// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public bool ToggleMultiSelection(iCS_EditorObject obj)
     if (!IsMultiSelectionAllowed(obj))
     if (IsSelectedOrMultiSelected(obj))
     // Ignore display root if selected
     if (P.length(mySelectedObjects) == 1 && mySelectedObjects[0] == DisplayRoot)
     // Update SelectedObject if multi-select list is empty.
     if (P.length(mySelectedObjects) == 0)
         SelectedObject = obj;
예제 #2
 public Type[] GetParamTypes(List <iCS_EngineObject> engineObjects)
     iCS_EngineObject[] ports  = GetChildPortsExcludingControlPorts(engineObjects);
     Type[]             result = new Type[NbOfParams];
     for (int i = 0; i < P.length(result); ++i)
         result[i] = ports[i].RuntimeType;
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void ResolveCollisionOnChildrenImp(iCS_EditorObject[] children, ref Rect[] childRect)
            // Resolve collisions.
            int  r          = 0;
            bool didCollide = true;

            while (didCollide)
                didCollide = false;
                iCS_EditorObject lowest = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Length - 1; ++i)
                    var c1 = children[i];
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < P.length(children); ++j)
                        var c2 = children[j];
                        if (c1.ResolveCollisionBetweenTwoNodes(c2, ref childRect[i],
                                                               ref childRect[j]))
                            didCollide = true;
                            if (c1.LayoutPriority < c2.LayoutPriority)
                                c2.LayoutPriority = c1.LayoutPriority + 1;
                            if (c2.LayoutPriority < c1.LayoutPriority)
                                c1.LayoutPriority = c2.LayoutPriority + 1;
                        if (c1.LayoutPriority > c2.LayoutPriority)
                            lowest = c1;
                        else if (c2.LayoutPriority > c1.LayoutPriority)
                            lowest = c2;
                if (++r > 10)
                    if (lowest == null || lowest.LayoutPriority <= 1)
                    lowest.LayoutPriority = lowest.LayoutPriority - 1;
                    r = 0;
예제 #4
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void AddEngineObject(iCS_IVisualScriptData vsd, iCS_EngineObject toAdd)
            // Try to find an available empty slot.
            int emptySlot = P.findFirst(o => o.InstanceId == -1, (i, o) => i, -1, vsd.EngineObjects);

            // Grow engine object array if no free slot exists.
            if (emptySlot != -1)
                toAdd.InstanceId             = emptySlot;
                vsd.EngineObjects[emptySlot] = toAdd;
            toAdd.InstanceId = P.length(vsd.EngineObjects);
        // ======================================================================
        // Collision Functions
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Resolves the collision between children.  "true" is returned if a
        // collision has occured.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ResolveCollisionOnChildrenNodes()
            // Get a snapshot of the children state.
            var children  = BuildListOfVisibleChildNodes(c => !c.IsFloating);
            var childPos  = P.map(n => n.LocalAnchorPosition + n.WrappingOffset, children);
            var childRect = P.map(n => BuildRect(n.LocalAnchorPosition + n.WrappingOffset, n.LocalSize), children);

            // Resolve collisions.
            ResolveCollisionOnChildrenImp(children, ref childRect);
            // Update child position.
            for (int i = 0; i < P.length(children); ++i)
                children[i].CollisionOffset = PositionFrom(childRect[i]) - childPos[i];
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        void CanvasMenu(iCS_EditorObject selectedObject, iCS_IStorage iStorage)
            // Don't show any menu if behaviour not visible.
            if (selectedObject.IsIconizedInLayout || selectedObject.IsFoldedInLayout)

            iCS_MenuContext[] menu = new iCS_MenuContext[3];
            menu[0] = new iCS_MenuContext(VariableCreationStr);
            menu[1] = new iCS_MenuContext(FunctionCreationStr);
            menu[2] = new iCS_MenuContext(NestedTypeCreationStr);
            // Add Unity message handlers
            var baseType = CodeGenerationUtility.GetBaseType(iStorage);

            if (iCS_Types.IsA <MonoBehaviour>(baseType))
                var libraryType   = LibraryController.LibraryDatabase.GetLibraryType(typeof(MonoBehaviour));
                var eventHandlers = libraryType.GetMembers <LibraryEventHandler>();
                int len           = P.length(eventHandlers);
                int idx           = GrowMenuBy(ref menu, len);
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    var    eventHandler  = eventHandlers[i];
                    string nodeName      = eventHandler.nodeName;
                    string displayString = eventHandler.displayString;
                    if (iCS_AllowedChildren.CanAddChildNode(nodeName, VSObjectType.InstanceMessage, selectedObject, iStorage))
                        menu[idx + i] = new iCS_MenuContext(String.Concat("+ " + AddUnityEventStr, displayString), eventHandler);
                        menu[idx + i] = new iCS_MenuContext(String.Concat("#+ " + AddUnityEventStr, displayString), eventHandler);
            ShowMenu(menu, selectedObject, iStorage);
예제 #7
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// Determines if errors are reported for the function call.
 public bool IsInError(int objectId)
     return(P.length(ErrorController.GetErrorsFor(myServiceKey, myVisualScript, objectId)) != 0);
예제 #8
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static bool HasADestination(iCS_IVisualScriptData vsd, iCS_EngineObject port)
     return(P.length(GetConsumerPorts(vsd, port)) != 0);
        public static float FuzzyCompare(string s1, string s2)
            int l1 = P.length(s1);
            int l2 = P.length(s2);

            bool[] used = new bool[l2];
            for (int i = 0; i < l2; ++i)
                used[i] = false;

            const float kExactMatch       = 1f;
            const float kNoneCaseMatch    = 0.9f;
            const float kOutOfOrderFactor = 0.5f;
            const float kInOrderFactor    = 0.75f;
            float       accum             = 0f;
            int         nextIdx           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
                var c1 = s1[i];
                // First verify for exact match.
                float exactScore = 0f;
                int   exactIdx   = -1;
                for (int j = nextIdx; j < l2; ++j)
                    if (!used[j] && c1 == s2[j])
                        if (j == nextIdx)
                            exactScore = kExactMatch;
                            exactScore = kExactMatch * kInOrderFactor;
                        exactIdx = j;
                if (exactIdx == -1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nextIdx; ++j)
                        if (!used[j] && c1 == s2[j])
                            exactScore = kExactMatch * kOutOfOrderFactor;
                            exactIdx   = j;
                // Verify for case mismatch.
                float nonExactScore = 0f;
                int   nonExactIdx   = -1;
                Char  uc1           = Char.ToUpper(c1);
                for (int j = nextIdx; j < l2; ++j)
                    if (!used[j] && uc1 == Char.ToUpper(s2[j]))
                        if (j == nextIdx)
                            nonExactScore = kNoneCaseMatch;
                            nonExactScore = kNoneCaseMatch * kInOrderFactor;
                        nonExactIdx = j;
                if (nonExactIdx == -1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nextIdx; ++j)
                        if (!used[j] && uc1 == Char.ToUpper(s2[j]))
                            nonExactScore = kNoneCaseMatch * kOutOfOrderFactor;
                            nonExactIdx   = j;
                // Go to next if not found.
                if (exactIdx == -1 && nonExactIdx == -1)
                if (exactScore >= nonExactScore)
                    used[exactIdx] = true;
                    accum         += 2f * exactScore;
                    nextIdx        = exactIdx + 1;
                    used[nonExactIdx] = true;
                    accum            += 2f * nonExactScore;
                    nextIdx           = nonExactIdx + 1;
            return(accum / ((float)(l1 + l2)));