public TestMain(String border_file) { ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas(); eina.Size2D size = new eina.Size2D(); eina.Position2D position = new eina.Position2D(); canvas = ecore_evas.canvas; canvas.SetVisible(true); bg = new efl.canvas.RectangleConcrete(canvas); bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); position.X = 0; position.Y = 0; bg.SetPosition(position); size.W = WIDTH; size.H = HEIGHT; bg.SetSize(size); bg.SetVisible(true); bg.SetKeyFocus(true); bg.KEY_DOWN += On_KeyDown; text = new evas.TextConcrete(canvas); text.SetStyle(evas.Text_Style_Type.OutlineSoftShadow); text.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); text.SetGlowColor(255, 0, 0, 255); text.SetOutlineColor(0, 0, 255, 255); text.SetShadowColor(0, 255, 255, 255); text.SetFont("Courier", 30); text.SetText("sample text"); size.W = 3 * WIDTH / 4; size.H = HEIGHT / 4; text.SetSize(size); position.X = WIDTH / 8; position.Y = 3 * HEIGHT / 8; text.SetPosition(position); text.SetVisible(true); efl.font.Size font_size = 0; String font = String.Empty; text.GetFont(out font, out font_size); Console.WriteLine("Adding text object with font {0} and size {1}", font, size); // setup border border = new evas.ImageConcrete(canvas); border.SetFile(border_file, null); border.SetBorder(3, 3, 3, 3); border.SetBorderCenterFill(0); size.W = 3 * WIDTH / 4 + 3; size.H = HEIGHT / 4 + 3; border.SetSize(size); position.X = WIDTH / 8 - 3; position.Y = 3 * HEIGHT / 8 - 3; border.SetPosition(position); border.SetVisible(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { efl.All.Init(); efl.Loop loop = new efl.Loop(); EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas(); eina.Size2D size = new eina.Size2D(); eina.Position2D pos = new eina.Position2D(); efl.canvas.IObject canvas = ecore_evas.canvas; canvas.SetVisible(true); efl.canvas.Rectangle bg = new efl.canvas.Rectangle(canvas); bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); pos.X = 0; pos.Y = 0; bg.SetPosition(pos); size.W = WIDTH; size.H = HEIGHT; bg.SetSize(size); bg.SetVisible(true); string path = args[0]; evas.Image logo = new evas.Image(canvas); logo.SetFillAuto(true); // TODO add preloaded support (depends on events) logo.SetFile(path, null); size.W = WIDTH / 2; size.H = HEIGHT / 2; logo.SetSize(size); // TODO add a bunch of key/mouse handlers logo.SetVisible(true); int[] pixels = new int[(WIDTH / 4) * (HEIGHT / 4)]; System.Random generator = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++) { pixels[i] = generator.Next(); } evas.Image noise_img = new evas.Image(canvas); size.W = WIDTH / 4; size.H = HEIGHT / 4; noise_img.SetSize(size); // FIXME Add a way to set the pixels. // noise_img.data_set(pixels); noise_img.SetFillAuto(true); pos.X = WIDTH * 5 / 8; pos.Y = HEIGHT / 8; noise_img.SetPosition(pos); noise_img.SetVisible(true); Console.WriteLine("Creating noise image with sizez %d, %d", WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4); efl.canvas.Proxy proxy_img = new efl.canvas.Proxy(canvas); proxy_img.SetSource(noise_img); pos.X = WIDTH / 2; pos.Y = HEIGHT / 2; proxy_img.SetPosition(pos); size.W = WIDTH / 2; size.H = HEIGHT / 2; proxy_img.SetSize(size); proxy_img.SetVisible(true); loop.Begin(); }