예제 #1
        public get_entry_list_result GetContacts(string SessionId, sugarsoapPortTypeClient SugarSoap,
                                                 string Query, string OrderBy, int Offset, int MaxResults, bool GetDeleted)
            string[] fields = new string[] { "phone_work" };

            //Get a list of entries
            get_entry_list_result contactsList = this.sugarClient.get_entry_list(this.sessionId, "Contacts",
                                                                                 Query, OrderBy, Offset, fields, MaxResults, Convert.ToInt32(GetDeleted));

예제 #2
        public DataTable GetMeetings(string SessionId, sugarsoapPortTypeClient SugarSoap,
                                     string Query, string OrderBy, int Offset, int MaxResults, bool GetDeleted)
            //Define the array
            string[] fields = new string[14];

            //Fill the array
            fields[0]  = "id";
            fields[1]  = "date_entered";
            fields[2]  = "date_modified";
            fields[3]  = "assigned_user";
            fields[4]  = "modified_user";
            fields[5]  = "created_by";
            fields[6]  = "name";
            fields[7]  = "location";
            fields[8]  = "duration_hours";
            fields[9]  = "duration_minutes";
            fields[10] = "date_start";
            fields[11] = "date_end";
            fields[12] = "status";
            fields[13] = "description";

            //Create a DataTable
            DataTable meetings = new DataTable("MEETINGS");

            //Define the Columns
            foreach (string field in fields)

            //Get a list of entries
            get_entry_list_result entryList = this.sugarClient.get_entry_list(this.sessionId, "Meetings",
                                                                              Query, OrderBy, Offset, fields, MaxResults, Convert.ToInt32(GetDeleted));

            //Loop trough the entries
            foreach (entry_value entry in entryList.entry_list)
                //Create a new DataRow
                DataRow meeting = meetings.NewRow();

                //Loop trough the columns
                foreach (name_value value in entry.name_value_list)
                    meeting[value.name] = value.value;

                //Add the DataRow to the DataTable

예제 #3
    public List <SugarEntry> GetEntryList(string module, string query, string order, int offset,
                                          string[] fields, int limit, int del)
        module = ConvertToProper(module);
        get_entry_list_result result = _sugarsoap.get_entry_list(_session, module, query, order, offset,
                                                                 fields, limit, del);

        var entryList = new List <SugarEntry>();

        entry_value[] valueList1 = result.entry_list;
        foreach (entry_value value1 in valueList1)
            name_value[] valueList2 = value1.name_value_list;
            var          entry      = new SugarEntry(module);
            foreach (name_value value2 in valueList2)
                entry.Add(value2.name, value2.value);
예제 #4
        public get_entry_list_result get_entry_list(string session, string module_name, string query, string order_by, int offset, string[] select_fields, int max_results, int deleted)
            Guid gUSER_ID = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            if ( offset < 0 )
                throw(new Exception("offset must be a non-negative number"));
            if ( max_results <= 0 )
                throw(new Exception("max_results must be a postive number"));

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            query       = query.ToUpper();
            order_by    = order_by.ToUpper();
            query    = query   .Replace(sTABLE_NAME + ".", String.Empty);
            order_by = order_by.Replace(sTABLE_NAME + ".", String.Empty);

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "list");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            get_entry_list_result results = new get_entry_list_result();
            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                string sSQL;
                sSQL = "select *" + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + "  from " + sTABLE_NAME + ControlChars.CrLf
                     + " where DELETED = @DELETED" + ControlChars.CrLf;
                using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                    if ( !Sql.IsEmptyString(query) )
                        // 02/16/2006 Paul.  As much as I dislike the idea of allowing a query string,
                        // I don't have the time to parse this.
                        // 03/08/2006 Paul.  Prepend the AND clause.
                        sSQL += "   and " + query + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                    Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@DELETED", Math.Min(deleted, 1));
                    if ( nACLACCESS == ACL_ACCESS.OWNER )
                        // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                        if ( sTABLE_NAME != "NOTES" )
                            Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, gUSER_ID, "ASSIGNED_USER_ID");
                        CultureInfo ciEnglish = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
                        using ( DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter() )
                            ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd;
                            using ( DataTable dt = new DataTable() )
                                if ( dt.Rows.Count > 0 )
                                    // 02/16/2006 Paul.  Don't sort in the database as it provides a hacker another attempt at SQL-Injection.
                                    // Bad sort values will just throw an exception here.
                                    DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
                                    dv.Sort = order_by;

                                    results.result_count = Math.Min(dt.Rows.Count - offset, max_results);
                                    results.next_offset  = offset + results.result_count;

                                    // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                    results.field_list = new field      [select_fields.Length];
                                    results.entry_list = new entry_value[results.result_count];
                                    for ( int i=0; i < select_fields.Length; i++ )
                                        string sColumnName = select_fields[i];
                                        DataColumn col = dt.Columns[sColumnName];
                                        // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                        // 02/16/2006 Paul.  We don't have a mapping for the labels, so just return the column name.
                                        // varchar, bool, datetime, int, text, blob
                                        results.field_list[i] = new field(sColumnName.ToLower(), col.DataType.ToString(), sColumnName, 0);

                                    // 02/16/2006 Paul.  SugarCRM 3.5.1 returns all fields even though only a few were requested.  We will do the same.
                                    int j = 0;
                                    foreach ( DataRowView row in dv )
                                        if ( j >= offset && j < offset + results.result_count )
                                            int nItem = j - offset;
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                            results.entry_list[nItem] = new entry_value();
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].id              = Sql.ToGuid(row["ID"]).ToString();
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].module_name     = module_name;
                                            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  First initialize the array.
                                            results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list = new name_value[dt.Columns.Count];
                                            int nColumn = 0;
                                            foreach ( DataColumn col in dt.Columns )
                                                // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Then initialize each element in the array.
                                                // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need to convert all dates to UniversalTime.
                                                if ( Information.IsDate(row[col.ColumnName]) )
                                                    // 08/17/2006 Paul.  The time on the server and the time in the database are both considered ServerTime.
                                                    DateTime dtServerTime = Sql.ToDateTime(row[col.ColumnName]);
                                                    // 08/17/2006 Paul.  We need a special function to convert to UniversalTime because it might already be in UniversalTime, based on m_bGMTStorage flag.
                                                    DateTime dtUniversalTime = T10n.ToUniversalTimeFromServerTime(dtServerTime);
                                                    results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), dtUniversalTime.ToString(CalendarControl.SqlDateTimeFormat, ciEnglish.DateTimeFormat));
                                                    results.entry_list[nItem].name_value_list[nColumn] = new name_value(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), Sql.ToString(row[col.ColumnName]));
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                        throw(new Exception("SOAP: Failed get_entry_list", ex));
            return results;