/// <summary>
        /// DataType Import - taken from the core 
        /// the core doesn't pass username, so fails on loading
        /// here we just pass usere User(0) - so we can work)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTypeDefinition Import(XmlNode xmlData, User u)
            if (xmlData != null)
                string _name = xmlData.Attributes["Name"].Value;
                string _id = xmlData.Attributes["Id"].Value;
                string _def = xmlData.Attributes["Definition"].Value;

                DataTypeDefinition dtd;

                if (CMSNode.IsNode(new Guid(_def)))
                    dtd = DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(new Guid(_def));

                    if (u == null)
                        u = global::umbraco.BusinessLogic.User.GetUser(0);

                    global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory f = new global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory();

                    dtd = DataTypeDefinition.MakeNew(u, _name, new Guid(_def));
                    var dataType = f.DataType(new Guid(_id));
                    if (dataType == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("Could not resolve a data type with id " + _id);

                    dtd.DataType = dataType;

                // PREVALUES - HELL :: num 4532
                // Here we are attempting to add new prevalues to a DataType, and remove old ones.
                // between umbraco installs the IDs will change. we are not trying to match them,
                // we are just trying to match, based on value - problem being, if you change 
                // a value's value then this code would think it's a new ID, delete the old one
                // and create a new one - as we are syncing from a dev point of view we are
                // going to do this for now...

                System.Collections.SortedList prevals = PreValues.GetPreValues(dtd.Id);
                Hashtable oldvals = new Hashtable();
                foreach (DictionaryEntry v in prevals)
                    if ((PreValue)v.Value != null)
                    // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(((PreValue)v.Value).Value.ToString()))
                        oldvals.Add(((PreValue)v.Value).Id, ((PreValue)v.Value).Value.ToString());

                Hashtable newvals = new Hashtable();
                foreach (XmlNode xmlPv in xmlData.SelectNodes("PreValues/PreValue"))
                    XmlAttribute val = xmlPv.Attributes["Value"];

                    if (val != null)
                        // add new values only - because if we mess with old ones. it all goes pete tong..
                        if ((val.Value != null) && (!oldvals.ContainsValue(val.Value)))
                            Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, 0, string.Format("Adding Prevalue [{0}]", val.Value));
                            PreValue p = new PreValue(0, 0, val.Value);
                            p.DataTypeId = dtd.Id;

                        newvals.Add(xmlPv.Attributes["Id"], val.Value);

                // ok now delete any values that have gone missing between syncs..

                if (!uSyncSettings.Preserve || !uSyncSettings.PreservedPreValueDataTypes.Contains(_id))
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry oldval in oldvals)
                        if (!newvals.ContainsValue(oldval.Value))
                            PreValue o = new PreValue((int)oldval.Key);
                            Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, 0, string.Format("In {0} Deleting prevalue [{1}]", dtd.Text, oldval.Value));
                return dtd;
            return null;
예제 #2
        public static void Import(XmlNode n, bool ImportStructure)
            if (n == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Node cannot be null");

            // using xmlHelper not XmlHelper because GetNodeValue has gone all
            // Internall on us, this function probibly does belong in the core
            // (umbraco.cms.buisnesslogic.packageInstaller) so that packages
            // can also do media types, but at the mo, it's uSync's until i read
            // about contributing to the core.

            // using user 0 will come unstuck oneday
            User u = new User(0);

            // does this media type already exist ?
            string alias = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                throw new Exception("no alias in sync file");

            MediaType mt = null;

                mt = MediaType.GetByAlias(alias);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Debug <SyncMediaTypes>("Media type corrupt? {0}", () => ex.ToString());

            if (mt == null)
                // we are new
                mt       = MediaType.MakeNew(u, xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name")));
                mt.Alias = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias"));
                mt.Text = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name"));

            // core
            mt.IconUrl     = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Icon"));
            mt.Thumbnail   = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Thumbnail"));
            mt.Description = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Description"));

            // v6 you can have allow at root.
            // Allow at root (check for node due to legacy)
            bool   allowAtRoot     = false;
            string allowAtRootNode = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/AllowAtRoot"));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(allowAtRootNode))
                bool.TryParse(allowAtRootNode, out allowAtRoot);
            mt.AllowAtRoot = allowAtRoot;

            //Master content type
            string master = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Master"));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(master))
                // throw new System.Exception(String.Format("Throwing in {0}, master {1}", mt.Text, master));
                    MediaType pmt = MediaType.GetByAlias(master);
                    if (pmt != null)
                        mt.MasterContentType = pmt.Id;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogHelper.Debug <SyncMediaTypes>("Media type corrupt? {0}", () => ex.ToString());


            ContentType.TabI[] tabs = mt.getVirtualTabs;

            // load the current tabs
            string tabnames = ";";

            for (int t = 0; t < tabs.Length; t++)
                tabnames += tabs[t].Caption + ";";

            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            foreach (XmlNode t in n.SelectNodes("Tabs/Tab"))
                // is this a new tab?
                // if ( tabnames.IndexOf(";" + xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")) + ";" == -1)
                if (!tabnames.Contains(";" + xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")) + ";"))
            // clear cache

            // put tabs in a hashtable, so we can check they exist when we add properties.
            Hashtable tabList = new Hashtable();

            foreach (ContentType.TabI t in mt.getVirtualTabs.ToList())
                if (!tabList.ContainsKey(t.Caption))
                    tabList.Add(t.Caption, t.Id);

            // properties..
            global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory f =
                new global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory();

            foreach (XmlNode gp in n.SelectNodes("GenericProperties/GenericProperty"))
                int  dfId = 0;
                Guid dtId = new Guid(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Type")));

                if (gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition"))))
                    Guid dtdId = new Guid(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition")));
                    if (CMSNode.IsNode(dtdId))
                        dfId = new CMSNode(dtdId).Id;

                if (dfId == 0)
                        dfId = findDataTypeDefinitionFromType(ref dtId);
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Cound not find datatype with id {0}.", dtId));

                //fix for ritch text editor
                if (dfId == 0 && dtId == new Guid("a3776494-0574-4d93-b7de-efdfdec6f2d1"))
                    dtId = new Guid("83722133-f80c-4273-bdb6-1befaa04a612");
                    dfId = findDataTypeDefinitionFromType(ref dtId);

                if (dfId != 0)
                    PropertyType pt = mt.getPropertyType(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias")));
                    if (pt == null)
                        pt = mt.getPropertyType(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias")));
                        pt.DataTypeDefinition = global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(dfId);
                        pt.Name = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Name"));

                    pt.Mandatory        = bool.Parse(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Mandatory")));
                    pt.ValidationRegExp = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Validation"));
                    pt.Description      = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Description"));

                    // tab
                        if (tabList.ContainsKey(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab"))))
                            pt.TabId = (int)tabList[xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab"))];
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        LogHelper.Debug <SyncMediaTypes>("Packager: Error assigning property to tab: {0}", () => ee.ToString());

            if (ImportStructure)
                if (mt != null)
                    ArrayList allowed = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (XmlNode structure in n.SelectNodes("Structure/MediaType"))
                            MediaType dtt = MediaType.GetByAlias(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(structure));
                            if (dtt != null)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LogHelper.Info <uSync>("Can't find structure mediatype - so skipping");

                    int[] adt = new int[allowed.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < allowed.Count; i++)
                        adt[i] = (int)allowed[i];
                    mt.AllowedChildContentTypeIDs = adt;


             * foreach (MediaType.TabI t in mt.getVirtualTabs.ToList())
             * {
             *  MediaType.FlushTabCache(t.Id, mt.Id);
             * }
             * // need to do this more i think
             * MediaType.FlushFromCache(mt.Id);
예제 #3
        public static void Import(XmlNode n, bool ImportStructure)
            if (n == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Node cannot be null"); 

            // using xmlHelper not XmlHelper because GetNodeValue has gone all 
            // Internall on us, this function probibly does belong in the core
            // (umbraco.cms.buisnesslogic.packageInstaller) so that packages
            // can also do media types, but at the mo, it's uSync's until i read 
            // about contributing to the core.

            // using user 0 will come unstuck oneday
            User u = new User(0);

            // does this media type already exist ?
            string alias = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias"));
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                throw new Exception("no alias in sync file");

            MediaType mt = null;

                mt = MediaType.GetByAlias(alias);
            catch (Exception ex)
                helpers.uSyncLog.ErrorLog(ex, "Media type corrupt?"); 

            if (mt == null)
                // we are new 
                mt = MediaType.MakeNew(u, xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name")));
                mt.Alias = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias"));
                mt.Text = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name"));

            // core 
            mt.IconUrl = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Icon"));
            mt.Thumbnail = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Thumbnail"));
            mt.Description = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Description"));
            // v6 you can have allow at root. 
            // Allow at root (check for node due to legacy)
            bool allowAtRoot = false;
            string allowAtRootNode = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/AllowAtRoot"));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(allowAtRootNode))
                bool.TryParse(allowAtRootNode, out allowAtRoot);
            mt.AllowAtRoot = allowAtRoot;

            //Master content type
            string master = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Master"));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(master))
                // throw new System.Exception(String.Format("Throwing in {0}, master {1}", mt.Text, master));
                MediaType pmt = MediaType.GetByAlias(master);
                if (pmt != null)
                    mt.MasterContentType = pmt.Id;


            ContentType.TabI[] tabs = mt.getVirtualTabs;

            // load the current tabs
            string tabnames = ";";
            for (int t = 0; t < tabs.Length; t++)
                tabnames += tabs[t].Caption + ";";

            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            foreach (XmlNode t in n.SelectNodes("Tabs/Tab"))
                // is this a new tab?
                // if ( tabnames.IndexOf(";" + xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")) + ";" == -1)
                if (!tabnames.Contains(";" + xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")) + ";"))

            // clear cache  

            // put tabs in a hashtable, so we can check they exist when we add properties.
            Hashtable tabList = new Hashtable();
            foreach (ContentType.TabI t in mt.getVirtualTabs.ToList())
                if (!tabList.ContainsKey(t.Caption))
                    tabList.Add(t.Caption, t.Id);

            // properties..
            global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory f =
                new global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory();

            foreach (XmlNode gp in n.SelectNodes("GenericProperties/GenericProperty"))
                int dfId = 0;
                Guid dtId = new Guid(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Type")));

                if (gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition"))))
                    Guid dtdId = new Guid(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Definition")));
                    if (CMSNode.IsNode(dtdId))
                        dfId = new CMSNode(dtdId).Id;

                if (dfId == 0)
                        dfId = findDataTypeDefinitionFromType(ref dtId);
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Cound not find datatype with id {0}.", dtId));

                //fix for ritch text editor
                if (dfId == 0 && dtId == new Guid("a3776494-0574-4d93-b7de-efdfdec6f2d1"))
                    dtId = new Guid("83722133-f80c-4273-bdb6-1befaa04a612");
                    dfId = findDataTypeDefinitionFromType(ref dtId);
                if (dfId != 0)
                    PropertyType pt = mt.getPropertyType(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias")));
                    if (pt == null)
                        pt = mt.getPropertyType(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias")));
                        pt.DataTypeDefinition = global::umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(dfId);
                        pt.Name = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Name"));

                    pt.Mandatory = bool.Parse(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Mandatory")));
                    pt.ValidationRegExp = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Validation"));
                    pt.Description = xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Description"));

                    // tab
                        if (tabList.ContainsKey(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab"))))
                            pt.TabId = (int)tabList[xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab"))];
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        helpers.uSyncLog.ErrorLog(ee, "Packager: Error assigning property to tab: {0}", ee.ToString());

            if (ImportStructure)
                if (mt != null)
                    ArrayList allowed = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (XmlNode structure in n.SelectNodes("Structure/MediaType"))
                        MediaType dtt = MediaType.GetByAlias(xmlHelper.GetNodeValue(structure));
                        if (dtt != null)
                    int[] adt = new int[allowed.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < allowed.Count; i++)
                        adt[i] = (int)allowed[i];
                    mt.AllowedChildContentTypeIDs = adt;

            foreach (MediaType.TabI t in mt.getVirtualTabs.ToList())
                MediaType.FlushTabCache(t.Id, mt.Id);

            // need to do this more i think
