예제 #1
파일: gxtPhysicsWorld.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        private int ContactDepthComparison(gxtContact a, gxtContact b)
            return b.depth.CompareTo(a.depth);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        public void Solve(float dt)
            float invDt = 1.0f / dt;

            gxtContactPair[] contactPairs = new gxtContactPair[narrowphaseContacts.Count];
            narrowphaseContacts.Values.CopyTo(contactPairs, 0);
            //Comparison<gxtContact> depthComparison = new Comparison<gxtContact>(

            // prune objects that are static, that have response disabled
            // sort by contact depth
            //gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.INFORMATIONAL, "New...");

            int numEnabledContacts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < contactPairs.Length; ++i)
                if (contactPairs[i].Enabled)

            //gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.INFORMATIONAL, "Num Enabled Contacts: {0}", numEnabledContacts);

            // optimal iterations seems to be between 7 and 15
            int iterations = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < contactPairs.Length; ++j)
                    if (contactPairs[j].Enabled)
예제 #2
파일: gxtPhysicsWorld.cs 프로젝트: Loko/GXT
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs more expensive narrowphase tests to determine object-object intersections
        /// No need for dt here...
        /// </summary>
        public void NarrowPhase()
            //if (testPairs == null)
            //    return;

            HashSet<gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom>> broadphaseSet = new HashSet<gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom>>(testPairs);
            HashSet<gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom>> seperated = new HashSet<gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom>>(narrowphaseContacts.Keys);

            foreach (gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom> seperatedPair in seperated)
                gxtGeom.FireOnSeperationEvents(seperatedPair.objA, seperatedPair.objB);

            foreach (gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom> pair in broadphaseSet)
                gxtCollisionResult collisionResult;
                if (CanCollide(pair.objA, pair.objB))
                    collisionResult = gxtGJKCollider.Collide(pair.objA.Polygon, pair.objA.Position, pair.objB.Polygon, pair.objB.Position);
                    if (collisionResult.Intersection)
                        // response can be canceled by user
                        if (gxtGeom.FireOnCollisionEvents(pair.objA, pair.objB, collisionResult))
                            gxtContactPair c;
                            // If the response isn't enabled, the contact won't be either
                            if (pair.objA.CollisionResponseEnabled && pair.objB.CollisionResponseEnabled)
                                // either adjust the exisiting contact or create a new one
                                if (narrowphaseContacts.ContainsKey(pair))
                                    c = narrowphaseContacts[pair];
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE_SQRT, true);
                                    c = new gxtContactPair();
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE_SQRT, true);
                                    narrowphaseContacts.Add(pair, c);
                                // same thing as above, except the contacts are disabled
                                if (narrowphaseContacts.ContainsKey(pair))
                                    c = narrowphaseContacts[pair];
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE_SQRT, false);
                                    c = new gxtContactPair();
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE_SQRT, false);
                                    narrowphaseContacts.Add(pair, c);
                        if (narrowphaseContacts.ContainsKey(pair))
                            gxtGeom.FireOnSeperationEvents(pair.objA, pair.objB);

            // broadphase pairs should be a hashset
            // construct a new temporary hashset
            // make new hashset = broapdhasepairs.exceptwith(narrowpahseContacts.keys);
            // fire on seperation events for each pair in the except hashset
            // remove every contact from the difference set
            // now, all previous contacts that aren't in broadphase collision anymore are handled
            // iterate thru the broadphase pairs
            // if intersection
                // fire on collision, make a new contact or update an existing one
            // else
                // if in the contact list
                    // fire onseperation event
                // remove the contact
            gxtDebug.Assert(testPairs != null);


            // process all the broadphase pairs, determine if can collide (as a result of geom properties first)
            for (int i = 0; i < testPairs.Length; i++)
                gxtBroadphaseCollisionPair<gxtGeom> pair = testPairs[i];
                gxtCollisionResult collisionResult;
                if (CanCollide(pair.objA, pair.objB))
                    collisionResult = gxtGJKCollider.Collide(pair.objA.Polygon, pair.objA.Position, pair.objB.Polygon, pair.objB.Position);
                    if (collisionResult.Intersection)
                        if (gxtGeom.FireOnCollisionEvents(pair.objA, pair.objB, collisionResult))
                            if (pair.objA.CollisionResponseEnabled && pair.objB.CollisionResponseEnabled)
                                gxtContact c;
                                if (narrowphaseContacts.ContainsKey(pair.GetHashCode()))
                                    c = narrowphaseContacts[pair.GetHashCode()];
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE);
                                    c = new gxtContact();
                                    c.SetupContact(pair.objA, pair.objB, ref collisionResult, gxtFrictionType.AVERAGE);
                                    narrowphaseContacts.Add(pair.GetHashCode(), c);

                            // existing contacts preserve values needed for impulses, but collision data is changed
                        // if no intersection remove the contact
                        int hashCode = pair.GetHashCode();

            // remove contacts that didn't have a broadphase overlap
            List<int> removalHashCodes = new List<int>();
            foreach (int hashCode in narrowphaseContacts.Keys)
                bool found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < testPairs.Length; ++i)
                    if (testPairs[i].GetHashCode() == hashCode)
                        found = true;

                if (!found)

            for (int i = 0; i < removalHashCodes.Count; i++)