protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string act = string.Empty; if (CheckRolePermission("还原")) { act += "<li><a class=\"add\" href=\"House/HouseRecover.aspx?NavTabId=" + NavTabId + "&doAjax=true&doType=del&ID={ID}\" rel=\"ids\" target=\"selectedTodo\" title=\"确定要还原房源吗?\"><span>房源还原</span></a></li>"; } this.LiteralID.Text = act; if (Request.QueryString["doType"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["doType"] == "del") { if (CheckRolePermission("还原")) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["ids"])) { foreach (string s in Request["ids"].Split(',')) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); H_houseinfor h = H_houseinfor.FindByHouseID(Convert.ToDecimal(s)); if (h != null && CheckRolePermission("还原", h.OwnerEmployeeID.ToDecimal())) { h.DelType = false; h.Update(); } } } JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(" formFind();$(\".HouseRecover:eq(0)\").submit();", "操作成功"); } else { JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(" formFind();$(\".HouseRecover:eq(0)\").submit();", "操作失败,您没有还原房源的权限!"); } } } FullDropListData(typeof(h_State), this.ffrmStateID, "Name", "StateID", null, null); FullAreaDropListData(mysfrmAreaID, "-请选择-", ""); FullDropListData(typeof(h_Year), this.ffrmYearID, "Name", "YearID", ""); FullDropListData(typeof(h_Fitment), this.myffrmFitmentID, "Name", "FitmentID", ""); FullDropListData(typeof(h_Type), this.ffrmTypeCode, "Name", "TypeCode", ""); string OperType = Request.QueryString["OperTypes"]; if (OperType != null) { string HouseID = Request["HouseID"]; if (HouseID == null) { HouseID = ""; } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); switch (OperType) { case "3": //推见房源 s_SysParam ss = s_SysParam.FindByParamCode("RecommendNum"); TCode.DataAccessLayer.SelectBuilder sbs = new TCode.DataAccessLayer.SelectBuilder(); sbs.Table = "h_Recommend"; sbs.Where = "CONVERT(varchar,exe_date,112)=CONVERT(varchar,getdate(),112) and EmployeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString(); int hrs = h_Recommend.Meta.QueryCount(sbs); if (hrs < Convert.ToInt32(ss.Value)) { H_houseinfor.Meta.Query("update h_houseInfor set update_date=getdate() where HouseID = " + HouseID); h_Recommend Hr = new h_Recommend(); Hr.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; Hr.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(HouseID); Hr.Insert(); } else { sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"300\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作失败,您今天房源的推荐数已满请明天再试!\" \r\n"); sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } break; case "4": //收藏房源 H_houseinfor.Meta.Query("if not exists(select 1 from h_HouseCollect where HouseID=" + HouseID + " and EmployeeID=" + HouseMIS.EntityUtils.Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString() + ") insert into h_HouseCollect(HouseID,EmployeeID) Values(" + HouseID + "," + HouseMIS.EntityUtils.Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString() + ")"); break; case "5": //取消收藏房源 H_houseinfor.Meta.Query("delete from h_HouseCollect where HouseID=" + HouseID + " and EmployeeID=" + HouseMIS.EntityUtils.Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString()); break; //case "6": //查看钥匙 // DataTable dt = h_HouseKey.Meta.Query("SELECT TOP 1 H.IsIn,S.Name,H.InOhterCompany FROM h_HouseKey H LEFT JOIN s_Organise S ON S.OrgID = H.OrgID WHERE H.HouseID = " + HouseID + " ORDER BY H.exe_date DESC").Tables[0]; // if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) // { // if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0][0]) == true) // { // if (dt.Rows[0]["InOhterCompany"].ToString() == "True") // //Response.Write("<script>alertMsg.correct('钥匙在其他中介')</script>"); // JSDo_UserCallBack_Success("", "钥匙在其他中介"); // else // //Response.Write("<script>alertMsg.correct('钥匙在" + dt.Rows[0][1] + "')</script>"); // JSDo_UserCallBack_Success("", "钥匙在" + dt.Rows[0][1]); // } // else // //Response.Write("<script>alertMsg.correct('该房源没有拿钥匙!')</script>"); // JSDo_UserCallBack_Error("", "该房源没有拿钥匙"); // } // else // { // //Response.Write("<script>alertMsg.correct('该房源没有拿钥匙!')</script>"); // JSDo_UserCallBack_Error("", "该房源没有拿钥匙"); // } // //Response.End(); // break; } sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"200\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作成功!\" \r\n"); sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } if (Request.QueryString["doType"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["doType"] == "del") { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); H_houseinfor.Meta.Query("delete from h_houseinfor where HouseID=" + Request["HouseID"]); sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"200\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作成功!\" \r\n"); sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } } } }
//public s_SysParam hsc = s_SysParam.FindByParamCode("HouseStateColor"); //protected String GetColStyle(object SeeHouseType) //{ // if (hsc != null) // { // string[] ss = hsc.Value.Split(','); // foreach (string sv in ss) // { // string[] str = sv.Split('|'); // if (str[0] == SeeHouseType.ToString() && str[1] != "") // { // return " style=\"color:#" + str[1] + "\" "; // } // } // } // return null; //} /// <summary> /// 页面状态下拉框绑定 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> //public void HouseState() //{ // IEntityList ls = h_State.FindAll(); // this.ffrmState.Items.Clear(); // ffrmState.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择", "")); // if (ls != null) // { // for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) // { // ffrmState.Items.Add(new ListItem(ls[i]["Name"].ToString(), ls[i]["StateID"].ToString())); // } // } //} //protected void FullSubGroup() //{ //EntityList<e_SubGroup> list = e_SubGroup.FindAll(); //myffrmSubGroupID.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "")); //foreach (e_SubGroup es in list) //{ // myffrmSubGroupID.Items.Add(new ListItem(es.People, es.SubGroupID.ToString())); //} //} protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(HouseCheck), this.Page); if (!CheckRolePermission("查看")) { Response.End(); } //if (Request.QueryString["AssessStateID"] != null) //{ // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["hcids"])) // foreach (string s in Request["hcids"].Split(',')) // { // System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); // H_houseinfor hh = H_houseinfor.FindByHouseID(Convert.ToDecimal(s)); // h_AssessState ha = h_AssessState.Find(h_AssessState._.AssessStateID, Request.QueryString["AssessStateID"]); // if (ha != null && hh != null && ha.aType == hh.aType) // { // hh.AssessStateID = Request.QueryString["AssessStateID"].ToInt32(); // hh.Update(); // #region 刷新当前页[抓取当页导航数字onclick事件] // // 当前页 // // 翻页 dwzPageBreak({ targetType: targetType, rel: rel, data: { pageNum:} }); // //String JavaScript = "alert('" + Request["selectPage"] + "');"; // String JavaScript = " dwzPageBreak({ targetType: \"navTab\", rel: \"\", data: { pageNum: " + Request["selectPage"] + "},callback:ShowNote });"; // JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(JavaScript, "操作成功"); // #endregion 刷新当前页[抓取当页导航数字onclick事件] // } // else // { // JSDo_UserCallBack_Error("", "租售状态不一致"); // } // } //} FullDropListData(typeof(h_State), this.ffrmStateID, "Name", "StateID", ""); string OperType = Request.QueryString["OperTypes"]; if (OperType != null) { string HouseID = Request["HouseID"]; if (HouseID == null) { HouseID = ""; } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); switch (OperType) { case "3": //推见房源 s_SysParam ss = s_SysParam.FindByParamCode("RecommendNum"); int hrs = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select count(*) from h_Recommend where CONVERT(varchar,exe_date,112)=CONVERT(varchar,getdate(),112)")); if (hrs < Convert.ToInt32(ss.Value)) { DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(string.Format("update h_houseInfor set update_date=getdate() where HouseID = {0}", HouseID)); h_Recommend Hr = new h_Recommend(); Hr.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; Hr.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(HouseID); Hr.Insert(); } else { sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"300\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作失败,您今天房源的推荐数已满请明天再试!\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"navTabId\":\"" + NavTabId + "\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"rel\":\"1\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"forwardUrl\":\"\"\r\n"); sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } break; case "4": //收藏房源 string sql = string.Format(@"if NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM h_HouseCollect WHERE HouseID={0} AND EmployeeID={1}) insert into h_HouseCollect(HouseID,EmployeeID) Values({0},{1})", HouseID, Employee.Current.EmployeeID); DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(sql); break; case "5": //取消收藏房源 h_HouseCollect houseCollect = h_HouseCollect.Find(new String[] { "HouseID", "EmployeeID" }, new Object[] { HouseID, Employee.Current.EmployeeID }); if (houseCollect != null) { houseCollect.Delete(); } break; case "6": //查看钥匙 DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query(string.Format(@"SELECT TOP 1 H.IsIn FROM h_HouseKey H WHERE H.HouseID ={0} AND h.isDel=0 ORDER BY H.exe_date DESC", HouseID)).Tables[0]; sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"200\", \r\n"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0][0]) == true) { sb.Append(" \"message\":\"该房源已经拿到钥匙\", \r\n"); } else { sb.Append(" \"message\":\"该房源没有拿钥匙\", \r\n"); } } else { sb.Append(" \"message\":\"该房源没有拿钥匙\", \r\n"); } sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); break; } sb.Append("{\r\n"); sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"200\", \r\n"); sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作成功!\", \r\n"); sb.Append("}\r\n"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } if (Request.QueryString["doType"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["doType"] == "del") { if (CheckRolePermission("删除房源")) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["hcids"])) { foreach (string s in Request["hcids"].Split(',')) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); H_houseinfor h = H_houseinfor.FindByHouseID(Convert.ToDecimal(s)); if (h != null && CheckRolePermission("删除房源", h.OwnerEmployeeID.ToDecimal())) { //删除房源进入回收站 h.DelType = true; h.DelEmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.EmployeeID); h.DelDate = System.DateTime.Now; h.Update(); } } } JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(" formFind();$(\".houseCheck:eq(0)\").submit();", "操作成功"); } else { JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(" formFind();$(\".houseCheck:eq(0)\").submit();", "操作失败,您没有删除该房源的权限!"); } } } if (Request.QueryString["StateID"] != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["hcids"])) { foreach (string s in Request["hcids"].Split(',')) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); H_houseinfor hh = H_houseinfor.FindByHouseID(Convert.ToDecimal(s)); if (H_houseinfor.Meta.Execute("exec dbo.h_update_HouseState " + Request.QueryString["StateID"] + ", " + hh.HouseID + ", " + Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString()) > 0) { string StateName = h_State.Find("StateID", Request.QueryString["StateID"]).Name; #region 大积分添加处 //if (s_SysParam.FindByParamCode("UseBigPoint").Value == "1") //{ // //无效房源减分 // if (StateName != "有效" && StateName != "我售") // { // I_IntegralLog.DeleteLog("添加房源积分", "h_houseinfor", hh.HouseID.ToString()); // } // else // { // if (hh.SeeHouseType != "有效" && hh.SeeHouseType != "我售") // { // H_houseinfor.UpdateJF(hh.Sum_price, hh.OwnerEmployeeID, hh.HouseID, "添加房源积分"); // } // } //} #endregion 大积分添加处 if (hh.Shi_id.IndexOf("KZ") > 0 || hh.Shi_id.IndexOf("MWZ") > 0) { } else { if (StateName == "重复") { if (hh.StateID.ToString() != Request.QueryString["StateID"].ToString()) { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - hh.Exe_date; if (ts.Days == 0) { e_Rewards er = new e_Rewards(); er.AwardTypeID = 15; er.Cause = "重复房源扣款暂存-房源号:" + hh.Shi_id; //e_SubGroupDetail es = e_SubGroupDetail.Find("OrgID", hh.OrgID); er.EmployeeID = 0; er.OperID = 2; er.OrgID = hh.OrgID; er.Moneys = 5; er.Rewards_Date = DateTime.Now; er.Active_Date = DateTime.Now; er.Insert(); e_Rewards ers = new e_Rewards(); ers.AwardTypeID = 15; ers.Cause = "重复房源扣款-房源号:" + hh.Shi_id; ers.EmployeeID = hh.OperatorID; ers.OperID = 2; ers.OrgID = hh.OrgID; ers.Moneys = -5; ers.Rewards_Date = DateTime.Now; ers.Active_Date = DateTime.Now; ers.Insert(); } } } else { if (h_State.Find("StateID", hh.StateID).Name == "重复") { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - hh.Exe_date; if (ts.Days == 0) { DataSet ds = e_Rewards.Meta.Query("select * from e_Rewards where Cause ='重复房源扣款暂存-房源号:" + hh.Shi_id + "'"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { e_Rewards er = e_Rewards.Find("RewardsID", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RewardsID"]); if (er != null) { er.Delete(); } } DataSet dsa = e_Rewards.Meta.Query("select * from e_Rewards where Cause ='重复房源扣款-房源号:" + hh.Shi_id + "'"); if (dsa.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { e_Rewards er = e_Rewards.Find("RewardsID", dsa.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RewardsID"]); if (er != null) { er.Delete(); } } } } } } } H_houseinfor.Meta.Execute("update h_houseinfor set update_date=getdate() where HouseID=" + hh.HouseID); } } //保存搜索条件再刷一次列表 //JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(" $(\".houseCheck:eq(0)\").submit();", "操作成功"); #region 刷列表,只刷新状态单元格 //h_State state = h_State.FindByStateID(Request.QueryString["StateID"].ToDecimal().Value); //String JavaScript = "$(\"#check_" + Request.QueryString["HouseID"] + "\").html('"+state.Name+"');"; //JavaScript += "ReloadHouseCheck('" + Request.QueryString["HouseID"] + "')"; //JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(JavaScript, "操作成功"); #endregion 刷列表,只刷新状态单元格 #region 刷新当前页[抓取当页导航数字onclick事件] // 当前页 // 翻页 dwzPageBreak({ targetType: targetType, rel: rel, data: { pageNum:} }); //String JavaScript = "alert('" + Request["selectPage"] + "');"; String JavaScript = " dwzPageBreak({ targetType: \"navTab\", rel: \"\", data: { pageNum: " + Request["selectPage"] + "} });"; JSDo_UserCallBack_Success(JavaScript, "操作成功"); #endregion 刷新当前页[抓取当页导航数字onclick事件] //System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //sb.Append("{\r\n"); //sb.Append(" \"statusCode\":\"200\", \r\n"); //sb.Append(" \"message\":\"操作成功!\", \r\n"); //sb.Append(" \"navTabId\":\"" + NavTabId + "\", \r\n"); //sb.Append(" \"rel\":\"1\", \r\n"); //sb.Append(" \"forwardUrl\":\"\"\r\n"); //sb.Append("}\r\n"); //Response.Write(sb.ToString()); //Response.End(); } } }