protected void InitDebuging(eManagers aManagerType) { string newWord = ""; string[] split = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(aManagerType.ToString(), @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z0-9])"); for (int k = 0; k < split.Length; k++) { if (k != split.Length - 1) { newWord += split[k] + " "; } else { newWord += split[k]; } } string debugTitle = ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManagerType, true) + "[" + newWord.ToUpper() + "]"; m_DebugInit = "<b>" + debugTitle + "</b> "; }
protected void ShowUsefulManagerMessage(eManagers aManager) { GUILayout.Space(4f); Color32 colorValue =; colorValue.a = 200; GUI.backgroundColor = colorValue; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(; if (SceneAutoLoader.IsUsingEnglish) { ShowAdvancedLabelCenter(new GUIContent(ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false) + "<color=#ffffff> Useful when combine with the " + ColorManager.GetColorText(aManager.ToString(), aManager, false) + " </color> " + ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false))); } else { ShowAdvancedLabelCenter(new GUIContent(ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false) + "<color=#ffffff> Utile lorsque combiné avec le " + ColorManager.GetColorText(aManager.ToString(), aManager, false) + " </color> " + ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false))); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; }
protected void ShowNeedManagerMessage(eManagers aManager) { GUILayout.Space(4f); Color32 colorValue =; colorValue.a = 200; GUI.backgroundColor = colorValue; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(; if (SceneAutoLoader.IsUsingEnglish) { ShowAdvancedLabelCenter(new GUIContent(ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false) + "<color=#ffffff> Need the " + ColorManager.GetColorText(aManager.ToString(), aManager, false) + " for this option</color> " + ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false))); } else { if (aManager == eManagers.AudioManager || aManager == eManagers.OptionManager) { ShowAdvancedLabelCenter(new GUIContent(ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false) + "<color=#ffffff> Besoin de l'" + ColorManager.GetColorText(aManager.ToString(), aManager, false) + " pour cette option</color> " + ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false))); } else { ShowAdvancedLabelCenter(new GUIContent(ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false) + "<color=#ffffff> Besoin du " + ColorManager.GetColorText(aManager.ToString(), aManager, false) + " pour cette option</color> " + ColorManager.GetColorText("•", aManager, false))); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; }