private SalePointEntities db = new SalePointEntities();// Nos ayuda a conectarnos a la db y esta linea se obtuvo del RestController

        // GET: /Search/

        public ActionResult Index()
            // get data from db
            var products = db.product.ToList();

            // create model
            var model = new filtroProductModels();

            // fill restaurants in model
            model.Product = products;

            // return model to the view
        public ActionResult Index(filtroProductModels model)
            var search = model.SearchText;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
                model.Product = db.product.ToList();
                // fill restaurants in model
                model.Product = db.product.Where(x => x.family_product.description.Contains(search)).ToList();

            // return model to the view