예제 #1
        // Test a correct SHIFT value. numberOfQueries should increment and
        // average guess value should update to guess value
        public static string testCorrectGuessValue()
            encryption.encryptWord correctGuess = new encryptWord();

예제 #2
 //Overloaded Constructor.
 public shiftRange(int ShiftVal = 3)
 // PRE: N/A
 // POST: N/A
 // FUNCTIONS: encryptWord() (From encryptWord)
 // IN: ShiftVal
 // OUT: N/A
 // MOD: UserGuessAns, CounterShiftArray, MostUsedShift, MostUsedWord,
 //  CounterWordArray, MyEncryptedWords, StoreStatistics, UpdateShift()
     UserGuessAns      = false;
     CounterShiftArray = new int[SIZE];
     MostUsedShift     = new int[SIZE];
     MostUsedWord      = new String[SIZE];
     CounterWordArray  = new int[SIZE];
     MyEncryptedWords  = new encryptWord[ENCRYPTSIZE];
     StoreStatistics   = new int[ENCRYPTSIZE];
     for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
         MostUsedShift[i]     = -1;
         CounterShiftArray[i] = 0;
         MostUsedWord[i]      = "";
         CounterWordArray[i]  = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < ENCRYPTSIZE; i++)
         MyEncryptedWords[i] = new encryptWord(ShiftVal);
         ShiftVal            = ((ShiftVal * 15) % 26); // Used to create more random numbers to pass into encryptWords.
         StoreStatistics[i]  = 0;
예제 #3
        // Test a low guess value. numberOfLowGuesses should increment and
        // average guess value should update to guess value
        public static string testLowGuessValue()
            encryption.encryptWord lowGuess = new encryptWord();

예제 #4
        // Test a high guess value. numberOfHighGuesses should increment and
        // average guess value should update to guess value
        public static string testHighGuessValue()
            encryption.encryptWord highGuess = new encryptWord();

예제 #5
        // Test to ensure EncryptWord initialize properly
        public static string testObjectInitialState()
            encryption.encryptWord initialState = new encryptWord();

            // Initial state will have all guess statistics as 0's
예제 #6
 public Driver()
     encryptWords = new encryptWord[ENCRYPTORS];
     for (int i = 0; i < ENCRYPTORS; i++)
         encryptWords[i] = new encryptWord();
예제 #7
        // Test average guess value is working correctly. The two guesses
        // should be summed, divided by 2, then rounded down to the nearest
        // whole number
        public static string testAverageGuessValue()
            encryption.encryptWord averageGuess = new encryptWord();

예제 #8
        // Test to ensure encryption works for x, y and z.
        public static string testEncryptEndOfAlphabet()
            encryption.encryptWord alphabetTest = new encryptWord();
            string testWord = "xxyyzz";

            // Returned string will be "aabbcc"
예제 #9
        // Test resetting the EncryptWord object. Input a low guess, high guess
        // and a correct guess. Then call ResetObject function.
        // DisplayGuessStatistics function then should have all statistics set
        // to 0's.
        public static string testResetObject()
            encryption.encryptWord resetTest = new encryptWord();

예제 #10
        // Test to ensure strings of length 0 are rejected from encrypting
        public static string testZeroCharInputWord()
            encryption.encryptWord wordLength = new encryptWord();

예제 #11
        // Test to ensure strings less than 4 characters are rejected from
        // encrypting
        public static string testLessThan4CharInputWord()
            encryption.encryptWord wordLength = new encryptWord();

예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int    ShiftValue;

            shiftRange[]  BunchOfShiftRange   = new shiftRange[SIZE];
            encryptWord[] BunchOfEncryptWords = new encryptWord[SIZE];

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                ShiftValue           = rnd.Next(0, 25);
                BunchOfShiftRange[i] = new shiftRange(ShiftValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                ShiftValue             = rnd.Next(0, 25);
                BunchOfEncryptWords[i] = new encryptWord(ShiftValue);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing ShiftRange class:");
            //Return ShiftVal
            Console.WriteLine("Testing that we indeed have multiple random shift values stored at index 0");
            Console.WriteLine("Testing that we indeed have multiple random shift values stored at index 1");

            //Print words stored at each location with different shift values
            Console.WriteLine("Here are encrypted words and stored with its individual shift values");
            printWords(BunchOfShiftRange, 0);
            printWords(BunchOfShiftRange, 1);
            printWords(BunchOfShiftRange, 2);
            printWords(BunchOfShiftRange, 3);
            printWords(BunchOfShiftRange, 4);
            //Testing DecryptWord function
            Console.WriteLine("Here are encrypted words decrypted with the appropriate shift value");
            string test0 = BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayEncryptWord(word0);
            string test1 = BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayEncryptWord(word1);
            string test2 = BunchOfShiftRange[1].DisplayEncryptWord(word2);

            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1}", test0, BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayDecryptWord(test0));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1}", test1, BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayDecryptWord(test1));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1}\n", test2, BunchOfShiftRange[1].DisplayDecryptWord(test2));

            //Testing CheckUserGuess
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the CheckUserGuess function to see if guessed correctly or wrongly");
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 5 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].CheckGuessValue(5));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 6 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].CheckGuessValue(6));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 22 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].CheckGuessValue(22));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 21 and the result is: {0}\n", BunchOfShiftRange[0].CheckGuessValue(21));

            //Testing Most Used Shift
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the MostUsedShift function");
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Shift: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayMostUsedShift());
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Shift: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[1].DisplayMostUsedShift());
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Shift: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[2].DisplayMostUsedShift());
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Shift: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[3].DisplayMostUsedShift());
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Shift: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[4].DisplayMostUsedShift());
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the MostUsedWord function");
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Word: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].DisplayMostUsedWord());
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Word: {0}", BunchOfShiftRange[1].DisplayMostUsedWord());
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the MostUsedWord function on empty object");
            Console.WriteLine("Most Used Word: {0}\n", BunchOfShiftRange[2].DisplayMostUsedWord());

            //Testing Statistics
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the Statistics function");

            //Testing RemoveFound
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the RemoveFound function and will only delete if word is found");

            //Testing CheckEmpty
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the CheckEmpty function");
            Console.WriteLine("At index 0:{0}", BunchOfShiftRange[0].CheckEmpty());
            Console.WriteLine("At index 1:{0}", BunchOfShiftRange[1].CheckEmpty());
            Console.WriteLine("At index 2:{0}", BunchOfShiftRange[2].CheckEmpty());

            Console.WriteLine("Testing encryptword class");
            //Testing each position has a different random shift value
            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)

            //Print encryptwords stored with shift value
            Console.WriteLine("Testing ApplyCaesarShift");
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}", word0, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word0));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}", word1, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word1));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}", word2, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word2));

            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}", word0, BunchOfEncryptWords[1].ApplyCaesarShift(word0));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}", word1, BunchOfEncryptWords[1].ApplyCaesarShift(word1));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}\n", word2, BunchOfEncryptWords[1].ApplyCaesarShift(word2));

            //Testing DecryptWord function
            Console.WriteLine("Testing DecryptWord");
            string test3 = BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word0);
            string test4 = BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word1);
            string test5 = BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word2);

            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1}", test0, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DecryptWord(test3));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1}", test1, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DecryptWord(test4));
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} decrypted is: {1} \n", test2, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DecryptWord(test5));

            // Testing the CheckUserGuess function only one word1 and one shift
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the CheckUserGuess function to see if guessed correctly or wrongly");
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 5 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].CheckUserGuess(5));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 6 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].CheckUserGuess(6));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 22 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].CheckUserGuess(22));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 21 and the result is: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].CheckUserGuess(21));

            Console.WriteLine("Testing the CheckUserGuess function to see if guessed correctly or wrongly");
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 5 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].CheckUserGuess(5));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 6 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].CheckUserGuess(6));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 22 and the result is: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].CheckUserGuess(22));
            Console.WriteLine("The number guessed is 21 and the result is: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].CheckUserGuess(21));

            //Testing the DisplayStatistics Function here to print our results
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the DisplayStatistics function, to print each individual statistic at 0 index");
            Console.WriteLine("The number of queries are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(1));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of high guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(2));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of low guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(3));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of average guesses are: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(4));

            Console.WriteLine("Testing the DisplayStatistics function, to print each individual statistic at 1st index");
            Console.WriteLine("The number of queries are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(1));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of high guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(2));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of low guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(3));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of average guesses are: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(4));

            //Testing no statistics performed
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the DisplayStatistics function, to print each individual statistic at 2nd index");
            Console.WriteLine("The number of queries are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[2].DisplayStatistics(1));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of high guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[2].DisplayStatistics(2));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of low guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[2].DisplayStatistics(3));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of average guesses are: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[2].DisplayStatistics(4));

            //Testing the game with the Caesar Cipher Shift applied onto the provided word
            Console.WriteLine("Testing PerformOnOffState function:");
            Console.WriteLine("Turning on the Caesar Shift");
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the ApplyCaesarShift function with WORD2 stored and Caesar Shift turned on");
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}\n", word0, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word0));

            //Testing the game with the Caesar Cipher Shift not applied onto the provided word
            Console.WriteLine("Turning off the Caesar Shift");
            Console.WriteLine("Testing the ApplyCaesarShift function with WORD2 stored and Caesar Shift turned off");
            Console.WriteLine("The word {0} encrypted is: {1}\n", word0, BunchOfEncryptWords[0].ApplyCaesarShift(word0));

            //Testing the Reset Function here
            Console.WriteLine("Resetting the entire game");
            //Testing the DisplayStatistics Function here to confirm that the game indeed has reset.
            Console.WriteLine("The statistics have reset: Applied to index 0");
            Console.WriteLine("The number of queries are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(1));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of high guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(2));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of low guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(3));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of average guesses are: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[0].DisplayStatistics(4));

            Console.WriteLine("The statistics have not reset: Non applied to index 1");
            Console.WriteLine("The number of queries are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(1));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of high guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(2));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of low guesses are: {0}", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(3));
            Console.WriteLine("The number of average guesses are: {0}\n", BunchOfEncryptWords[1].DisplayStatistics(4));