protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bl_RTI_Registration bl = new bl_RTI_Registration(); dl_RTI_Registration dl = new dl_RTI_Registration(); ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rd = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; bl.UserID = txt_user_name.Text; rd = dl.CheckUserID(bl); if (rd.table.Rows.Count == 0) { bl.Password = util.GenerateMd5Hash(txt_password.Text.Trim()); bl.LoginID = ddl_employee.SelectedValue; bl.RegistrationID = bl.LoginID; bl.PasswordChange = ddl_change_pass.SelectedValue; bl.Active = ddl_active.SelectedValue; bl.UserIP = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); bl.UserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString(); bl.UserOS = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page); bl.User_browser = browse.Browser; rb = dl.Insert_Login(bl); if (rb.status == true) { ddl_employee.SelectedValue = "0"; txt_user_name.Text = ""; Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "Record Saved Successfully"); grid_bind(); clear(); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User Id For this Employee Already exist "); } } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User ID Not Available Please Choose Another UserID "); } }
protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); bl_RTI_Registration bl = new bl_RTI_Registration(); dl_RTI_Registration dl = new dl_RTI_Registration(); ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rd = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; bl.UserID = txt_user_name.Text; rd = dl.CheckUserID(bl); if (rd.table.Rows.Count == 0) { bl.UserID = txt_user_name.Text; bl.Password = util.GenerateMd5Hash(txt_password.Text.Trim()); bl.LoginID = ddl_employee.SelectedValue; bl.RegistrationID = bl.LoginID; bl.PasswordChange = ddl_change_pass.SelectedValue; bl.Active = ddl_active.SelectedValue; bl.UserIP = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); bl.UserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString(); bl.UserOS = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page); bl.User_browser = browse.Browser; rb = dl.Insert_Login(bl); if (rb.status == true) { ddl_employee.SelectedValue = "0"; txt_user_name.Text = ""; if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(UpdatePanel1, "Record Saved Successfully", "user_login_entry.aspx"); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(UpdatePanel1, "रिकॉर्ड सफलतापूर्वक सुरक्षित रखा गया", "user_login_entry.aspx"); } //Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(UpdatePanel1, "Record Saved Successfully", "user_login_entry.aspx"); grid_bind(); clear(); } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User Id For this Employee Already exist "); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "इस कर्मचारी के लिए उपयोगकर्ता आईडी पहले से मौजूद है "); } // Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User Id For this Employee Already exist "); } } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User ID Not Available Please Choose Another UserID "); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "उपयोगकर्ता आईडी उपलब्ध नहीं है कृपया अन्य यूजरआईडी चुनें "); } // Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(UpdatePanel1, "User ID Not Available Please Choose Another UserID "); } } }
protected void btn_otp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); string OTP = Session["OTP"].ToString(); if (txt_otp.Text == OTP) { HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; if (Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString() == "User") { bl.RegistrationID = Session["REGID"].ToString(); dt = dl.Select_User_detail(bl); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl.UserID = dt.table.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString(); bl.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString(); bl.Password = dt.table.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); bl.RollID = "2"; bl.PasswordChange = "N"; bl.Active = "Y"; bl.IsValid = "Y"; bl.UserIP = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); bl.UserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString(); bl.UserOS = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page); bl.User_browser = browse.Browser; using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { rb = dl.Update_registration(bl); if (rb.status == true) { rb = dl.Insert_Login(bl); if (rb.status == true) { ts.Complete(); string str_msg = ""; if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { str_msg = "Your Mobile Varification Is successful. Your Userid is " + bl.UserID + " and Password is That You Have selected"; } else { str_msg = "आपके मोबाईल की जाँच सफलतापूर्वक हो गई है| आपका यूजर आई. डी. है " + bl.UserID + "और पासवर्ड वह है जो आपने चुन लिया है |"; } Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, str_msg, "../LogOut.aspx"); } } } } } else if (Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString() == "Rti") { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); dt = dl_rti.GetRtiStatus_detail(bl_rti); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl_rti.IsValid = dt.table.Rows[0]["isvalid"].ToString(); } if (bl_rti.IsValid == "N" || bl_rti.IsValid == "") { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); bl_rti.IsValid = "Y"; rb = dl_rti.update_Rti_status(bl_rti); if (rb.status == true) { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); dt = dl_rti.GetRtiStatus_detail(bl_rti); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl_rti.Securitycode = dt.table.Rows[0]["seqcode"].ToString(); bl_rti.IsValid = dt.table.Rows[0]["isvalid"].ToString(); } string rti_message = ""; if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { rti_message = "RTI Submission successfull your Registration no. is: " + bl_rti.RTI_Request_id + " And Your Security Code is: " + bl_rti.Securitycode + " please save details for further Information."; } else { rti_message = "आपका आर. टी. आई. सफलता पूर्वक सबमिट हो गया, आपका रजिस्ट्रेशन न. है " + bl_rti.RTI_Request_id + " और सुरक्षा कोड है " + bl_rti.Securitycode + "कृपया विवरण को उपयोग के लिए सुरक्षित रखें|"; } // string rti_message = "Your Mobile Varification Is successful. Your Rti Has Been Registered with registration no.: " + bl_rti.RTI_Request_id + " AND Your Security Code is " + bl_rti.Securitycode + ". Please Save Both For Details"; Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, rti_message, "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } } else { txt_otp.Text = ""; div_otp.Visible = false; if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "Rti Already Registered", "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "आर. टी. आई. पहले से ही रजिस्टर्ड है", "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } // Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "Rti Already Registered", "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } } } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "Your Mobile Varification Is Unsuccessful. You Entered Wrong OTP"); } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "गलत ओ. टी. पी. के कारण आपका मोबाईल जाँच असफल हो गया है|"); } //Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "Your Mobile Varification Is Unsuccessful. You Entered Wrong OTP"); txt_otp.Text = ""; div_otp.Visible = false; } } }
protected void btn_otp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); string OTP = Session["OTP"].ToString(); if (txt_otp.Text == OTP) { HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser; if (Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString() == "User") { bl.RegistrationID = Session["REGID"].ToString(); dt = dl.Select_User_detail(bl); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl.UserID = dt.table.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString(); bl.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString(); bl.Password = dt.table.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); bl.RollID = "2"; bl.PasswordChange = "N"; bl.Active = "Y"; bl.IsValid = "Y"; bl.UserIP = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); bl.UserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString(); bl.UserOS = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page); bl.User_browser = browse.Browser; using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { rb = dl.Update_registration(bl); if (rb.status == true) { rb = dl.Insert_Login(bl); if (rb.status == true) { ts.Complete(); Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "Your Mobile Varification Is successful. Your Userid is " + bl.UserID + " and Password is That You Have selected", "../LogOut.aspx"); } } } } } else if (Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString() == "Rti") { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); dt = dl_rti.GetRtiStatus_detail(bl_rti); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl_rti.IsValid = dt.table.Rows[0]["isvalid"].ToString(); } if (bl_rti.IsValid == "N" || bl_rti.IsValid == "") { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); bl_rti.IsValid = "Y"; rb = dl_rti.update_Rti_status(bl_rti); if (rb.status == true) { bl_rti.RTI_Request_id = Session["RTI_ID"].ToString(); dt = dl_rti.GetRtiStatus_detail(bl_rti); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { bl_rti.Securitycode = dt.table.Rows[0]["seqcode"].ToString(); bl_rti.IsValid = dt.table.Rows[0]["isvalid"].ToString(); } string rti_message = "Your Mobile Varification Is successful. Your Rti Has Been Registered with registration no.: " + bl_rti.RTI_Request_id + " AND Your Security Code is " + bl_rti.Securitycode + ". Please Save Both For Details"; Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, rti_message, "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } } else { txt_otp.Text = ""; div_otp.Visible = false; Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(udp, "Rti Already Registered", "../user/UserWelcome.aspx"); } } } else { Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "Your Mobile Varification Is Unsuccessful. You Entered Wrong OTP"); txt_otp.Text = ""; div_otp.Visible = false; } } }