예제 #1
 void Start()
     PlayerManager  = PlayerManager.PM;
     UIManager      = UIManager.UIM;
     UpgradeManager = this.GetComponent <UpgradeManager>();
     fuelManager    = PlayerManager.GetComponent <fuel>();
예제 #2
 void Start()
     UIManager    = UIManager.UIM;
     AudioManager = AudioManager.AM;
     fuelManager  = gameObject.GetComponent <fuel>();
     ClickDrag    = gameObject.GetComponent <ClickDrag>();
예제 #3
파일: fuel.cs 프로젝트: FPlane/Flappy-Plane
    //public SpriteRenderer rend;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
예제 #4
 void Start()
     fuelManager      = PlayerManager.PM.GetComponent <fuel>();
     PlayerManager    = PlayerManager.PM;
     SceneController  = SceneController.SC;
     scrapTickBackup  = scrapTick;
     ReadoutManager   = this.GetComponent <ReadoutManager>();
     maxHaulText.text = PlayerManager.maxHaul.ToString("#,#") + " m<sup>3</sup>";
예제 #5
        private bool gameover(reactor r1, fuel f1, coolant c1)
            bool gameover = false;

            //fuel rod depletion
            if (r1.FRD >= 100)
                gameover = true;
            //max temperature (core meltdown) reached
            if (r1.RT >= f1.meltdownTemp)
                gameover = true;
            //just booted up
            if (r1.CRS == 0 && r1.CWS == 0 && r1.PL == 0 && r1.FPS == 0 && r1.FRD == 0 && r1.RT == 0 && r1.CWT == 0 && r1.TO == 0 && r1.PO == 0)
                gameover = false;

예제 #6
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            radioButton3.Enabled = false;
            radioButton6.Enabled = false;
            radioButton1.Enabled = false;
            radioButton2.Enabled = false;
            checkBox1.Enabled    = false;
            checkBox2.Enabled    = false;
            button1.Enabled      = false;
            checkBox3.Enabled    = false;
            checkBox4.Enabled    = false;
            radioButton4.Enabled = false;
            radioButton5.Enabled = false;

            numericUpDown1.Enabled = true;
            numericUpDown2.Enabled = true;
            button2.Enabled        = true;

            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                label49.Visible = true;
            } //auto power load
                numericUpDown3.Enabled = true;

            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                label51.Visible = true;
                label52.Visible = true;
            } //FPS

            if (checkBox3.Checked)
                label54.Visible = true;
                label55.Visible = true;
                label60.Visible = true;
            } //timer

            if (checkBox4.Checked)
                label56.Visible = true;
                label57.Visible = true;
                label59.Visible = true;
            } //power generated

            fuel f1 = new fuel();

            if (radioButton3.Checked)
                f1.FPSincrease  = 1.2;
                f1.meltdownTemp = 2178;
                f1.depletion    = 1.23;
            } //rbmk
            else if (radioButton6.Checked)
                f1.FPSincrease  = 2.5;
                f1.meltdownTemp = 4133;
                f1.depletion    = 1.66;
            } //quadriso

            coolant c1 = new coolant();

            if (radioButton1.Checked)
                c1.thermalConductivity = 0.62;
                c1.volumeDecrease      = 0.002;
                c1.boilingTemp         = 101.4;
            } //heavy water
            else if (radioButton2.Checked)
                c1.thermalConductivity = 0.94;
                c1.volumeDecrease      = 0.014;
                c1.boilingTemp         = 882.8;
            } //liquid sodium
            reactor r1 = new reactor();

            //fill up reactor with fuel
            r1.FRD = 0;
            //fill up reactor with control rods
            r1.CRS = 211;
            //fill up reactor with coolant
            r1.CWV = 100;
            while (!gameover(r1, f1, c1))
                //set data
                label39.Text       = Convert.ToString(r1.CRS);
                progressBar2.Value = Convert.ToInt32(label39.Text);
                label42.Text       = Convert.ToString(r1.CWS);
                progressBar4.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.CWS, 0));
                label45.Text       = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.PL, 3));
                if (r1.PL > progressBar8.Maximum)
                    progressBar8.Value = progressBar8.Maximum;
                else if (r1.PL < progressBar8.Minimum)
                    progressBar8.Value = progressBar8.Minimum;
                    progressBar8.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.PL, 0));
                label52.Text       = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.FPS, 0));
                label40.Text       = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.FRD, 3));
                progressBar3.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.FRD, 0));
                label38.Text       = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.RT, 3));
                if (r1.RT > progressBar1.Maximum)
                    progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum;
                else if (r1.RT < progressBar1.Minimum)
                    progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Minimum;
                    progressBar1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.RT, 0));
                label41.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.CWT, 3));
                if (r1.CWT > c1.boilingTemp)
                    progressBar5.Value = Convert.ToInt32(c1.boilingTemp);
                    progressBar5.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.CWT, 0));
                label43.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.TO, 3));
                if (r1.TO > progressBar7.Maximum)
                    progressBar7.Value = progressBar7.Maximum;
                    progressBar7.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.TO, 0));
                label44.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.PO, 3));
                if (r1.PO > progressBar6.Maximum)
                    progressBar6.Value = progressBar6.Maximum;
                else if (r1.PO < progressBar6.Minimum)
                    progressBar6.Value = progressBar6.Minimum;
                    progressBar6.Value = Convert.ToInt32(r1.PO);
                label62.Text        = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(r1.CWV, 3));
                progressBar12.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(r1.CWV, 0));

                //get data from prev cycle
                r1.CRS = Convert.ToDouble(label39.Text);
                r1.CWS = Convert.ToDouble(label42.Text);
                r1.PL  = Convert.ToDouble(label45.Text);
                r1.FPS = Convert.ToDouble(label52.Text);
                r1.FRD = Convert.ToDouble(label40.Text);
                r1.RT  = Convert.ToDouble(label38.Text);
                r1.CWT = Convert.ToDouble(label41.Text);
                r1.TO  = Convert.ToDouble(label43.Text);
                r1.PO  = Convert.ToDouble(label44.Text);
                r1.CWV = Convert.ToDouble(label62.Text);

                //action happens here
                r1 = cycle(r1, f1, c1);

                double time = Convert.ToDouble(label55.Text);
                time        += 0.1;
                label55.Text = Convert.ToString(time);

                //other cool features
                progressBar1.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(f1.meltdownTemp); //reactor temp
                if (r1.RT > (f1.meltdownTemp / 10) * 9)
                    label38.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    label38.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

                progressBar5.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(c1.boilingTemp); //water temp
                if (r1.CWT > (c1.boilingTemp / 10) * 9)
                    label41.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    label41.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

                if (r1.CWV > 90) //water volume
                    label62.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                else if (r1.CWV < 10)
                    label62.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    label62.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

                if (r1.TO > 374) //temp output
                    label43.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    label66.Visible   = false;
                    label68.Visible   = true;
                else if (r1.TO > 100)
                    label43.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                    label66.Visible   = false;
                    label68.Visible   = false;
                else if (r1.TO > 80)
                    label43.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    label66.Visible   = false;
                    label68.Visible   = false;
                    label43.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    label66.Visible   = true;
                    label68.Visible   = false;

                if (r1.FRD > 90) //fuel rod depletion
                    label67.Visible   = true;
                    label40.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                if (r1.CWS > 0) //gif
                    Image img = pictureBox1.Image;
                    pictureBox1.Image = img;

                //await tenth of a sec
                await Task.Delay(100);
            //game over
            MessageBox.Show("Game over");
예제 #7
        private reactor cycle(reactor r1, fuel f1, coolant c1)
            r1.CRS = Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown1.Value);                        //control rods' status

            r1.CWS = Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown2.Value);                        //water speed

            r1.FPS = ((211 - r1.CRS) * 4 * f1.FPSincrease) / ((r1.FRD + 0.1) / 10); //fission per sec

            r1.RT = r1.RT + (r1.FPS / 3.2);                                         //reactor temp

            r1.FRD = r1.FRD + (r1.FPS / f1.depletion) / 1000;                       //fuel depletion

            double exchangedTemp = 0;

            if (!(r1.RT <= 0 && r1.CWT <= 0))
                exchangedTemp = r1.RT * (c1.thermalConductivity * ((r1.CWS + 1) / c1.boilingTemp) * (r1.CWV / 100)); //exchanged temperature between reactor and coolant

            r1.CWT = r1.CWT + exchangedTemp; //water temperature

            r1.RT = r1.RT - exchangedTemp;   //reactor temperature again after exchange

            exchangedTemp = 0;
            if (!(r1.CWT <= 0))
                exchangedTemp = r1.CWT * (c1.thermalConductivity * ((r1.CWS + 1) / c1.boilingTemp) * (r1.CWV / 100)); //exchanged temperature again between coolant and output

            r1.TO = r1.TO + exchangedTemp;   //output temperature

            r1.CWT = r1.CWT - exchangedTemp; //water temperature again after exchange

            exchangedTemp = 0;
            if (!(r1.TO <= 0 && r1.CWT <= 0))
                exchangedTemp = r1.TO * (c1.thermalConductivity * ((r1.CWS + 1) / c1.boilingTemp) * (r1.CWV / 100)); //exchanged temperature again between output and the unending void itself which feeds into the neverending mouth of Nyarlathotep the Fallen Prince of the Crawling Chaos itself

            double powerOutput = (exchangedTemp * c1.thermalConductivity) - ((Math.Abs(r1.PO - r1.PL) / 1000)); //power output based on power load, exchanged temperature and thermal conductivity

            r1.PO = powerOutput * 10;                                                                           //power output display
            if (r1.TO > 100)                                                                                    //output temperature(water) to steam
                double unendingVoid = Convert.ToDouble(label57.Text);
                unendingVoid = unendingVoid + (exchangedTemp / 3.2); //temperature of the unending void which is somehow measurable and not incomprehensible to the infinitude of the human mind
                label57.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(unendingVoid, 0));

                r1.TO = r1.TO - powerOutput; //output temperature again after exchange
                r1.PO = 0; //power output display

            if (r1.TO > 374) //superheated steams' thermal conductivity is decreasing as it gets hotter
                r1.TO = r1.TO - (r1.TO - 374);

            if (checkBox1.Checked) //auto power load regulator
                if (r1.PO > Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown3.Value))
                    numericUpDown3.Value += 1;
                else if (r1.PO < Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown3.Value))
                    if (!(numericUpDown3.Value == 0))
                        numericUpDown3.Value -= 1;
            r1.PL = Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown3.Value);

            if (r1.CWT > c1.boilingTemp) //safeguards in case coolant is boiling away
                r1.CWV          = r1.CWV - r1.CWV * c1.volumeDecrease;
                label65.Visible = true;
            else //if not
                if (r1.CWV < 100)
                    r1.CWV = r1.CWV + r1.CWV * c1.volumeDecrease / 2;
                else if (r1.CWV > 100)
                    r1.CWV = 100;
                label65.Visible = false;

            //natural cooling of everything
            if (r1.RT > 0)
                r1.RT -= 0.1;
            if (r1.CWT > 0)
                r1.CWT -= 0.1;
            if (r1.TO > 0)
                r1.TO -= 0.1;

            //other things (do not remove)
            if (r1.RT < 0)
                r1.RT = 0;
            if (r1.CWT < 0)
                r1.CWT = 0;
            if (r1.TO < 0)
                r1.TO = 0;

예제 #8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     PlayerRB = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     fuel     = gameObject.GetComponent <fuel>();