public static async Task <bool> firmaProjeKontrol(int firma_id, int musteri_id) { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); if (firma_id == 0) { return(true); } var f = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && == firma_id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); string queryMusteriCount = "select count(id) from proje_surec where tur = " + ProjeSurecTur.proje + " and flag != " + durumlar.silindi.ToString() + " and firma_id = " + firma_id.ToString() + " and id != " + musteri_id; var kc = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(queryMusteriCount).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(f, kc); firma_musavir fm = f.Result; int projeCount = kc.Result; if (fm == null) { return(false); } else if (fm.proje_sayisi > projeCount) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public JsonResult silFirmaMusavir(string id) { try { firma_musavir fm = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.url.Equals(id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fm == null) { return(Json(FormReturnTypes.basarisiz, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } fm.flag = durumlar.silindi; db.Entry(fm).State = EntityState.Modified; if ( == GetCurrentUser.GetUser().firma_id) { kullaniciIslemleri ki = new kullaniciIslemleri(); ki.resetLoginInfo(); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { return(Json(FormReturnTypes.basarisiz, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(FormReturnTypes.basarili, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
} // End Sub SetAuthCookie public static async Task <bool> firmaKullaniciKontrol(int firma_id, int user_id) { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); if (firma_id == 0) { return(true); } /*if (user_id == 0) * { * var f = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && == firma_id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); * string queryKullaniciCount = "select count(id) from firma_musavir where flag = " + durumlar.aktif.ToString() + " and firma_id = " + firma_id.ToString(); * var kc = db.Database.SqlQuery<int>(queryKullaniciCount).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); * * await Task.WhenAll(f, kc); * * firma_musavir fm = f.Result; * int kullaniciCount = kc.Result; * * if (fm == null) * { * return false; * } * else if(fm.kullanici_sayisi < kullaniciCount) * { * return true; * } * else * { * return false; * } * } * else * {*/ var f = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && == firma_id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); string queryKullaniciCount = "select count(id) from kullanicilar where (flag = " + durumlar.emailOnayBekliyor.ToString() + " or flag = " + durumlar.aktif.ToString() + ") and firma_id = " + firma_id.ToString() + " and id != " + user_id; var kc = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(queryKullaniciCount).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(f, kc); firma_musavir fm = f.Result; int kullaniciCount = kc.Result; if (fm == null) { return(false); } else if (fm.kullanici_sayisi > kullaniciCount) { return(true); } else { return(false); } //} }
public ActionResult firmaMusavirDuzenle(string id) { try { firma_musavir fm = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.url.Equals(id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fm == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(fm)); } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> GorevBilgisi(string id) { LoggedUserModel lgm = GetCurrentUser.GetUser(); List <object> nesneler = new List <object>(); var g = db.gorevler.Where(e => e.flag != durumlar.silindi && e.url.Equals(id)).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); vrlfgysdbEntities db2 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var ml = db2.musteriler.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif).ToListAsync(); vrlfgysdbEntities db3 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var kl = db3.kullanicilar.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif).ToListAsync(); vrlfgysdbEntities db4 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var p = db4.proje_surec.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.tur == ProjeSurecTur.proje).ToListAsync(); vrlfgysdbEntities db5 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var s = db5.proje_surec.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.tur == ProjeSurecTur.surec).ToListAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(g, ml, kl, p, s); var grv = g.Result; List <musteriler> musteriList = ml.Result; if (grv == null) { grv = new gorevler(); grv.baslangic_tarihi = DateTime.Now; grv.bitis_tarihi = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1); } List <kullanicilar> kullaniciList = kl.Result; nesneler.Add(grv); nesneler.Add(p.Result); nesneler.Add(s.Result); nesneler.Add(musteriList); if (lgm.kullanici_turu == KullaniciTurleri.super_admin || lgm.kullanici_turu == KullaniciTurleri.firma_admin || lgm.kullanici_turu == KullaniciTurleri.firma_yetkili) { nesneler.Add(kullaniciList); } else { nesneler.Add(null); } vrlfgysdbEntities db6 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var ytk = db6.kullanici_gorev.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.gorev_id == && e.kullanici_id ==; vrlfgysdbEntities db7 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var gp = db7.gorev_proje.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && e.gorev_id ==; vrlfgysdbEntities db8 = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var frm = db8.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && == grv.firma_id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(ytk, gp, frm); kullanici_gorev kullaniciGorev = ytk.Result; gorev_proje gorevProje = gp.Result; firma_musavir firma = frm.Result; if (gorevProje == null) { gorevProje = new gorev_proje(); } nesneler.Add(gorevProje); nesneler.Add(lgm); nesneler.Add(firma); return(View(nesneler)); }
public async Task <CevapModel> KullaniciLogin() { try { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); var context = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current); HttpRequestBase request = context.Request; string gelenJson; using (Stream receiveStream = request.InputStream) { using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { gelenJson = readStream.ReadToEnd(); } } KullanicilarModelServis kullanici = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <KullanicilarModelServis>(gelenJson); kullanici.password = HashWithSha.ComputeHash(kullanici.password, "SHA512", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(kullanici.password)); kullanicilar dbKullanici = db.kullanicilar.Where(e => e.flag == durumlar.aktif && && e.password.Equals(kullanici.password)).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbKullanici == null) { return(CreateCevap.cevapOlustur(false, "Yanlış E-mail ya da şifre. Lütfen girdiğiniz bilgileri kontrol ederek tekrar deneyiniz.", null)); } KullanicilarModelServis ym = new KullanicilarModelServis(); foreach (var property in ym.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { var response = dbKullanici.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(dbKullanici, null).ToString(); if (response == null && property.PropertyType != typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { continue; } } else { PropertyInfo propertyS = ym.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name); if (property.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { propertyS.SetValue(ym, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { propertyS.SetValue(ym, Convert.ChangeType(0, property.PropertyType), null); } else { propertyS.SetValue(ym, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } } else { propertyS.SetValue(ym, Convert.ChangeType(response, property.PropertyType), null); } } } catch (Exception) { } } firma_musavir fm = dbKullanici.firma_musavir.FirstOrDefault(); if (fm != null) { ym.konum_periyot = fm.konum_periyot; } else { ym.konum_periyot = 1; } return(CreateCevap.cevapOlustur(true, "", ym)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(CreateCevap.cevapOlustur(false, "Bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz", null)); } }
public string yeniFirmaMusavir(HttpRequestBase Request) { try { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); int vid = 1; if (db.firma_musavir.Count() != 0) { vid = db.firma_musavir.Max(e => e.vid) + 1; } int sort = 1; if (db.firma_musavir.Count() != 0) { sort = db.firma_musavir.Max(e => e.sort) + 1; } firma_musavir fm = new firma_musavir(); foreach (var property in fm.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { var response = Request[property.Name]; if (response == null && property.PropertyType != typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { continue; } } else { PropertyInfo propertyS = fm.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name); if (property.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { propertyS.SetValue(fm, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { if (response == null) { propertyS.SetValue(fm, Convert.ChangeType(0, property.PropertyType), null); } else { propertyS.SetValue(fm, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } } else { propertyS.SetValue(fm, Convert.ChangeType(response, property.PropertyType), null); } } } catch (Exception) { } } string strImageName = StringFormatter.OnlyEnglishChar(fm.firma_adi); string createdUrl = strImageName; string tempUrl = createdUrl; bool bulundu = false; int i = 0; firma_musavir pg = new firma_musavir(); do { pg = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.url.Equals(tempUrl)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pg != null) { tempUrl = tempUrl + i.ToString(); } else { createdUrl = tempUrl; bulundu = true; } i++; } while (!bulundu); fm.url = createdUrl; fm.flag = durumlar.aktif; = DateTime.Now; fm.vid = vid; fm.sort = sort; fm.isim = ""; fm.ekleyen = GetCurrentUser.GetUser().id; db.firma_musavir.Add(fm); db.SaveChanges(); return(fm.url); } catch (Exception e) { return(""); } }
public string firmaMusavirDuzenle(string url, HttpRequestBase Request) { try { vrlfgysdbEntities db = new vrlfgysdbEntities(); firma_musavir dbfm = db.firma_musavir.Where(e => e.url.Equals(url)).FirstOrDefault(); string dbUrlTemp = dbfm.url; //firma_musavir fm = new firma_musavir(); foreach (var property in dbfm.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { var response = Request[property.Name]; if (response == null) { if (response == null) { continue; } } else { PropertyInfo propertyS = dbfm.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name); if (property.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { propertyS.SetValue(dbfm, Convert.ChangeType(Decimal.Parse(response.Replace('.', ',')), property.PropertyType), null); } else { propertyS.SetValue(dbfm, Convert.ChangeType(response, property.PropertyType), null); } } } catch (Exception) { } } dbfm.url = dbUrlTemp; db.Entry(dbfm).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); if ( == GetCurrentUser.GetUser().firma_id) { kullaniciIslemleri ki = new kullaniciIslemleri(); ki.resetLoginInfo(); } return(dbfm.url); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException.ToString().Contains("email_unique")) { return("email_unique"); } else { return(""); } } }