예제 #1
파일: gxtRigidBody.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the rotational inertia for a polygon with a given mass
        /// Passed in polygon does not need to be in local space
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygon"></param>
        /// <param name="mass"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float GetInertiaForPolygon(gxtPolygon polygon, float mass)
            gxtDebug.Assert(polygon.NumVertices >= 3);
            // perform a deep copy so we don't corrupt the values of the polygon
            Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[polygon.NumVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                vertices[i] = polygon.v[i];

            Vector2 centroid = polygon.GetCentroid();
            if (centroid != Vector2.Zero)
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                    vertices[i] -= centroid;
            float denom = 0.0f;
            float numer = 0.0f;
            for (int j = vertices.Length - 1, i = 0; i < vertices.Length; j = i, i++)
                float a = vertices[i].LengthSquared();
                float b = Vector2.Dot(vertices[i], vertices[j]);
                float c = vertices[j].LengthSquared();
                float d = gxtMath.Abs(gxtMath.Cross2D(vertices[j], vertices[i]));

                numer += d;
                denom += (a + b + c) * d;
            return denom / (numer * 6.0f);
예제 #2
 public void CalculateUVCoords(gxtPolygon polygon)
     Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(-brickTexture.Width * 0.5f, -brickTexture.Height * 0.5f);
     Vector2 oneOverSizeVector = new Vector2(1.0f / brickTexture.Width, 1.0f / brickTexture.Height);
     for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
         vertices[i].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.Multiply(polygon.v[i] - topLeft, oneOverSizeVector);
         vertices[i].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(gxtMath.Clamp(vertices[i].TextureCoordinate.X, 0.0f, 1.0f), gxtMath.Clamp(vertices[i].TextureCoordinate.Y, 0.0f, 1.0f));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// An efficient contains point function whoich uses a binary search 
        /// and assumes the input of a counter clockwise polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygon">Polygon</param>
        /// <param name="pt">Pt</param>
        /// <returns>If Inside</returns>
        public virtual bool Contains(ref gxtPolygon polygon, Vector2 pt)
            int low = 0, high = polygon.v.Length;
                int mid = (low + high) / 2;
                if (gxtMath.IsCCWTriangle(polygon.v[0], polygon.v[mid], pt))
                    low = mid;
                    high = mid;
            } while (low + 1 < high);

            if (low == 0 || high == polygon.v.Length) return false;

            return gxtMath.IsCCWTriangle(polygon.v[low], polygon.v[high], pt);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the farthest point in a given direction
 /// Search direction does not need to be normalized
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="polygon"></param>
 /// <param name="nd"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vector2 FarthestPointInDirection(ref gxtPolygon polygon, Vector2 nd)
     int farthestIndex = 0;
     float farthestDistance = Vector2.Dot(polygon.v[0], nd);
     float tmpDistance;
     // finds largest scalar porjection onto nd
     for (int i = 1; i < polygon.NumVertices; i++)
         tmpDistance = Vector2.Dot(polygon.v[i], nd);
         if (tmpDistance > farthestDistance)
             farthestDistance = tmpDistance;
             farthestIndex = i;
     return polygon.v[farthestIndex];
예제 #5
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the farthest point in a given direction
 /// Search direction does not need to be normalized
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="polygon"></param>
 /// <param name="nd"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vector2 FarthestPointInDirection(ref gxtPolygon polygon, Vector2 nd)
     //gxtDebug.Assert(gxtMath.Equals(nd.Length(), 1.0f, float.Epsilon), "Direction vector must be normalized");
     int farthestIndex = 0;
     float farthestDistance = Vector2.Dot(polygon.v[0], nd);
     float tmpDistance;
     // info could be calculated here to affect search direction
     for (int i = 1; i < polygon.NumVertices; i++)
         tmpDistance = Vector2.Dot(polygon.v[i], nd);
         if (tmpDistance > farthestDistance)
             farthestDistance = tmpDistance;
             farthestIndex = i;
     return polygon.v[farthestIndex];
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a ray cast on the polygon given an optional tmax value
        /// Only process the information in the rayHit structure if Intersection = true,
        /// which is specified in the gxtRayHit instance and the return value.  If the ray origin is 
        /// inside the Polygon it is not considered an intersection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="polygon">Polygon</param>
        /// <param name="rayHit">Ray Hit Info</param>
        /// <param name="tmax">Max T Value</param>
        /// <returns>If Intersecting</returns>
        public virtual bool RayCast(gxtRay ray, ref gxtPolygon polygon, out gxtRayHit rayHit, float tmax = float.MaxValue)
            rayHit = new gxtRayHit();
            rayHit.Distance = tmax;

            // if a crossing is within tmax
            bool intersection = false;
            // temp holder for segment distance
            float distance;
            // number of crossings, regardless of tmax
            int crossings = 0;

            // log a message when we run a raycast on a very detailed polygon
            // to indicate that the results may not be perfect
            int testIterations = polygon.NumVertices;
            if (MaxIterations < polygon.NumVertices)
                gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.WARNING, "Polygon vertices exceeds max collider iterations.  Not all segments will be tested!");
                testIterations = MaxIterations;

            for (int j = polygon.NumVertices - 1, i = 0; i < testIterations; j = i, i++)
                if (RayIntersectsSegment(ray, polygon.v[j], polygon.v[i], out distance))
                    if (distance <= rayHit.Distance)
                        intersection = true;

                        rayHit.Distance = distance;
                        rayHit.Point = ray.GetPoint(distance);

                        // right perp assumes CCW polygon winding
                        Vector2 edge = polygon.v[j] - polygon.v[i];
                        rayHit.Normal = Vector2.Normalize(gxtMath.RightPerp(edge));
            // raycast algorithm
            rayHit.Intersection = intersection && crossings > 0 && crossings % 2 == 0;
            return rayHit.Intersection;
예제 #7
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
 public static bool RayCast(gxtRay ray, gxtPolygon polygon, float tmax, out float t)
     t = float.MaxValue;
     bool intersection = false;
     int crossings = 0;
     float distance;
     for (int j = polygon.NumVertices - 1, i = 0; i < polygon.NumVertices; j = i, i++)
         if (RayIntersectsSegment(ray, polygon.v[j], polygon.v[i], float.MaxValue, out distance))
             if (distance < tmax)
                 intersection = true;
             if (distance < t)
                 t = distance;
     return intersection && crossings > 0 && crossings % 2 == 0;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the farthest points in one call
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="polyA"></param>
 /// <param name="polyAPt"></param>
 /// <param name="polyB"></param>
 /// <param name="polyBPt"></param>
 /// <param name="nd"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vector2 SupportPt(ref gxtPolygon polyA, out Vector2 polyAPt, ref gxtPolygon polyB, out Vector2 polyBPt, Vector2 nd)
     polyAPt = FarthestPointInDirection(ref polyA, nd);
     polyBPt = FarthestPointInDirection(ref polyB, -nd);
     return polyAPt - polyBPt;
예제 #9
 public override bool Collide(ref gxtPolygon polygonA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polygonB, out gxtCollisionResult collisionResult)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #10
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static void DebugDrawSimplex(List<Vector2> simplex, Color color, float depth)
            Vector2[] vertices = simplex.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] *= gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE;

            gxtPolygon poly = new gxtPolygon(vertices);
            gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPolygon(poly, color, 0.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < poly.NumVertices; i++)
                gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(poly.v[i], Color.WhiteSmoke, 0.0f);
                gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddString(i.ToString(), poly.v[i], Color.White, 0.0f);
예제 #11
파일: asgPlayerActor.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public void Initialize(Vector2 initPos, float initRot = 0.0f)
            hashedString = new gxtHashedString("player_actor");
            this.position = initPos;
            this.rotation = gxtMath.WrapAngle(initRot);

            // in physics world units
            playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateRectanglePolygon(2, 5.5f);
예제 #12
 public abstract bool Collide(ref gxtPolygon polygonA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polygonB, out gxtCollisionResult collisionResult);
예제 #13
 public abstract bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polygonA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polygonB, Vector2 centroidB);
예제 #14
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static bool RayCast(gxtRay ray, gxtPolygon polygon, float tmax, out float t, out Vector2 pt, out Vector2 normal)
            t = float.MaxValue;
            pt = ray.Origin;
            normal = ray.Direction;

            bool intersection = false;
            // temp holder for segment distance
            float distance;
            int crossings = 0;

            for (int j = polygon.NumVertices - 1, i = 0; i < polygon.NumVertices; j = i, i++)
                if (RayIntersectsSegment(ray, polygon.v[j], polygon.v[i], float.MaxValue, out distance))
                    if (distance < t && distance <= tmax)
                        intersection = true;

                        t = distance;
                        pt = ray.GetPoint(t);

                        Vector2 edge = polygon.v[i] - polygon.v[j];
                        normal = Vector2.Normalize(gxtMath.RightPerp(edge));
                        //normal = gxtMath.GetReflection(ray.Direction, edgeNormal);
            return intersection && crossings > 0 && crossings % 2 == 0;
예제 #15
파일: asgPlayerActor.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public void Initialize(Vector2 initPos, float speed = 3.0f, float maxSpeed = 500.0f)
            hashedString = new gxtHashedString("player_actor");
            this.position = initPos;
            this.rotation = 0.0f; // if we were to take a rotation be sure to use gxtMath.WrapAngle(initRot)
            MoveSpeed = speed;
            MaxSpeed = maxSpeed;

            this.clipMode = asgClipMode.NORMAL;
            // in physics world units
            // setup body
            playerBody = new gxtRigidBody();
            playerBody.Mass = 2.0f;
            playerBody.CanSleep = false;    // should NEVER go to sleep
            playerBody.Awake = true;
            playerBody.FixedRotation = true;
            playerBody.IgnoreGravity = false;
            playerBody.Position = position;
            playerBody.Rotation = rotation;

            // setup geom
            //playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateRectanglePolygon(2, 3.5f);
            playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateRoundedRectanglePolygon(2.0f, 3.5f, 0.45f, 0.05f);
            //playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateEllipsePolygon(1.0f, 1.75f, 20);
            //playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateCapsulePolygon(3.0f, 1.0f, 8);
            //playerPolygon = gxtGeometry.CreateCirclePolygon(3.0f, 3);
            playerGeom = new gxtGeom(playerPolygon, position, rotation);
            playerGeom.Tag = this;
            playerGeom.CollidesWithGroups = world.PhysicsWorld.GetCollisionGroup("traversable_world_geometry");
            playerGeom.CollisionGroups = world.PhysicsWorld.GetCollisionGroup("player");
            playerGeom.RigidBody = playerBody;
            playerGeom.OnCollision += OnCollision;
            playerGeom.OnSeperation += OnSeperation;

            // setup scene node
            // for now we'll just use a line loop but programming it
            // this way makes it easy to swap out for something like a skeleton
            // or a texture later down the road
            scenePoly = gxtPolygon.Copy(playerPolygon);
            //playerEntity = new gxtLineLoop(scenePoly.v);

            // setup drawable
            //playerDrawable = new gxtDrawable(playerEntity, Color.Yellow, true, 0.1f);
            playerSceneNode = new gxtSceneNode();
            playerSceneNode.Position = playerBody.Position;

            // setup raycatsing logic
            rayCastTimer = new gxtStopWatch(true);
            raycasts = new List<gxtRayHit>();

            clipMode = asgClipMode.NORMAL;
            this.halfHeight = playerGeom.LocalAABB.Height * 0.5f;
예제 #16
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
 public static bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polyA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 centroidB)
     Vector2 d = centroidB - centroidA;
     return Intersects(ref polyA, ref polyB, d);
예제 #17
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
 public static bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB)
     // arbitrary search direction
     // strictly placeholder for now
     Vector2 d = Vector2.One;
     return Intersects(ref polyA, ref polyB, d);
예제 #18
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static bool BuildSimplex(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 nd, out List<Vector2> simplex, out List<Vector2> pointsOnA, out List<Vector2> pointsOnB)
            simplex = new List<Vector2>();
            pointsOnA = new List<Vector2>();
            pointsOnB = new List<Vector2>();

            Vector2 ptA;
            Vector2 ptB;
            Vector2 supportPt = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, nd);

            nd = -nd;
            int iterations = 0;
            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                supportPt = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, nd);
                // if worse we know they aren't colliding, so don't even bother
                // finding closest points
                if (Vector2.Dot(simplex[simplex.Count - 1], nd) <= 0.0f)
                    return false;
                // if true, we have an intersection
                // if not the search direction will be modified
                if (SimplexContainsOrigin(simplex, pointsOnA, pointsOnB, ref nd))
                    return true;


            return false;
예제 #19
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a simplex as part of GJK, determines collision between the two polygons
        /// Termination simplex can be used by EPA
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyA"></param>
        /// <param name="polyB"></param>
        /// <param name="nd"></param>
        /// <param name="simplex"></param>
        /// <returns>If intersecting</returns>
        public static bool BuildSimplex(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 nd, out List<Vector2> simplex)
            simplex = new List<Vector2>();
            //add a support point
            simplex.Add(SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, nd));
            nd = -nd;

            int iterations = 0;
            // gjk loop
            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                // add a new support point
                simplex.Add(SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, nd));
                // if worse we know they aren't colliding
                if (Vector2.Dot(simplex[simplex.Count - 1], nd) <= 0.0f)
                    return false;
                else if (SimplexContainsOrigin(simplex, ref nd))
                    return true;


            return false;
예제 #20
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 nd)
            List<Vector2> simplex = new List<Vector2>();

            simplex.Add(SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, nd));
            nd = -nd;

            int iterations = 0;

            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                simplex.Add(SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, nd));

                if (Vector2.Dot(simplex[simplex.Count - 1], nd) <= 0.0f)
                    return false;
                else if (SimplexContainsOrigin(simplex, ref nd))
                    return true;


            return false;
예제 #21
 public override bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polygonA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polygonB, Vector2 centroidB)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #22
        private void Triangulate(gxtPolygon polygon)
            // setup vertex buffer
            vertices = new VertexPositionColorTexture[polygon.NumVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(polygon.v[i].X, polygon.v[i].Y, 0.0f), Color.White, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f));  // coords will be figured out later

            // setup index buffer, uses proper triangulation
            List<int> indices = new List<int>(3 + ((vertices.Length - 3) * 3));
            for (int i = 1, j = 2; j < vertices.Length; i = j, j++)
            indicesArray = indices.ToArray();
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a support point for the simplex given the polygons and a given search direction
 /// Used to build the simplex as part of the GJK and EPA algorithms
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="polyA"></param>
 /// <param name="polyB"></param>
 /// <param name="nd"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vector2 SupportPt(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 nd)
     Vector2 p1 = FarthestPointInDirection(ref polyA, nd);
     Vector2 p2 = FarthestPointInDirection(ref polyB, -nd);
     return p1 - p2;
예제 #24
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns extensive collision information about the given polygons
        /// Will determine if intersecting by running the GJK algorithm
        /// It saves the terminating simplex and further uses it for the 
        /// EPA algorithm.  Returns the intersection depth and collision normal as 
        /// part of the gxtCollisionResult return struct.  The normal and depth will 
        /// not be calculated, and thus such information is not realiable, if the intersection 
        /// is false
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyA">Polygon A</param>
        /// <param name="centroidA">Centroid of polygon A</param>
        /// <param name="polyB">Polygon B</param>
        /// <param name="centroidB">Centroid of polygon B</param>
        /// <returns>Collision Result</returns>
        public static gxtCollisionResult CollideOld(gxtPolygon polyA, Vector2 centroidA, gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 centroidB)
            // optimal search direction
            Vector2 direction = centroidB - centroidA;
            // simplex vector2 collection
            List<Vector2> simplex;
            // the result structure for the collision
            gxtCollisionResult result = new gxtCollisionResult();
            // finishes with terminating simplex from gjk
            // boolean return for intersection
            if (!BuildSimplex(ref polyA, ref polyB, direction, out simplex))
                result.Intersection = false;
                return result;
                result.Intersection = true;

            // iterations
            int iterations = 0;

            // holder edge information
            Vector2 normal;
            float distance;
            int index;
            // calculate the ordering (CW/CCW)
            // of the simplex.  only calc once
            // reusable in loop
            int winding = GetWinding(simplex);

            // epa loop
            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                // find closest edge to origin info
                //FindClosestEdge(simplex, out index, out distance, out normal);
                if (FindClosestFeature(simplex, winding, out index, out distance, out normal))
                    //gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.WARNING, "vertex collision");
                    result.Normal = normal;
                    result.Depth = distance;
                    //result.EdgeIndex = index;
                    //DebugDrawSimplex(simplex, Color.Blue, 0.0f);
                    return result;


                // support point to (possibly) add to the simplex
                Vector2 pt = SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, normal);

                float d = Vector2.Dot(pt, normal);
                // if less than our tolerance
                // will return this information
                if (d - distance < EPA_TOLERANCE)
                    result.Normal = normal;
                    result.Depth = distance;
                    //result.EdgeIndex = index;
                    // TEMPORARY
                    //DebugDrawSimplex(simplex, Color.Green, 0.0f);
                    //gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddLine(Vector2.Zero, result.Normal * 30, Color.Gray, 0.0f);
                    return result;
                // otherwise add to the simplex
                    simplex.Insert(index, pt);

            return result;
예제 #25
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static bool RayCast(gxtRay ray, gxtPolygon polygon)
            //if (polygon.Contains(ray.Origin))
            //    return false;

            int crossings = 0;
            for (int j = polygon.NumVertices - 1, i = 0; i < polygon.NumVertices; j = i, i++)
                if (RayIntersectsSegment(ray, polygon.v[j], polygon.v[i]))
            return crossings > 0 && crossings % 2 == 0;
예제 #26
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns extensive collision information about the given polygons
        /// Will determine if intersecting by running the GJK algorithm
        /// It saves the terminating simplex and further uses it for the 
        /// EPA algorithm.  Returns the intersection depth and collision normal as 
        /// part of the gxtCollisionResult return struct.  The normal and depth will 
        /// not be calculated, and thus such information is not realiable, if the intersection 
        /// is false
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyA">Polygon A</param>
        /// <param name="centroidA">Centroid of polygon A</param>
        /// <param name="polyB">Polygon B</param>
        /// <param name="centroidB">Centroid of polygon B</param>
        /// <returns>Collision Result</returns>
        public static gxtCollisionResult Collide(gxtPolygon polyA, Vector2 centroidA, gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 centroidB)
            // optimal search direction
            Vector2 direction = centroidB - centroidA;
            // simplex vector2 collection
            List<Vector2> simplex;
            List<Vector2> pointsOnA;
            List<Vector2> pointsOnB;
            // the result structure for the collision
            gxtCollisionResult result = new gxtCollisionResult();

            // finishes with terminating simplex from gjk
            // boolean return for intersection
            if (!BuildSimplex(ref polyA, ref polyB, direction, out simplex, out pointsOnA, out pointsOnB))
                result.Intersection = false;
                return result;
                result.Intersection = true;

            // iterations
            int iterations = 0;

            // holder edge information
            Vector2 normal;
            float distance;
            int index;
            Vector2 cpA, cpB;

            FindClosestPointsSpecial(simplex, pointsOnA, pointsOnB, out cpA, out cpB);
            #if (GXT_DEBUG_DRAW_CONTACTS)
            gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpA * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.GreenYellow, 0.0f);
            gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpB * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.GreenYellow, 0.0f);

            result.ContactPointA = cpA;
            result.ContactPointB = cpB;

            // calc ordering once, reusable in loop
            int winding = GetWinding(simplex);

            // epa loop
            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                // find closest edge to origin info
                // returns true if it is a vertex

                FindClosestFeature(simplex, winding, out index, out distance, out normal);
                if (FindClosestFeature(simplex, winding, out index, out distance, out normal))
                    result.Normal = normal;
                    result.Depth = distance;

                    int nextIndex = (index + 1) % simplex.Count;
                    FindClosestPointsHelper(simplex[index], simplex[nextIndex], pointsOnA[index], pointsOnA[nextIndex], pointsOnB[index], pointsOnB[nextIndex], out cpA, out cpB);

                    result.ContactPointA = cpA;
                    result.ContactPointB = cpB;

                    #if (GXT_DEBUG_DRAW_CONTACTS)
                    gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpA * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.Red, 0.0f);
                    gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpB * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.Red, 0.0f);

                    #if GXT_DEBUG_DRAW_SIMPLEX
                    DebugDrawSimplex(simplex, Color.Blue, 0.0f);
                    return result;


                // support point to (possibly) add to the simplex
                //Vector2 pt = SupportPt(ref polyA, ref polyB, normal);
                Vector2 ptA, ptB;
                Vector2 pt = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, normal); 

                float d = Vector2.Dot(pt, normal);
                // if less than our tolerance
                // will return this information
                if (d - distance < EPA_TOLERANCE)
                    result.Normal = normal;
                    result.Depth = distance;

                    FindClosestPointsSpecial2(simplex, pointsOnA, pointsOnB, out cpA, out cpB);
                    result.ContactPointA = cpA;
                    result.ContactPointB = cpB;

                    //result.EdgeIndex = index;
                    #if GXT_DEBUG_DRAW_SIMPLEX
                    DebugDrawSimplex(simplex, Color.Green, 0.0f);

                    #if (GXT_DEBUG_DRAW_CONTACTS)
                    gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpA * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.Red, 0.0f);
                    gxtDebugDrawer.Singleton.AddPt(cpB * gxtPhysicsWorld.PHYSICS_SCALE, Color.Red, 0.0f);
                    return result;
                // otherwise add to the simplex
                    simplex.Insert(index, pt);
                    // could remove
                    pointsOnA.Insert(index, ptA);
                    pointsOnB.Insert(index, ptB);

            return result;
예제 #27
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static float Distance(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 nd, out Vector2 cpA, out Vector2 cpB)
            cpA = Vector2.Zero;
            cpB = Vector2.Zero;
            //int icpA = 0;
            //int icpB = 0;

            List<Vector2> simplex = new List<Vector2>();
            List<Vector2> pointsOnA = new List<Vector2>();
            List<Vector2> pointsOnB = new List<Vector2>();

            Vector2 ptA;
            Vector2 ptB;
            // first search direction
            Vector2 supportPt = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, nd);

            // reverse search direction
            nd = -nd;
            Vector2 supportPt2 = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, nd);

            //nd = ClosestPointOnSegment(simplex[0], simplex[1], Vector2.Zero);
            int iterations = 0;
            while (iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS)
                nd = ClosestPointOnSegment(simplex[0], simplex[1], Vector2.Zero);
                nd = -nd;

                if (nd == Vector2.Zero)
                    return 0.0f;

                Vector2 supportPt3 = SupportPt(ref polyA, out ptA, ref polyB, out ptB, nd);

                if (TriangleContainsOrigin(simplex[0], simplex[1], simplex[2]))
                    return 0.0f;

                float proj = Vector2.Dot(simplex[2], nd);
                if (proj - Vector2.Dot(simplex[0], nd) < float.Epsilon)
                    FindClosestPoints(simplex, pointsOnA, pointsOnB, out cpA, out cpB);
                    return -proj;
                // TODO: FINISH ALGORITHM
                if (simplex[0].LengthSquared() < simplex[1].LengthSquared())
                    simplex[1] = simplex[2];
                    simplex[0] = simplex[2];

            return 0.0f;
예제 #28
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        public static bool Intersects(ref gxtPolygon polygon, Vector2 centroid, gxtSphere sphere)
            if (Contains(polygon, sphere.Position))
                return true;
            float r2 = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;
            for (int j = polygon.NumVertices - 1, i = 0; i < polygon.NumVertices; j = i, i++)
                Vector2 edgeVector = polygon.v[i] - polygon.v[j];
                Vector2 edgeNormal = Vector2.Normalize(gxtMath.RightPerp(edgeVector));
                float edgeDistance = gxtMath.Abs(Vector2.Dot(polygon.v[j], edgeNormal));
                // void PointEdgeDistance(const Vector& P, const Vector& E0, const Vector& E1, Vector& Q, float& dist2){    Vector D = P - E0;    Vector E = E1 - E0;    float e2 = E * E;    float ed = E * D;    float t  = (ed / e2);       t = (t < 0.0)? 0.0f : (t > 1.0f)? : 1.0f : t;    Q = E0 + t * E;    Vector PQ = Q - P;    dist2 = PQ * PQ;}
                if (edgeDistance <= r2)
                    return true;

            return false;
예제 #29
 private gxtGeom CreatePlatformGeom(gxtPolygon polygon, Vector2 position)
     gxtGeom platGeom = new gxtGeom(polygon, true);
     gxtRigidBody platBody = new gxtRigidBody();
     platBody.MotionType = gxtRigidyBodyMotion.FIXED;
     platBody.CanSleep = false;
     platBody.Awake = true;
     platGeom.RigidBody = platBody;
     gxtPhysicsMaterial mat = new gxtPhysicsMaterial(0.6f, 0.3f);
     platGeom.CollisionGroups = world.PhysicsWorld.GetCollisionGroup("traversable_world_geometry");
     platGeom.CollidesWithGroups = world.PhysicsWorld.GetCollisionGroup("player");
     platGeom.Material = mat;
     platGeom.SetPosition(new Vector2(0.0f, 8.5f));
     return platGeom;
예제 #30
파일: gxtGJKCollider.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
 public float Distance(ref gxtPolygon polyA, ref gxtPolygon polyB)
     Vector2 d = Vector2.One;
     return Distance(ref polyA, ref polyB, d);
 public static float Distance(ref gxtPolygon polyA, Vector2 centroidA, ref gxtPolygon polyB, Vector2 centroidB, out Vector2 cpA, out Vector2 cpB)
     Vector2 d = centroidB - centroidA;
     return Distance(ref polyA, ref polyB, d, out cpA, out cpB);