public ActionResult Transaction(string id) { int kidid = Convert.ToInt32(id); givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities(); var trans = ent.KidTransactions.Where(x => x.FromKidID == kidid || x.ToAddress == id).ToList(); ViewBag.Transaction = trans; = kidid; return(View()); }
public ActionResult SendGIV(string id) { givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities(); Int32 kidid = Convert.ToInt32(id); = id; ViewBag.kidlist = ent.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Id != kidid).ToList(); var receiverval = ent.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == kidid).First(); ViewBag.balance = receiverval.Balance; return(View()); }
public ActionResult CharityDonation(FormCollection frm) { string charityid = frm["charirtyid"].ToString(); string userid = frm["fromid"].ToString(); string amount = frm["givamt"].ToString(); int amt = Convert.ToInt32(amount); int charitygrpid = Convert.ToInt32(charityid); Int64 user = Convert.ToInt64(userid); using (givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities()) { var fromEntity = ent.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Id == user).FirstOrDefault(); var frombalance = ent.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == fromEntity.Id).First(); var newfromid = frombalance.Give - amt; frombalance.Give = newfromid; frombalance.Balance = frombalance.Balance - amt; ent.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities ent1 = new givedbEntities()) { var grp = ent1.CharityGroups.Where(x => x.Id == charitygrpid).First().KidsData; var balance = ent1.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == grp.Id).First(); var newfromid = balance.Give + amt; balance.Give = newfromid; balance.Balance = balance.Balance + amt; ent1.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities entnew = new givedbEntities()) { var fromEntity = entnew.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Id == user).FirstOrDefault(); var grp = entnew.CharityGroups.Where(x => x.Id == charitygrpid).First().KidsData; string comments = amt.ToString() + " Give Sent To " + grp.Name; // string sentcomments = amnt.ToString() + " Give Received from " + fromEntity.Name; KidTransaction trans = new KidTransaction(); trans.FromKidID = fromEntity.Id; trans.ToAddress = grp.Id.ToString(); trans.Amount = amt; trans.Description = comments; //trans.ReceivedDescription = sentcomments; trans.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; trans.SubWalletType = 2; entnew.KidTransactions.Add(trans); entnew.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("MyWallet", "Home", new { id = userid })); }
public ActionResult SubWallet(string id) { Int64 kidid = Convert.ToInt64(id); using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var receiverval = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == kidid).First(); ViewBag.Freedom = receiverval.Freedom; ViewBag.Give = receiverval.Give; ViewBag.Play = receiverval.Play; ViewBag.Savings = receiverval.Savings; ViewBag.Education = receiverval.Education; } = id; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Charity(string id, string userid) { int charityId = Convert.ToInt32(id); using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var receiverval = ent2.CharityGroups.Where(x => x.Id == charityId).First(); ViewBag.image = receiverval.ImageLink; ViewBag.desc = receiverval.Description; ViewBag.Name = receiverval.CharityName; = id; ViewBag.userid = userid; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult MyWallet(string id) { givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities(); Int32 kidid = Convert.ToInt32(id); KidModel model = new KidModel(); var kidentity = ent.KidBalances.Where(x => x.Id == kidid).FirstOrDefault(); if (kidentity != null) { model.kidid = kidid; model.balance = kidentity.Balance; ViewBag.balance = kidentity.Balance.ToString(); = id; } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult CharityDonation(string id, string userid) { Int64 kidid = Convert.ToInt64(userid); int charityid = Convert.ToInt32(id); ViewBag.charityid = id; ViewBag.fromid = userid; using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var receiverval = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.Id == kidid).First(); ViewBag.givabalance = receiverval.Give; var charitygroup = ent2.CharityGroups.Where(x => x.Id == charityid).First(); ViewBag.charityname = charitygroup.CharityName; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult checkBalance(string kidid, string amount) { Int64 amou = Convert.ToInt64(amount); using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var KIDATA = ent2.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Name == kidid).First(); var receiverval = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == KIDATA.Id).First(); if ((receiverval.Balance - amou) < 0) { return(Json("NO", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json("YES", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } }
// [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task <ActionResult> Login(FormCollection frm) { string kidid = frm["KidID"].ToString(); //int id= Convert.ToInt32(kidid); string password = frm["Password"].ToString(); givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities(); var val = ent.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Name == kidid && x.Password == password).FirstOrDefault(); if (val != null) { return(RedirectToAction("MyWallet", "Home", new { id = val.Id })); } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult GetBalance(int kidid, string walletType) { using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { int?bal = 0; var walletBal = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == kidid).First(); switch (walletType) { case "freedom": bal = walletBal.Freedom; break; case "saving": bal = walletBal.Savings; break; case "give": bal = walletBal.Give; break; case "play": bal = walletBal.Play; break; case "education": bal = walletBal.Education; break; case "balance": bal = Convert.ToInt32((walletBal.Balance ?? 0)); break; default: bal = 0; break; } return(Json((bal ?? 0).ToString(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult SubWalletTransferConfirm(int kidid, string sourceSubWallet, string targetSubWallet, int amt) { int subWalletTypeId = 1; switch (sourceSubWallet) { case "freedom": subWalletTypeId = 1; break; case "saving": subWalletTypeId = 5; break; case "give": subWalletTypeId = 2; break; case "play": subWalletTypeId = 4; break; case "education": subWalletTypeId = 3; break; default: subWalletTypeId = 1; break; } using (givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities()) { KidTransaction trans = new KidTransaction(); trans.FromKidID = kidid; trans.ToAddress = kidid.ToString(); trans.Amount = amt; trans.Description = "transferred from '" + sourceSubWallet + "' sub-wallet to '" + targetSubWallet + "' sub-wallet."; trans.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; trans.SubWalletType = subWalletTypeId; ent.KidTransactions.Add(trans); ent.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities ent1 = new givedbEntities()) { var parent = ent1.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == kidid).First(); switch (sourceSubWallet) { case "freedom": parent.Freedom = (parent.Freedom - amt); break; case "saving": parent.Savings = (parent.Savings - amt); break; case "give": parent.Give = (parent.Give - amt); break; case "play": parent.Play = (parent.Play - amt); break; case "education": parent.Education = (parent.Education - amt); break; default: break; } ent1.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var reciever = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.Id == kidid).FirstOrDefault(); switch (targetSubWallet) { case "freedom": reciever.Freedom = (reciever.Freedom + amt); break; case "saving": reciever.Savings = (reciever.Savings + amt); break; case "give": reciever.Give = (reciever.Give + amt); break; case "play": reciever.Play = (reciever.Play + amt); break; case "education": reciever.Education = (reciever.Education + amt); break; default: break; } ent2.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult SendGIV(FormCollection frm) { string parentid = frm["parentid"].ToString(); string roleValue1 = frm.Get("kiddp"); string subwallet = frm.Get("subwallet"); int walletid = 0; switch (subwallet) { case "Play": walletid = 4; break; case "Give": walletid = 2; break; } if (roleValue1 == "Select Recipient") { return(View(new { id = parentid })); } else { string amount = frm["givamt"].ToString(); // string address = frm["givaddress"].ToString(); int parid = Convert.ToInt32(parentid); int amnt = Convert.ToInt32(amount); using (givedbEntities ent = new givedbEntities()) { var fromEntity = ent.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Id == parid).FirstOrDefault(); var ToEntity = ent.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Name == roleValue1).FirstOrDefault(); string comments = amnt.ToString() + " Give Sent To " + ToEntity.Name; // string sentcomments = amnt.ToString() + " Give Received from " + fromEntity.Name; KidTransaction trans = new KidTransaction(); trans.FromKidID = parid; trans.ToAddress = ToEntity.Id.ToString(); trans.Amount = amnt; trans.Description = comments; //trans.ReceivedDescription = sentcomments; trans.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; trans.SubWalletType = walletid; ent.KidTransactions.Add(trans); ent.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities ent1 = new givedbEntities()) { var parent = ent1.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == parid).First(); long?newbalance = parent.Balance - amnt; parent.Balance = newbalance; if (walletid == 4) { Int32?playbalance = parent.Play - amnt; parent.Play = playbalance; } if (walletid == 2) { Int32?givbalance = parent.Give - amnt; parent.Give = givbalance; } ent1.SaveChanges(); } using (givedbEntities ent2 = new givedbEntities()) { var reciever = ent2.KidsDatas.Where(x => x.Name == roleValue1).FirstOrDefault(); if (reciever != null) { var receiverval = ent2.KidBalances.Where(x => x.KidId == reciever.Id).First(); long?newbalance1 = receiverval.Balance + amnt; receiverval.Balance = newbalance1; if (walletid == 4) { Int32?playbalance = receiverval.Play + amnt; receiverval.Play = playbalance; } if (walletid == 2) { Int32?givbalance = receiverval.Give + amnt; receiverval.Give = givbalance; } ent2.SaveChanges(); } } // = id; return(RedirectToAction("MyWallet", "Home", new { id = parentid })); } }