public void OnReset() { StopAllCoroutines(); KillAllMovement(); disableDesireBubble(); HideDirectionIndicator(); m_DetectedWall = false; CanMove = false; IsInteractable = true; m_LevelStarted = false; IsCommanded = false; DOTween.Kill(this); //DOTween.Kill(DOTweenIDs.Rotate); //DOTween.Kill(DOTweenIDs.Opposite); State = eBabyState.Default; DesireBubble.gameObject.SetActive(false); DesireList.Clear(); transform.eulerAngles =; transform.position = m_StartPosition; transform.eulerAngles = m_StartRotation; if (m_DummyBedCollider != null) { m_DummyBedCollider.enabled = true; m_DummyBedCollider = null; } }
private void babyCry() { StopMovement(); HideDirectionIndicator(); State = eBabyState.Cry; BabyAnimation.Cry(); }
private void babyPlay(BabyAnimationHandler.eSitType type = 0) { StopMovement(); State = eBabyState.Play; IsInteractable = false; CanMove = false; switch (type) { case BabyAnimationHandler.eSitType.Happy: BabyAnimation.CrawlToSit(BabyAnimationHandler.eSitType.Happy); break; default: BabyAnimation.CrawlToSit(BabyAnimationHandler.eSitType.Default); break; } SetChangeDirection(m_DesiredObject.transform.position); enableDesireBubble(true); transform.DORotate(m_TargetRotation.eulerAngles, m_BabyVars.RotationDuration).OnUpdate(() => { CanMove = false; }). OnComplete(() => { DOVirtual.DelayedCall(m_BabyVars.PlayTimeDuration, () => { State = eBabyState.Default; enableDesireBubble(); IsInteractable = true; CanMove = true; }); }); }
private void snapToBed(Vector3 pos) { StopCoroutine("ShowDesireBubble"); State = eBabyState.Sleep; KillAllMovement(); DOTween.Kill(this); transform.position = pos; transform.eulerAngles = m_BedRotation; //m_DummyBedCollider.enabled = false; HideDirectionIndicator(); // In case the baby has already reached the bed while trying to change it's direction. BabyAnimation.Sleep(); m_Bed.ChangeComplete(); DesireBubble.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void changeRotationToWalk() { if (State == eBabyState.Sleep) { return; } float i_RotationTimer = 0; float i_Progress = 0; bool i_ThresholdMet = false; if (IsCommanded) { ShowDirectionIndicator(); // Visual Indicator } StopMovement(); BabyAnimation.Crawl(); //BabyAnimation.Idle(); State = eBabyState.Turn; transform.DORotate(m_TargetRotation.eulerAngles, m_BabyVars.RotationDuration). SetId(DOTweenIDs.Rotate). OnUpdate(() => { if (State == eBabyState.Sleep) { snapToBed(m_Bed.transform.GetChild(0).position); DOTween.Kill(this); } if (!i_ThresholdMet) { DirectionalArrow.rotation = m_TargetRotation; i_RotationTimer += Time.deltaTime; i_Progress = i_RotationTimer / m_BabyVars.RotationDuration; if (i_Progress >= m_BabyVars.RotationThreshold) { if (State == eBabyState.Play) { HideDirectionIndicator(); i_ThresholdMet = true; } else { HideDirectionIndicator(); BeginMovement(); BabyAnimation.Crawl(); i_ThresholdMet = true; } } } }). OnComplete(() => { //IsCommanded = false; m_DetectedWall = false; if (State != eBabyState.Sleep) { BabyAnimation.Crawl(); BeginMovement(); m_DetectedWall = false; State = eBabyState.Default; } }); }