public void BindCycleCountLocation() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); iCycleCountClient cycleclient = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); //string Object = "Location"; string Object = hdnobject.Value; string SessionID = Session.SessionID; try { ds = cycleclient.GetCycleCountTempDataByLoc(Object, profile.Personal.UserID, SessionID, profile.DBConnection._constr); dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtgridvalues.Text = "Location"; grdlocation.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; grdlocation.DataBind(); } else { grdlocation.DataSource = null; grdlocation.DataBind(); } } catch { } finally { cycleclient.Close(); } }
public void GetCycleCountRecord() { iCycleCountClient Cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); try { if (Request.QueryString["Sequence"] != "" || Request.QueryString["Sequence"] != null || Request.QueryString["Sequence"] != "") { da = new SqlDataAdapter("select ProductCode,LocationCode,QtyBalance,ActualQty,AdjustmentQty,Remark,AdjustLocation,DiffQty,BatchCode,SKUID,LocationID from tCycleCountDetail where ID='" + CycleDetailID + "' and CountHeadID=" + CountHeadID + "", con1); da.Fill(ds); dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtprodCode.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProductCode"].ToString(); txtlocCode.Text = dt.Rows[0]["LocationCode"].ToString(); txtsysQty.Text = dt.Rows[0]["QtyBalance"].ToString(); txtActualQty.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ActualQty"].ToString(); txtAdjQty.Text = dt.Rows[0]["DiffQty"].ToString(); txtbatch.Text = dt.Rows[0]["BatchCode"].ToString(); hdnproductId.Value = dt.Rows[0]["SKUID"].ToString(); hdndiffQty.Value = dt.Rows[0]["DiffQty"].ToString(); hdnfromlocID.Value = dt.Rows[0]["LocationID"].ToString(); } } } catch { } finally { con1.Close(); Cycle.Close(); } }
public void BindCycleCountProduct() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); iCycleCountClient cycleclient = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); string Object = "Product"; string SessionID = Session.SessionID; try { //ds = company.GetCostCenterList(long.Parse(hndCompanyid.Value), profile.DBConnection._constr); ds = cycleclient.GetCycleCounttempdata(Object, profile.Personal.UserID, SessionID, profile.DBConnection._constr); dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtgridvalues.Text = "Product"; grdcyclecount.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; grdcyclecount.DataBind(); } else { grdcyclecount.DataSource = null; grdcyclecount.DataBind(); } } catch { } finally { cycleclient.Close(); } }
private static void BulkInsertToDataBase(string Object1, long HeadID, string SessionID) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(""); iCycleCountClient cycleclient = new iCycleCountClient(); conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["elegantcrm7ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; conn.Open(); try { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); ds = cycleclient.GetCycleTempDataToInsert(Object1, profile.Personal.UserID, SessionID, profile.DBConnection._constr); dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); dt.Columns.Add("CycleHeadID", typeof(System.Int64)); dt.Columns["CycleHeadID"].Expression = HeadID.ToString(); cycleclient.SaveCyclePlanData(dt, profile.DBConnection._constr); } catch { } finally { cycleclient.Close(); conn.Close(); } }
public static void SaveCycleProductIds(string selectedIds, string Object, string SessionID) { iCycleCountClient CycleClient = new iCycleCountClient(); try { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); CycleCountTemp cycletemp = new CycleCountTemp(); cycletemp.Object = Object.ToString(); cycletemp.SessionID = SessionID.ToString(); cycletemp.CreatedBy = profile.Personal.UserID; cycletemp.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; string ids = selectedIds.ToString(); string[] words = ids.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { // long ProductID = long.Parse(words[i]); cycletemp.ReferenceID = long.Parse(words[i]); CycleClient.SaveCycleCounttemp(cycletemp, profile.DBConnection._constr); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Login.Profile.ErrorHandling(ex, this, "CycleSkuSearch", "SaveCycleProductIds"); } finally { CycleClient.Close(); } }
public void DeleteCycleTempData(string SessionID) { iCycleCountClient cycleclient = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); cycleclient.DeleteCycleTempWithoutObj(profile.Personal.UserID, SessionID, profile.DBConnection._constr); cycleclient.Close(); }
public static List <contact> GetBatchCodeBySKU(object objReq) { iCycleCountClient cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); List <contact> LocList = new List <contact>(); try { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)objReq; long WarehouseID = long.Parse(dictionary["WarehouseID"].ToString()); long SKUID = long.Parse(dictionary["SKUID"].ToString()); long locationID = long.Parse(dictionary["locationID"].ToString()); //ds = StatutoryClient.GetCustomerList(ddlcompanyId, profile.DBConnection._constr); ds = cycle.GetBatchCodeBySKU(SKUID, locationID, profile.DBConnection._constr); dt = ds.Tables[0]; contact Loc = new contact(); Loc.Name = "--Select--"; Loc.Id = "0"; LocList.Add(Loc); Loc = new contact(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Loc.Id = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); Loc.Name = dt.Rows[i]["BatchCode"].ToString(); LocList.Add(Loc); Loc = new contact(); } } } catch { } finally { cycle.Close(); } return(LocList); }
public void BindCycleMainGrid() { iCycleCountClient cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); try { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); grdcyclecount.DataSource = cycle.GetCycleCountMain(profile.DBConnection._constr); //GetCycleCountMain(profile.DBConnection._constr); grdcyclecount.DataBind(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Login.Profile.ErrorHandling(ex, this, "Warehouse Master", "MainCustomerGridBind"); } finally { cycle.Close(); } }
public static string CheckSKUInPlan(string SKUCode, string CycleHeadID, string WarehouseID, string Object, string locationID) { string result = ""; string SKU = ""; long Count; long SKUId = 0; iCycleCountClient cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); try { SKUId = cycle.GetSKUIDBySKUCode(SKUCode.Trim(), long.Parse(WarehouseID), profile.DBConnection._constr); SKU = SKUId.ToString(); if (SKUId != 0) { Count = cycle.CheckLocInPlann(Object, long.Parse(CycleHeadID), SKUId, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (Count <= 0) { result = "Not In Plan"; } } else { result = "SKU Not Found"; } result = result + "-" + SKU; } catch { } finally { cycle.Close(); } return(result); }
public static string CheckLocInPlan(string LocationCode, string CycleHeadID, string WarehouseID, string Object) { string result = ""; string Location = ""; long Count; long LocationID = 0; iCycleCountClient cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); try { LocationID = cycle.GetLocationID(LocationCode.Trim(), long.Parse(WarehouseID), profile.DBConnection._constr); Location = LocationID.ToString(); if (LocationID != 0) { Count = cycle.CheckLocInPlann(Object, long.Parse(CycleHeadID), LocationID, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (Count <= 0) { result = "Not In Plan"; } } else { result = "Location Not Found"; } result = result + "-" + Location; } catch { } finally { cycle.Close(); } return(result); }
public static string PMSaveWLocation(object Plans) { string result = ""; CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); iCycleCountClient cycleclient = new iCycleCountClient(); tCycleCountHead cycleH = new tCycleCountHead(); string ContBasis = "", SessionID = ""; try { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)Plans; cycleH.Title = dictionary["Title"].ToString(); cycleH.WarehouseID = long.Parse(dictionary["WarehouseID"].ToString()); cycleH.Status = dictionary["Status"].ToString(); cycleH.Frequency = dictionary["Frequency"].ToString(); string Frequency = dictionary["Frequency"].ToString(); cycleH.CountBasis = dictionary["CountBasis"].ToString(); cycleH.Active = "Yes"; ContBasis = dictionary["CountBasis"].ToString(); SessionID = dictionary["session"].ToString(); DateTime FromDate = DateTime.Parse(dictionary["FromDate"].ToString()); DateTime ToDate = DateTime.Parse(dictionary["ToDate"].ToString()); TimeSpan days = ToDate - FromDate; long DaysNo = long.Parse(days.TotalDays.ToString()); long totaldays = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int ival; if (Frequency == "Daily") { if (DaysNo >= 12) { result = "More Than Daily"; } else { totaldays = DaysNo; } } else if (Frequency == "Weekly") { if (DaysNo >= 84) { result = "More Than Weekly"; } else { double dayst = DaysNo / 7; totaldays = long.Parse(Math.Round(dayst).ToString()); } } else if (Frequency == "Monthly") { if (DaysNo >= 365) { result = "More Than Monthly"; } else { double dayst = DaysNo / 30; } } else if (Frequency == "Quarterly") { if (DaysNo >= 1080) { result = "More Than Quarterly"; } else { double dayst = DaysNo / 90; totaldays = long.Parse(Math.Round(dayst).ToString()); } } if (result == "") { for (i = 0; i <= totaldays; i++) { cycleH.CycleCountDate = FromDate.AddDays(j); long CycleHeadID = cycleclient.SaveCycleCountHead(cycleH, profile.DBConnection._constr); BulkInsertToDataBase(ContBasis, CycleHeadID, SessionID); if (Frequency == "Daily") { j = j + 1; } else if (Frequency == "Weekly") { j = j + 7; } else if (Frequency == "Monthly") { j = j + 30; } else if (Frequency == "Quarterly") { j = j + 90; } } result = "Cycle saved successfully"; DeleteFromCycleTempData(ContBasis, SessionID); } } catch { result = "Some error occurred"; DeleteFromCycleTempData(ContBasis, SessionID); } finally { cycleclient.Close(); } return(result); }
public static string GetlocationQty(object objReq) { iCycleCountClient Cycle = new iCycleCountClient(); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); tCycleCountDetail Dcycle = new tCycleCountDetail(); string result = ""; try { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)objReq; string ProductCode = dictionary["ProductCode"].ToString(); string locationcode = dictionary["Location"].ToString(); long ProductID = long.Parse(dictionary["ProductID"].ToString()); long LocationID = long.Parse(dictionary["FromLocID"].ToString()); string BatchCode = dictionary["BatchCode"].ToString(); decimal SystemQty = decimal.Parse(dictionary["SystemQty"].ToString()); decimal ActualQty = decimal.Parse(dictionary["ActualQty"].ToString()); decimal AjustmentQty = decimal.Parse(dictionary["AjustmentQty"].ToString()); string Remark = dictionary["Remark"].ToString(); string AdjustLoc = dictionary["AdjustmentLocIds"].ToString(); long CycleHeadID = long.Parse(dictionary["CycleHeadID"].ToString()); long CycleDetailID = long.Parse(dictionary["CycleDetailID"].ToString()); string[] ToLocIds = AdjustLoc.Split(','); decimal calculateQty = AjustmentQty; Cycle.UpdateStockSkuTransForFromLoc(ProductID, BatchCode, LocationID, AjustmentQty, profile.DBConnection._constr); for (int i = 0; i < ToLocIds.Length; i++) { long ToLocID = long.Parse(ToLocIds[i].ToString()); decimal availQty = Cycle.getLocationRemainingQty(ToLocID, profile.DBConnection._constr); // need to craete sp add in domain ninterface and build if (calculateQty > availQty) { calculateQty = calculateQty - availQty; Cycle.UpdateStocktransToLoc(ProductID, BatchCode, calculateQty, ToLocID, profile.Personal.UserID, CycleHeadID, profile.DBConnection._constr); // need to Add CompanyID,CustomerID and UserID } else { Cycle.UpdateStocktransToLoc(ProductID, BatchCode, calculateQty, ToLocID, profile.Personal.UserID, CycleHeadID, profile.DBConnection._constr); // need to Add CompanyID,CustomerID and UserID calculateQty = 0; } } Dcycle.ID = CycleDetailID; Dcycle.CountHeadID = CycleHeadID; Dcycle.QtyBalance = SystemQty; Dcycle.ActualQty = ActualQty; Dcycle.DiffQty = AjustmentQty; Dcycle.AdjustmentQty = AjustmentQty; Dcycle.Remark = Remark; Dcycle.AdjustLocation = AdjustLoc; Dcycle.ProductCode = ProductCode; Dcycle.LocationCode = locationcode; Dcycle.SKUID = ProductID; Dcycle.LocationID = LocationID; Dcycle.BatchCode = BatchCode; Dcycle.CreatedBy = profile.Personal.UserID.ToString(); Dcycle.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; long CycleDtailID = Cycle.SaveCycleCount(Dcycle, profile.DBConnection._constr); /*decimal ClosingBalOutProd = Cycle.GetClosingBalance(Parameter, AjustmentQty, ProductID, LocationID); * decimal ClosingBalInProd = Cycle.GetClosingBalance(param, AjustmentQty, ProductID, AdjustLoc); * decimal AdjustmentSUMOut = Cycle.GetAdjustmentSUM(AjustmentQty, ProductID, LocationID); * decimal AdjustmentSUMIN = Cycle.GetAdjustmentSUM(AjustmentQty, ProductID, AdjustLoc);*/ // Cycle.UpdateCycleCountDetail(AjustmentQty, Remark, CreatedBy, DateTime.Now.Date, ProductCode, CycleHeadID, AdjstmentLoc); // // write method for transaction Entries One for out product and one for In product // Cycle.InsertTransactionAdjustment("Cycle Count", CycleHeadID, ProductID, LocationID, AdjustLoc, Remark, CreatedBy, DateTime.Now.Date, DateTime.Now.Date, AjustmentQty); // // update tinventry AdjustmentQty & QtyBalance for Out transaction // Cycle.UpdateInventryForOut(AdjustmentSUMOut, ClosingBalOutProd, ProductID, LocationID); // if records of ClosingBalIn product Is not inserted then we have to insert that and if present then update that /* long CheckEntry = Cycle.GetCountTOCheckEntryInInventry(AdjustLoc, ProductID); * if (CheckEntry > 0) * { * Cycle.UpdateInventryForOut(AdjustmentSUMIN, ClosingBalInProd, ProductID, AdjustLoc); * } * else * { * Cycle.InsertInventryCycleCount(ProductID, AdjustLoc, "Secondary", AjustmentQty, AjustmentQty, AjustmentQty, CreatedBy, DateTime.Now.Date, "Inventory_Inventory"); * }*/ result = "Adjustment successful"; } catch { result = "Some error occurred"; } finally { Cycle.Close(); } return(result); }