastlogintime = System.DateTime.Now;
                    user.logintimes   += 1;
                    log.ShortMessage = "用户名:" + name + " 密码:" + pwd + "登陆成功";