public HttpResponseMessage Getarticles(int id) { clsArticles objArticle = new clsArticles(); try { objArticle = (from a in db.articles where ( == id) select new clsArticles() { id =, name =, description = a.description, total_in_shelf = a.total_in_shelf, total_in_vault = a.total_in_vault, store_id = a.store_id }).FirstOrDefault <clsArticles>(); if (objArticle == null) { objError = objResponse.responseError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, objError, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } objResponseArticles = objResponse.responseArticleSuccess(objArticle, articlesTotal()); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, objResponseArticles, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } catch (Exception ex) { objError = objResponse.responseError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, objError, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Getstores(int id) { clsStores objStores = new clsStores(); try { objStores = (from a in db.stores where ( == id) select new clsStores() { id =, name =, address = a.address }).FirstOrDefault <clsStores>(); if (objStores == null) { objError = objResponse.responseError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, objError, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } objResponseStores = objResponse.responseStoresSuccess(objStores, storesTotal()); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, objResponseStores, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } catch (Exception ex) { objError = objResponse.responseError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, objError, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public void bindAll(Game game) { engine = MatchvsEngine.getInstance(); = game; registerUserRes = new registerUserResponse(registerUserResponseInner); initRes = new initResponse(initResponseInner); loginRes = new loginResponse(loginResponseInner); errorRes = new errorResponse(errorResponseInner); joinRoomRes = new joinRoomResponse(joinRoomResponseInner); joinRoomNot = new joinRoomNotify(joinRoomNotifyInner); joinOverRes = new joinOverResponse(joinOverResponseInner); sendFrameEventRes = new sendFrameEventResponse(sendFrameEventResponseInner); frameUp = new frameUpdate(frameUpdateInner); setFrameSyncRes = new setFrameSyncResponse(setFrameSyncResponseInner); setFrameSyncNot = new setFrameSyncNotify(setFrameSyncNotifyInner); engine.listen("initResponse", initRes); engine.listen("loginResponse", loginRes); engine.listen("errorResponse", errorRes); engine.listen("joinRoomResponse", joinRoomRes); engine.listen("joinRoomNotify", joinRoomNot); engine.listen("joinOverResponse", joinOverRes); engine.listen("sendFrameEventResponse", sendFrameEventRes); engine.listen("frameUpdate", frameUp); engine.listen("setFrameSyncResponse", setFrameSyncRes); engine.listen("setFrameSyncNotify", setFrameSyncNot); }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse401() { legalEntityId = "201401"; request = new legalEntityAgreementCreateRequest { legalEntityAgreement = new legalEntityAgreement { legalEntityAgreementType = legalEntityAgreementType.MERCHANT_AGREEMENT, agreementVersion = "Version1", userFullName = "FullName", userSystemName = "systemUserName", userIPAddress = "", manuallyEntered = true, acceptanceDateTime = DateTime.Now } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityAgreementCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestPostLegalEntityCreateRequestErrorResponse400() { legalEntityId = "201400"; request = new legalEntityAgreementCreateRequest { legalEntityAgreement = new legalEntityAgreement { legalEntityAgreementType = legalEntityAgreementType.MERCHANT_AGREEMENT, agreementVersion = "Version1", userFullName = "FullName", userSystemName = "systemUserName", userIPAddress = "", manuallyEntered = true, acceptanceDateTime = DateTime.Now } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityAgreementCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Could not find requested object.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse500() { legalEntityId = "201500"; request = new legalEntityAgreementCreateRequest { legalEntityAgreement = new legalEntityAgreement { legalEntityAgreementType = legalEntityAgreementType.MERCHANT_AGREEMENT, agreementVersion = "Version1", userFullName = "FullName", userSystemName = "systemUserName", userIPAddress = "", manuallyEntered = true, acceptanceDateTime = DateTime.Now } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityAgreementCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Internal Error. This error has already been escalated to Vantiv for resolution. Please contact support with questions.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public PayFacWebException(string errorMessage, int httpStatusCode, string rawResponse, errorResponse errorResponse) : base(errorMessage + ExtractErrorMessages(errorResponse)) { ErrorMessage = errorMessage; HttpStatusCode = httpStatusCode; RawResponse = rawResponse; this.errorResponse = errorResponse; }
public void TestPutSubMerchantUpdateRequestErrorResponse400() { legalEntityId = "201400"; subMerchantId = "9"; request = new subMerchantUpdateRequest { amexMid = "1234567890", discoverConveyedMid = "123456789012345", url = "http://merchantUrl", customerServiceNumber = "8407809000", hardCodedBillingDescriptor = "Descriptor", maxTransactionAmount = 8400, bankRoutingNumber = "840123124", bankAccountNumber = "84012312415", pspMerchantId = "785412365", purchaseCurrency = "USD", address = new addressUpdatable { streetAddress1 = "Street Address 1", streetAddress2 = "Street Address 2", city = "City", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01970" }, primaryContact = new subMerchantPrimaryContactUpdatable { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", phone = "9785552222" }, fraud = new subMerchantFraudFeature() { enabled = true }, amexAcquired = new subMerchantAmexAcquiredFeature { enabled = true }, eCheck = new subMerchantECheckFeature { enabled = true, eCheckBillingDescriptor = "9785552222", } }; try { response = request.PutSubMerchantUpdateRequest(legalEntityId, subMerchantId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Could not find requested object.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public static string ExtractErrorMessages(errorResponse errorResponse) { var errorMessages = errorResponse.errors; StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var err in errorMessages) { errorBuilder.Append(err); } return(errorBuilder.ToString()); }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse503() { legalEntitytId = "201503"; try { legalEntityRetrievalResponse response = new LegalEntityRetrievalRequest().GetLegalEntityRequest(legalEntitytId); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Service was unavailable.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse401() { legalEntitytId = "201401"; try { legalEntityRetrievalResponse response = new LegalEntityRetrievalRequest().GetLegalEntityRequest(legalEntitytId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse500() { legalEntitytId = "201500"; try { legalEntityRetrievalResponse response = new LegalEntityRetrievalRequest().GetLegalEntityRequest(legalEntitytId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Internal Error. This error has already been escalated to Vantiv for resolution. Please contact support with questions.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse400() { legalEntitytId = "201400"; try { legalEntityRetrievalResponse response = new LegalEntityRetrievalRequest().GetLegalEntityRequest(legalEntitytId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Could not find requested object.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetSubMerchantRequestErrorResponse503() { legalEntitytId = "201503"; submerchantId = "1234567"; try { subMerchantRetrievalResponse response = new SubMerchantRetrievalRequest().GetSubMerchantRequest(legalEntitytId, submerchantId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Service was unavailable.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestPrincipalDeleteRequestInvalidPrincipalId() { legalEntitytId = "201003"; principalId = "12"; try { principalDeleteResponse response = new principalDeleteRequest().PrincipalDeleteRequest(legalEntitytId, principalId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("The Legal Entity Principal does not exist.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse503() { legalEntitytId = "201503"; principalId = "9"; try { principalDeleteResponse response = new principalDeleteRequest().PrincipalDeleteRequest(legalEntitytId, principalId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Service was unavailable.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse401() { legalEntityId = "201401"; request = new legalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest { principal = new legalEntityPrincipal { title = "Mr.", firstName = "Jon", lastName = "Snow", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 10, 12), address = new principalAddress { streetAddress1 = "p2 street address 1", streetAddress2 = "p2 street address 2", city = "Boston", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01892", countryCode = "USA" }, stakePercent = 31, } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestGetLegalEntityRetrievalRequestErrorResponse500() { legalEntityId = "201500"; request = new legalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest { principal = new legalEntityPrincipal { title = "Mr.", firstName = "Jon", lastName = "Snow", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 10, 12), address = new principalAddress { streetAddress1 = "p2 street address 1", streetAddress2 = "p2 street address 2", city = "Boston", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01892", countryCode = "USA" }, stakePercent = 31, } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Internal Error. This error has already been escalated to Vantiv for resolution. Please contact support with questions.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestPostLegalEntityPrincipalCreateRequestErrorResponse400() { legalEntityId = "201400"; request = new legalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest { principal = new legalEntityPrincipal { title = "Mr.", firstName = "Jon", lastName = "Snow", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 10, 12), address = new principalAddress { streetAddress1 = "p2 street address 1", streetAddress2 = "p2 street address 2", city = "Boston", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01892", countryCode = "USA" }, stakePercent = 31, } }; try { response = request.PostLegalEntityPrincipalCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Could not find requested object.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestPutLegalEntityUpdateRequestErrorResponse400() { legalEntityId = "201400"; request = new legalEntityUpdateRequest { address = new addressUpdatable { streetAddress1 = "LE Street Address 1", streetAddress2 = "LE Street Address 2", city = "LE City", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01730", countryCode = "USA", }, contactPhone = "9785550101", doingBusinessAs = "Other Name Co.", annualCreditCardSalesVolume = 10000000, hasAcceptedCreditCards = true, principal = new legalEntityPrincipalUpdatable { principalId = 9, title = "CEO", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", contactPhone = "9785551234", address = new principalAddress { streetAddress1 = "p street address 1", streetAddress2 = "p street address 2", city = "Boston", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01890", countryCode = "USA", }, backgroundCheckFields = new principalBackgroundCheckFields { firstName = "p first", lastName = "p last", ssn = "123459876", dateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 10, 12), driversLicense = "892327409832", driversLicenseState = "MA" }, }, backgroundCheckFields = new legalEntityBackgroundCheckFields { legalEntityName = "Company Name", legalEntityType = legalEntityType.INDIVIDUAL_SOLE_PROPRIETORSHIP, taxId = "123456789" }, legalEntityOwnershipType = legalEntityOwnershipType.PUBLIC, yearsInBusiness = "10" }; try { response = request.PutLegalEntityUpdateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Could not find requested object.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }
public void TestPostSubMerchantCreateRequestErrorResponse503() { legalEntityId = "2010503"; request = new subMerchantCreateRequest { merchantName = "duplicate not matching", amexMid = "1234567890", discoverConveyedMid = "123456789012345", url = "http://merchantUrl", customerServiceNumber = "8407809000", hardCodedBillingDescriptor = "billing Descriptor", maxTransactionAmount = 8400, purchaseCurrency = "USD", merchantCategoryCode = "5964", bankRoutingNumber = "840123124", bankAccountNumber = "84012312415", pspMerchantId = "123456", fraud = new subMerchantFraudFeature { enabled = true }, amexAcquired = new subMerchantAmexAcquiredFeature { enabled = false }, address = new address { streetAddress1 = "Street Address 1", streetAddress2 = "Street Address 2", city = "City", stateProvince = "MA", postalCode = "01970", countryCode = "USA" }, primaryContact = new subMerchantPrimaryContact { firstName = "Josh", lastName = "Doe", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", phone = "9785552222" }, createCredentials = true, eCheck = new subMerchantECheckFeature { enabled = true, eCheckCompanyName = "Company Name", eCheckBillingDescriptor = "9785552222" }, subMerchantFunding = new subMerchantFunding { enabled = false }, settlementCurrency = "USD" }; try { response = request.PostSubMerchantCreateRequest(legalEntityId); Assert.Fail("PayfacWebException expected, None thrown"); } catch (PayFacWebException ex) { errorResponse errorResponse = ex.errorResponse; Assert.NotNull(errorResponse.transactionId); Assert.AreEqual("Service was unavailable.", errorResponse.errors[0]); } }