예제 #1
        public static void copy_SESE(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int fromSESE, int toSESE)
            clsSESE.SESE[toSESE] = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE.strSESE();

            clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].maxDepth = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].maxDepth;

            clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].nSESE = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].nSESE;
            clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE  = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE.strSESEInform[clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].nSESE];
            for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].nSESE; i++)
                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].depth = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].depth;

                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].parentSESE = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].parentSESE;
                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nChild     = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].nChild;
                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].child      = new int[clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nChild];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nChild; k++)
                    clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].child[k] = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].child[k];

                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].Entry = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].Entry;
                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].Exit  = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].Exit;

                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nNode = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].nNode;
                clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].Node  = new int[clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nNode];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].nNode; k++)
                    clsSESE.SESE[toSESE].SESE[i].Node[k] = clsSESE.SESE[fromSESE].SESE[i].Node[k];
예제 #2
 public static int getSESE_index(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int entry, int exit)
     for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; i++)
         if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Entry == entry && clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Exit == exit)
예제 #3
파일: Testing.cs 프로젝트: ngoclongha/PBR
        public int RunTest(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop,
                           ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int numRun)
            duration = 0;
            HiPerfTimer pt = new HiPerfTimer();


            for (int i = 0; i < numRun; i++)

                //SplitType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.orgNet, graph.midNet);

                //findLoop.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);

                graph.Network[graph.finalNet] = graph.Network[graph.orgNet];
                //SplitType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet);

                //sese.find_SESE_WithLoop(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_Dummy(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, true);

                //Decompose cyclic subgraphs

                //Make nesting forest?
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

            duration += pt.Duration;

            duration = duration / (double)numRun;
            duration = duration * 1000;

            //makInst.make_InstanceFlow(ref graph, graph.finalNet, 0, "", "");

            //== get initial behavior profile ==
            //graph.Network[graph.reduceNet] = graph.Network[graph.finalNet];
            //extendG.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, 0, 0);
            //indexing.get_InitialBehaviorProfile(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);
            //Database storing

예제 #4
 public frmSplitModels_Rigids()
     graph           = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph();
     clsSESE         = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE();
     clsLoop         = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsLoop();
     clsHWLS         = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsHWLS();
     clsError        = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsError();
     loadGraph       = new gProAnalyzer.Preprocessing.clsLoadGraph();
     runSESE         = new gProAnalyzer.Run_Analysis_SESE();
     runVerification = new gProAnalyzer.Run_Analysis_Verification();
예제 #5
        public frmBasicSimulation()
            loadG    = new Preprocessing.clsLoadGraph();
            graph    = new GraphVariables.clsGraph();
            clsLoop  = new GraphVariables.clsLoop();
            clsSESE  = new GraphVariables.clsSESE();
            clsHWLS  = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsHWLS();
            clsError = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsError();

            test            = new gProAnalyzer.Testing();
            runVerification = new gProAnalyzer.Run_Analysis_Verification();

예제 #6
        public Dashboard_Experiment()
            loadG           = new Preprocessing.clsLoadGraph();
            graph           = new GraphVariables.clsGraph();
            clsLoop         = new GraphVariables.clsLoop();
            clsSESE         = new GraphVariables.clsSESE();
            clsHWLS         = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsHWLS();
            clsError        = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsError();
            runVerification = new gProAnalyzer.Run_Analysis_Verification();

            progressBar1.Visible = false;
            btnRun.Visible       = false;
            exportExcel.Visible  = false;
예제 #7
        public static void Add_Parent_SESE(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int pSESE, int addNum, int addNode)
            int[] imSESE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].Node;

            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].nNode += addNum;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].Node   = new int[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].nNode];
            for (int m = 0; m < imSESE.Length; m++)
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].Node[m] = imSESE[m];
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].Node[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].nNode - addNum] = addNode;

            if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].parentSESE != -1)
                Add_Parent_SESE(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[pSESE].parentSESE, addNum, addNode);
예제 #8
        public static void Run_Split_Type3(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int orgLoop,
                                           ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, bool isRigidSplit) //isRigidSplit is used for flag to determine whether to split entry of rigid containing start events or not!!

            bool mStop = false;
            int  sNode;
            int  eNode;
            int  curDepth = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].maxDepth;

                for (int j = 0; j < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; j++) //Visit all the SESE flow
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].depth != curDepth)

                    sNode = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].Entry;
                    eNode = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].Exit;

                    if (!check_SESE_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, sNode, j))
                        Type_III_Split_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, j, 1, sNode, eNode, "");

                    if (!check_SESE_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, eNode, j))
                        Type_III_Split_Exit(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, j, 1, eNode, eNode);
            } while (curDepth > 0 && !mStop);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, currentN);       //Dom
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, currentN);      //Postdom

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, currentN, -1); //SS split node만..... //eDom^-1(NodeD)
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, currentN);    // join node만..... //ePdom^-1(NodeR)

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);
예제 #9
        public static void add_SESE(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int nodeD, int nodeR, int[] calSESE, int depth, int parentSESE)
            //final checking rigid and add more SESE (1 or more rigids inside)
            GraphVariables.clsSESE.strSESEInform[] oldSESE = new GraphVariables.clsSESE.strSESEInform[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE];
            for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; k++)
                oldSESE[k] = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k];

            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE = new GraphVariables.clsSESE.strSESEInform[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE + 1];
            for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; k++)
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k] = oldSESE[k];

            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].depth      = depth;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].parentSESE = parentSESE;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].Entry      = nodeD;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].Exit       = nodeR;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].nNode      = calSESE.Length;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE].Node       = calSESE;

예제 #10
        private static void Initialize_All(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE)
            //mapping = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.mappingGraph();
            //copySE = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copySESE();
            //check = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph();
            //fndIntersect = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection();

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.mappingGraph.to_adjList_Directed(ref graph, currentN, ref adjList);
            Mark     = new bool[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
            Mark     = Array.ConvertAll <bool, bool>(Mark, b => b = false);
            curDepth = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].maxDepth;

            getPolygons = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode * 2];
            nPolygons   = 0;

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copySESE.copy_SESE(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE);
예제 #11
        private static void Type_III_Split_Entry(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE,
                                                 int kSESE, int addNum, int sNode, int cNode, string sName)
            gProAnalyzer.Preprocessing.clsExtendNetwork.extent_Network(ref graph, currentN, addNum);
            int addNode = graph.Network[currentN].nNode - addNum;

            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Kind      = graph.Network[currentN].Node[sNode].Kind; //new change => to keep the node after split same it father.
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].orgNum    = sNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].parentNum = addNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Special   = "";
            if (sName == "SSD")
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Name   = "SSD";// addNode.ToString();
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Type_I = "";
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Name    = graph.Network[currentN].Node[sNode].Name;// sNode.ToString();
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Type_I  = graph.Network[currentN].Node[sNode].Type_I;
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Type_II = graph.Network[currentN].Node[sNode].Type_II + "_se";

            int addLink = graph.Network[currentN].nLink - addNum;

            graph.Network[currentN].Link[addLink].fromNode = sNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Link[addLink].toNode   = addNode;

            //Noi link trong SESE
            for (int k = 0; k < graph.Network[currentN].nLink - addNum; k++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == sNode)
                    bool inSESE = false;
                    for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                        //Neu moi Link K trong SESE => inSESE = true => tạo kết nối với addNode
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m])
                            inSESE = true;
                    if (inSESE)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = addNode;
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode);
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == sNode)
                    bool inSESE = false;
                    for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m])
                            inSESE = true;
                    if (inSESE)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode = addNode;
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode);

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, addNode); //find the new predecessors and sucessor of this node
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, sNode);   //find the new predecessors and sucessor of this node => after split type III into 2 node (sNode and addNode)

            //Đổi entry bằng addNode cho SESE
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Entry = addNode;
            for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m] == sNode)
                    clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m] = addNode;

            //parent정보 변경
            if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].parentSESE != -1)
                Add_Parent_SESE(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].parentSESE, addNum, addNode);

            //==== ADD CODE HERE ==========
            //We need to check whether this SESE (currentSESE and kSESE) is a simple strucuture or not.
            //if it is a simple structure we will find the way to change the SESE Entry gateway.
            //A simple structure is a structure which have 2 gateways, Entry and Exit (of SESE)
            //So First, we will check SESE is simple structure, Second, we will change the gateway type

            //verifySimpleStructure(currentN, currentSESE, kSESE, SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Entry, SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Exit, true);

            //==== END OF NEW CODE ========
예제 #12
        private bool isSimpleStructure(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int kSESE)
            int nNodeSESE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode;
            int countNode = 0;
            int currNode;

            for (int i = 0; i < nNodeSESE; i++)
                currNode = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[i];
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[currNode].Kind == "OR" || graph.Network[currentN].Node[currNode].Kind == "XOR" || graph.Network[currentN].Node[currNode].Kind == "AND")
                    countNode = countNode + 1;
            if (countNode > 2)
예제 #13
        private void verifySimpleStructure(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int kSESE, int entrySESE, int exitSESE, bool flag)
            int    index;
            string currName = null;

            if (flag == true)
                index = graph.Network[currentN].Node[entrySESE].Name.Length;
                if (index > 1)
                    currName = graph.Network[currentN].Node[entrySESE].Name.Substring(0, 2);
                if (isSimpleStructure(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, kSESE) == true && currName == "SS")
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[entrySESE].Kind = graph.Network[currentN].Node[exitSESE].Kind;
                index = graph.Network[currentN].Node[exitSESE].Name.Length;
                if (index > 1)
                    currName = graph.Network[currentN].Node[exitSESE].Name.Substring(0, 2);
                if (isSimpleStructure(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, kSESE) == true && currName == "EE")
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[exitSESE].Kind = graph.Network[currentN].Node[entrySESE].Kind;
예제 #14
        public static bool check_SESE_Entry(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int curNode, int curSESE)  //check outter edges of an entrySESE or exitSESE (if more than 1 => should split)
            int count_outterEdges = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[currentN].Node[curNode].nPost; i++)
                int node = graph.Network[currentN].Node[curNode].Post[i];
                if (!node_insideSESE(clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[curSESE].Node, node))
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[currentN].Node[curNode].nPre; i++)
                int node = graph.Network[currentN].Node[curNode].Pre[i];
                if (!node_insideSESE(clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[curSESE].Node, node))
            if (count_outterEdges == 1)
예제 #15
        public static void Type_III_Split_Exit(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE,
                                               int kSESE, int addNum, int eNode, int cNode)
            gProAnalyzer.Preprocessing.clsExtendNetwork.extent_Network(ref graph, currentN, addNum);
            int addNode = graph.Network[currentN].nNode - addNum;

            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Kind      = graph.Network[currentN].Node[cNode].Kind;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].orgNum    = eNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].parentNum = addNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Special   = "";

            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Name    = graph.Network[currentN].Node[eNode].Name;// eNode.ToString();
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Type_I  = graph.Network[currentN].Node[eNode].Type_I;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[addNode].Type_II = graph.Network[currentN].Node[eNode].Type_II + "_sx";

            int addLink = graph.Network[currentN].nLink - addNum;

            graph.Network[currentN].Link[addLink].fromNode = addNode;
            graph.Network[currentN].Link[addLink].toNode   = eNode;

            //기존 Link 정보 변경
            for (int k = 0; k < graph.Network[currentN].nLink - addNum; k++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == eNode) //For normal SESE (Acyclic)
                    bool inSESE = false;
                    for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m])
                            inSESE = true;
                    if (inSESE)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode = addNode;
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode);
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == eNode) //For special SESE (Weird NL)
                    bool inSESE = false;
                    for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m])
                            inSESE = true;
                    if (inSESE)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = addNode;
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode);

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, addNode);
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, eNode);

            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Exit = addNode;
            for (int m = 0; m < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].nNode; m++)
                if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m] == eNode)
                    clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Node[m] = addNode;

            if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].parentSESE != -1)
                Add_Parent_SESE(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].parentSESE, addNum, addNode);
            //Do the same entry of SESE => We check simple structure of this current SESE and change the gateway type
            //verifySimpleStructure(currentN, currentSESE, kSESE, SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Entry, SESE[currentSESE].SESE[kSESE].Exit, false);
예제 #16
 public static int get_post_exitSESE(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int sese, int node)
     if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPost > 1)
         for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPost; i++)
             if (node_insideSESE(clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[sese].Node, graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].Post[i]) == false)
         //node_insideSESE(int[] calSESE, int node)
     if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPost == 1)
예제 #17
        public static void get_calSESE_Polygon(int[] getPolygons, int nPolygons, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN,
                                               ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int nodeD, int nodeR, int depth, int parentSESE)
            bool flag = true;

            int[] tempList   = new int[nPolygons];
            int[] tempLabel  = new int[nPolygons];
            int   count_temp = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nPolygons; i++)
                if (flag)
                    tempList   = new int[nPolygons];
                    tempLabel  = new int[nPolygons];
                    count_temp = 0;
                int node_type = type_Node(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, getPolygons[i], nodeD, nodeR);
                if (node_type > 0)
                    tempList[count_temp]  = getPolygons[i];
                    tempLabel[count_temp] = node_type;
                    if (i < (nPolygons - 1))
                        if (type_Node(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, getPolygons[i + 1], nodeD, nodeR) > 0)
                            flag = false;
                            flag = true;
                        flag = true;
                    flag = true;  //cut 01110001 string and extract a polygon
                if (flag == true && count_temp > 1)
                    int[] calSESE  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                    int   curIndex = 0;
                    //extend calSESE
                    int[][] listSESE  = new int[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE][];
                    int     nListSESE = 0;
                    bool    isOK      = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < count_temp; k++)
                        if (tempLabel[k] == 2 && (k + 1) < count_temp)
                            if (tempLabel[k + 1] == 3)
                                listSESE[nListSESE]    = new int[2];
                                listSESE[nListSESE][0] = tempList[k];
                                listSESE[nListSESE][1] = tempList[k + 1];
                        if (tempLabel[k] == 1)
                            calSESE[curIndex] = tempList[k];
                            isOK = true;
                    for (int k = 0; k < nListSESE; k++)
                        int en, ex;
                        en = listSESE[k][0];
                        ex = listSESE[k][1];
                        int seseIndex = getSESE_index(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, en, ex);
                        if (seseIndex > -1)
                            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[seseIndex].Node.CopyTo(calSESE, curIndex);
                            curIndex = curIndex + clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[seseIndex].nNode;
                    int[] old_calSESE = new int[curIndex];
                    for (int k = 0; k < curIndex; k++)
                        old_calSESE[k] = calSESE[k];
                    calSESE = new int[curIndex];
                    for (int k = 0; k < curIndex; k++)
                        calSESE[k] = old_calSESE[k];
                    if (nListSESE > 1 || isOK)
                        add_SESE(ref clsSESE, currentSESE, tempList[0], tempList[count_temp - 1], calSESE, (depth + 1), parentSESE);
예제 #18
        //Reduce SESE into a single node => Represent as SESE_Entry
        public static void reduce_SESE(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE, int currSESE)
            int[] imNode = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode + 1];
            int   num    = 0;

            //imNode[num] = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].Entry;
            //Mark node in SESE as will be isolated
            for (int j = 0; j < clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].nNode; j++)
                graph.Network[currentN].Node[clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].Node[j]].done = true; // Collapse nodes in SESE except ENTRY
                imNode[num] = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].Node[j];

            int Entry = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].Entry;

            graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].done    = false;
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].Kind    = "SESE";
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].Name    = "SESE[" + currSESE.ToString() + "]";
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].Type_I  = "";
            graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].Type_II = "";
            int exitNode = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].Exit;

            //Edit the EDGES == (REMOVE UNECESSARY EDGES)
            int pSESE = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].parentSESE;

            for (int k = 0; k < graph.Network[currentN].nLink; k++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == Entry) //Remove out-edges from ENTRY
                    //if (clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[currSESE].nNode == 2)
                    //graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode;
                    graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode;

                //Remove edges in node which join as ENTRY
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == Entry && graph.Network[currentN].Node[Entry].nPre > 1)
                    bool bInLoop = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == imNode[j])
                            bInLoop = true;
                    if (bInLoop)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode = graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode;
                //Remove in-edge from inside to EXIT
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == exitNode)
                    graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode = graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode;
                //Remove edges in node which split as EXIT
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == exitNode && graph.Network[currentN].Node[exitNode].nPost > 1)
                    bool bInLoop = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                        if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode == imNode[j])
                            bInLoop = true;
                    if (bInLoop)
                        graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode;

            //Edit out-edges of ENTRY.
            for (int k = 0; k < graph.Network[currentN].nLink; k++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode == exitNode && graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode != graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].toNode)
                    graph.Network[currentN].Link[k].fromNode = Entry;

            //Finally - update node information
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[currentN].nNode; i++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].done)
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].nPre    = 0;
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].nPost   = 0;
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].Pre     = null;
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].Post    = null;
                    graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].Special = "";
                    //nodeInfo = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo();
                    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, currentN, i);
예제 #19
 public static int type_Node(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, int node, int nodeD, int nodeR) // return 1 for TASK/EVENT, return 2 for ENTRY SESE, return 3 for EXIT SESE
     if (node != -1)
         if (node == nodeD || node == nodeR)
         if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPre > 1 || graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].nPost > 1)
             for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; i++)
                 if (node == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Entry)
                 if (node == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Exit)
         if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].Kind == "TASK" || graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].Kind == "EVENT" ||
             graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].Kind == "START" || graph.Network[currentN].Node[node].Kind == "END")
예제 #20
        public static void make_SESE_hierarchy(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE)
            for (int iSE = 0; iSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; iSE++)
                for (int jSE = 0; jSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; jSE++)
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].nNode >= clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode)

                    int[] calSESE = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection.find_Intersection(clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].Node, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].Node);

                    if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.check_SameSet(calSESE, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].Node)) // iSE가 jSE의 child면 // check the same of calSESE (after intersection) and iSE
                        //until here, we have just dealed with the .parentSESE
                        int pSE = jSE;
                        if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE != -1)
                            if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode > clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE].nNode)
                                pSE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE;
                        clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE = pSE;
            int max_Depth = 0;

            for (int iSE = 0; iSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; iSE++)
                //find Depth
                int depth = 1;
                int cSE   = iSE;
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[cSE].parentSESE == -1)
                    cSE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[cSE].parentSESE;
                } while (true);

                //find child
                int   cntFind  = 0;
                int[] get_SESE = new int[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE]; //store a child of iSE SESE

                for (int jSE = 0; jSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; jSE++)
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].parentSESE == iSE)
                        get_SESE[cntFind] = jSE;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].depth  = depth;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].nChild = cntFind;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].child  = new int[cntFind];
                for (int k = 0; k < cntFind; k++)
                    clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].child[k] = get_SESE[k];

                if (depth > max_Depth)
                    max_Depth = depth;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].maxDepth = max_Depth;
            //modify SESE (SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].parentSESE);
            for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; i++)
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].parentSESE = -1;

            // Make hierarchy
            for (int iSE = 0; iSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; iSE++)
                for (int jSE = 0; jSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; jSE++)
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].nNode >= clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode)

                    int[] calSESE = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection.find_Intersection(clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].Node, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].Node);

                    if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.check_SameSet(calSESE, clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].Node)) // iSE가 jSE의 child면 // check the same of calSESE (after intersection) and iSE
                        //until here, we have just dealed with the .parentSESE
                        int pSE = jSE;
                        if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE != -1)
                            if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].nNode > clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE].nNode)
                                pSE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE;

                        clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].parentSESE = pSE;
            max_Depth = 0;
            for (int iSE = 0; iSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; iSE++)
                if (iSE == 17)
                    //int stop;
                //find Depth
                int depth = 1;
                int cSE   = iSE;
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[cSE].parentSESE == -1)
                    cSE = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[cSE].parentSESE;
                } while (true);

                //find child
                int   cntFind  = 0;
                int[] get_SESE = new int[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE]; //store a child of iSE SESE

                for (int jSE = 0; jSE < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; jSE++)
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[jSE].parentSESE == iSE)
                        get_SESE[cntFind] = jSE;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].depth  = depth;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].nChild = cntFind;
                clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].child  = new int[cntFind];
                for (int k = 0; k < cntFind; k++)
                    clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[iSE].child[k] = get_SESE[k];

                if (depth > max_Depth)
                    max_Depth = depth;
            clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].maxDepth = max_Depth;
예제 #21
        public static void polygonIdentification(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE)
            Initialize_All(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE);
            //output => polygon which contain parentSESE information

            //convert model to adjList[][]
                for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; i++)
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].depth == curDepth)
                        int curEntry = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Entry;
                        int curExit  = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].Exit;
                        if (i == 3)
                        //reduce all nested SESE in adjList
                        for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].nChild; k++)
                            int child = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].child[k];
                            int en    = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].Entry;
                            int ex    = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].Exit;
                            adjList[en]    = new int[2];
                            adjList[en][0] = 1;
                            adjList[en][1] = ex;
                            for (int z = 0; z < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].nNode; z++)
                                int temp_node = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].Node[z];
                                Mark[temp_node] = true;
                                if ((temp_node == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].Entry) || (temp_node == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[child].Exit))
                                    Mark[temp_node] = false;
                            int[] temp  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].nPost];
                            int   nTemp = 0;
                            for (int w = 0; w < graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].nPost; w++)
                                if (Mark[graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].Post[w]] == false)
                                    temp[nTemp] = graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].Post[w];
                            adjList[ex][0] = nTemp;
                            for (int w = 0; w < nTemp; w++)
                                adjList[ex][w + 1] = temp[w];
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[currentN].Node[curEntry].nPost; j++)
                            if (i == 3)
                            getPolygons = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode * 2];
                            nPolygons   = 0;
                            firstNode   = graph.Network[currentN].Node[curEntry].Post[j];
                            int after_node = get_post_exitSESE(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, i, curExit);
                            DFS_Polygon(adjList, ref Mark, firstNode, curEntry, after_node, ref getPolygons, ref nPolygons); //=> 0011110000111001110001110 sample
                            if (nPolygons > 1)
                                //process polygon
                                get_calSESE_Polygon(getPolygons, nPolygons, ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE, curEntry, curExit, curDepth, i);
                        Mark = Array.ConvertAll <bool, bool>(Mark, b => b = false);
            }while (curDepth > 0);

            for (int k = 0; k < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; k++)
                if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].depth == 1)
                    int en = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Entry;
                    int ex = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Exit;

                    adjList[en]    = new int[2];
                    adjList[en][0] = 1;
                    adjList[en][1] = ex;
                    for (int z = 0; z < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].nNode; z++)
                        Mark[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Node[z]] = true;
                        if ((clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Node[z] == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Entry) ||
                            (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Node[z] == clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Exit))
                            Mark[clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[k].Node[z]] = false;
                    int[] temp  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].nPost];
                    int   nTemp = 0;
                    for (int w = 0; w < graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].nPost; w++)
                        if (Mark[graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].Post[w]] == false)
                            temp[nTemp] = graph.Network[currentN].Node[ex].Post[w];
                    adjList[ex][0] = nTemp;
                    for (int w = 0; w < nTemp; w++)
                        adjList[ex][w + 1] = temp[w];
            //find polygon outside from START to END
            int START_plg = -1;
            int END_plg   = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[currentN].nNode; i++)
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].Kind == "START")
                    START_plg = i;
                if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[i].Kind == "END")
                    END_plg = i;
            getPolygons = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode * 2];
            nPolygons   = 0;
            firstNode   = START_plg;
            DFS_Polygon(adjList, ref Mark, firstNode, START_plg, END_plg, ref getPolygons, ref nPolygons); //=> 0011110000111001110001110 sample
            getPolygons[nPolygons - 1] = END_plg;                                                          //modify
            getPolygons[nPolygons]     = -1;                                                               //modify
            nPolygons++;                                                                                   //modify
            if (nPolygons > 1)
                get_calSESE_Polygon(getPolygons, nPolygons, ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE, -1, -1, curDepth, -1);

            //update the hierarchy of SESE (copy SESE from tempSESE to currentSESE)
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copySESE.copy_SESE(ref clsSESE, clsSESE.tempSESE, currentSESE);
            make_SESE_hierarchy(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE);