private void newWaitingListStationUC1_OnWaitingSuccessProcess(object sender, StatusTransaction isCallQueue, string e) { this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); lbAlertMsg.Text = e; if (isCallQueue == StatusTransaction.True) { DisableBtnAll(); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); if (Program.CurrentRegis != null) { this.tpr_id = Program.CurrentRegis.tpr_id; this.tps_id = Program.CurrentPatient_queue.tps_id; clsCountDown.startCountDown(0, clsCountDown.GetTimeCountDown()); StatusNSWR(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "No patient on queue!"; StatusEmptyRoom(); } frmbg.Close(); } }
private void GridWaitingList_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (_mrm_id == null || _mrd_id == null || mut_id == null) { } else { if (e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } try { if (!_ableDoubleClick) { return; } DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; Class.WaitingListCls.WaitingListDtl data = (Class.WaitingListCls.WaitingListDtl)dgv.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem; int tpr_id = data.tpr_id; string queueNo = ""; int tps_id = 0; frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); StatusTransaction onWaiting = new Class.FunctionDataCls().checkStatusWaiting(tpr_id, (int)_mrm_id, ref tps_id, ref queueNo); frmbg.Close(); if (onWaiting == StatusTransaction.False) { _OnWaitingSuccessProcess(StatusTransaction.False, queueNo + " อยู่ในสถานะที่ไม่สามารถดำเนินการได้ กรุณาตรวจสอบ"); } else { string messageAlert = ""; frmManageWaiting frmWaiting = new frmManageWaiting(); StatusTransaction isCallQ = frmWaiting.isCallQueue(tps_id, ref messageAlert); if (isCallQ == StatusTransaction.True) { } _OnWaitingSuccessProcess(isCallQ, messageAlert); } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.MessageError(this.Name, "GridWaitingList_CellDoubleClick", ex, false); } finally { Program.RefreshWaiting = true; } } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); LoadHandlerCountDown(); this.Text = PrePareData.StaticDataCls.RoomName(this.Text); if (FormStatus == formStatus.isStation) { //uiFooter1.LoadData(); refreshTool(); } frmbg.Close(); }
private void GridWaitingList_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } try { if (!_ableDoubleClick) { return; } Program.RefreshWaiting = false; int tpr_id = (int)(GridWaitingList.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["tpr_id"].Value); string queueNo = ""; int tps_id = 0; frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); StatusTransaction onWaiting = new Class.FunctionDataCls().checkStatusWaiting(tpr_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrm_id, ref tps_id, ref queueNo); frmbg.Close(); if (onWaiting == StatusTransaction.False) { _OnWaitingSuccessProcess(StatusTransaction.False, queueNo + " อยู่ในสถานะที่ไม่สามารถดำเนินการได้ กรุณาตรวจสอบ"); } else { string messageAlert = ""; frmManageWaiting frmWaiting = new frmManageWaiting(); StatusTransaction isCallQ = frmWaiting.isCallQueue(tps_id, ref messageAlert); if (isCallQ == StatusTransaction.True) { } _OnWaitingSuccessProcess(isCallQ, messageAlert); } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.MessageError("UIWaitList", "GridWaitingList_CellDoubleClick", ex, false); } finally { Program.RefreshWaiting = true; } }
private void btnSendToCheckB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); if (saveData()) { int tps_id = Program.CurrentPatient_queue.tps_id; int mrm_id = Program.CurrentRoom.mrm_id; string messege = ""; StatusTransaction sendToB = new Class.SendQueue().SendToCheckB((int)tpr_id, mrm_id, ref messege); if (sendToB == StatusTransaction.True) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendCheckB, (int)tpr_id, tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Text = messege; StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } else if (sendToB == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "ระบบเกิดความผิดพลาดไม่สามารถส่งไปยัง Checkpoint B ได้ กรุณา กดปุ่ม go to Checkpoint B อีกครั้ง"; StatusWK(); } } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Incomplete. Please Try Again."; StatusWK(); } frmbg.Close(); }
private void btnCallQueue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); try { //noina StatusTransaction callQ = CallQueue.P_CallQueueWaitReady(); //end noina if (callQ == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "กรุณากด Call Queue อีกครั้ง"; btnCallQueue.Enabled = true; } else { if (Program.CurrentRegis != null) { this.tpr_id = Program.CurrentRegis.tpr_id; clsCountDown.startCountDown(0, clsCountDown.GetTimeCountDown()); StatusNSWR(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "No patient on queue!"; StatusEmptyRoom(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.MessageError(this.Name, "btnCallQueue_Click", ex, false); } finally { frmbg.Close(); } }
private void btnCallQueue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); try { //noina if (this.mrd_id != null && this.user != null) { QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls.PatientCallQueue CallQueue = new QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls().CallQueue((int)this.mrd_id, this.user.mut_id, this.user.mut_username); if (CallQueue.Status == QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls.PatientCallQueue.StatusCallQueue.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "กรุณากด Call Queue อีกครั้ง"; StatusEmptyRoom(); } else if (CallQueue.Status == QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls.PatientCallQueue.StatusCallQueue.NoPatient) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "No patient on queue!"; StatusEmptyRoom(); } else { this.tpr_id = CallQueue.tpr_id; this.tps_id = CallQueue.tps_id; clsCountDown.startCountDown(0, clsCountDown.GetTimeCountDown()); StatusNSWR(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.MessageError(this.Name, "btnCallQueue_Click", ex, false); } finally { frmbg.Close(); } }
public bool SendtoDocscan(string roomcode, int tprid, string en, string careProvider) { Boolean isCompleted = false; try { using (InhCheckupDataContext dbc = new InhCheckupDataContext()) { if (CheckPath(dbc, roomcode) == true) { frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); Send(roomcode, tprid); if (SaveToDocScan(dbc, roomcode, tprid, en, careProvider)) { //dbc.pw_Update_Docscan(tprid, roomcode); dbc.SubmitChanges(); HistoryData.savestatus = "Send To Docscan Completed"; isCompleted = true; } frmbg.Close(); } else { HistoryData.savestatus = "Not found report !"; } } } catch { DeleteFile(); } return(isCompleted); }
private void btnSendAuto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); Class.FunctionDataCls func = new Class.FunctionDataCls(); EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls mst = new EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls(); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); try { if (resultUltrasound == PopupUltrasoundLower.ResultPopupUltrasoundLower.AfterStation) { List <int> mvt = mst.GetMstRoomEventByMrm(Program.CurrentRoom.mrm_id).Select(x => x.mvt_id).ToList(); Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus result = func.sendQueueUltrasoundLower(resultUltrasound, mvt); if (result == Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus.error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "เกิดความผิดพลาดทางเทคนิค ไม่สามารถส่งไป ultrasound ได้ กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ"; StatusWK(); } else if (result == Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus.sendSuccess) { new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Text = func.GetStrSaveAndSend((int)tpr_id, "US", "UL"); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } } else { if (new Class.FunctionDataCls().ChkSendAutoNewModule(Program.CurrentRegis)) { string msgAlert = ""; bool isPopup = false; QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue result = new QueueClass.SendAutoCls().SendAuto((int)tps_id, user, ref msgAlert, ref isPopup); if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; StatusWK(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.SendComplete) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } else { if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } } } else { StatusTransaction result = CallQueue.SendAutoOnStation(); if (result == StatusTransaction.True || result == StatusTransaction.SendCheckB) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); lbAlertMsg.Text = new Class.FunctionDataCls().getStringGotoNextRoom((int)tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } else if (result == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "โปรดกด Send Auto อีกครั้ง"; StatusWK(); } else if (result == StatusTransaction.False) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Complete."; StatusWK(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { lbAlertMsg.Text = ex.Message; StatusWK(); } frmbg.Close(); }
private void btnSendAuto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); List <int> mvt_id = new List <int>(); if (uu.enable && uu.visible && uu.check && uu.autoCheck) { mvt_id.Add(uu.mvt_id); } if (ul.enable && ul.visible && ul.check && ul.autoCheck) { mvt_id.Add(ul.mvt_id); } if (ub.enable && ub.visible && ub.check && ub.autoCheck) { mvt_id.Add(ub.mvt_id); } if (uw.enable && uw.visible && uw.check && uw.autoCheck) { mvt_id.Add(uw.mvt_id); } if (mvt_id.Count() == 0) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "กรุณาเลือก Order ที่ต้องการตรวจเพิ่มอย่างน้อย 1 รายการ"; StatusWK(); } else { if (CheckMinLower()) { if (SkipLower()) { Class.FunctionDataCls func = new Class.FunctionDataCls(); EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls mst = new EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls(); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); try { if (new Class.FunctionDataCls().ChkSendAutoNewModule(Program.CurrentRegis)) { string msgAlert = ""; bool isPopup = false; QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue result = new QueueClass.SendAutoCls().SendAuto((int)tps_id, mvt_id, user, ref msgAlert, ref isPopup); if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; StatusWK(); } else if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.OldRoom) { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; StatusWK(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.SendComplete) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } else { if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } } //using (Service.WS_Checkup ws = new Service.WS_Checkup()) //{ // WS_PathWay.SendAutoResult result = ws.SendAuto((int)tps_id, mvt_id.ToArray(), user.mut_username, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id); // if (result.SendResult == WS_PathWay.Result.Error) // { // lbAlertMsg.Text = result.AlertMsg; // StatusWK(); // } // else // { // if (result.SendResult == WS_PathWay.Result.Complete) // { // new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); // new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); // StatusEmptyRoom(); // this.tpr_id = null; // lbAlertMsg.Text = result.AlertMsg; // } // else // { // lbAlertMsg.Text = result.AlertMsg; // StatusWK(); // } // } //} } else { StatusTransaction result = CallQueue.SendAutoOnStation(mvt_id); if (result == StatusTransaction.True || result == StatusTransaction.SendCheckB) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); lbAlertMsg.Text = new Class.FunctionDataCls().getStringGotoNextRoom((int)tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } else if (result == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "โปรดกด Send Auto อีกครั้ง"; StatusWK(); } else if (result == StatusTransaction.False) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Complete."; StatusWK(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lbAlertMsg.Text = ex.Message; StatusWK(); } finally { frmbg.Close(); } } else { StatusWK(); } } else { StatusWK(); } } }
private void btnSendToCheckB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); int mrm_id = Program.CurrentRoom.mrm_id; string messege = ""; List <int> mvt_id = new List <int>(); if (uu.enable && uu.visible && uu.check) { mvt_id.Add(uu.mvt_id); } if (ul.enable && ul.visible && ul.check) { mvt_id.Add(ul.mvt_id); } if (ub.enable && ub.visible && ub.check) { mvt_id.Add(ub.mvt_id); } if (uw.enable && uw.visible && uw.check) { mvt_id.Add(uw.mvt_id); } if (mvt_id.Count() == 0) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "กรุณาเลือก Order ที่ต้องการตรวจเพิ่มอย่างน้อย 1 รายการ"; StatusWK(); } else { StatusTransaction sendToB = new Class.SendQueue().SendToCheckB((int)tpr_id, mvt_id, (int)this.tps_id, ref messege); if (sendToB == StatusTransaction.True) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendCheckB, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Text = messege; StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } else if (sendToB == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "ระบบเกิดความผิดพลาดไม่สามารถส่งไปยัง Checkpoint B ได้ กรุณา กดปุ่ม go to Checkpoint B อีกครั้ง"; StatusWK(); } } frmbg.Close(); }
public void GetHistory(string roomCode, string enCurrent, int tprid) { try { using (InhCheckupDataContext dbc = new InhCheckupDataContext()) { frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); HistoryData.filelength = 0; HistoryData.newImage = null; HistoryData.bmpData = null; HistoryData.arrlist.Clear(); // getDocCode = dbc.pw_Get_DocCode(roomCode).ToList(); DateTime datenow = Program.GetServerDateTime(); var getDocCode = (from t1 in dbc.mst_reports join t2 in dbc.mst_report_docscans on t1.mrt_id equals t2.mrt_id where t1.mrt_code == roomCode && t1.mrt_status == 'A' && datenow >= t1.mrt_effective_date.Value && (t1.mrt_expire_date != null ? (datenow <= t1.mrt_expire_date.Value) : true) orderby t2.mds_page_no select new { filereport = t1.mrt_path_file + "/" + t1.mrt_file_name, t2.mds_doc_code, t2.mds_page_code, t2.mds_page_no, }).ToList(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (getDocCode.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= getDocCode.Count - 1; i++) { string hn = (from t1 in dbc.trn_patient_regis where t1.tpr_id == tprid select t1.trn_patient.tpt_hn_no).FirstOrDefault(); string strEn = enCurrent; string strHn = hn; string[] sAryHN = strHn.Split('-'); string[] sAryEN = strEn.Split('-'); HistoryData.HN = sAryHN[0] + sAryHN[1] + sAryHN[2]; HistoryData.EN = sAryEN[0] + sAryEN[1] + sAryEN[2]; = getDocCode[i].mds_page_code + getDocCode[i].mds_page_no; HistoryData.doctorCode = Program.CurrentUser.mut_carevider_code; HistoryData.locationCode = Program.CurrentSite.mhs_code; HistoryData.documentCode = getDocCode[i].mds_doc_code; //ds = wsSaveDocscan.getDocumentList(HistoryData.HN, HistoryData.EN, "", HistoryData.documentCode,; // ds = wsSaveDocscan.getDocumentList("0111006591", "O0113450939", "", "VVF", "A1"); if (ds != null) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; HistoryData.Totalpage = dt.Rows.Count; for (int j = 0; j <= dt.Rows.Count - 1; j++) { HistoryData.item = dt.Rows[j][1].ToString(); HistoryData.img = wsSaveDocscan.getImage(HistoryData.HN, HistoryData.EN, HistoryData.item); //HistoryData.img = wsSaveDocscan.getImage("0111006591", "O0113450939", "1"); byte[] buffer = HistoryData.img; MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(buffer); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms2); Image img = (Image)bmp; HistoryData.bmpData = bmp; HistoryData.arrlist.Add(img); HistoryData.filelength = HistoryData.filelength + 1; HistoryData.newImage = (Image)HistoryData.arrlist[j]; } HistoryData.count = 0; } } } if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (HistoryData.showform != 'N') { frmViewDocScan frm = new frmViewDocScan(); frm.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("View docscan Failed ! Please contact administrator", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } frmbg.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
private void btnSendAuto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableBtnAll(); DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; this.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); //tps_id = Program.CurrentPatient_queue.tps_id; Class.FunctionDataCls func = new Class.FunctionDataCls(); EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls mst = new EmrClass.GetDataMasterCls(); frmBGScreen frmbg = new frmBGScreen(); frmbg.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); try { int patientMvt = paRegis.trn_patient_queues.Where(x => x.tps_id == tps_id) .Select(x => (int)x.mvt_id).FirstOrDefault(); using (InhCheckupDataContext contxt = new InhCheckupDataContext()) { string mvt_code = contxt.mst_events.Where(x => x.mvt_id == patientMvt).Select(x => x.mvt_code).FirstOrDefault(); if (mvt_code == "PE") { if (new Class.FunctionDataCls().checkPassedCheckPointB((int)this.tpr_id)) { this.PatientEvent = PatientEventStatus.PEAfterCheckB; } else { this.PatientEvent = PatientEventStatus.PEBeforeCheckB; } } else { this.PatientEvent = PatientEventStatus.Result; } } if (saveData()) { if (this.PatientEvent == PatientEventStatus.PEBeforeCheckB) { bool sent = new QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls().SendQueueDoctorPEBeforeCheckB((int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, user.mut_username); if (sent) { lbAlertMsg.Text = new Class.FunctionDataCls().getStringGotoNextRoom((int)tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "โปรดกด Send Auto อีกครั้ง";; StatusWK(); } } else if (this.PatientEvent == PatientEventStatus.PEAfterCheckB) { if (resultUltrasound == PopupUltrasoundLower.ResultPopupUltrasoundLower.AfterStation) { List <int> mvt = mst.GetMstRoomEventByMrm(Program.CurrentRoom.mrm_id).Select(x => x.mvt_id).ToList(); Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus result = func.sendQueueUltrasoundLower(resultUltrasound, mvt); if (result == Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus.error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "เกิดความผิดพลาดทางเทคนิค ไม่สามารถส่งไป ultrasound ได้ กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ"; StatusWK(); } else if (result == Class.FunctionDataCls.sendQueueStatus.sendSuccess) { new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Text = func.GetStrSaveAndSend((int)tpr_id, "US", "UL"); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } } else { if (new Class.FunctionDataCls().ChkSendAutoNewModule(Program.CurrentRegis)) { string msgAlert = ""; bool isPopup = false; List <int> list_mvt_id = new List <int> { patientMvt }; QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue result = new QueueClass.SendAutoCls().SendAuto((int)tps_id, list_mvt_id, user, ref msgAlert, ref isPopup); if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; StatusWK(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; if (result == QueueClass.SendAutoCls.ResultSendQueue.SendComplete) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } else { if (isPopup) { MessageBox.Show(msgAlert, "EMR Checkup."); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = msgAlert; } } } } else { StatusTransaction result = CallQueue.SendAutoOnStation(); if (result == StatusTransaction.True || result == StatusTransaction.SendCheckB) { new Class.logPatientFlowCls(Class.logPatientFlowCls.sendType.SendAuto, (int)tpr_id, (int)tps_id, Program.CurrentSite.mhs_id, Program.CurrentRoom.mrd_ename, Program.CurrentUser.mut_username, startDate); new ClsTCPClient().sendClearUnitDisplay(); lbAlertMsg.Visible = true; new Class.ReserveSkipCls().SendAndReserve(tpr_id); lbAlertMsg.Text = new Class.FunctionDataCls().getStringGotoNextRoom((int)tpr_id); StatusEmptyRoom(); this.tpr_id = null; } else if (result == StatusTransaction.Error) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "โปรดกด Send Auto อีกครั้ง"; StatusWK(); } else if (result == StatusTransaction.False) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Complete."; StatusWK(); } } } } else if (this.PatientEvent == PatientEventStatus.Result) { bool sent = new QueueClass.TransactionQueueCls().SendQueueDoctorResult((int)tps_id, user.mut_username); if (sent) { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Sent To Checkpoint C."; StatusEmptyRoom(); } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Incomplete. Please Try Again."; StatusWK(); } } } else { lbAlertMsg.Text = "Save Data Incomplete. Please Try Again."; StatusWK(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lbAlertMsg.Text = ex.Message; StatusWK(); } frmbg.Close(); }