예제 #1
 public void SetOfflineMode(bool offlineModeForced, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (dz_connect_offline_mode(Handle, cb, operationUserData, offlineModeForced) != 0)
         throw new ConnectionRequestFailedException("Failed to set offline mode.");
예제 #2
 public void SetAccessToken(string token, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (dz_connect_set_access_token(Handle, cb, operationUserData, token) != 0)
         throw new ConnectionRequestFailedException("Could not set access token. Check connection and that the token is valid.");
예제 #3
 public void Resume(dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (dz_player_resume(Handle, cb, operationUserData) != 0)
         throw new PlayerRequestFailedException("Unable to resume current track.");
예제 #4
 public void PlayAudioAds(dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (dz_player_play_audioads(Handle, cb, operationUserData) != 0)
         throw new PlayerRequestFailedException("Unable to load audio ads.");
예제 #5
 public void Seek(int microseconds, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (Handle.ToInt64() != 0)
         dz_player_seek(Handle, cb, operationUserData, microseconds);
예제 #6
 public void Shutdown(dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationuserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (Handle.ToInt64() != 0)
         dz_player_deactivate(Handle, cb, operationuserData);
예제 #7
 public void CachePathSet(string path, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserdata = default(IntPtr))
     if (dz_connect_cache_path_set(Handle, cb, operationUserdata, path) != 0)
         throw new ConnectionRequestFailedException("Cache path was not set. Check connection.");
예제 #8
 public void Shutdown(dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     if (Handle.ToInt64() != 0)
         dz_connect_deactivate(Handle, cb, operationUserData);
         Active = false;
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_player_load(IntPtr self,

                                                       dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                       IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                       string tracklist_data);
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_player_seek(IntPtr self,

                                                       dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                       IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                       UInt64 pos_usecond);
예제 #11
 public void Load(string content = null, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     currentContent = content;
     if (dz_player_load(Handle, cb, operationUserData, currentContent) != 0)
         throw new PlayerRequestFailedException("Unable to load content. Check the given dzmedia entry.");
예제 #12
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_connect_offline_mode(IntPtr self,

                                                                dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                                IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                                bool offline_mode_forced);
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_player_set_output_volume(IntPtr self,

                                                                    dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                                    IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                                    Int32 volume);
예제 #14
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_connect_set_access_token(IntPtr self,

                                                                    dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                                    IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                                    string access_token);
예제 #15
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_connect_cache_path_set(IntPtr self,

                                                                  dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                                  IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                                  string local_path);
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_player_play(IntPtr self,

                                                       dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                       IntPtr operation_userdata,

                                                       dz_player_play_command_t command,

                                                       Int32 idx);
예제 #17
 public void Play(dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr),
                  DZPlayerCommand command           = DZPlayerCommand.START_TRACKLIST,
                  Int64 index = -1)
     if (index == -1)
         index = Marshal.SizeOf(IntPtr.Zero) == 4 ? DZPlayerIndex32.CURRENT : DZPlayerIndex64.CURRENT;
     if (dz_player_play(Handle, cb, operationUserData, (int)command, (uint)index) > 1)
         throw new PlayerRequestFailedException("Unable to play content.");
예제 #18
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_enable_shuffle_mode(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                                       dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, bool shuffle_mode);
예제 #19
 public void UpdateRepeatMode(DZPlayerRepeatMode mode, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     dz_player_set_repeat_mode(Handle, cb, operationUserData, (int)mode);
        public static extern dz_error_t dz_player_deactivate(IntPtr self,

                                                             dz_activity_operation_callback cb,

                                                             IntPtr operation_userdata);
예제 #21
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] public static extern int dz_connect_deactivate(IntPtr connectHandle, dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data);
예제 #22
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] public static extern int dz_connect_offline_mode(IntPtr self, dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, bool offline_mode_forced);
예제 #23
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] public static extern int dz_connect_set_access_token(IntPtr self, dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string token);
예제 #24
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] public static extern int dz_connect_cache_path_set(IntPtr self, dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string local_path);
예제 #25
 public void EnableShuffleMode(bool shuffleMode, dz_activity_operation_callback cb = null, IntPtr operationUserData = default(IntPtr))
     dz_player_enable_shuffle_mode(Handle, cb, operationUserData, shuffleMode);
예제 #26
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_load(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                        dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string tracklistData);
예제 #27
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_play(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                        dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, int command, uint idx);
예제 #28
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_resume(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                          dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data);
예제 #29
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_seek(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                        dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, int microseconds);
예제 #30
 [DllImport(DZImport.LibPath)] private static extern int dz_player_set_repeat_mode(IntPtr playerHandle,
                                                                                   dz_activity_operation_callback cb, IntPtr data, int mode);