public string EXP_PostAdd(int TopicID, string Content) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { EXP_Post myexp_post = new EXP_Post(); myexp_post.UserID = User.userid; myexp_post.TopicID = TopicID; myexp_post.Replyer = User.user_details.username; myexp_post.RContent = Content; myexp_post.ReplyTime = DateTime.Now; myexp_post.ReplyerIP = Utils.GetRealIP(); myexp_post.CaiNa = "0"; myexp_post.isDel = "0"; myexp_post.City = "无锡"; db.EXP_Post.Add(myexp_post); db.SaveChanges(); int ID = myexp_post.ID; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "回答成功!", data = ID })); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
public string EXP_TopicAdd(int M_ETID, string M_ETName, string Title, string Content, int ETID, string ETName, string albumArr) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { var exp_topic = new EXP_Topic { UserID = User.userid, M_ETID = M_ETID, //类别 M_ETName = M_ETName, //类别名称 Title = Title, Content = Content, Author = User.user_member.username, Img = guid, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, Commend = "0", ETID = ETID, ETName = ETName, isDel = "0", City = "无锡" }; db.EXP_Topic.Add(exp_topic); //添加图片 if (albumArr != null && albumArr.Length > 0) { string[] imgArr = albumArr.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < imgArr.Length; i++) { var exp_topicimg = new EXP_TopicImg { topicid = guid, imgurl = imgArr[i] }; db.EXP_TopicImg.Add(exp_topicimg); } } db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "回答成功!", data = null })); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 我关注的问题 /// </summary> /// <param name="pagesize"></param> /// <param name="pageindex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string ListFavouriteByUser(int pagesize = 20, int pageindex = 1) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; //EXP_likeTopic using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { var datas_c = 0; //var datas = (from a in db.EXP_Topic where a.isDel == "0" && (from b in db.EXP_likeTopic where b.type == 2 && b.userid == User.userid select b.topicid).Contains(a.ID) select a).OrderByDescending(p => p.UpdateTime).Skip(pagesize * (pageindex - 1)).Take(pagesize); ; var datas = (from a in db.EXP_Topic where a.isDel == "0" && (from b in db.EXP_likeTopic where b.type == 2 && b.userid == User.userid select b.topicid).Contains(a.ID) select new { a.ID, a.UserID, a.ETID, a.M_ETID, a.ETName, a.M_ETName, a.Title, a.TColor, a.Content, a.Author, a.IP, a.Img, a.ReplyNum, a.UpdateTime, a.isDel, a.Commend, a.City, EXP_PostNumber = db.EXP_Post.Where(p => p.TopicID == a.ID && p.isDel == "0").Count(), EXP_likeTopic1Number = db.EXP_likeTopic.Where(p => p.topicid == a.ID && p.type == 1).Count(), EXP_likeTopic2Number = db.EXP_likeTopic.Where(p => p.topicid == a.ID && p.type == 2).Count() }).OrderByDescending(p => p.ID).Skip(pagesize * (pageindex - 1)).Take(pagesize).ToList(); datas_c = (from a in db.EXP_Topic where a.isDel == "0" && (from b in db.EXP_likeTopic where b.type == 2 && b.userid == User.userid select b.topicid).Contains(a.ID) select a).Count(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "获取成功", data = new { exp_topic = datas, count = datas_c } }, timeFormat)); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加点赞和收藏 /// </summary> /// <param name="TopicID"></param> /// <param name="type">1点赞,2收藏</param> /// <returns></returns> public string EXP_likeTopicAdd(int TopicID, int type = 1) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { //判断有么有重复点赞或者收藏 int totalexp_liketopic = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(@"select isnull(count(0),0)num from EXP_likeTopic where userid=@userid and TopicID=@TopicID and type=@type ", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid), new SqlParameter("@TopicID", TopicID), new SqlParameter("@type", type) }).First(); if (totalexp_liketopic > 0) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "操作已成功,请勿重复提交!", data = null })); } var exp_liketopic = new EXP_likeTopic { username = User.user_details.username, topicid = TopicID, type = type, userid = User.userid, }; db.EXP_likeTopic.Add(exp_liketopic); db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "操作成功!", data = null })); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 问题点赞和收藏数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="TopicID"></param> /// <param name="type">1点赞,2收藏</param> /// <returns></returns> public string EXP_likeTopicNumberByTopicID(int TopicID, int type = 1) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { var datas_c = 0; datas_c = db.EXP_likeTopic.Where(p => p.topicid == TopicID && p.type == type).Count(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "获取成功", data = datas_c }, timeFormat)); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 问题评论列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="TopicID">问题id</param> /// <param name="pagesize"></param> /// <param name="pageindex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string EXP_PostListByTopicID(int TopicID, int pagesize = 20, int pageindex = 1) { timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; using (var db = new efwaskEntities()) { try { var datas_temp = new List <EXP_Post>(); var datas_c = 0; datas_temp = db.EXP_Post.Where(p => p.TopicID == TopicID && p.isDel == "0").OrderByDescending(p => p.ReplyTime).Skip(pagesize * (pageindex - 1)).Take(pagesize).ToList(); datas_c = db.EXP_Post.Where(p => p.TopicID == TopicID && p.isDel == "0").Count(); // int totaluser_noteinfo = db.Database.SqlQuery<int>(@"select isnull(count(0),0)num from user_noteinfo where userid=@userid", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid) }).First(); Dictionary <string, object>[] datas = new Dictionary <string, object> [datas_temp.Count()]; int i = 0; foreach (var temp in datas_temp) { datas[i] = new Dictionary <string, object>(); datas[i].Add("ID", temp.ID); datas[i].Add("UserID", temp.UserID); datas[i].Add("TopicID", temp.TopicID); datas[i].Add("Replyer", temp.Replyer); datas[i].Add("RContent", temp.RContent); datas[i].Add("ReplyTime", temp.ReplyTime); datas[i].Add("Neutral", temp.Neutral); datas[i].Add("Support", temp.Support); datas[i].Add("Opposed", temp.Opposed); datas[i].Add("ComIP", temp.ComIP); datas[i].Add("CaiNa", temp.CaiNa); datas[i].Add("isDel", temp.isDel); datas[i].Add("City", temp.City); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(temp.UserID); string username = ""; //string zongdianval = ""; //string mendianval = ""; string photoname = ""; int roleid = 0; if (userid > 0) { using (var dbshhouse = new shhouseEntities()) { var user_member = dbshhouse.user_member.FirstOrDefault(p => p.userid == userid); username = user_member.username; roleid = Convert.ToInt32(user_member.roleid); var user_details = dbshhouse.user_details.FirstOrDefault(p => p.userid == userid); photoname = user_details.photoname; //string deptpath = user_member.deptpath; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptpath)) //{ // string[] sArray = deptpath.Split(','); // if (sArray.Length >= 2) // { // int deptid = Convert.ToInt32(sArray[1]); // var user_dept_zongdian = dbshhouse.user_dept.FirstOrDefault(p => p.deptid == deptid); // zongdianval = user_dept_zongdian.deptname; // } // if (sArray.Length >= 3) // { // int deptid = Convert.ToInt32(sArray[2]); // var user_dept_mendian = dbshhouse.user_dept.FirstOrDefault(p => p.deptid == deptid); // mendianval = user_dept_mendian.deptname; // } //} } } datas[i].Add("username", username); datas[i].Add("photoname", photoname); datas[i].Add("roleid", roleid); i++; } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "获取成功", data = new { exp_post = datas, count = datas_c } }, timeFormat)); } catch (Exception e) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 2, msg = "暂无记录,请稍后再试!", data = null })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 问题详情 /// </summary> /// <param name="houseid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Find(int id) { int userid = User.userid; using (var ent = new efwaskEntities()) { try { var info1 = ent.EXP_Topic.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == id); if (info1 == null) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 0, msg = "没有找到问题" })); } var info2 = ent.EXP_TopicImg.Where(p => p.topicid == info1.Img).Select(p => p.imgurl).ToList(); int EXP_PostNumber = ent.EXP_Post.Where(p => p.TopicID == id && p.isDel == "0").Count(); int EXP_likeTopic1Number = ent.EXP_likeTopic.Where(p => p.topicid == id && p.type == 1).Count(); int EXP_likeTopic2Number = ent.EXP_likeTopic.Where(p => p.topicid == id && p.type == 2).Count(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 1, msg = "", data = new { ID = info1.ID, UserID = info1.UserID, ETID = info1.ETID, M_ETID = info1.M_ETID, ETName = info1.ETName, M_ETName = info1.M_ETName, Title = info1.Title, TColor = info1.TColor, Content = info1.Content, Author = info1.Author, IP = info1.IP, Img = info1.Img, ReplyNum = info1.ReplyNum, UpdateTime = info1.UpdateTime, isDel = info1.isDel, Commend = info1.Commend, City = info1.City, imgs1 = string.Join(",", info2), EXP_PostNumber, EXP_likeTopic1Number, EXP_likeTopic2Number } })); } catch { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg { state = 0, msg = "没有找到房源信息" })); } } }