public static bool ThemTrangThaiDuyet(ABTrangThaiDuyet trangthai) { try { db.ABTrangThaiDuyets.InsertOnSubmit(trangthai); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool InsertAbill(abill bill) { try { db.abills.InsertOnSubmit(bill); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public static bool ThemBoPhan(BDepartment pdepartment) { try { db.BDepartments.InsertOnSubmit(pdepartment); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemChucVu(ChucVu pchucvu) { try { db.ChucVus.InsertOnSubmit(pchucvu); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemDuLieu(ABJobAgent pnghiphep) { try { db.ABJobAgents.InsertOnSubmit(pnghiphep); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemPDNSheetFlow(PDNSheetFlow pchitiet) { try { db.ChiTietBuocKies.InsertOnSubmit(pchitiet); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemVatTu(BOfSupply pvattu) { try { db.BOfSupplies.InsertOnSubmit(pvattu); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool InsertFile(PDNLink pdn) { try { db.PDNLinks.InsertOnSubmit(pdn); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemChiTietMuaHang(pdna1 chitiet) { try { db.pdna1s.InsertOnSubmit(chitiet); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool ThemCanBoDonVi(CanBoDonVi pcanbo) { try { db.CanBoDonVis.InsertOnSubmit(pcanbo); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { DropDownList DropCty = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Controls[0] as DropDownList; DropDownList DropBoPhan = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Controls[0] as DropDownList; //TextBox txtMaNV = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Controls[0] as TextBox; TextBox txtTenNV = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Controls[0] as TextBox; TextBox txtChuKy = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Controls[0] as TextBox; string MaNV = (string)GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; Busers2 user = db.Busers2s.Where(p => p.USERID == MaNV).FirstOrDefault(); user.USERID = MaNV; user.USERNAME = txtTenNV.Text; user.GSBH = DropCty.Text; user.BADEPID = DropBoPhan.Text; // user.signatue = txtChuKy.Text; db.SubmitChanges(); GridView1.EditIndex = -1; HienThiDanhSach(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["user"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/presentationLayer/DangNhap.aspx"); } string str = Request.QueryString.Get("IDQuyTrinh"); int idquytrinh = int.Parse(str); QPDNFlow quytrinh = db.QPDNFlows.Where(p => p.IDQuyTrinh == idquytrinh).FirstOrDefault(); db.QPDNFlows.DeleteOnSubmit(quytrinh); db.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("FQPDNFlow.aspx"); }
public void CapNhatPhieu(pdna phieuchuadich) { iOfficeDataContext con = new iOfficeDataContext(); pdna tim = pnaDAO.TimVanBanTheoMa(phieuchuadich.pdno, phieuchuadich.GSBH, true); if (tim == null) { con.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieuchuadich); } else { con.pdnas.Attach(phieuchuadich, true); } db.SubmitChanges(); }
public static bool CapNhatID(string pUserID, int pSystemID, string pSessionID) { try { Users_System user = new Users_System(); user.SystemID = pSystemID; user.UserID = pUserID; user.SessionID = pSessionID; db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static bool InsertUser(Busers2 user) { try { db.Busers2s.InsertOnSubmit(user); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public static bool ThemQuyTrinh(QPDNFlow pquytrinh) { try { db.QPDNFlows.InsertOnSubmit(pquytrinh); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { TextBox buocky = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Controls[0] as TextBox; TextBox nhom = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[6].Controls[0] as TextBox; TextBox maloai = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Controls[0] as TextBox; //TextBox kytoanbo = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[7].Controls[0] as TextBox; int id = int.Parse(GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]["IDChiTiet"].ToString()); int buoc = int.Parse(buocky.Text); string loai = maloai.Text.ToString(); int nhomky = int.Parse(nhom.Text); // bool ky = bool.Parse(kytoanbo.Text); ChiTietLoaiKy chitiet = db.ChiTietLoaiKies.Where(p => p.IDChiTiet == id).FirstOrDefault(); chitiet.IDChiTiet = id; chitiet.abstep = buoc; chitiet.abtype = loai; chitiet.Nhom = nhomky; //chitiet.KyToanBo = ky; db.SubmitChanges(); GridView1.EditIndex = -1; HienThiDanhSach(); }
protected void btnKhoiPhuc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string maphieu = Session["maphieu"].ToString(); string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string manguoidung = Session["user"].ToString(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; //string ngaytao = DateTime.Parse(date.ToShortDateString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); //List<Abcon> DSphieu = AbconDAO.QryChiTietPhieuTheoPhieuKhongDuocDuyet(maphieu, macongty, manguoidung); //foreach (Abcon phieu in DSphieu) //{ // AbconDAO.XoaChiTietTheoSoPhieu(phieu.IDCT); //} //List<VanBanDen> DsVanBanden = VanBanDenDAO.QryVanBanDen(maphieu, macongty); //foreach (VanBanDen vanban in DsVanBanden) //{ // VanBanDenDAO.XoaVanBanDen(; //} //List<PDNSheetFlow> DsChitiet = PDNSheetFlowDAO.QryPDNSheetFlowTheoPhieu(maphieu, macongty); //foreach (PDNSheetFlow chitiet in DsChitiet) //{ // PDNSheetFlowDAO.XoaPDNSheetFlow(chitiet.Id); //} //ABTrangThaiDuyet trangthai = TrangThaiDuyetDAO.TimKiemMaVanTheoTrangThaiDuyet(maphieu, macongty); // TrangThaiDuyetDAO.XoaTrangThaiDuyet(trangthai.IDTrangThai); //string dem = (pdnaBUS.DemSoLuongVanBan() + 1).ToString(); //string maphieumoi = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00" + dem; string maphieumoi = ""; dalPDN dal = new dalPDN(); DataTable dt = dal.DemSoLuongPhieu(); string aa = dt.Rows[0]["pdno"].ToString().Trim(); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0 && aa != "") { string dem = (int.Parse(aa) + 1).ToString(); maphieumoi = dem; } else { maphieumoi = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyyMM") + "00" + 1; } pdna timphieu = pnaDAO.TimVanBanTheoMa(maphieu, macongty, true); db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, db.ExecuteQuery <pdna>("select * from pdna where pdno='" + timphieu.pdno.ToString() + "'and GSBH='" + timphieu.GSBH.ToString() + "' and CFMID0='" + timphieu.CFMID0.ToString() + "'")); pdna phieub = new pdna(); phieub.pdno = maphieumoi; phieub.YN = 5; phieub.GSBH = macongty; phieub.dagui = false; phieub.bixoa = false; phieub.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Today; phieub.CFMDate1 = null; phieub.CFMDate2 = null; phieub.CFMDate4 = null; phieub.IdnguoiDich = null; phieub.trangthaidich = false; phieub.NoiDungDich = null; phieub.LevelDoing = 1; phieub.CFMID0 = manguoidung; phieub.Abtype = timphieu.Abtype; phieub.mytitle = timphieu.mytitle; phieub.pddepid = timphieu.pddepid; phieub.pdmemovn = timphieu.pdmemovn; phieub.oldpdno = timphieu.pdno; phieub.ABC = 1; //pnaDAO.CapNhatPhieuBiHuy(phieub); //db.ExecuteCommand("update pdna set GSBH='" + phieub.GSBH.ToString() + "',NoiDungDich=N'" + phieub.NoiDungDich.ToString() + "',CFMDate1='" + phieub.CFMDate1 + "',trangthaidich='" + phieub.trangthaidich.Value + "',CFMDate0=N'" + phieub.CFMDate0 + "',CFMDate2=N'" + phieub.CFMDate2 + "',bixoa='" + phieub.bixoa.Value + "',dagui='" + phieub.dagui.Value + "',YN='" + int.Parse(phieub.YN.ToString()) + "',LevelDoing='" + int.Parse(phieub.LevelDoing.ToString()) + "',IdnguoiDich=N'" + phieub.IdnguoiDich.ToString() + "' where pdno=N'" + phieub.pdno.ToString() + "' "); // db.ExecuteCommand("update pdna set GSBH='" + phieub.GSBH.ToString() + "',NoiDungDich=N'" + phieub.NoiDungDich.ToString() + "',trangthaidich='" + phieub.trangthaidich.Value + "',CFMDate0=N'" + phieub.CFMDate0 + "',bixoa='" + phieub.bixoa.Value + "',dagui='" + phieub.dagui.Value + "',YN='" + int.Parse(phieub.YN.ToString()) + "',LevelDoing='" + int.Parse(phieub.LevelDoing.ToString()) + "',IdnguoiDich=N'" + phieub.IdnguoiDich.ToString() + "' where pdno=N'" + phieub.pdno.ToString() + "' "); // db.CapNhatPhieuDaBiHuy(phieub.pdno, phieub.GSBH, phieub.dagui, phieub.bixoa, phieub.YN, phieub.NoiDungDich, phieub.IdnguoiDich, phieub.trangthaidich, phieub.CFMDate1, phieub.CFMDate0, phieub.CFMDate2, phieub.CFMDate4, phieub.ABC, phieub.LevelDoing); // pnaDAO.InsertPDNA(phieub); db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieub); db.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("DanhsachphieumoikhoitaoNV.aspx"); }
protected void btnLuuTam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString(); string dem = (pdnaBUS.DemSoLuongVanBan() + 1).ToString(); string maphieu = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + dem; string bophan = DropDonVi.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); string bp = DropDonVi.SelectedItem.Text; string congty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string tieude = txtTieuDe.Text; string noidung = CKEditorControl1.Text; string loaiP = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedItem.Text; string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string user = Session["user"].ToString(); string ngaythang = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); string ngaythang1 = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("Ngày " + "dd" + "Tháng " + "MM" + "Năm" + "yyyy"); //string idphieu = Session["maphieu"].ToString(); string loaiphieu = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (loaiphieu != "PDN2") { Busers2 timnguoitao = UserDAO.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, congty); if (timnguoitao.IDCapDuyet >= 12) { string mabophan = "CBCC"; Busers2 us = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienTheoBoPhan(user, mabophan, macongty); BDepartment bd = BDepartmentDAO.TimMaDonVi(mabophan, macongty); if (us == null) { Busers2 kiemtra = UserDAO.TimNhanVienQuanLyDonVi(user, bophan, macongty); if (kiemtra == null) { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { lbthongbao.Text = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bd.DepName; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { lbthongbao.Text = "该用户不属于部门 " + bd.DepName; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") { lbthongbao.Text = "The user does not belong to the department" + bd.DepName; } } else { pdna phieun = new pdna(); { phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.GSBH = macongty; phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.Abtype = loaiphieu; phieun.pddepid = bophan; phieun.mytitle = tieude; phieun.pdmemovn = noidung; phieun.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Today; phieun.CFMID0 = user; phieun.USERID = user; phieun.dagui = false; phieun.bixoa = false; } db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieun); db.SubmitChanges(); Session["loaiP"] = loaiP; Session["loaiphieu"] = loaiphieu; Session["maphieu"] = maphieu; Session["bp"] = bophan; Session["bophan"] = bp; Session["noidung"] = noidung; Session["ngaytao"] = ngaythang; Session["tieude"] = tieude; Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } Busers2 usertao = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, macongty); if (usertao != null && usertao.IDCapDuyet > 12) { Response.Redirect("FrmViewCB.aspx"); } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { lbthongbao.Text = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bp; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { lbthongbao.Text = "该用户不属于部门 " + bp; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") { lbthongbao.Text = "The user does not belong to the department" + bp; } } } else { pdna phieun = new pdna(); { phieun.GSBH = congty; phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.pddepid = mabophan; phieun.mytitle = tieude; phieun.pdmemovn = noidung; phieun.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang); phieun.USERID = user; phieun.Abtype = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue; phieun.bixoa = false; phieun.CFMID0 = user; phieun.YN = 5; phieun.USERDATE = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang); } db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieun); db.SubmitChanges(); Session["loaiP"] = loaiP; Session["loaiphieu"] = loaiphieu; Session["maphieu"] = maphieu; Session["bp"] = bophan; Session["bophan"] = bp; Session["noidung"] = noidung; Session["ngaytao"] = ngaythang; Session["tieude"] = tieude; Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } }// cap chu quan 7 don vi tro len else { BDepartment bd = BDepartmentDAO.TimMaDonVi(bophan, macongty); Busers2 us = UserBUS.TimMaNhanVienTheoBoPhan(user, bophan, macongty); if (us == null) { Busers2 kiemtra = UserDAO.TimNhanVienQuanLyDonVi(user, bophan, macongty); if (kiemtra == null) { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { lbthongbao.Text = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bd.DepName; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { lbthongbao.Text = "该用户不属于部门 " + bd.DepName; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") { lbthongbao.Text = "The user does not belong to the department" + bd.DepName; } } else { pdna phieun = new pdna(); { phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.GSBH = macongty; phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.Abtype = loaiphieu; phieun.pddepid = bophan; phieun.mytitle = tieude; phieun.pdmemovn = noidung; phieun.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang); phieun.CFMID0 = user; phieun.USERID = user; phieun.dagui = false; phieun.bixoa = false; } db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieun); db.SubmitChanges(); Session["loaiP"] = loaiP; Session["loaiphieu"] = loaiphieu; Session["maphieu"] = maphieu; Session["bp"] = bophan; Session["bophan"] = bp; Session["noidung"] = noidung; Session["ngaytao"] = ngaythang; Session["tieude"] = tieude; Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } Busers2 usertao = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(user, macongty); if (usertao != null && usertao.IDCapDuyet > 12) { Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } else { if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") { lbthongbao.Text = "Người dùng này không thuộc bộ phận " + bp; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") { lbthongbao.Text = "该用户不属于部门 " + bp; } else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") { lbthongbao.Text = "The user does not belong to the department" + bp; } } } else { pdna phieun = new pdna(); { phieun.GSBH = congty; phieun.pdno = maphieu; phieun.pddepid = bophan; phieun.mytitle = tieude; phieun.pdmemovn = noidung; phieun.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang); phieun.USERID = user; phieun.Abtype = DropLoaiPhieu.SelectedValue; phieun.bixoa = false; phieun.CFMID0 = user; phieun.YN = 5; phieun.USERDATE = DateTime.Parse(ngaythang); } db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieun); db.SubmitChanges(); Session["loaiP"] = loaiP; Session["loaiphieu"] = loaiphieu; Session["maphieu"] = maphieu; Session["bp"] = bophan; Session["bophan"] = bp; Session["noidung"] = noidung; Session["ngaytao"] = ngaythang; Session["tieude"] = tieude; Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } } } else { Response.Redirect("Danhsachphieumoikhoitao.aspx"); } }
public static bool InsertPDNA(pdna pd) { try { db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(pd); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
protected void btnThem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string match = @"\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*"; //string ngonngu = Session["languege"].ToString(); // string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string macongty = "LTY"; string idnguoidung = txtMaNV.Text; string hoten = txtTenNV.Text; string matkhau = txtmatkhau.Text; string matkhau2 = txtmatkhau2.Text; string nguoiquanlyTT = txtNguoiQuanLyTT.Text; string cty = DropCty.SelectedValue.ToString(); string bophan = DropBoPhan.SelectedValue.ToString(); string machucvu = DropDownChucVu.SelectedValue.ToString(); string congty = DropCty.SelectedValue.ToString(); string fileName = FileUpload1.FileName; byte[] fileByte = FileUpload1.FileBytes; ChucVu chuc = ChucVuDAO.TimMaChucVu(machucvu, macongty); Binary binaryObj = new Binary(fileByte); Busers2 user = new Busers2(); Regex reg = new Regex(match); if (reg.IsMatch(this.txtEmail.Text)) { user.EMAIL = txtEmail.Text; } else { //if (ngonngu == "lbl_VN") //{ // lbthongbaoloi.Text = "Email nhập không đúng định dạng, vui lòng nhập lại. Ví dụ: [email protected]"; //} //else if (ngonngu == "lbl_TW") //{ // lbthongbaoloi.Text = "邮件地址不真确,重新输入,例如: [email protected]"; //} //else if (ngonngu == "lbl_EN") //{ // lbthongbaoloi.Text = "Enter email not valid, please re-enter. Example:[email protected] "; //} } if (checkCanBo.Checked == true) { user.isSep = true; } else { user.isSep = false; } if (checkBophan.Checked == true) { user.BADEPID = bophan; } else { user.BADEPID = null; } user.GSBH = congty; user.USERID = idnguoidung; user.USERNAME = hoten; user.PWD = matkhau; user.Password2 = libraly.Encryption(matkhau2); //user.isSep = issep; //user.abde = capduyet; //user.abstep = buocduyet; user.IDCapDuyet = chuc.IDCapDuyet; user.IDChucVu = machucvu; user.IdUserQuanLyTT = nguoiquanlyTT; user.signatue = binaryObj; db.Busers2s.InsertOnSubmit(user); db.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("~/presentationLayer/Admin/frmAddUsers.aspx"); }
protected void btnTrinhDuyet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Abcon> ctxdlist = new List <Abcon>(); pdna phieudn = new pdna(); try { string maloai = Session["loaiphieu"].ToString(); string phieu = Session["maphieu"].ToString(); string bophan = Session["bp"].ToString(); string noidung = Session["noidung"].ToString(); string tieude = Session["tieude"].ToString(); string congty = Session["congty"].ToString(); string user = Session["user"].ToString(); //string ngaytao = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); pdna phieun = new pdna(); { phieun.GSBH = congty; phieun.pdno = phieu; phieun.pddepid = bophan; phieun.mytitle = tieude; phieun.pdmemovn = noidung; phieun.CFMDate0 = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); phieun.USERID = user; phieun.CFMID0 = user; phieun.bixoa = false; phieun.YN = 0; phieun.USERDATE = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); phieun.ABC = Convert.ToInt32(DropUutien.SelectedValue.ToString()); phieun.LevelDoing = 1; } db.pdnas.InsertOnSubmit(phieun); db.SubmitChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < TreeView1.Nodes[0].ChildNodes.Count; i++) { TreeNode tn = TreeView1.Nodes[0].ChildNodes[i]; tn.Value = (i + 1).ToString(); foreach (TreeNode node in tn.ChildNodes) { Abcon vb = new Abcon(); if (ctxds.TryGetValue(tn.Text, out vb)) { // vb.IDCT = MA_CTXetDuyet + (AbconBUS.DemSoLuongMaVanBan_CapDuyet() + 1).ToString(); vb.abde = int.Parse(tn.Value.ToString()); vb.pdno = phieu; vb.cothutu = true; vb.Abstep = int.Parse(tn.Value.ToString()); AbconBUS.ThemChiTiet(vb); ctxdlist.Add(vb); } } } foreach (string str in lstIdNguoiNhan) { Abcon temp = AbconBUS.TimKiemVanBanDenTheoIdVanBan_IdNguoiNhan(phieudn.pdno, str, phieudn.CFMID0, false); string manguoidung = Session["user"].ToString(); string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); Busers2 nguoi = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(manguoidung, macongty); if (temp != null) { continue; } Abcon vbd = new Abcon(); vbd.from_user = nguoi.USERID; vbd.Auditor = str; //vbd.pdnoreceived = phieudn.pdno; vbd.from_depart = phieudn.pddepid; vbd.bixoa = true; AbconBUS.ThemChiTiet(vbd); } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { foreach (Abcon ct in ctxdlist) { AbconBUS.XoaChiTiet(ct.IDCT, false); } string manguoidung = Session["user"].ToString(); string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); Busers2 nguoi = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(manguoidung, macongty); pdnaBUS.XoaVanBan(phieudn, false); Until.WriteFileLogServer(nguoi.USERNAME + "\tTạo văn bản\t" + phieudn.pdno + "\tThất bại."); LbThongBao.Text = "Lỗi trong quá trình xử lý"; } catch (Exception) { foreach (Abcon ct in ctxdlist) { AbconBUS.XoaChiTiet(ct.IDCT, false); } string manguoidung = Session["user"].ToString(); string macongty = Session["congty"].ToString(); Busers2 nguoi = UserBUS.TimNhanVienTheoMa(manguoidung, macongty); pdnaBUS.XoaVanBan(phieudn, false); Until.WriteFileLogServer(nguoi.USERNAME + "\tTạo văn bản\t" + phieudn.pdno + "\tThất bại."); LbThongBao.Text = "Lỗi trong quá trình xử lý"; } }