예제 #1
 public IMU(enums.IC_type type)
     icType = type;
     for (int i = 0; i < amountIMUAtributes; i++)
         data[i] = new IMUData();
예제 #2
 public Inclino(enums.IC_type type)
     icType = type;
     for (int i = 0; i < amountInclinoAtributes; i++)
         data[i] = new InclinoData();
        void dataReceiver()
            while (AsyncReceive.MessageReadbuffer + 1 == AsyncReceive.dataMessageCounter)
            AsyncReceive.dataMessage[] messages = AsyncReceive.messageBuffer[AsyncReceive.MessageReadbuffer];

            if (AsyncReceive.MessageReadbuffer == 1000)
                AsyncReceive.MessageReadbuffer = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
                if (messages[i].Sensor_Id == 0 || messages[i].Data_type == 0)
                if (messages[i].data == 0)
                else if ((enums.Data_type)messages[i].Data_type == enums.Data_type.TEMP)
                    if ((tempRead & (1 << messages[i].Sensor_Id)) == 0)
                        enums.IC_type ic_type = determineSensorType(messages[i].Sensor_Id);
                        influx17.addData(messages[i].Sensor_Id, (enums.Data_type)messages[i].Data_type, dataProcessor.calculateTempDegrees(messages[i].data, ic_type), ic_type);
                        tempRead |= (1 << (messages[i].Sensor_Id));
                else if ((enums.Data_type)messages[i].Data_type == enums.Data_type.BARO)
                    if (!Baroread)
                        Baroread = true;
                        influx17.addData(messages[i].Sensor_Id, (enums.Data_type)messages[i].Data_type, messages[i].data, determineSensorType(messages[i].Sensor_Id));
                else if ((messages[i].Sensor_Id > 0) & (messages[i].Sensor_Id < 20))
                    dataProcessor.addData(messages[i].Sensor_Id, messages[i].Data_type, messages[i].data);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Sensor data: Sensor_Id {0}, Data type {1}, data {2:X}", messages[i].Sensor_Id, messages[i].Data_type, messages[i].data);
                    Console.WriteLine("Data Invalid: Sensor_Id {0}, Data type {1}, data {2}", messages[i].Sensor_Id, messages[i].Data_type, messages[i].data);
        //Send a single datapackage to the database
        public int addData(int sensor_id, enums.Data_type data_type, double data, enums.IC_type ic_type)
            LineProtocolPayload payload = new LineProtocolPayload();
            var fields = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            fields.Add("Raw", data);

            var tags = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "id", ((enums.Sensor_Id)sensor_id).ToString() },
                { "ic_type", ic_type.ToString() },
                { "data_type", data_type.ToString() },

            payload.Add(new LineProtocolPoint("sensor_measurement", new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(fields), tags));
예제 #5
        public double calculateTempDegrees(int temp, enums.IC_type ic_type)
            // BMI055
            //The slope of the temperature sensor is 0.5K/LSB, it's center temperature is 23 degrees Celcius when temp = 0x00
            //Temp value is 8 bits
            if (ic_type == enums.IC_type.BMI55)
                sbyte BMI055Temp = (sbyte)temp;
                return(23 + 0.5 * BMI055Temp);
            else if (ic_type == enums.IC_type.BMI085)
                // Temperature Sensor slope
                // typ = 0.125
                // Units K/LSB

                byte msb = (byte)(temp >> 8);
                byte lsb = (byte)(temp);

                int BMI085Temp_int11 = (msb * 8) + (lsb / 32);

                if (BMI085Temp_int11 > 1023)
                    BMI085Temp_int11 -= 2048;
                double test = BMI085Temp_int11 * 0.125 + 23;
                return(BMI085Temp_int11 * 0.125 + 23);
            else if (ic_type == enums.IC_type.LMS6DSO)
                //16bit Resolution
                //Temperature sensitivity 256 LSB/°C
                //The output of the temperature sensor is 0 LSB (typ.) at 25 °C
                short  LMS6DSOTemp_int16 = (short)temp;
                double temperature       = 25 + (LMS6DSOTemp_int16 / 256);
                return(25 + (LMS6DSOTemp_int16 / 256));

        //Convert packagedata to min, max, AVG, AVG_Error data which are puten in a influxdb LineProtocolPoint format
        public static LineProtocolPoint convertToPoint(int sensor_id, enums.Data_type data_type, Data data, enums.IC_type ic_type, string measurement)//naam aanpassen naar iets algemeneererdere iets niet alleen IMU
            var fields = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            fields.Add("Min_value", data.determineMin());
            fields.Add("Max_value", data.determineMax());
            fields.Add("AVG_value", data.calcAverage());
            fields.Add("ERROR_AVG_value", data.calcAverageError());

            if (fields.Count == 0)

            var tags = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "id", ((enums.Sensor_Id)sensor_id).ToString() },
                { "ic_type", ic_type.ToString() },
                { "data_type", data_type.ToString() },

            //Console.WriteLine("Sensor_id {0}, data_type {1}, Min Value {2}, Max value {3}, AVG_value {4}, ERROR_AVG_Value {5}", sensor_id, data_type,data.determineMin(),data.determineMax(),data.calcAverage(),data.calcAverageError());
            return(new LineProtocolPoint(measurement, new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(fields), tags));